2 12 2007 2 09 05 PM 30
/r/' ■i/tfc/fs/'cccrs-j Sr/t-j
V -c irc many occasions which cali for a card handle with love - thc birth of a baby, a christcning, cedings. First Communions, wcdding annivcrsarics . rcavcments. Herc arc somc idcas for you.

B . :.k greetings card
1 'nim (s/sc.in) or 3mm (‘/sin) quilling paper
Thr,v embroider)’ beads or pcarls and all-purpose gluc
I have used 1.5mm (‘/irin) paper for this design, but you can of course use 3mm (‘/sin) paper, I havc also used pcarls which I bought from an embroider)' shop for the threc flower centres. but you could use pegs instead. The top and bottom laycrs of thc flowers use the same shapes but, for greater impact, I havc used two shades of the same colour for cach flower. You will need co quill thc following:
Flowers - cwenty-four one-sixth-strip cyc shapes - cwclvc onc-sixch-strip teardrop shapes Flower centres - chree beads or pearls, or threc onc-cighth-strip pegs
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