VA 042 Environment, STW

Release to Third Parties

by Special Authorisation

of Management only

Environmental Protection



Schiffahrtskontor tom Wörden GmbH & Co. KG's ships sail worldwide, on the high seas as well as in coastal waters and estuaries. Parts of these areas are already burdened / heavily affected, therefore especially worthy of, and in need of, protection. Special care of the maritime environment is one of the fundamental principles of Schiffahrtskontor tom Wörden GmbH & Co. KG and is laid down in this Procedure.

These fundamental principles are brought to life by this procedure.



This Documented Procedure applies to the shorebased organisation and on all ships managed / operated by Schiffahrtskontor tom Wörden GmbH & Co. KG.


Definitions and Abbreviations (refer to VA-001)



In general every employee is responsible for environmental protection, but especially the Managing Director (Fleet Manager) and Ships' Management.


Description of Routines


Shorebased Organisation

In Schiffahrtskontor tom Wörden GmbH & Co. KG's shorebased organisation usually only household garbage is present. It will be sorted and processed according to the rules of the local community (garbage disposal, etc.)




In General

Schiffahrtskontor tom Wörden GmbH & Co. KG has all processes documented in the Procedures so that controlled conditions prevail. Through this comes security, especially in activities which in the case of a mistake could put the maritime environment in danger (e.g. bunkering) The fast reaction to accidents affecting the environment is regulated by the appropriate Emergency Response Plans

Uncontrolled waste disposal e.g. throwing objects of any sort overboard is fundamentally not allowed.


Oily Bilge Water

Oily bilge water will only be pumped out in accordance with MARPOL, Helsinki Convention and other regional regulations within tightly confined limits, meaning only via suitable, approved units (Bilge Deoiler, Bilge Water Separator) and only in the places allowed. This must be recorded in the Oil Record Book.


Liquid Oily Garbage (Sludge)

This garbage is collected on board in specially provided tanks (pumping out overboard is impossible). On ships with waste-oil burning equipment, waste-oil will be burned in accordance with valid regulations. Waste-oil that is not burned will, when necessary, be passed to a licensed disposal firm, who will issue a receipt. The process is recorded in the Oil Record Book.


Solid Oily Garbage (Wiping Rags, Oil Strainers, oily Scrap, etc.)

This garbage will be specially collected in the engine room (responsible: Chief Engineer, 2nd Engineer). Burnable garbage, will be burned in the incinerator, if available, in accordance with valid regulations. Everything else will be given to a licensed disposal firm, who will give an appropriate receipt.


Sewage (Black and Grey Water)

All ships of Schiffahrtskontor tom Wörden GmbH & Co. KG are equipped with a biological waste-water treatment unit or collection tanks, so waste water will not go overboard. The contents of the collection tanks will be pumped out at sea in accordance with valid regulations or in isolated cases given to a licensed disposal firm, who issues a receipt to this effect.


Garbage, classified by MARPOL 73/78, Annex, 5, Regulation 9

On all Schiffahrtskontor tom Wörden GmbH & Co. KG's ships there is a Garbage Management Plan. The handling and disposal of ship's garbage takes place according to this plan, which is regularly updated, especially with respect to the responsible persons.

Certified disposal firms issue a receipt, and the necessary entry in the Garbage Record Book is made.


Empty Paint Cans

Empty paint cans are usually taken back by the supplier and recycled. The supplier receipts the return. When the empty paint cans are not taken back they are handled as in 5.2.8.


Contaminated Garbage, Problematic Materials

Contaminated garbage and problematic materials on our ships are (listed without claiming completeness)

  • empty paint cans

  • used batteries and rechargeable

  • defective neon light tubes

  • chemical remains

  • old medicines (Hospital)

  • packaging containing remains of problematic materials

  • scrap contaminated by problematic materials

  • etc.

These materials will be collected in the deck department and kept under lock and key (responsible First Officer / Bosun) They will be given to licensed disposal firms in reasonable amounts. The disposal firm issues a receipt to this effect.


Garbage Contaminated by Asbestos

When altering / renovating, materials containing asbestos can appear on old vessels. During renovation planning, an agreement to remove the asbestos from affected areas should be made with an authorised specialist asbestos disposal firm.


Metal Scrap

Scrap, not contaminated by oil or problematical materials, will be collected and given to a local scrap dealer. During renovation or repair by external companies the removal of scrap will usually be part of the contract.


Ballast Water

Some trade routes already regulate the exchanging of ballast water; this tendency is rising.

Schiffahrtskontor tom Wörden GmbH & Co. KG's ships keep to these regulations.

All ships owned by Schiffahrtskontor tom Wörden GmbH & Co. KG therefore have a ballast water exchange program according to which ballast water can be changed in an environmentally friendly way without danger to the stability of the ship.

Changing ballast water will be recorded in the Deck Log Book and in the Form "Ballast Water Control Report".


References and Remarks


Reference Documents

  • HB-002 Safety and Environmental Protection Policy

  • Garbage Management Plan

  • VA-019 Bunkering

  • NP-014 Pollution by Spillages of Cargo and Bunkers

  • Oil Spill Contingency Plan

  • Ballast Water Exchange Program



  • Helsinki Convention

  • National and International Laws and Regulations concerning Maritime Environmental Protection



  • Special regulations in ports which go beyond these procedures will be adhered to

  • Special regulations in ports which contradict these procedures will be adhered to.



  • Ships Log Book

  • Engine Log Book

  • Oil Record Book

  • Garbage Record Book

  • Receipts issued by approved Disposal Firms

  • Contracts with Disposal Firms

  • Garbage Management Plan

  • Ballast Water Control Report


Revision of Documents

Party responsible for the editorial revision of this procedure:

Fleet Manager / Designated Person



All Safety Management Manuals

Additional Copies:

  • none




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Schiffahrtskontor tom Wörden

GmbH & Co. KG

Wilhelm-Schröder-Str. 3

D-21726 Oldendorf


Revision 0


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Reederei Heinz Corleis

Kampweg 4a

D-21706 Drochtersen

prepared: 17.03.1998



Revision 0

Procedure No.:





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