How to Alarm AW

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Team Members

October 2009

How to…

Disarm/Set the Unit Security Alarm

What you need to know

The alarm must be disarmed before entering the unit to prevent
raising the alarm with the security company unnecessarily.

The alarm must be set when you leave the unit at night so that
the security company will be alerted in the event of an attempted
break in.

Back of house doors, windows and storage areas must be secure,
all relevant equipment and lights should
be turned off.

You should have all your belongings and keys ready to leave the
unit prior to setting the alarm at night.

Check that you are not being watched by any suspicious person
in the area around your unit before leaving/entering the unit.

Never tell anyone, or let anyone see you enter the alarm security code.

How we do it…

Discuss the method used to set/disarm the security alarm with your training buddy including:

Sign the alarm code log upon receipt
of your unique alarm code

The exact process to follow when
setting/disarming the alarm.

The correct code to use.

How to correct any mistakes when
entering security codes.

How to respond in the event of the
alarm going off unintentionally.

You are responsible for…

• Ensuring the unit is secure overnight.
• Making sure you do not disclose the

alarm code to any unauthorised persons.

• Making sure you are not followed into

the unit.

• Being aware at all times of possible

suspicious people.

• Ensuring all relevant equipment and

lighting is switched off, and that the unit
is secure before leaving.

• Taking care that you and your team have

all your belongings with you when you leave.

Your challenge…

• Correcty disarm the alarm on your next

morning shift.

• Correctly set the alarm on your next late shift.
• Find out what happens if the alarms are set

of in error.

• Find out which security company you should

contact in the event of a problem.

• Find out what you should do if someone

suspicious is loitering near the unit when
you arrive in the morning or as you are
leaving at night.

• Find out what to do if you suspect someone

has found out your code number.

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