exams materials fcemstr tb01

The sexes 1
Examples of other group nouns: family, group,
1 Possible answer
orchestra, couple.
Photos 1 and 4 are similar because they show
people at work. However, in photo 1 we see a
man and a woman fulfilling traditional roles 
the man is the boss and the woman is the
Grammar and practice p12
secretary. In photo 4 we see men and women
working on equal terms.
Talking about the future
1 Key
a 4 e 6
Reading p10
b 1 f 3
c 5 g 2
2 Possible answer
d 7
A single-sex crew might miss the company of the
opposite sex and the distractions they can bring. 2 Key
1 break up
3 Possible answer
2  re having
3  re starting
In the text, John Moore thinks mixed-sex crews
4  re going to get up
could have families which would make space
5 leaves
travel easier to tolerate.
6  ll stop
7  re going to drive
Multiple choice
8 will take
9  ll probably go
3 Key
10  re going to catch
1 C 4 A
11  ll send
2 D 5 B
12 Are you doing
3 C
3 Possible answers
Over to you
a I m going to ask them to tell the truth.
b I m afraid I m visiting relatives in the holidays.
Possible answers
c I ll put up the decorations and I ll select some
Suitable people: doctors, nurses, midwives,
music, if you like.
teachers, builders, farmers, scientists, etc.
d I ll be twenty-one.
Personal qualities: determination, bravery, sense
e I ll probably be married.
of adventure, sense of humour, ability to work as
f Tomorrow is going to be icy.
a team, etc.
Future continuous and future perfect
Group nouns
4 Key
4 Key
a 2 b 3c 1
a class d staff
b jury e audience
c team f crowd
Oxford University Press THE SEXES UNIT 1 1
5 Possible answers 7 Possible answers
a This time next week I ll be sitting on the a I always lie on my side, because I find it the
beach. most comfortable. If I lie on my back, I snore.
b By this time next year I ll have finished my
b My friend had her hair cut and I thought it
looked terrible. She asked me if I liked it and I
c This time next year I ll be living in Spain.
said yes. I lied because I didn t want to hurt
d In five years time I ll have started my own
her feelings.
Exam techniques p15
6 Key
Listening Part 3
1 by 9 who
2 is 10 to
Dos and Don ts
3 that 11 are
4 on 12 still / can
1 Key
5 than 13 It
Speaker 1 E
6 been 14 down
Speaker 2 D
7 to 15 never / not
Speaker 3 A
8 far
Speaker 4 F
Speaker 5 C
Vocabulary p14
Speaker 1 I d say that men and women are as good
as each other at looking after children and
loving them. I grew up without my dad
Lead in
around. At the time it seemed normal, but
3 Key
now I have my own kids I realise how
mothers and fathers help us in different
adventurous  adventure
ways. As a dad myself, I know there s a
competitive  competition
bond between children and their dads
confident  confidence
that s just as important as having a mum
cooperative  cooperation
around, and from my experience I d say
emotional  emotion
that only a man can really do that job.
generous  generosity
Speaker 2 If you re thinking about the day-to-day
independent  independence
care of children, I d say that fathers and
lazy  laziness
mothers can be equally successful. I know
materialistic  materialism
several families where the mother is the
optimistic  optimism
main breadwinner and the father looks
possessive  possession
after the kids  and it works perfectly well.
self-centred  self-centredness
But I m sure that the physical relation
sensitive  sensitivity
between a baby and its mother creates
sincere  sincerity an emotional tie which there s no
substitute for, and of course this won t
sociable  sociability
change because men will never be able to
stubborn  stubbornness
have children.
Speaker 3 Mothers and fathers are different and
Confusing verbs: lay / lie
always will be, but both are essential. It s
5 Key far too much work for one person to
look after a family on their own, so it s
a 3b 1c 2
important for the father to help out right
from the start. The key thing is to always
6 Key
put the interests of the children first. I
a lie d lay
know that I have a special relationship
b laid e lied
with them as a mum, but I can see that
c lying f lay
my kids need their dad around too.
2 UNIT 1 THE SEXES Oxford University Press
Speaker 4 The idea that men are worse at looking
3 Key
after children is rubbish. Dads can do
a a snack
everything just as well as mums. Women
b attempted
are only better at childcare because, at the
c therefore
moment, they spend more time with
d sent you a text message
kids than men do. It s like my mum  she
e to inform you
doesn t understand how to use email, but
f because
if she worked in an office like me she d
know exactly what to do  it s just a g returned home
question of familiarity.
h I do apologise
Speaker 5 When I was a kid, my father made more
4 Key
effort to spend time with us than most
fathers would have done, which wasn t
The first letter: was held up, didn t get in
what real men were supposed to do.
The second letter: was delayed, did not arrive
Whenever he wasn t at work, he dedicated
5 Key
all his time to me and my sisters. Other
than my mum, people didn t really
a back down e bumped into
recognise how special he was. My father
b split up, went on f called off
wasn t like everyone else, so people just
c put up with g brought up
ignored him. Nowadays, most men are
d put me down h work out
involved with their kids like he was.
Meanings of get
Phrasal verbs with bring
6 Key
2 Key
get in  arrive home
a Bringing up e brought out
got changed  changed
b bring (her) round f brought back
get you  contact you
c brought about g bring down
get it  receive
d bring up
got to  arrived at
Vocabulary p16
Exam techniques p17
Use of English Part 4
Formal and informal language
1 Possible answers
Dos and Don ts
Formal style: job / college applications, letters of
1 Key
complaint, business letters, requests for bookings,
1 the 9 the
announcements, etc.
2 than 10 time
Informal style: letter to friends and relatives.
3 11
4 of 12 from
2 Key
5 it 13 you
a The first is a note or possibly an email
6 being 14 there
message. The second is a formal letter.
7 15 to
b Both are intended as apologies.
8 who
c In the first, the reader and the writer are
boyfriend and girlfriend. In the second, they
are probably business acquaintances.
d The first letter contains informal language,
familiar salutations, and contractions.
e The second letter contains formal language,
polite salutations, and full forms rather than
contracted forms.
Oxford University Press THE SEXES UNIT 1 3
programme Just for Fun, where people 
Listening p18
just ordinary members of the public 
have to solve mathematical problems.
Lead in
Part 2
Kathy OnJust for Fun we re trying to bring maths
1 Key
to a non-specialist audience and to
a The speaker s birthday is on 31 December.
counter the common belief that  maths is
The statement was made on 1 January.
impossible and I can t do it or, worse still,
b sixteen minutes
 I m not clever enough to do it
. It s very
noticeable that the women who come
onto the programme seem to have
Multiple choice
much less confidence than the men,
2 Possible answer
perhaps because they were at schools
I think men are better at solving mathematical where girls were not expected to do as
well as boys at maths and science. But
problems because they are better at thinking
when it comes to it, women are a lot
better at getting the problems right 
the programme shows this trend
I think women are better at solving
mathematical problems because they are more
Presenter Yet men show more self-confidence than
patient and take the time to think things
Kathy That s right. They re always ready to
jump in and attempt the puzzle, in some
3 Possible answer
cases believing that the women just aren t
On the recording, Ashley James believes that
capable of solving it at all. The strange
boys do better at maths because they concentrate
thing is that, on public display, the macho
harder than girls as they get older and because
image begins to crack. The old saying,
maths is still seen as a male subject. Kathy  behind every successful man there s a
woman , may have taken on a new
Manchester believes that women are less
meaning. Maybe it doesn t refer to
confident than men because, at school, girls are
background support and organisation at
not expected to do well at maths as boys. She
all, but to actual decisions that are made.
thinks girls are better at solving problems,
Presenter So, on the programme, do men and
women actually compete directly with
each other?
Part 1
Kathy Yes, occasionally  and that s where it all
gets very interesting. In the limelight the
Presenter Good afternoon. Our first item in today s
men become so nervous; blind panic
programme looks at the subject of
crosses their faces and their minds
mathematics and asks  Who s better at it:
seem to turn blank. The women, on the
boys or girls? Let s start by asking a
other hand, are much calmer; they don t
teacher. Ashley James, you ve been a
like to take such big risks as the men;
maths teacher for over ten years. How
they seem to want more time to think
would you answer this question?
about the questions.
Ashley James Well, Jean, in my experience I d say
Presenter Two thousand years ago, the Greek
there isn t as great a difference as people
philosopher Plato said that even people
think, but as children get older, boys seem
with no education have an innate
to concentrate harder. Early on, girls have
mathematical instinct. Just for Fun
the same ability, but it s still the case that
suggests that this is true  and that
girls tend not to continue with maths
women have more of it than men. Here s
after they leave school and go on to
Kathy Manchester with a final word.
higher education. The unfortunate truth is
that people still think of maths as a male
Kathy What we don t know is whether this
ability in women is inherited or whether it
comes from years of being the woman
Presenter Thank you, Ashley. That certainly was my
behind the man. It s a bit like the tortoise
own experience. When I was at school
and the hare. Tortoises move more slowly,
girls were not supposed to be as good as
but they re more consistent  and they
boys at maths. For Kathy Manchester,
cross the finishing line first.
however, this theory doesn t actually add
up. Kathy s a researcher on the popular TV
4 UNIT 1 THE SEXES Oxford University Press
Interlocutor Can you tell me something about
4 Key
a M c M e W g W
Yasko Yes, I have two older brothers and I live
b W d M f W
with my father and mother. But two of
my brothers have left er & our home
because they had got married before.
Interlocutor Do you live in a house or an
Speaking p19
apartment, Sun?
Sun I live in my flat & when I m in
Lead in
London or Korea, which one?
Interlocutor What s it like?
3 Possible answers
Sun Of course I like my own flat in & which
How many brothers and sisters have you got?
is situated in Korea because the room is
Where do you live?
like studio. It s large and big and I had
What kind of music do you like?
big, king-sized bed and then I used to
What do you do in your spare time?
live alone. But also, there is some
kitchen and shower room with
Giving personal information everything, so I like it. I m still missing
my room & but & Here is my flat is so
4 Key
small, but it s cosy.
Topics Questions
Interlocutor Could you tell us something about
Family Do you have a large or a small
the area where you live?
family? Can you tell me something
Sun In England?
about them?
Interlocutor In Korea.
House and Do you live in a house or an
Sun Erm & because I stayed in the near the
home apartment? What s it like? Could
college, because I have to go to early in
you tell us something about the
the college, but the place is quite nice,
area where you live?
for example it s like national & national
Leisure What do you like doing in your
park. Cos it s near the mountains and
spare time? Do you have any
everything is good.
hobbies? What kinds of books do
Interlocutor Yasko, what do you like doing in your
you like to read? Do you play a
spare time?
musical instrument?
Yasko I like watching movies and ballet and
listening to music.
Interlocutor And do you have any hobbies?
Interlocutor My name s Petrina Cliff and this is
my colleague Thorkild Gantner. He Yasko Yes, I like travelling.
is just going to listen to us. So, you
Interlocutor What kinds of books do you like to
Sun Sun. My name is Sun.
Sun Erm & now I don t read any book. But
Interlocutor And? when I was in Korea I liked reading,
especially like erm & the thriller movie
Yasko I m Yasko. Yasko.
and thriller books and erm & suspected,
Interlocutor Yasko?
suspected books and I like, how do you
Yasko Yes.
say, I like Sherlock Holmes, that kind of
Interlocutor Thank you. First of all, we d like to
book that I like.
know something about you, so I m
Interlocutor Do you play a musical instrument,
going to ask ou some questions
about yourselves. Where are you
Yasko Yes, I & I like playing the piano, but I m
from Sun?
not good at playing. But I enjoy &
Sun I m from South Korea.
enjoy playing the piano.
Interlocutor And you, Yasko?
Interlocutor How did you become interested in
Yasko I m from Japan.
playing the piano?
Interlocutor Yasko, do you have a large or a small
Yasko Pardon?
Interlocutor How did you become interested in
Yasko Err & small family.
playing the piano?
Oxford University Press THE SEXES UNIT 1 5
Yasko Yes. When I was small child my mother Yasko Yes. When I was small child my mother
asked me to have a lesson, so at first I asked me to have a lesson, so at first I
don t like to play the piano. But & well don t like to play the piano. But & well
& when I was high-school student my & when I was high-school student
friends said your play is very good so I my friends said your play is very
have some confidence, so I become to good so I have some confidence, so I
like it. become to like it.
6 Key
Extract 1: Yasko doesn t live with her brothers
because they have got married.
Writing p20
Extract 2: Sun likes where he lives because it s
part of a national park.
Informal letter
Extract 3: Sun enjoys thrillers.
1 Key
Extract 4: Yasko became interested in playing
the piano because her friends said a The letter must mention that Nicky is invited
she played well. to the wedding, that she can bring a friend,
the time and place of the wedding, that she
needs to reply (RSVP), and that the wedding
Extract 1
list can be found on the Internet.
Interlocutor Yasko, do you have a large or a small
b The style should be informal  Nicky is a
friend of yours.
Yasko Err & small family.
2 Key
Interlocutor Can you tell me something about
The style is too formal in places. The writer has
Yasko Yes, I have two older brothers and I live used an impersonal tone occasionally (She has
with my father and mother. But two of requested that an invitation be passed on to you),
my brothers have left er & our home
passive verbs (be passed on to you), single-word
because they had got married before.
verbs (purchasing), and polite phrases (Yours
Extract 2
sincerely). The writer has also forgotten to give
details of the location of the wedding.
Interlocutor Could you tell us something about the
area where you live?
Sun In England?
Formal and informal language
Interlocutor In Korea.
3 Key
Sun Erm & because I stayed in the near the
a INF e F
college, because I have to go to early in
b F f INF
the college, but the place is quite
nice, for example it s like national &
d F h INF
national park. Cos it s near the
mountains and everything is good.
4 Key
Extract 3
a Short sentences  Alice is getting married,
Interlocutor What kinds of books do you like to
They re not too expensive.
c Contractions  She s sent, She d love, The
Sun Erm & now I don t read any book. But
wedding s at, etc.
when I was in Korea I liked reading,
f Phrasal verbs  I ve come up with a few ideas
especially like erm & the thriller
g Words left out  Look forward to seeing you
movie and thriller books and erm &
suspected, suspected books and I like, (missing I)
how do you say, I like Sherlock Holmes, h Simple words or slang  the kind of thing
that kind of book that I like.
Extract 4
Interlocutor How did you become interested in
playing the piano?
Yasko Pardon?
Interlocutor How did you become interested in
playing the piano?
6 UNIT 1 THE SEXES Oxford University Press
Think, plan, write 2 Key
a brought up d bring about
5 Key
b brings back e brought up
c bring around
3 Key
a understand d took / caught; arrived
Overview p22
b make / buy e becoming
1 Key
c buy
1 one 9 for
2 as 10 she
3 which 11
4 12 the
5 in (where the) 13 they
6 14 any
7 been 15 out
Oxford University Press THE SEXES UNIT 1 7


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