tassements et affaissements causes par des pompages excessifs. Lei encore, le gouverne-ment a fait appel a vous et le Ministre de la Science et de la Technologie vous dćcerne une medaille.

Je suis convaincu que la societć est maintenant en de bonnes mains.

Mon Cher MASAMI FUKUOKA, le symbole d'autorit6 du Prdsident est un marteau. Comme vous le savez, il est fait du bois d'un pieu en bois servant de fondation li une eglise norvśgienne datant du Ile siacie. II a d£j& fait son tour du monde A Paris, Montreal, Mexico, Moscou. Bientot, vous le ramenerez a son berceau en Scandinavie au lOe Congres.

Prof. FUKUOKA/ je suis heureux de vous trans-mettre ce symbole avec toutes mes vives f£licitations et mes meilleurs voeux.

Professor M. Fukuoka

Mr. Chairman, Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen. First of all, I would like to thank Professor Kerisel for his thoughtful remarks about the Organizing Committee.

It is a greab honor for me to stand before you as the new President of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. And I am grateful to the Execu-tive Committee for having faith in me.

On behalf of all the members of the International Society, I would like to take this opportunity to thank President Kerisel for his excellent management of the International Society for the past four years. He showed us that the International Society has no border, no racism, and we are united in one profession having the duty to promote the peace and welfare of the mankind, and this duty is extremely important.

The next International Conference is to be held in Sweden in 1981. In Sweden, there is a ąuick clay known as the glacier clay. In Sweden they have been engaged in advanced studies on the analytical methods of slope stability and have developed their own tech-nologies such as card-board drains. I do not think it is necessary to say that they also have beautiful forests and lakes for sight-seeing.

Now allow me to say a few words as the President of the Japanese Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. First of all, I would like to express our sincere gratitude to the overseas and domestic parti-cipants. Your participation is essential for the success of the Conference.

Then I would like to thank the key-role members of the Conference, that is, the Chairmen and General Reporters of the Main Sessions and the Organizers of the Specialty Sessions, and many others assisting in conducting technical sessions. I am proud to say that the Tokyo Conference has been successful. However, we would not have been able to make this Conference successful without these key-role members.

I am also grateful to the members of the Conference Advisory Committee who have sup-ported us for the past four years. They are the President - Professor Kerisel, the Secretary General - Professor Nash, the Vice President for Asia - Dr. Za-Chieh Moh, and the Secretary General to the Moscow Conference - Dr. Chetyrkin.

My thanks are also extended to many members of the Organizing Committee. They are Mr. Togashi - Chairman, Mr. Onouchi - Vice Chair-man, Mr. Atsumi - Chairman of the Fund Raising Committee, and the members of the Sub-Committees.

As you know, this Conference is sponsored by both the Science Council of Japan and the Japanese Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. As the President of the JSSMFE, I would like to thank Professor Ochi, President of the Science Council of Japan.

You may be well aware that the Tokyo Conference has come at the time of a world-wide economical depression. In spite of these difficulties, I must say we are fortunate to have received so much financial support from various sources in Japan. Last but not least, I would like to express our sincere gratitude to these many enthusiastic sup-porters.

We hope to see you again in Stockholm in 1981, and say "God dag."

Mme. J. Kerisel

Mesdames, Mesdemoiselles, Messieurs, Je ne vous cacherai pas une certaine inqui£tude de ma part quand m'a śt£ confiśe la mission de remercier devant un auditoire aussi large, les dames japonaises, organisatrices du Congres. Mais grSce & leur initiative, chaque jour a £te rempli de si passionnantes dścouvertes que c'est un reel plaisir de leur exprimer ici toute ma gratitude au nom de notre groupe feminin.

Sous des directives expertes, celles de Mrs. ADACHI entre autres, nous avons appris a composer des bouquets de faęon plus artistique et plus originale.

Au village de Bonsai, beaucoup de decouvertes non moins attachantes nous attendaient: les poupees japonaises aux somptueux costumes,

puis les diffśrentes phases de leur confec-tion auxquelles 1'artisan nous proposait de nous essayer. Apr&s avoir admire ces merveilles de 1'artisanat local, le groupe a retrouve la splendeur des jardins japonais qui dans leur immensite contrastent avec ces arbres, ces plantes miniaturisdes dont les Japonais ont le secret.

Dimanche, le Mont Fuji que chacun souhaite



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