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I. Przeczytaj tekst. Zdecyduj, czy podane zdania są prawdziwe (TRUE) czy fałszywe (FALSE) wstawiając ( X ).


She's 14, American, and speaks no French at all. But six-foot-tall Kimora Lee Perkins is hot news in Paris. She has become the top model at the Parisian fashion house of Chanel. She owes her famous looks to a Korean mother and a black father. But when she was young, back home in St. Louis, Missouri, she cried when she looked in the mirror and saw how tall she was. `I felt I was different from all the other kids my age,' she explains. Her mother Joanne Perkins, 34, recalls, `Kimora was a miserable child. It was almost impossible for her to feel like other girls of her age, and some girls were cruel. Growing up was a very painful experience for her.'

When she was 11, her mother took her to a local modelling school. She thought modelling would be an interesting job because then she would be with other tall girls. She began to like it very much, and had to learn how to walk and pose to show the clothes at their best.

Chanel chose her because `she has the look of the new century', and now she spends eight to ten hours a day modelling their latest fashions in various parts of the world. `I have to try really hard to keep looking good for the cameras,' she said.



  1. Kimora speaks only French.

  1. She's the top model for Chanel.

  1. When she was young she hated being tall.

  1. Other girls made her unhappy.

  1. Her body hurt a lot when she was young.

  1. Kimora liked modelling a lot.

  1. She learned how nice clothes are.

  1. Chanel chose her because she looks modern.

  1. Kimora works in many countries.

  1. She always finds modelling very easy to do.

II. Przeczytaj poniższe wypowiedzi czterech osób, a następnie odpowiedz na podane pytania (1-6), wpisując odpowiednie literki w kratki obok każdego pytania (A - Justine, B - Ellie, C- Tess, D - Anne)


Justine: Each of us wants to be beautiful and admired by others. But `beautiful' means something different for everyone. Some people prefer being slim while others don't mind plump bodies. All depends on ourselves and we shouldn't imitate images of people who appear on TV or in popular magazines. We can look like we want - it isn't the most important thing in our lives.


Ellie: You don't have to be rich to be fashionable. Fashion is not about expensive clothes and jewellery, it's about being creative. You can make trendy skirts and T-shirts, or whatever you want, to be original - design your own style. That's great fun and you can spend as little money as possible. Maybe one day you'll create a new line of fashion just like Coco Chanel? Just use your imagination!


Tess: You can be fashionable without spending lots of money. Trends in fashion often return, so it won't be a surprise if you find something really fashionable in your attic, among mother's old clothes. Another place where we can find such `treasures' is a second-hand shop. And if you can't find anything anywhere, you can always make some clothes yourself or ask your grandmother.


Anne: I think fashion may ruin your own style. Fashion gurus make people wear the clothes they design and make money on that business. They say: `If you want to be fashionable, you must wear this and you mustn't do that'. Be free and happy with your own style.

Which person / people...

  1. says that other people can help us? 

  2. is very optimistic about the future? 

  3. talks about people's needs? 

  4. encourage us to design our own clothes?  

  5. believes that trends repeat? 

  6. talks about people dictating trends? 



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