exams materials fcemstr tb07

Free time 7
appetites are satisfied (passive  Present simple
Reading p88
passive) with delicious home-cooked local
Multiple matching
b Residential weekends are held (passive 
Present simple passive) throughout the year.
3 Key
c You will be instructed (passive  Future
1 B 10 G
simple passive) on how to produce local
2,3 A/D 11 F
4 C 12 C
d Learn (active  Present simple) how to build a
5,6 B/G 13 D
wheel, which you can (active  Present
7,8,9 E/F/G 14 A
simple) take away at the end.
e All the activities can be pre-booked (passive 
Present simple passive) or chosen (passive 
Present simple passive) on the day.
4 Key
a co-habiting means living together; co- means
2 Key
The passive is formed with be in the appropriate
b pre-booked means the reservation was made at
tense (present, past, etc.) and the past participle
an earlier time; pre- means before
of the main verb.
c detoxifying means getting rid of poisons and
toxins, revitalising means make more lively
3 Key
and energetic; de- means taking away, re-
a We fill the weekends with the fun of the farm,
means doing again
and we satisfy your appetites with delicious
home-cooked local food.
5 Key
b We hold residential weekends throughout the
a 4c 2e 3
b 6d 1f 5
c We will instruct you on how to produce local
6 Key
d You will be taught how to build a wheel,
a postgraduate
which can be taken away at the end.
b ex-president
e You can either pre-book any of the activities or
c antifreeze
choose them on the day.
d underground
The focus of the sentence changes depending on
e midnight
whether it is active or passive, for example in
f semi-detached
sentence a the focus in the passive is on the
actions, whereas in the active the focus is on the
people who perform the actions.
Grammar and practice p90
4 Key
a the experts
Passive verbs
b the unpaid volunteers
1 Key
5 Key
a Weekends are filled (passive  Present simple
a the owners of the farm
passive) with the fun of the farm, and
b the owners of the farm
34 UNIT 7 FREE TIME Oxford University Press
c the instructor b People go to the hairdresser s to have/get
d the participants their hair cut, permed, washed, or dyed.
e the participants c People take their cars to garages to have/get
them repaired or serviced.
We are not told who performs the action for
d You could have/get your hair cut or have/get
one of the following reasons: it is not known,
some plastic surgery done.
it s obvious, it s not necessary to know, or the
person has already been mentioned.
13 Key
6 Key 1 are 6 been 11 if
2 thing 7 over 12 or
1 is guaranteed 6 is included
3 is 8 off 13 so
2 is located 7 is served
4 to 9 have 14 no/never
3 are furnished 8 be booked
5 is 10 such 15 your
4 are equipped 9 will be made
5 are reserved
7 Key
Vocabulary p92
You have won an all-expenses paid weekend for
two in London.
Lead in
You will be met at Heathrow airport by one of
our chauffeurs and driven into central London.
1 Key
You will be put up in a five-star hotel close to
Harrods, the world s most famous department a Finalist led down by unreliable serve (tennis)
store. A luxury suite has been reserved for you b Keeper gets red card three minutes after kick-
on the tenth floor. In addition to this, you will off (football)
be given Ɓ1,000  pocket money . This money c Three holes to win The US Open (golf)
can be spent as you like. d Disaster after pit stop for wheel change
e Vital seconds lost in handlebar mix-up
Have / get something done
8 Key
f Fans riot after heavyweight knocked out in first
a The person whose birthday it was took the
round (boxing)
g Gold for British sprinter (athletics)
b An unspecified person or people at the party
h Slam-dunk wins game (basketball)
took the photos.
Get students to say which words in the headlines
c The person whose birthday it was asked
helped them to make their choices:
somebody to take photos for him/her.
a serve
9 Key
b keeper/red card/kick-off
In sentence a, the tooth was filled with the
c holes/The US Open
person s agreement, but in sentence b the
d pit stop/wheel change
stealing of the car was something which was
e handlebar
out of their control.
f heavyweight/knocked out/first round
g Gold/sprinter
10 Key
h slam-dunk
b I got/had my hair cut in a completely
different style.
Sports vocabulary
c We ve had our apartment repainted.
2 Key
d I m going to have my video repaired next
Someone who plays tennis is a tennis player.
Someone who plays football is a footballer.
e I m having my jacket cleaned.
Someone who plays golf is a golfer.
f The council has had the town hall rebuilt.
Someone who goes motor-racing is a racing
11 Possible answers
Someone who goes cycling is a cyclist.
a You can have/get your teeth cleaned, pulled
Someone who boxes is a boxer.
out, or filled.
Oxford University Press FREE TIME UNIT 7 35
and retired civil servants who
Someone who does athletics is an athlete.
photograph fish. Jaine Ellison is a thirty-
Someone who plays basketball is a basketball
two-year-old legal executive from
Shipley. I asked her what she did in her
spare time and got a rather unexpected
3 Possible answers
football: football, football boots, net
Jaine I m a champion bodybuilder, actually. I ve
golf: golf clubs, golf balls, tee
even represented Britain in
motor-racing: racing car, crash helmet
international competitions.
cycling: bike, helmet
Interviewer How on earth did you get into
boxing: gloves, shorts
bodybuilding? It s not the obvious choice
athletics: starting blocks, starting pistol
for a high-flying solicitor.
basketball: basketball, basketball nets
Jaine It was all the result of a rather rash New
Year s resolution which I actually stuck
4 Possible answers
to! All I wanted to do was get myself a
on a pitch  football
bit fitter. I chose bodybuilding and
on a course  golf
training because my boyfriend Tom was
on a court  tennis, basketball, badminton,
into it, and once I started I found I really
volleyball enjoyed it. It wasn t hard work  in fact,
if I didn t go to the gym I d get really
on a circuit  cycling, motor-racing
depressed about it.
on a (race) track  horse-racing, athletics
in a pool  swimming, diving Interviewer So how often do you have to train?
in a gym  weight-lifting
Jaine Before I go to work in the morning, I
in a ring  boxing, wrestling
usually have two hours in the gym,
in a rink  ice-skating where I can do weights, wok on stamina,
or even do some swimming. I find that I
really need a good workout in the
5 Key
morning  it keeps me fit and sets me up
1 a 3 c 5 b
for the day. At lunchtime I sweat for an
2 d 4 b 6 a
hour in the company gym. A bit different
from what everyone else does, you know
chatting over sandwiches and coffee.
Most evenings I go to the gym near
Exam techniques p93 where I live. They give me loads of
support and advice. My boyfriend goes
Listening Part 2
there too.
Interviewer What happens if you miss a day s
Dos and Don ts training?
Jaine It doesn t matter that much. I mean it s
not the end of the world. If I don t feel
1 legal executive
like it, I don t go. Some lunchtimes I ll
2 represented Britain
pop out for a drink and a chat with my
3 fitter
4 the gym
Interviewer Do you do anything else to keep fit apart
5 chat wit
from working out?
6 a day s training
Jaine Yeah  my diet s improved no end. When
7 chicken and fish
I think about the junk I used to eat I am
8 guilty
really disgusted. Now I think really
9 won
carefully about what I eat. My diet
10 Amsterdam
mostly consists of food like turkey and
chicken and fish. I am not that
bothered about sweet things but I feel
Interviewer Lots of people have unusual hobbies. I ve
like to occasional cream cake or
met people who collect all kinds of weird
chocolate bar that s OK  I don t feel too
things like cheese-labels, soft drink cans
guilty or anything about it.
and even full-size tractors. I ve met a
Interviewer So when did you get into bodybuilding
forty-six-year-old woman who spends
her weekends hugging trees, a fifteen-
year-old who plays underwater football
36 UNIT 7 FREE TIME Oxford University Press
Jaine I didn t think about going in for
A chess set would be useful for keeping your
competitions. I mean, it never occurred
mind active. It does not require another energy
to me that I could be like those people
source and is easy to transport.
you see on television. But I had the same
A book would help avoid boredom. It is easy to
sort of lifestyle and was eating the same
carry and does not require an energy source.
sorts of high protein foods so I was
doing something right. The first
competition I went in for was in
Cambridge  I couldn t believe it when I
3 Key
actually won. A year or so later, I went in
a cooking outside
for a competition in Amsterdam  I
b taking a bath
thought I was representing Britain I the
European Bodybuilding Championships c a quiet campsite full of smiling people
but when I got to Amsterdam, I found it
was actually the World Championships.
Needless to say, I didn t win that one! It Thorkild What do you enjoy most and least about
was a bit intimidating  most of the camping?
women there were in fantastic shape
Megumi Camping? Erm I think I enjoy cooking
and I knew I had to do a lot more work
to get up to their standard. But I am
Thorkild If you go camping, do you prefer to stay
really determined that this year I can do
in one place or move from place to place?
Fabienne I prefer move from place to place to &
Interviewer We ll be following your progress with
Thorkild Why?
great interest, Jaine. Thanks for talking to
Fabienne To discover the country which I visit.
Thorkild When you go camping, what do you miss
most from your  normal life?
Megumi Err & Maybe taking a bath, I think. I
really like it.
Speaking p94
Thorkild Why?
Megumi Because it & Taking a bath makes me
Lead in
relaxing. Yeah so & Maybe if & If I go to
1 Possible answer
camping it s only taking a shower, so I & I
Essential items could include a tent, a sleeping think I need it.
bag, a torch, a camping stove, cutlery, and a
Thorkild What is your idea of a perfect campsite?
ground mat.
Fabienne My perfect idea of a campsite is really
quiet and where the people the people
2 Possible answer
are erm smiling and not stressed
because sometime I think in camping
A radio might be useful for keeping in touch
some people wait for the shower, the
with what is happening in the news and for
toilet and and they almost fight together
playing music, provided that the reception was
and I don t, I don t like really camping.
Thorkild What is the most popular type of holiday
A kite would be useful if there were children in
in your country?
your party and also as a form of relaxation, but
Megumi Maybe going to travel abroad, I think &
using it would depend on the weather.
and err & or go to hot spring  it s very
A computer could be useful if you need to
popular in Japan and I really like it.
complete some work or if you want to use email.
Thorkild Which areas of your country do
However, you would need to be able to recharge
holidaymakers and tourists visit?
the battery easily and it might be heavy to
Fabienne I think this is the mountains  we have
the famous Alps in Switzerland and a lot
A football would be useful for keeping fit and
of people are going to ski. And I think this
avoiding boredom. It does not require another
is & is really famous for that because the
energy source.
landscape is beautiful.
A coffee-maker would be useful for fresh coffee,
Thorkild Thank you. That is the end of the test.
provided that you had a camping stove on which
to heat it.
Oxford University Press FREE TIME UNIT 7 37
b Situations might include: in nightclubs, at the
4 Possible answer
gym, in shops, while travelling, etc.
Megumi uses Maybe a lot in her answer. This is
c People might listen to music for relaxation,
probably because she lacks fluency when
dancing, or because they are studying music.
speculating about a subject. She could use
phrases like Perhaps or Possibly. Alternatively,
she could use modal verbs such as could, may or Multiple choice
might in her sentences.
2 Key
1 C 3 A 5 C 7 B
2 C 4 B 6 B 8 C
Exam techniques p95
Use of English Part 1
Man Definitely jazz  any kind really 
traditional or modern. I don t exactly
Dos and Don ts
know what it is about it that appeals to
me. It s not just the music; it s the
1 Key
atmosphere in the clubs and the people
1 D 6 C 11 D you meet at concerts. I quite like other
kinds of music as well: blues, soul, world,
2 B 7 D 12 B
even some classical. But I have to say, I m
3 B 8 A 13 C
not that keen on pop. It all sounds the
4 D 9 D 14 A
same to me these days  a sure sign that
5 B 10 A 15 C
I m getting middle-aged.
Woman It was amazing. My friend and me were
right at the front. We were in the most
expensive seats. But even there it was
almost impossible to hear anything. As
Phrasal verbs with come
soon as they came on and started
playing, everyone went mad. You could
1 Key
just about hear the bass and the drums
from time to time, but the words were
a came along e came forward
completely inaudible. We could see their
b came apart f has come up
mouths opening and closing, but nothing
c come across g come round
seemed to come out.
d came round h comes up with
Woman It s everywhere you go these days. I was
Which word?
on the train on the way to work last week.
A girl came and sat next to me. I was
3 Key
trying to read a report and all I could
a possibility f stop k peak
hear was this repetitive drumming
b method g fewer l height
noise  sort of disco music, I suppose. I
c choice h minor m surplus just couldn t concentrate. I ve got a
friend who listens when he goes
d pause i less n excess
jogging. That s okay, because he s not
e rest j top o spare
disturbing anyone. But in public places
they re a real nuisance  a blatant case
of noise pollution if you ask me.
Listening p97
Man I ve got an email here from Mrs
Johnson. She d like to have Love Hurts
Lead in
played for her son Michael. Mum sends
you her love Michael, wherever you are.
1 Possible answers
She s asked me to tell you that she loves
a Other kinds of music might include rock, hip-
you very much and says please, please,
hop, folk, dance, pop, easy listening, reggae,
please contact her before your birthday 
she doesn t want to lose touch with you.
38 UNIT 7 FREE TIME Oxford University Press
Just a phone call would do. You don t
Writing p98
have to tell her where you are if you don t
want to. So, for Michael Johnson, here s
Love Hurts from your Mum.
Formal letter
1 Key
Man I had a CD player fitted in the boot a
a The main purpose is to get a written
few months ago. It takes six CDs at a time.
explanation or a full refund of the
So you get you favourite CDs, put it on
membership fee.
random, and off you go. The good thing
b The letter should include the specific
about random is you don t know which CD
examples of how the leisure centre
or which track you re going to hear next.
disappointed the member.
You get to listen to different kinds of
music without having to stop or take c The style should be formal.
you hands off the wheel. And you can
have the volume turned up as high as you 2 Key
like. It s brilliant on long journeys.
All of the information has been included. The
style is too informal, specifically the phrases
Woman It s very strange, you just have to hear pretty impressive, didn t have a clue, I am furious.
a certain sound or catch a whiff of a
The style is also very aggressive, especially in the
particular smell and everything comes
final paragraph.
flooding back. I mean, I can remember
exactly where I was when I heard
3 Possible answer
Madonna s first hit. It was a winter
Dear Sir,
evening. I was in mother s kitchen and
I am writing to complain about Centre 2K,
making myself a cheese sandwich. I only
which I visited yesterday evening. This was only
have to hear that first guitar chord and
my second visit. I became a member two weeks
I m back in my Mum s kitchen. Another
ago having seen you publicity leaflet which was
example is the smell of sun-tan lotion. It
very impressive.
always takes me straight back to a holiday
in Spain when I was four years old. First of all, I went for a workout in a gym and
found that two of your machines were out of
order. I thought one of the staff might be able to
Man It s something I ve always been terrified of,
help, but it took me ten minutes to find
but it was absolutely killing me. In the end
someone. Although he was very friendly, he did
it got so bad, I just had to have it seen to.
Actually, it only need filling, which not know anything about the machines.
wasn t as bade as having to have it taken
Next, I went for a swim. Unfortunately, the water
out. Anyway I was sitting there in the
was not heated, despite the fact that it was a cold
chair, feeling very nervous, waiting for
the drill, when this wonderful Indian
Finally, I decided to go to the café for a hot
music started playing. It was incredible 
drink. However, when I got there it was closed,
my anxiety completely disappeared and I
even though it was only 10.45 p.m.
relaxed my whole body.
As you can imagine, I am extremely disappointed.
I would like a full explanation in writing from
Woman We now use music to help them
you within seven days or I will cancel my
recover  especially if they re here for a
membership and request a refund of my
long stay. Experimenting with different
membership fee.
kinds of music, we ve found that certain
sounds have the power to change moods
and emotional states for the better. Many
of them come to us shattered, angry and Contrasting language
full of pain, both physical and mental.
4 Key
They ve had their lives reduced to a bed
Paragraph 2: but, Although
and a locker. We try to bring peace to their
body and mind. Paragraph 3: despite
Paragraph 4: However, even though
5 Key
Oxford University Press FREE TIME UNIT 7 39
6 Key
a Although/Even though
b However
1 Key
c even though
1 a 6 the 11
d but
2 must 7 out 12 whole
e even though/although
3 around 8 never 13
f Despite
4 it 9 some 14 the
5 10 15 be
7 Possible answers
a Even though I take regular exercise, I am still
2 Key
a ex-wife d midday
b I enjoy watching sport on TV, but I don t like
b post-dated e anti-freeze
taking exercise.
c semicircle f undercharged
c Despite the fact that she couldn t drive, Sue
bought a car with her first salary.
d I ve never been to Australia. However, I d love
to go.
e Although I learnt to swim when I was quite
young, I get scared when I go in the sea.
40 UNIT 7 FREE TIME Oxford University Press
Oxford University Press FREE TIME UNIT 7 41
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