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Right from his first days as the Ikon Man.Tony Siark was doggcd by industrial espionagc agent, the Spymaster. Initially working with a team of assistants known as the Espionagc Elito, Spymaster madę rcpcated effbrts to obtain Stark Industries’seerets. Each time he was thwarted. cach time he cscapcd. and each time he sought and found a new etnployer. Zodiac,
SI HELI), and Madame Mas<>ul all employed Spymaster but it was Stark s archfoe Justin Hammer who benefited most. Shortly bcforc Spymastcr*s death at the hands of rival spy the Ghost, he had obtained sonie old Iron Man blueprints. The Guardsmcn built froin these were to dog Stark s lifc for months. AD
The Squadron Supremę is a force of superhuman champions inhabiting the Earth of an altcrnate reality. They have crossed paths with the Av»>n<;krs many times, including an carly team-up to cradicate the evil influence of the serpent-god Sets Serpent Crown.
The Squadron Supreme facet! their greatest challenge when the Overmind and Nuli the Łiyińg Darkuess conijuered their planet. Hyperion escaped to mainstream Earth and reeruited the Dłi endkrs, who suććessfiilly defcated the Overmind. The damage to their worki from the Overmind war was so great that the Squadron Supreme implemented the Utopia Program, seizing coiurol of the government and forcibly implcmenting new methods of policing and social engineering. Nichtiiawk left the Squadron in protest, and organized the Kedeemers to act as a rcbel insurgency. The Redeemcrs forcetl the Squadions surrender, and the two groups dismantled the Utopia Program. The Squadron Supreme later became marooned on mainstream Earth, where they adwntured alongside Quasar.
The Squadron has now successftilly libcrated their own world from the grip of variou$ monolithic corporations who were seeking to gain control of the planet. DW
FIRST APPEARANCE r<xi Man #33 (January 1971)
REALNAME Unrevealed
OCCUPATION Industnal spy BASE Mobile
HEIGHT 6 ft WEIGHT 19510$ EYES Blue HAIR Blonde
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Master ol disguise; oxcept>onal
hand-to-hand combatant; brilliant sabotour; expert with all kinds of
hi-tech weoponry. buHetproof costume; used hoverjet for transport.
Flight. enhanced sirongth. super-speed. near-mvulnerabillty. atomie vision.
Enhanced strength, able to livo underwater al ocean depths. DOCTOR SPECTRUM
Power pnsm permits flight and the projection of hard-energy objeets.
Unsurpassed skill with a bow and arrow.
Brilliant strategist. top-ievei
POWER PRINCESS Enhanced strength. skilled wanrtor.
BASE SquadronCity
Avengers V&. 1 985 (March 1971)
Squadron Supreme
St. Lawrence, Col.
FIRST APPEARANCE locredibłe Hulk VW. 2 *446 (October 1996) REAL NAME Cotonel Cary St. Lawrence OCCUPATION US Anny officec BASE Mobile HEIGHT'WEIGHT Unr©veaiod EYES Brown HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Sk.llod rn.litary strateglst. highly tramed athlete. adept with variety of weaponry.
When she was a cadet at West Point academy. General “Thunderbolt” Ross was dismissive about Cary St. I.awrenees chances of a succcssful career in the military. Inspired to work even harder to prove him wrong. Cary graduated third in her class.
Assigned to capture the Hulk, Cary proved to be unusually effectivc in her dealings with the green ftend.At first she favored brute force during her encounters with the crcature. but soon came to realizc that there was no point in employing strong-arm tactics: after all. the I laik only got morę powerful the angrier he betainę. She thus began to use morę subtle approachcs to subdue the creature. Perhaps all the 1 Iulk has ever needed is a womans toueh... AD
1 TomTbufTib 2 WhZZCf 3 Nuke 4 Redstonc 5 Sńape 0 Power Princess 7 Hyperion 0 Lamproy 9 Doctor Spectrum 10 r'e‘0X 11 A'.:.I 12 BłueFórfl* 13 Bla - ArchC" ł4 A[y- X