RPWI IL-5 H-2 nioomoUrt LAK et
lOOnfl/ml <xVy ot Ctftuied cuawruUnt
nouul Lv
Pij. 1. C.Semairtk ocmity l<x h>»mar. onio^ihlh ia luptiaaian* of LAK cdi culiurei 1L-S w» UK<i »i poi iuvc cor.utf. Suptriutairt of LAK «ll oiUu»« wa» oł u.ncJ fctai 3 X lO*/ml l>t»phxy:c» inrabrtcd with 1000 unlw/(r.J 1L-2 fer 3 d»y. w 37' C. Roulu »rc oprewed ai mear. Rumber of mijjatri oritł m 10 bigh-pw.tr 6dd« (HPF) ± SEM of 'ripikatc otperimtnt*.