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The use of Lower Silesian serpentinite in the pro-duction of stone implements, chiefly axes, has becn proved by fmds already madę at the turn of the 19th-20th cent. The were mainly so-called Ślęża axes‘*. Thor-oughly examined as regards their typologicał and chro-nological classification and identified as regional Silesian (Lower Silesian) products they were linked with so far undiscovered lithic workshops — using raw materia! found in that area — probably existing in the bro-adly perceived Ślęża Rangę3. Besidcs the ascertainment that particular objects were madę from serpentinite, no detailed studies of the localization of serpentinite extraction sites, explotation techniąues or places of
♦ See notes to Polish text.
treatment have been carried out so far. General state-ments that serpentinite objects were produccd from mi-nerals occurring in the Ślęża region failed to elucidate the problem sińce the rangę of serpentinite deposits in the Ślęża region suitable for exploitation embraces an area of about 80-100 sq.km. This is an area too cxten-sive to pin-point spots of intentional activity such as extraction sites of the minerał. The identification of serpentinite extraction sites has been additionally com-plicated by the fact that the minerał occurs not only in the Ślęża region but also in the Niemcza dislocation zonę where its deposists stretch for scveral kilometres in the region of Szklary. It also appears south-west of Ząbkowice Śląskie and smaller deposits have been observed on the north-eastern slopes of the Bardo Mountains and in the vicinity of Brzeźnica.