62109 IMGS11

62109 IMGS11


Account* somvu* at Dyrham Puk. J* Ba*, rfsow ^ lca*« pjmd. w«r hur^ ma •do. thcrc in ehe wmnm of ryoa cr *701. and «»»* “*•* *^n *bou« 5 thirbng.. The

poocbihowohewawscdlin the room for whichtheywere madę, but have bom iwłmng,

Dwsemion (®cb pand): o-li x 0 02 m. (ja * *4*

Pyt*— M.mtorBsA. Soamet

Ofonknown origin; lace scvenc*ench cencury.

A pand emboaed wkh a wooden mould, the silvercd ground hang amamented wiś, umuUttd looling. The fiidlLmes arc błack and &3ver, and red and silvcr; che ocher flowm beiag edoured wich a red glazc whflc ehe foliage u glazed grccn.

Thit pand u Icm compccendy drawn and exccutcd chan che undoubccdly Ducch picco iDuscraced In Piaces 14-38 and may havc been madę cichcr in somc minor Ducch wocuhop or, whac u morę likcly, ar aomc ocher cencre where che kacher-gilders wcrc seeking to ca»h in on che Ducch succcsc wkh cuch designs.

Dimcnsaom: o-tfóx 0*51 m. (aóx 21 in.)

Yutaru md Alkrt Multum, London

pyt 40

Ducch; sccond haJfof che aevenceench cencury.

Parć of a Large pand (an cxamplc is in che Rijksmuscum, Amsterdam) emboned wkh a wooden mould. Now much darkened buc wich (raccs ofeolour, and gflt.

Thii findy worked fragment show mg Mdcager wich che head of che Całydonian Boar has a smali *nakcd boy* ac the top rcmrrócmc of chose on che rich Ducch Icathen illustratcd in Haces 14-38. Ic is dearły a Baroque design buc may perhaps be carlicr chan the morę ebulbcnr pattetns jusc menboned. Noce the smali fijpuc of a fox in che cmbossed band. Dśmensaons: che figurę af Mdcager is 0-37 m. (14} in.) high.

Vk!otk oni Albert Muteum, London Pi* 4*

Perhaps Engltth; about 1690 (?)

Pands fion Ivy House, Worccstcr, wich akcmadng gflr leachcr (Icft) and red flock wall-waflpaper (righc). The laner has a 'lacc-pattern' similar co chose toand on the leachen dknaaccd in che nexc sccrioo. The leachcr wich ‘nakcd boys* and fcscoons of fruk has obyious afiimba wńh the Ducch pacceras reproduced in che prcccding piaces buc is much simpltócd. It could possibly be an English rendering of such a patiem.

The leather is embossed wkh a wooden mould. The panem is now diseoloured brown buc was probably golden: che ground is grey. The execution is poor.

Dimcmiona (leachcr): 1*35 x o* ja m. (53 x aof in.)

Yuiorio and Albtrt Multum, Lmdon



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