Exam & Skills Test 5&6A, GIMNAZJUM

5&6 Exam & Skills Test Student A

Słuchanie (10 marks)

1 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie dialog. Zdecyduj, które zdania są zgodne z treścią nagrania (T), a które nie (F).

CD Track 6

1 Carl's team won the football match. ______


2 Carl went to Eliza's party on Friday night. ______

3 The party was boring. ______

4 Nick bought some new trousers online. ______

5 Carl thinks Nick is cool. ______

2 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie dialog. Z podanych odpowiedzi a, b i c wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania.

CD Track 7

1 Emily looks for films

a) in a newspaper.

b) on the Internet.

c) in a film magazine.

2 The film Boy meets Girl is about

a) two teenagers who are aliens.

b) a teenager from New York and a girl from Mars.

c) a boy from Mars and a girl called Ida.

3 The Evil Prawn is

a) a romantic comedy.

b) a science fiction film.

c) a horror.

4 Daisy buys

a) two child tickets

b) two adult tickets

c) one child ticket and one adult ticket

5 The tickets cost

a) Ł19.10.


b) Ł10.90.

c) Ł11.90.

3 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie pięć wypowiedzi. Przyporządkuj każdej wypowiedzi właściwą reakcję, wpisując litery a-f w krastki 1-5. jedna reakcja nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

CD Track 8

1 ______ 2 ______ 3 ______ 4 ______ 5 ______

a) Never mind. You're here now.

b) That's £10, please.


c) I'm going to Spain.

d) At five in the morning.

e) It took me six hours.

f) Blue jeans and a white T-shirt.

Tell us about your 2012 holidays!

Hi, I'm Fred. I had three holidays this year, I was really lucky! I went to London in April with my best friend and we had a great time. We visited Big Ben and the London Eye. The weather wasn't very good, it was cold, about five degrees. It was really foggy when we saw Big Ben and while we were on the London Eye it started to snow! That was really beautiful.

I went to Paris with my family in June. We were there for a week and we went to Disneyland, which was fantastic. The weather was warm and sunny but it was very windy, too. I bought some new trainers there - the shops are great! The first time I went to Paris was in 2005, when I was just five. I love it there, it's my favourite city.

We had some great weather on my third holiday in Spain. I went with my aunt and cousins in August. It was really, really hot. Most days it was more than 30 degrees. There was no rain or cloud! We went to the beach every day.


1 He went to London with his aunt. ______

2 The weather in London was freezing. ______

3 It was snowing when he saw Big Ben. ______

4 He went to Paris for two weeks. ______

5 Fred went shopping in Paris. ______

6 Fred went to Spain in the summer. ______


5 It is now October 2012. Read Fred's blog about his holidays and answer the questions using ago. Write complete sentences.

0 When did Fred buy some new trainers?
Fred bought some trainers four months ago. .

1 When did he visit the London Eye?


2 When did he go to the beach?



3 When did he go to Paris?


4 When did he go to Paris for the first time?


6 Przeczytaj poniższy tekst, z którego usunięto cztery fragmenty. Uzupełnij luki 1-4 fragmentami a-e. Jeden fragment nie pasuje do żadnej luki.

A romantic Saturday!

Last Saturday I went shopping with my cousin, Simon. We decided to walk into town because it was warm and sunny. While we were walking 1 _________________, so we got wet!

While 2 _________________ a beautiful girl stopped and gave me an umbrella. I wanted to ask her name but she ran away!

When we got into town I bought some black trainers and a T-shirt at a new shop called `Top Clothes'. While I was paying for the trainers, 3 _________________. I didn't notice until I got home after dinner. I was so fed up!

I decided to go back to the shop but it was shut! So I had to wait until Monday to go back. I didn't have a phone for nearly two days - it was a disaster!

On Monday I went back to the shop after school. Luckily my mobile phone was there. But can you guess who I saw there? It was the beautiful girl who gave us the umbrella! When she saw me she smiled. I asked her `Why did you run away on Saturday?' She laughed and said `Because 4_________________!'

a) I dropped my mobile phone


b) we were walking in the rain

c) I lost my wallet

d) I was going to be late for work

e) it started to rain

7 Read the text again and answer the questions.

0 Who did Charlie go shopping with?
He went shopping with his cousin, Simon. .

1 Why did he decide to walk into town?


2 What did the beautiful girl give him?



3 What did Charlie buy at the shop?


4 Why was Charlie fed up?


5 When did Charlie go back to the shop?


6 Where does the beautiful girl work?


Pisanie (10 marks)

8 Write a short story on a separate piece of paper about meeting someone famous last week when you went shopping. Answer the questions and write about 70-80 words.

• Who did you go with?

• When did you go?

• What was the weather like?


• What did you buy?

• Who did you see while you were in the shop?

• What were they doing?

• What did you say to them?



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Czytanie i reagowanie

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/ 45


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