Fasie n a clcan piece of baking parch men t to your quilling board and draw around a circular objccc, e.g. a jar lid. My circlc was 7cm (2%in) in diamecer.
(iluc thc closed coils together, using the circlc on thc baking parchment as a guide and pins to kecp them in position. Altcrnatc the colours. Stick thc top hanger to the outsidc of the circlc and thc peg hanger dircctly underneath. Then gluc the four whitc coils together, using a straiglu linę as a guide, and altach thc flamc.
Gluc iwo holly lcaves and a berry to cach sidc of thc candle (betwccn thc third and fourth coils) and three berrics in a pyramid shape to thc bottont of the candle. Gluc a holly leaf and berry over thc bottoin coil of the candle and rcpcat this on thc other sidc.
Attach the candle to thc inner top hanger by passing a silver thread through the ccntrc of the peg and thc top of the candle flamc. Tie a knot in thc thread when
thc candle is hanging in the middle of thc circle. Pass another piece of silver thread through the top hanger and make a loop to hang on thc trec.
Do try experimenting. Hm, I have uscd ąuiUing 10 decorate a candle and a paper haubic.