«fct«h w pkłtJ oot wirfł a rad
(fdw j Am w Plara «4 ■ Frmch.
ns lar ««7 Mm ia chi
r Ó9f *c o** m. (jo x «4 in.)
chat ■ likcljr to be to as w*H. Thetc comroUtd. fiom thc Hond compoution of thc Nahcr-
Nbi% Pub rfc; <bui «yoo.
Eubmd mś A ani pi tar. thc parni ph aa a <łark and lighi bitw ground. Probably fbcach Sm da mmc nuoM es ihc pand sbown in Plaar 45.
Dimni.naa 0-7+ ■ <r*t aa (30x0410.)
Matom dna cf abouc I6S5 cotcred wńh gik leatho chat ts hand-punchcd and bas a pa— ptn dred wid» a tage-grten floefc. The rod lina aic fermed by »dwi tri—inp łn ihc field of tnmłn. tymcnctricaJ panom with vascs aic mainly associatcd with luly and M mwarnh gnany ba tuch a succcwful formula was no doubt adopted dscwhcrc in Fłandm, fiu imane*. Indced. thas leatho could well be Flcmnh or Dnach. The Iow MBmg cfda lor mełn 00 ifae chair suggots a is cf Ncthoiandśh origin and noc Engliih, Dsmenoom: hcigbt o-jó m. (22 in.)
S#Nt Wdfiu Ifim. Esmx
Durch or Frcnch; abouc 1700.
Embomed wńh a hcaicd metal place, the penem gile and wńh painted dcuits on a paineed groond. The'(ooling* is timilar to (hat on the pand shown in Place 4d.
Dimcmions: 0*71 x 0*51 m. (af x ao in.)
Ra/*ł SsHŚsS Mmmm, ffiibr/b
Dnach (?); latc seventeenth ecncuiy.
Embomed wńh a beated metal place, the panem bring gik wńh soochcs of colom on a black and **hńe painsrd gremtd.
The cherub in che centrę links chi* panem wńh che Ducch group disemsed *n ihc povwm iccbon (tg. Place 16) alchouah herc che figurę has had co be kept uprigbc Co confonn wnh che miały wrticaJ and symmetrical character of ehe łlace-panerm\ The crown » ofa djs-dnaóc słupc and d»e modfi vńible in che four cocncn are cunous: chey seem to reprwenc die Elrmrna
Diuunuoot: P-75 * 0-60 m (ap| * “■)