Shoulć we consider secondary stresses, by E- Godfrey. Canadian engineer, Toronto, May 19, 1925, v. 48, no. 20, p. 495-98. illus.

Graphische tafeln fUr festigkeitsrechnungen, von V. Werner.

Werkstattstechnik, Berlin, July 1, Aug. 15, Sep. 1, 1922, v. 16, no. 16, 16, 17, p. 573-77; 475-80; 502-06. diagrs.

Structural analysis and design of the aeroplane, by B.C. Boulton. Aerial age, New York, Aug. 2-16, 1920, v. 11, p. 710-12, 742-44, 775-77.

Determination of stresses in wire ropę as applied to modern en-ginecring problems, by J. F. Howe. Transactions of the A.S.M.E., New York, Dec. 1918, v. 40, p. 1016-21.

Notę on stresses in built-up rectangular bodies aue to *radder forces, by A. Klemin and W.B. Ford. Aviation and aeronau-tical engineering, New York, Mar. 1, 1917, v. 2, no. 3, p. 142-43. diagrs., tables.

Elementary stresses. Flight, London, Nov. 22, 1913, v. 5, no. 47, p. 1282.


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