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Blank grcctings card
3mm (‘/sin) quilling paper
You will need to quill the following:
Pf.tals - ten one-quartcr-strip closed coils
- thirteen one-quartcr-strip teardrops CENTRES - five one-eighth-strip closed coils LtAVES - cight onc-quartcr-strip leaf shapcs BUTTERFLY body - one one-eighth-strip body shapc Wincs - foiir one-quarter-strip teardrops Antennak - a short strip rolled into a V-shapc
Making up the design
The crketinc I am a great believer in mixing and matching crafts and in this casc the grecting has bccn done using a brass stencii and the cechnique known as embossing on paper. You can omit the greeting if you like, or perhaps your ha.ndwriting is better chan minę and you can write it on. The other altcrnativc is to tracę the grecting. tum the paper over and scribble on the back and then'place it on your card and tracę over it again - this way you can sec,the ominie of the grecting and perhaps usc a gold pen to write ovcr it. \Vhichcvcr way you choosc, the greeting has to be put on bcforc the guilling.
The quiuić DESIGN Make up each iflower completely on the quilling board. then the buttcrfly without its antcnnac. Arrange theseon to your card and then stick them down by rolling the cocktail stick into the glue and then ovcr the back of each piece. Glue down the antcnnac and glue the leavcs into place.