2 12 2007 1 50 30 PM18

2 12 2007 1 50 30 PM18

s/zzłcAzz/y ///' zz/r-jzzzr i/zz/zz-j

Make a number of samc-sizcd closcd coils and thcn pinch them as dcscribcd on the following pages to make a varicty of mosaic shapes.

... When the basie shapc has been formed, pinch all four corncrs to sharpen the shape.

1. Teardrop Hołd a closcd coil in your right hand and pinch the lcft-liand side to make a teardrop shapc. Usc this shapc for some fi owe r petals.

2. Pctal This is a variation of the teardrop shapc, so pinch thc coil as for a teardrop and then turn the pinched end down slightly to curvc the top.

3. Eye Takc thc coil bctwccn thc thumb and indcx fingcr ofboth hands and pinch both sides to make an cyc shapc.

4. I.caf Pinch thc coil as for the eye shape and thcn (still holding thc ends) movc your Icft hand upwards and the right hand downwards to complete the shape.

5.    Star Pinch thc coil as for the eye shape and thcn (still holding thc ends) push thc thnmbs and fingcrs towards cach othcr so that thcy mcct. This makcs lovcły holly with onc-quartcr- or onc-cighth-strip Icngths of papcr.

6.    Square Hołd the coil vcrtically bctwccn your indcx fingcr and thumb ofonc hand, and with your othcr indcx fingcr and thunib, gently close the fingers to form a squarc shapc...

7. Reciangle This is madę in a similar way to thc squarc - your right' hand thunib and fingcr make the longer sides and your other thumb or finger make the short sides. Again, pinch the corncrs sharp after forming.



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