leksyka, filologia ang

Heat up - podgrzać, put up with-tollerate sth, laugh at-grim at sb, hit back-take revange, insist on-be persistant about doing sth, Get over-come to turns,pogodzic się z czyms, itch for-be eager to do sth, piss off- get angry,wkurzać, aim at-addressed to, give away-to show ,wyjawiać, put off-it discourages you, put down to- treat sth as a explanation, point out the reasons of sth złożyć na karb czegoś, indulge in-let yourself to do sth nice,luxurious, folgować sobie, bank on-count in sth.

Be promoted- climb on the ladder, get better position in company, Emotional-wzruszony, cheerful-optimistic, at ease-odprężony, tearful-about to cry, disillusioned-dissapointed, unfazed-seemednot to care about anything, contented with-zadowolony/discontented, niggling-slightly but continually painful and annoyin, to niggle-to bother(also psychologically), persistent about doing-determined to do sth inspite of difficulties/to persist, persistently-ciągle, undeterred - not discouraged, firm-very strict, connected with keeping discipline, stanowczy, someone need a firm hand-need to be disciplined, firmness-stanowczosc, aggressiveness-agresja, assertively-asertywnie, to assert-to claim, to maintain, carry off-to win, wear off-loose effect,(pain/feeling/drug wear off) ulatniać sie, keep on the top of things-try to keep control, to keep up with-try to have the same things like someone else, on top of that-in addition, rub sb up the wrong way-annoy, irritate sb,

Carry over into- have influence on sth,rzutować na cos,

Be a feather in one's cap -have another success, have a head in the cloud- day dream, keep up with the Joneses-compete with those around them, steal the show-be in a center of attention, work one's fingers to the bone- work very hard, work one's way up to the top - steadily improve one's position

Get/gain/earn control of a situation, get/gain/win/earn promotion, Win/earn the title, get/gain/win/earn sb's respect, get/gain/win/earn a reputation, gain/win/earn the right to have/do sth, win/earn experience, gain/win- a salary, make/earn-one's living, get/gain-the advantage.

Wear out-to damage sth by using it for a long time, wear off-to subside,lose effect [anger,shock,pain,feeling], wear on-to pass [time,winter,evening], wear down-to weaken [resistance, will], carry on-to continue, carry out-to execute [an order,task], carry over into-to spread into another area of one's life, carry off-to win, inhabited by - live in, plunge into-jump in, dip into, lush-rampant [nature], rare- unique, unheard-of -not seen anywhere else, jagged-ragged, expedition- a long journey, former-previous, extinct-no longer alive, mosque - Muslim temple, luxurious-expensive, posh, descendants-opposite of ancestors, greenery-nature, green areas, trek-wander, primeval-wild and primitive. Up for grabs-avaliable, ready for anyone to take or win, runs contrary to - goes against sth, readily- easy, willingly, stories featuring - stories presenting, loots-money, stolen goods, conducted- carried out, income- money you earn monthly, greeted with raised eyebrows-to make one wonder/surprise, triple-three times more, mortality rate- number of deaths in a period of time, insinuations-suggestions, maintain-assert, claim, to put in time-to devote time, ensuing-later/further/following discussion, vehicle-a car, reveal-the study showed, notch-a degree on a scale, replete with-filled with, full of, purpotedly- supposedly, allegedly, discounted-disregarded,ignored, lay about-do nothing, arise-came up, appeared, the subjects-people or animals to undergo an experiment, tantamount-the same as, column-(magazine) a feature, self-deceptive-person who is very good at deceiving himself. Press coverage-pres report, launch-start introduce on market, outline-sketch, to endow institution with some money-give financial support, be endowed with- have a talent, accounting for- explanation, hereditary factors-handed down from generation to generation, accomplishment-achievement, skill, prodigy-wonder(cud), hinder-to hamper, be attentive-be alert, pushy-not imposing a lot of things, kep your cool-stay calm, clean-cut -(schludny) well-dressed. Get around-move around, make up-constitude, indigenous people- (tubylcy), local people, mingle with-mix with, unwind-relax, the likes of- similar to, exuberant-lively, dance the night away-dance during whole night, backdrop to-background, live it up-have a good time. Valid/invalid-ważny, to issue a new passport-wydać, to expire-be out of date, obtain-uzyska, to forge - podrobić, exchange bureau-kantor, rate of exchange-kurs walut, punch-skasowac bilet, left lagguage office-przechowalnia, lost and found office-biuro rzeczy znalezionych, costoms officer-celnik, customs duty-cło, to go through the cutom-przejsć odprawę.berth-koja na statku, duty-free area-strefa bezcłowa, check in desk-odprawa, isle seat-miejsce przy przejściu, business card-wizytówka, blistering heat-very hot, picturesque-malowniczy, tranquil-spokojny, bleak-ponury, desolate-wyludniony, spires-iglice, barren-nieurodzajny, lofty-wysokie, sand dunes-wydmy, leafy-ulistniony, bustling-very busy, serene-pogodny, secluded-zaciszny. Put down-criticise, be at a loss-być w rozterce, set in-start for good, take a new staff on- to employ, zatrudnić, put back-postpone, go off the rails-start behave in inmoral way, sky is the limit-all opportunities are possible, of the beaten track-not to stick to the track signed to you, as the crow flies-in a straight line, home from home- as cosy as your home is, be all at sea-don't know what to do next.


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