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Closed coils are uscd co make most of che mosaic shapcs uscd in quilling designs. The sizc of the coil will depend upon che length of ehe quilling paper and ehe size of the tool uscd.
5. Usc a clean cocktail stick and gcntly rub the join to make a smooth ftnish.
1. Put the end of the quilling paper inco the slit in the tool head, making surę that it is resting on the collar of the tool. It should not protrudc through the other side of the slit in the head.
2. Gcntly roli the tool guiding the paper on to it by letting it run through the rhumb and indcx finger of your other hand. Do not usc too much cension or you will screw the head off your quilling tool!
3. When you havc finished rolling your piece, turn the tool upsidc-down and lec the coil of paper drop off the tool. You will sec it rclax jusc like a watch-spring.
4. Now usc a wooden cocktail stick to apply a litclc gluc to the open end. Do not rewind the coil in your hands; you are simply closing it.
To make a good coil, the paper musc be evenly rollcd. At first, somc of you will be loosc quillcrs. some will be too ciglu. and some of you will make pyramids, like the one shown herc. bccausc you have an uncvcn tension. However. do not worry, practice makes pcrfect.