ABSTRACT. Piorunek Magdalena, Projektowanie przyszłości edukacyjno-zawodowej w okresie adolescencji IProjecting educational and Professional futurę during odolescencel. Poznań 2004. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza (Adam Mickiewicz University Press). Pp. 267. Seria Psychologia i Pedagogika nr 118. ISBN 83-232-1365-8. ISSN 0083-4254. Text in Polish with a summary in English.
Thi8 book is a theoretical and empirical study and shows the specificity of the process of making choices of the paths of education and of decision-making of futurę careers in the perspective of adolescence. The context of these problems is a survey of young people’s orientations conceming their futurę lives during the period of social and economic transformations, indicating their attitude to education and work and the selected themes of the theory of projecting educational and professional futurę which is widespread in the European and American literaturę of the subject. An empirical reflection of the problems discussed by the author can be found in a report from longitudinal and transverse studies of young people during the thresholds in the educational system, which was realised using quantitative and qualitative research techniques. The result of these verifications are conclusions for biographic counselling, which in traditional terminology is called the vocational counselling.
Magdalena Piorunek, Zakład Podstaw Wychowania i Opieki, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, ni. Szamarzewskiego 89, 60-568 Poznań - Poland.
Recenzent: prof. dr hab. Mirosław Szymański © Copyright by Magdalena Piorunek 2004
Projekt okładki: Ewa Wąsowska Redaktor: Elżbieta Kostecka
Redaktor techniczny: Dorota Borowiak Korektor Katarzyna Szach
ISBN 83-232-1365-8 ISSN 0083-4254
WYDAWNICTWO NAUKOWE UNIWERSYTETU IM ADAMA MICKIEWICZA W POZNANIU UL F. NOWOWIEJSKIEGO 55. 61-734 POZNAŃ. TEL (061) 829 39 85. FAX (061) 829 39 80 httpV/main.amu.edu.pl/-press e-mail: press^amu.edu.pl
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