i do hopc that you have cnjoycd this castc of quilling and that you now fccl inspircd co ery your hand at . rcating your own designs.
Inspiracion for quilling designs can eonie front all ores of places. such as wallpaper, embroidery patterns, •otanical paintings and books - tracę thent, kccping
• hc shapes simplc, and then cxpcriment wich sparc picces of <|uilling paper to obtain the look that you A-.int. Do make notes of the lcngths and widths of .uper you use when making your own patterns and i-: cep thesc in a notebook or a loosc-lcaf filc so that you ,.tn find thent again when you want to make a sintilar .iesign. lf you havc madę too many flowers or shapes
• >r a project kccp che excra ones in a box so that you ..in use thent at a later datę. Ifyou want to make a card :t a hurty you will be glad of your ‘bits and picces’ box.
Once you have learnc the basie tcchnicjues and the hapes that you can use. the only boundarics arc those • your intagination. You can make anything front •iny gift tags with a couple ofairy flower buds on thent > a wholc box dcnscly covcred with solid quilling.
Qui!iing can be humerous too. Tbis little pink pig started out Ufie as a blown hen s egg.
Three-diitiensional work can be particularly crcativc: tiy making miniaturę fiowers in tiny quilled pots, or. scrollwork earrings (varnishcd for durabilicy), mobiles and lots ntore.
Lefi: Do letyonr intagination go to work! Herc. / took an acisting pattern for an angel and dereloped it into this candle decoration.
Sonie examples of miniaturę ({uilling. The plantcrs (lefi) were madę for a do/ls bouse. The basket of flowers (below), ar a slightfy larger scalę, was madę to decorate a gltss cabinet.