czytanie koło II Manout the House

Man about the House

1. bread-winner - a person who supports their family with the money they earn = żywiciel rodziny

2. do for a living – pracować, zarabiać na życie

3. domestic - used in the home; connected with the home or family; liking home life; enjoying or good at cooking, cleaning the house, etc = domowy

4. dead silence - complete or exact silence = całkowita, grobowa cisza

5. ‘trophy wife’ -a word or phrase that is used to describe sb/sth in a way that seems too general, unfair or not correct a young attractive woman who is married to an older man and thought of as a trophy (= sth that shows that you are successful and impresses other people) =

6. label - a word or phrase that is used to describe sb/sth in a way that seems too general, unfair or not correct = określenie

7. tend to - to be likely to do sth or to happen in a particular way because this is what often or usually happens = mieć zwyczaj coś zrobić

8. derogative – offensive =

9. mere - used when you are saying that the fact that a particular thing is present in a situation is enough to have an influence on that situation = zaledwie

10. ‘trophy husband’

11. denote - to be a sign of sth; to mean sth = oznaczać, wyrażać

12. praise - words that show approval of or admiration for sb/sth = pochwała

13. childcare - the care of children, especially while parents are at work = opieka nad dziećmi

14. duty - something that you feel you have to do because it is your moral or legal responsibility = obowiązek

15. domestic duties - housework = prace, obowiązki domowe

16. literally - in a literal way, syn exactly = dosłownie

17. prize - something very important or valuable that is difficult to achieve or obtain = nagroda

18. ladder - a series of stages by which you can make progress in a career or an organization = drabina

19. make up - to form sth = składać się na, stanowić

20. vice - (in nouns and related adjectives) next in rank to sb and able to represent them or act for them

21. vice president - a person in charge of a particular part of a business company = wicedyrektor

22. worldwide - affecting all parts of the world = ogólnoświatowy

23. strategic - done as part of a plan that is meant to achieve a particular purpose or to gain an advantage = strategiczny

24. work permit - an official document that sb needs in order to work in a particular foreign country =

25. all of a sudden - quickly and unexpectedly = ni stąd, ni zowąd

26. income - the money that a person, a region, a country, etc. earns from work, from investing money, from business, etc = dochód, dochody

27. pregnancy - the state of being pregnant = ciąża

28. nanny - a woman whose job is to take care of young children in the children’s own Home = niania

29. babysitter - a person who takes care of babies or children while their parents are away from home and is usually paid to do this = opiekunka do dzieci

30. initially - at the beginning = początkowo

31. cost-effective - giving the best possible profit or benefits in comparison with the money that is spent = opłacalny

32. interject - to interrupt what sb is saying with your opinion or a remark = wtrącić

33. jealousy - a feeling of being jealous = zazdrość, zawiść

34. twist

35. pang - a sudden strong feeling of physical or emotional pain =ukłucie, skurcz

36. strike up - to begin a friendship, a relationship, a conversation, etc = nawiązać rozmowę, znajomość

37. recipe - a set of instructions that tells you how to cook sth and the ingredients (= items of food) you need for it = przepis

38. heart disease - an illness affecting humans, animals or plants, often caused by infection = choroba serca

39. findings - information that is discovered as the result of research into sth = wnioski, ustalenia

40. work-related – związany z pracą ( np. stres)

41. coronary - connected with the heart, particularly the arteries that take blood to the heart = wieńcowy

42. set up

43. formerly - in earlier Times = dawniej, w przeszłości

44. carpenter - a person whose job is making and repairing wooden objects and structures = stolarz

45. respond - to give a spoken or written answer to sb/sth = zareagować, odpowiadać

46. coin - to invent a new word or phrase that other people then begin to use = ukuć

47. fill-in work – temporary work = praca tymczasowa

48. hard numbers- statistics

49. abandon - to stop doing sth, especially before it is finished; to stop having sth: = porzucać

50. trapped – Sb who is kept in a dangerous place or bad situation that they want to get out of but Carnot – uwięziony

51. emasculate - to make a man feel that he has lost his male role or qualities =

52. all roses – beautiful

53. adjust - to get used to a new situation by changing the way you behave and/or think = przystosowac się

54. trade-off - the act of balancing two things that you need or want but which are opposed to each other = bilans

55. to be between jobs

56. selective - affecting or concerned with only a small number of people or things from a larger group = wybiórczy, selektywny

57. memory - your ability to remember things = pamięć

58. stocky - (of a person) short, with a strong, solid body = krępy

59. be on a budget

60. liar - a person who tells lies = kłamca

61. broke - having no Money = spłukany


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