Cr- - a bridc a spccial reminder of hcr wcdding day! Materials
P ccc ofshiny siivcr card L. of whitc 12mm (7:in) wide ribbon T» smali whitc sticky labels J-m /sin) quilling paper
r lOmm (9/.t:in or V*in) quilling paper for the r.r-bon roses Ali purposc glue
Voj will need to quill the following:
Ht HOE - approximatcly fifty-two onc-cighth-« p C-shapes (whitc or sikcr-cdgcd whitc)
L;-. ' - wenty onc-eighth-strip teardrop shapes
Sn m> - short strips gltted on their sides
The HORSESHOE Using a soft pcncil, trące the horse-shoe shapc on to a piece of paper and place it pcncil-side down on to the whitc back of the silvcr card. Draw ovcr the pencil linc and remove the tracing paper. Carcfully cut out the horseshoe.
Place one end of the ribbon bchind one sidc of the horseshoe and fix into place with a sticky label (this covcrs the raw edges as wcll). Decide how long you want the ribbon to be, then cut it to size and fix the other end into place.
Rcmcmbcr to write on the back of the horseshoe who it is front befort you start quilling.
Rh- on roses - two 29cm (11Tan) strips