The cdges round ihe foraul padem an douly limilar co dwie co be seen on Tace-paoctncd’ woven ulk nuierult ofaboui 17OJ-IO.
Dimennoas: 1-10x0*71 m. (41I ■ il| in.)
Now in che Dining Room m ihe Mutłt fAairmbmrf, Utgt. Ic ii noc cctuin when u camc 10 ihe hooie but n probably noc origiiul. Pouibly Malina work.
Pisie 64
Ptołnbły Fleoiuh; sccond qciartcr of che cightctmh ceniury.
Hanging coaipnung eighc paneli, four being invmcd. prodoced wiih mcul piata, che panem being gik widi polycnrome flowen on a daik giren panem. There U alao a maiching oorder (noc vinble herc).
Th** design it noc 100 wdl drawn włuch suggrus il conws from a minor cenne. Pcrhapi ii wat madę in imicabon ofNcthctlanditli panam in Spoin whac che leatha indiuoy probably enjoyed a unall icviva] in che mid-ilih ceniury.
Oimemions (eaehpand): 0*76* o-fli m (jox 14 In.)
Mbw Ntritmel Je Ariet Deesrihai, Msirii PUkSusaib
Provetuncc nnknown; mid-cighiecnth ceniury.
This fine gili leaihcr ii hand-eooled; no embooing widi moulds or plam has bccn uicd. The technique is an tarły one bul ihe panem clcarly indicam chat ihii pand was prodneed in che eightcench cenimy and compariton wiih ccnain bold daigm for sdk-dainaski 10 be woven ar Spńalfiddi. London, aboui 1740, tuggests chai dró n aho ibe appronmair daar cf che leaiber. Indeed, 11 nuy wdl be English. Four panek nced ao bejoincd in orda co peoduce a repeat. The lowcr phmograph lhowt a tcconstrucuon ofdic compłac dcńgn.
Dimcnsions: o*66 x 0-50 m. (26 x 19J in.) yktsnseai Albert Ąfcw, London
Platbs 62-70
Thac iccmi bclong to che laa importom phae in the hiicory of gili leaihcr which laued from aboui 1690 umil 1760 or to. Silk mairriali were bccoming chcą per and new texules likc the paimed Indian tbblt, and Europcan primed eonom bccamc available. The fuhion chongcd and gili leaihcr was nor much uicd ouuide Holland afier aboui 1720 or to. Howcvcr, ii tlili eonanued 10 be madę 01 the chief ccntrct, albcil in deerrating amounts.
Imitaiiom of wovcn silks condnued to appear (Plam 65 and 69) and the panem thown in Platę 63 mira 10 be bascd on ihai of an Indian painted coiton pslsmpsrr. The prewnee of rotsdle molik indicate adateołter aboui 1735 when che Rococo tryle fint nudę itt proper break-through (Platę 66).
Any group of leaiher panek cóuld ofcounc be mounied as a scrccn bul many tciccnt oflhis lype have probably been madę up wiih whal were originally wall-hangingj. Spccial MU of gili leathen wen, howevcr, often produccd for moundng aa tereens during che fint iwo ihirdi of the cightcenih ceniury (Plam 6*a and b). A panoramie eflect was produccd when ihe paneli were