What you need to know
Well done on completing 8 weeks of training!
To help you build confidence in your skills and knowledge, we have set you another challenge!
Complete the questions and activities on this sheet. Your 8 week job chat is scheduled for the following time
& date ……………………………………………………… Some activities will require assistance from your Line Manager.
Good Luck
8 Week Challenge
How to…
Team Members
March 2009
1. At what times of the day are your units 3 peaks?
6. Why should you never attempt to use a knife that is:
2. What must you do after handling chemicals?
3. What is the most frequently used item of PPE used in your unit?
7. Why should you frequently change bin sacks when the rubbish bin becomes full?
4. How do we calibrate a probe?
5. Why is it important to look good at work?
8. Check for waste products in your dairy decks. Discard and record accurately anything you find.
Manager sign – completed to standard
Too big for the item to be cut
Too small for the item to be cut
8 Week Challenge
How to…
Team Members
March 2009
Team Members
March 2009
9. Agree with your Line Manager which 2 cleaning tasks scheduled for today you will complete. Complete them to standard
10. What action should you take whenever a spillage on the floor occurs in your unit?
14. What is the most popular draught beer in your unit?
15. Merchandise a display of your managers choice to the correct design and standard
Manager sign – completed to standard
Manager sign – completed to standard
16. Check all your displays are following the FIFO method of stock rotation. List anything you have to change
11. What is an RTD?
12. Describe any menu item to your manager as if they were a customer?
13. Name the 5 steps to Great Customer Service.
8 Week Challenge
How to…
Team Members
March 2009
18. Name a scheduled cleaning task that must be performed on a Thursday?
19. Describe what you have done to enhance a customers experience.
20. In what amount of time must a customer be greeted in?
17. Why must we check every delivery carefully?
Manager sign – completed to standard
8 Week Challenge
Job Chat
How to…
Team Members
March 2009
Colleague Name: _____________________ ____________________ Start Date: _________________
What do you feel has gone well in the last 4 weeks?
What training have you completed in the last 4 weeks?
What training/development is required? – note any outstanding training
]periods of absence
] periods of lateness
After discussion and agreement please note targets set for the new colleague.
Summary – Please comment on the new colleagues general performance
What has gone not so well? – What could be done differently?
New colleague signature
Reviewing Manager signature
Week 4 review date
Week 8 review date
Week 12 review date