exam & skills test 9&10a

9&10 Exam & Skills Test Student A

Słuchanie (10 marks)

CD Track 9

1 Listen to the dialogue and write the missing words.

Crime report

Date: 14th July

Name: Sophie Meunier, Nationality: 1 ____________

Address: 35 West Way, Bournemouth,

Telephone number: 78209208816

Item lost: handbag

Description of item: size - small, colour - black, material - 2____________,

contents - Student ID card about Ł 3____________; bus season ticket

Place and time: 4____________ in Castle Lane at about 1.30 p.m.

Description of criminal:
sex - male, age - thirties, height - quite tall, weight - slim, hair - short, 5____________,
clothes - jeans and bright T-shirt


Exam task - poziom podstawowy i rozszerzony

CD Track 10

2 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie dialog. Zdecyduj, które zdania są zgodne z treścią nagrania (T), a które nie (F).

1 Robert lives in Bournemouth. ______

2 Robert saw the man at 2.30 p.m. ______

3 One of the men looked fat. ______

4 Robert can't remember what the man was wearing. ______

5 Robert contacted the police to report a bank robbery. ______


funkcje językowe i środki językowe (10 marks)

Exam task - poziom podstawowy

3 Przeczytaj poniższe opisy sytuacji w języku polskim. Z podanych odpowiedzi a, b i c wybierz właściwą reakcję.

1 Jak zapytasz rozmówcę, czy chce zostawić wiadomość?

a) Could I leave a message?

b) What's your message?

c) Can I take a message?

2 Jak odpowiesz na propozycję obejrzenia filmu dokumentalnego w telewizji?

a) Do you fancy watching a documentary?

b) I don't really fancy that.

c) I'd rather watch a documentary.

3 Jak Susan przedstawi się w rozmowie telefonicznej?

a) Hello. Susan speaking.

b) Hello. Do you want to speak to Susan?

c) Susan is speaking on the phone.

4 Jak poprosisz kogoś, żeby się uspokoił?

a) Switch back!

b) Calm down!

c) Hang on!


Exam task - poziom rozszerzony

4 Przetłumacz na język angielski podane w nawiasach fragmenty, tak aby otrzymać logiczne
i gramatycznie poprawne zdania.

The teacher told ____________________________________ .

Peter said ____________________________________ Monica's phone number.

The police officer asked me ____________________________________ .


Exam task - poziom podstawowy

5 Przeczytaj poniższe pytania. Uzupełnij luki 1-3, wybierając jedną z podanych możliwości a, b lub c.


a What would you do if you found your sister's diary and she was 1_______ ?

b What would you do if you saw a little girl 2_______ in the street crying?

c What would you do if you found 3_______ wallet full of money in the street?

1 a) out b) on c) up

2 a) sleeping b) standing c) smiling

3 a) a b) the c) -


Czytanie (10 marks)

6 Match the answers (1-5) to the questions (a-c) in exercise 5.

daisy: I'd wait for her and tell her not to leave her stuff around. 0 a .

bigheart17: I don't know. I'd probably be very excited and wouldn't know
how to spend it. I'd ask my mum for advice. 1 _______

PaulaP123: I'd sit comfortably and find out everything about her boyfriend.
I'd probably feel embarrassed about reading it. 2 _______

smallfeet: I'd give up school for a year and travel around the world.
(That's what I'd like to do but I'm sure my parents wouldn't let me). 3 _______

lovelybug: I'd talk to her to make her feel better. Then I'd take her
to the nearest police station. 4 _______

CUl8R: I would try to calm her down. Then I'd call my mum
and ask her to what to do. 5 _______


Exam task - poziom podstawowy

7 Przeczytaj poniższe teksty. Z podanych odpowiedzi a, b i c wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu.

I think I was raised to be a restaurant worker. My mum was a waitress and my dad was a cook. My brother and sister both work in a cafeteria. So last year I decided to make it my career, too.

I applied for a job at a local restaurant. I was hoping I would be a waiter, but on my first day they told me I had to wash the dishes! They said that, with time, I would start working as a waiter, but I have been working there for over a month and unfortunately nothing has changed. I'm thinking of quitting my job.

Ian, 21, Edinburgh

1 Ian wrote the text to describe

  1. how good his job is.

  2. how happy he is with his job.

  3. how unhappy he is with his job.

When my children were young, my wife and I had a babysitter for them. She worked part-time, only in the afternoons until we got back from work. The boys loved her but our eldest daughter always complained about her, so we decided to dismiss her.

Unfortunately, we haven't been able to find a better person to look after our children and the boys ask when Tina will be back. How can I convince her to work for us again?

Peter, 42, Bournemouth

2 Peter wrote the letter to

  1. ask for advice.

  2. to complain about the baby sitter.

  3. to complain about his children.


Exam task - poziom rozszerzony

8 Przeczytaj ogłoszenie. Z podanych odpowiedzi a, b i c wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu.


Have you seen him?

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Steve Kelly disappeared in Plymouth at around 10 p.m. Saturday 13th September.
Last seen outside Glamour Disco asking for directions to the railway station.
Wearing black shirt, pink tie, black jeans and black trainers.

He is well-built, tall (6 feet 4 inches), with dark hair (balding).
Age - 45. Might be wearing sunglasses.

Help us to find Steve Kelly.

If you have any information please call Plymouth Police Station on 022345643.

1 Last time people saw Steve Kelly

a) at the disco.

b) at the railway station.

c) in the street.

2 Steve Kelly is

a) bald.

b) extremely thin.

c) in his forties.

3 The main intention of the announcement is

a) to tell people who have seen Steve Kelly to contact the police.

b) to ask people to help the police look for missing people.


c) to describe what Steve Kelly was wearing when he disappeared.

Pisanie (10 marks)

Exam task - poziom rozszerzony

9 Masz nowego nauczyciela/nauczycielkę. Napisz email do przyjaciela/przyjaciółki z Anglii, w którym:

- wyrazisz swoją opinię, na temat tego, że skończyły się wakacje,

- opiszesz wygląd i charakter twojego nowego nauczyciela/nauczycielki,

- zapytasz przyjaciela/przyjaciółkę, o jego/jej ulubionego nauczyciela.

Długość emaila 50-100 słów.




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Funkcje językowe i środki językowe

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PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman ELT






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PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2011 Pearson Longman ELT



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