Lesson p068
Onde estd (o) nosso Where is our brother? irmdo?
Onde estd (o) seu Where is your (their)
irmdo? brother?
Where is my sister?
Onde estd (a) minha irmd?
Onde estd (a) sua irmd?
Onde estd (a) nossa irmd?
Onde estd (a) sua irmd?
Where is your (his, her) sister?
Where is our sister?
Where is your (their) sister?
Where are my gloves?
Onde estdo (os) meus chapeus?
Onde estdo (os) seus chapśus?
Onde estdo (os) nossos chapeus?
Onde estdo (os) seus chapeus?
Onde estdo (as) minhas luvas?
Onde estdo (as) suas luvas?
Onde estdo (as) nossas łuvas?
Onde estdo (as) suas luvas?
Where are my hats?
Where are your (his, her) hats?
Where are our hats?
Where are your (their) hats?
Where are your (his, her) gloves?
Where are our gloves?
Where are your (their) gloves?
4. It’s Minę
There are two forms, one without the definite article and stressing the possessor:
a. £meu. It’smine.
£ seu. It’s yours (his, hers).
£ nosso. Ifs ours.
£ seu. It’s yours (theirs).
b. and one with the definite article, indicating the possessor, but with some thought on the object
£ o meu. It’s minę.
£ o seu. It’s yours (his, hers).
£ o nosso. It’s ours.
£ o seu. It’s yours (theirs).
Other Examples:
Meus amigos e os seus. Seu livro e melhor ąue o nosso.
De quem e a Ima?—£ minka.
Notice the form of after a preposition:
My friends and yours. Your book is better than ours.
Whose glove is this?—
It’ś minę.
Le pronoun when it comes
para mim (para ti) para ele comela
(for you) (familiar) for him with her
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