How to Keep Unit Secure AW

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Team Members

October 2009

How to…

Keep the Unit Secure

What you need to know

Read – understand – and sign the Cash and Security policy.

Read and sign the security procedures letter.

Never leave the unit unattended.

Back of house doors, windows and storage areas must be secure at all times.

Count money out of sight of customers - always back of house.

Till drawers must be kept shut when not in use.

Use counter caches to put £50, £20 and £10 notes in – never keep more than a total of £50 in notes in your till
drawer at any time.

Never transport cash openly in or outside the unit.

All suspicious persons and packages must be reported IMMEDIATELY to your line manager.

There are no bins in any public areas as they could be used to hide bombs.

Every site has a security company or British Transport Police (BTP) contact who will deal with all security issues.

How we do it…

Discuss the security in your unit with your buddy around
the areas shown on the plan including:

Blind spots where customers cannot be seen (e.g. pillar).


Cash movement.

Stock control (including high
value cigarettes & alcohol).

Passwords and codes –
e.g. to access tills, secure areas.

How we do it…

• Being aware at all times of possible suspicious

persons and packages.

• Reporting anything suspicious to your Line


• Keeping security codes and passwords safe

and not passing them on to anyone.

• Wearing station ID at all times if it has been

issued to you.

• Not leaving anything in public areas which

could be used to hide bombs e.g. deliveries,
bins or trolleys.

• Not revealing any information regarding

team members, clients or the Company
to unauthorised persons.

• Challenging unaccompanied visitors in back

of unit and secure areas to ensure they are
supposed to be there.

• Making sure you are not followed

when entering the unit.

• Not bringing personal cash or valuables into the

unit. They should be kept in a locker or given to
the manager to keep safe.

• Keeping the unit tidy as this will make it easier

to spot things that should not be there.

• Not putting yourself or others at risk.

Your challenge…

• Identify 3 suspicious customer behaviours.
• What should you do if you see a customer do-

ing one of those 3 suspicious behaviours?

• Find out which doors need to be kept locked at

all times.

• Find out how to contact the local security or

BTP office for your site.

• Find out what security systems you have in

place and how to use them.

Customer bags & property.

Doors & windows.

Equipment –
e.g. computers, HHT’s.

Panic buttons.

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