Prace oryginalne
Mikol. Lek. 2001, 8 (1): 7-12
ISSN 1232-986X
Circulating antibodies against Trichophyton rubrum antigens
in sera of patients with tinea
Kr¹¿¹ce przeciwcia³a przeciw antygenom Trichophyton rubrum u chorych na grzybice skóry
Eugeniusz Baran, Anita Hryncewicz-Gwód, Rafa³ Bia³ynicki-Birula, Ewa Plomer-Niezgoda, Maria Cis³o,
Katarzyna Pó³grabia-Szwedo
Katedra i Klinika Dermatologii i Wenerologii AM we Wroc³awiu
It was assumed that exposition to the mycotic antigen in the course of the mycotic infection leads to the humoral response.
The purpose of the study was to examine whether circulating IgG and IgM antibodies against T. rubrum antigens detected by immunoblotting
(SDS-PAGE) are present in the sera of patients with skin or nail mycosis. Another aim of our project was to compare the occurrence of various types of
antibodies IgG and IgM against mycotic antigens in patients with mycosis with the antibody profile of the healthy subjects (control group) and of the
patients with atopic dermatitis (AD).
Material and methods: 35 patients with skin or nail fungal infection were examined. Mycosis was confirmed in direct examination and by culture.
T. mentagrophytes was found in 11, T. rubrum in 6, M. canis in 3, C. albicans in 10, Scopulariopsis brevicaulis in 2 cases. Geotrichum candidum
was present in 1 patient. The cultures of 2 patients were negative. The control group consisted of 25 healthy subjects and 19 patients with atopic der-
matitis. Immunoblotting was applied as a very sensitive method allowing to determine antibodies against various antigens of the ethanol extract of
T. rubrum cultures (exoantigens). Fischers test was used for statistical evaluation of the study results.
Results: Antibodies against various T. rubrum antigens were found in the examined sera. The most frequent antibodies were those against antigens of
molecular weight 29.5 kD and 25.7 kD, and against two groups of antigens of molecular weight about 17.8 kD and about 8.9 kD. Antibodies against
25.7 kD antigen were present in the majority of examined subjects: patients with mycosis (31 out of 35), patients with atopic dermatitis (18 out of
19), and healthy subjects (24 out of 25). Antibodies against 29.5 kD antigen were present in 20 of 34 examined patients with mycosis, only in 2 sub-
jects in the control group and in 4 with atopic dermatitis. The frequency of these antibodies appearance was statistically higher in patients with myco-
sis than in the healthy subjects and in patients with atopic dermatitis. Antibodies against 8.9 kD antigen group were present more frequently in
patients with mycosis than in the control group or patients with atopic dermatitis.
Conclusions: 1. Presence of antibodies against antigens of molecular weight 25.7 kD in majority of examined subjects, both suffering from mycosis and
healthy ones, may be a proof of a wide spread of fungi in the environment, or cross-reactivity with common antigens. 2. Antibodies against antigens
with molecular weight 29.5 kD seem to be specific in cases of mycoses (p<0.05). These mycotic antigens induce cross-reactions against various
Key words: Trichophyton rubrum, immunoblotting, IgG, IgM
Za³o¿ono, ¿e w wyniku zaka¿enia Trichophyton rubrum dochodzi do powstania swoistej odpowiedzi humoralnej.
Cel pracy: Zbadanie, czy wystêpuj¹ swoiste kr¹¿¹ce przeciwcia³a IgG i IgM skierowane przeciw antygenom T. rubrum u chorych na grzybice skóry
i/lub paznokci.
Materia³ i metody: Poniewa¿ u chorych na atopowe zapalenie skóry (AZS) czêsto wystêpuj¹ infekcje, grzybicze, które mog¹ przebiegaæ bezobja-
wowo lub sk¹poobjawowo, utworzono dwie grupy kontrolne. W sk³ad pierwszej wchodzi³y osoby zdrowe (25 badanych), a drugiej chorzy na AZS
(19 pacjentów). Przebadano 35 pacjentów z grzybic¹ skóry i/lub paznokci stóp. Grzybice potwierdzono bezporednim badaniem mikologicznym oraz
hodowl¹. Uzyskano nastêpuj¹ce hodowle: T. mentagrophytes 11 przypadków, T. rubrum 6, M. canis 3, C. albicans 10, Scopulariopsis brevi-
caulis 2, Geotrichum candidum 1. U 2 chorych wynik hodowli by³ ujemny, ale wobec jawnych objawów klinicznych i stwierdzenia grzybni w bada-
niu bezporednim w³¹czono te osoby do grupy badanej. W badaniach u¿yto bardzo czu³ej i swoistej metody immunoblotingu (SDS-PAGE), umo¿liwiaj¹-
cej wykrycie kr¹¿¹cych przeciwcia³ w niskich mianach. Jako antygenu u¿yto ekstraktu glikolowego z substancji uwalnianych z hodowli p³ynnej T. ru-
brum na pod³o¿u Sabourauda. Do obliczeñ statystycznych u¿yto dwustronnego testu Fischera.
Eugeniusz Baran et al.
Mikol. Lek. 2001, 8 (1)
Infections caused by dermatophytes are limited to the
keratin layer of the epidermis, hair and nails. Both in the
acute and chronic infections immunological response
develops. Specific and unspecific reactivity reactions are
present. Specific reactivity to dermatophyte antigens has
been the subject of multiple in vitro and in vivo studies so
far. Cellular response was shown to play an outstanding
role to control dermatophyte infection (1), but in the sera
of infected patients antibodies against the fungal antigens
were also demonstrated. Circulating antibodies were
determined by various methods, and therefore the results
of the studies are equivocal. Frequency of specific anti-
bodies in the sera of patients with dermatophyte infection
was shown to be from 10% to even 100% (2-7). Derma-
tophytes are characterised by the complex structure of
mycelium and the secreted substances. The antibody
composition of one dermatophyte strain may differ de-
pending on the duration of the culture, growth conditions
like the type of the medium or temperature (8). Modern
methods were applied to evaluate the biochemical structure
of dermatophyte extracts in the recent studies. Electro-
phoretic diffusion of Trichophyton mentagrophytes myce-
lium extract showed 25 bands that corresponded with the
proteins of molecular weight from 98 to 12 kD. 17 of those
25 proteins were found to stimulate the immunological
response in immunized animals (9).
The aim of our study was to evaluate the occurrence
of the antibodies against individual elements of the anti-
gens extracted by T. rubrum. Those antigens were at first
divided by the electrophoretic diffusion on the polyacry-
lamid gel (SDS-PAGE). Another aim of the project was to
examine whether the population of patients with mycoses
differs from the population of healthy subjects and the
group of patients with the atopic dermatitis (AD) as far as
the production of those antibodies is concerned. Patients
with AD were included in the study as this group of pa-
tients is very susceptible to various infections, also the
fungal ones. The humoral response to dermatophyte anti-
gens in this group of patients seemed extremely interesting.
Materials and methods
35 patients with skin and/or nail mycosis, aged 17-
-84 (mean age 45.2) were studied. 13 patients were
females (mean age 38.4), 22 males (mean age 51.4).
19 patients with atopic dermatitis aged 17-52 (mean age
31.9) were also studied. Mycosis was confirmed by the
direct examination and by the culture. Following cultures
were obtained: T. mentagrophytes (11 cases), T. rubrum
Wyniki: W badanych surowicach stwierdzono wystêpowanie przeciwcia³ przeciw wielu antygenom T. rubrum. Ustalono, ¿e najczêciej wystêpuj¹ce prze-
ciwcia³a s¹ skierowane przeciwko antygenom o masie cz¹steczkowej 29,5 kD, 25,7 kD oraz grupie antygenów o masach bliskich 17,8 kD i 8,9 kD. Wyka-
zano, ¿e przeciwcia³a przeciw antygenowi o masie 25,7 kD wystêpuj¹ u wiêkszoci badanych, zarówno u chorych na grzybice (31 sporód 35 badanych),
chorych na AZS (18 sporód 19 badanych), jak i u osób zdrowych (24 sporód 25 badanych). Przeciwcia³a przeciwko antygenowi o masie 29,5 kD
stwierdzono u 20 na 34 badanych pacjentów z grzybic¹ oraz jedynie u 2 osób z grupy kontrolnej i 4 chorych na AZS. Wykazano ró¿nicê statystycznie
istotn¹ (p<0,05) miêdzy wystêpowaniem tych przeciwcia³ u pacjentów z grzybic¹ a grup¹ kontroln¹ i chorych na AZS. U chorych z grzybic¹ równie¿ czê-
ciej ni¿ w grupie kontrolnej i u chorych na AZS wystêpowa³y przeciwcia³a przeciw grupie antygenów o masie 8,9 kD.
Wnioski: Wystêpowanie przeciwcia³ przeciw antygenowi o masie 25,7 kD u wiêkszoci badanych osób, zarówno cierpi¹cych na grzybice, jak i wolnych od
tej infekcji, mo¿e wiadczyæ o szerokim rozpowszechnieniu grzybów w rodowisku lub o krzy¿owej reaktywnoci z powszechnie wystêpuj¹cymi antygena-
mi. Przeciwcia³a przeciw antygenowi o masie 29,5 kD wydaj¹ siê specyficzne dla infekcji grzybiczych (p<0,05), a ich oznaczanie mo¿e staæ siê praktycz-
nym testem serologicznym potwierdzaj¹cym infekcje grzybicze. Antygen ten ma w³aciwoci wywo³ywania reakcji krzy¿owej u chorych z grzybic¹ spowo-
dowan¹ przez ró¿ne rodzaje grzybów.
S³owa kluczowe: Trichophyton rubrum, immunobloting, IgG, IgM
Antibodies against specific antigens of T. rubrum extract
Przeciwcia³a przeciw specyficznym antygenom ekstraktu T. rubrum
29.5 kD
25.7 kD
17.8 kD
8.9 kD
antigen group
Patients with
Chorzy na
Patients with
caused by:
Chorzy na
T. mgr
T. rubrum
M. canis
C. albicans
Control group
Table I: The occurrence of antibodies against specific antigens of T. rubrum extract (29.5
kD, 25.7 kD, 17.8 kD, 8.9 kD) in the sera of patients with mycoses, atopic dermatitis
and in healthy control group
Tabela I: Wystêpowanie przeciwcia³ przeciw specyficznym antygenom ekstraktu T. rubrum
(29,5 kD, 25,7 kD, 17,8 kD, 8,9 kD) w surowicy chorych na grzybice, atopowe
zapalenie skóry i u osób zdrowych
Circulating antibodies against Trichophyton rubrum antigens in sera of patients with tinea
(6 cases), M. canis (3 cases), C. albicans (10 cases),
Scopulariopsis brevicaulis (2 cases), Geotrichum can-
didum (1 case). In 2 patients the culture turned out to be
negative. The duration of mycotic infection varied
from 3 weeks to 35 years. Mycotic infection was found in
3 patients with atopic dermatitis and these patients were
included in the group of patients with tinea and exluded
from AD group.
The control group consisted of 25 healthy subjects
aged 21-52 (mean age 33). None of the subjects decla-
red any symptoms of mycosis in anamnesis as well as
any features of dermatomycoses were revealed in physi-
cal examination.
The preparation of the extract of T. rubrum was done
according to Garg et al. method (9). The supernatant of
the 4-week culture on the liquid Sabouraud medium was
filtered trough the Whatmann 3 filter paper. Filtrate was
20 times condensed by the method of ultrafiltration, then
rinsed with 2 volumes of distilled water and enriched with
95% ethanol to achieve the 80% concentration solution.
The precipitate was kept for 42 hours in the temperature
of 4°C and mixed incessantly, then centrifuged at 6000
rotations per min. for 30 minutes. The sediment was dis-
solved in 60 ml demineralised distilled water, centrifuged
at 2000 rotations per min. in order to obtain the insoluble
particles, which were finally lyophylized. Antibodies were
determined by immunoblotting according to Laemmlis
method (10). 12% separating gel and 4% condensing gel
(gel composision: acrylamid/bisacrylamid 30:0.8) were
used for elecrophoresis. The antigen was reduced in
100°C for 4 min. under 5 times concentrated experimen-
tal buffer. 40 µg of antigen was added to each well.
Electrophoresis duration was 1 hour, the voltage 200 V,
and buffer of pH 8.3 was applied. The separated antigen
was transferred to nitrocellulose and incubated with the
examined sera after their dilution 1:1000. The examined
antibodies were demonstrated by means of the rabbit
antibodies against the human IgG and IgM coniugated
with alkaline phosphatase (DAKO) in the concentration
1:2000. Substrates NCT and BCIP (SIGMA) were used
for colour reaction. Fischers test was used for statistical
evaluation of the study results.
The occurrence of antibodies against several antigens
of T. rubrum was shown in the studied sera. Antibodies
against antigens of the molecular weight of 29.5 kD and
25.7 kD and against the antigen group of molecular
weight of 17.8 kD and 8.9 kD were found to be most fre-
quent. It was demonstrated that antibodies against anti-
gen of 25.7 kD molecular weight were present in most of
the examined subjects with mycosis (88.6%), atopic der-
matitis (94.7%) and in the healthy control group (96%)
(tab. I, fig. 1). Antibodies against antigen of 29.5 kD mole-
cular weight were present in 20 of 34 studied patients
(57.1%) with mycosis, and only in 2 (8%) healthy subjects
and in 4 (21%) with atopic dermatitis. The difference in
the occurrence of these antibodies was statistically signifi-
cant (p<0.05) when patients with mycosis were compa-
red to the control group and to the patients with atopic
dermatitis (tab. I, fig. 1-4). When the type of the mycotic
infection was taken into consideration patients were divided
into those infected by dermatophytes, yeasts and others.
No statistical difference in the occurrence of antibodies
against particular T. rubrum antigens was found (tab. II).
As the next step the analysis of simultaneous occurrence
of antibodies against antigens of 29.5 and 25.7 kD in the
Antibodies against specific antigens of T. rubrum extract
Przeciwcia³a przeciw specyficznym antygenom ekstraktu T. rubrum
29.5 kD
25.7 kD
17.8 kD
8.9 kD
with mycoses
na grzybicê
Patients with
na zaka¿enie
Patients with
yeast infection
na zaka¿enia
Table II: The occurrence of antibodies against specific antigens of T. rubrum extract
(29.5 kD, 25.7 kD, 17.8 kD, 8.9 kD) in the sera of patients with mycoses caused
by dermatophytes, yeasts and other fungi
Tabela II: Wystêpowanie przeciwcia³ przeciw specyficznym antygenom ekstraktu T. rubrum
(29,5 kD, 25,7 kD, 17,8 kD, 8,9 kD) w surowicy chorych na grzybicê wywo³an¹
przez dermatofity, dro¿d¿aki i inne grzyby
Antibodies against specific antigens of T. rubrum extract
Przeciwcia³a przeciw specyficznym antygenom ekstraktu
T. rubrum
29.5 kD
+25,7 kD
29.5 kD
25.7 kD
Patients with
na grzybicê
Control group
Grupa kontrolna
Table III: The occurrence of antibodies against specific antigens of T. rubrum extract of
29.5 kD and 25.7 kD in the sera of patients with mycoses, atopic dermatitis and in
healthy control group
Tabela III: Wystêpowanie przeciwcia³ przeciw specyficznym antygenom ekstraktu T. rubrum
(29,5 kD and 25,7 kD) w surowicy chorych na grzybice, atopowe zapalenie skóry
i u osób zdrowych
Eugeniusz Baran et al.
Mikol. Lek. 2001, 8 (1)
examined sera was performed. Their simultaneous occur-
rence was recorded in 16 (45.7%) patients with mycosis
and in only 2 (8%) subjects from the control group (the
difference of statistical importance by p<0.05) and in 4
cases with atopic dermatitis (21%). Antibodies against
antigen of 29.5 kD with no accompanying presence of
antibodies against 25.7 kD antigen were found in 4
(11.4%) patients with mycosis. This was not observed
either in the healthy control group or in patients with
atopic dermatitis (tab. III, fig. 2-4).
In patients with mycosis antibodies against antigen
25.7 kD are often accompanied by antibodies against
antigen 29.5 kD. In healthy population and in patients with
atopic dermatitis antibodies against antigen 25.7 kD are
only rarely accompanied by antibodies against 29,5 kD.
Antibodies against antigens of 8.9 kD molecular weight
were more frequently observed in patients with mycosis
than in the control group and in patients with atopic der-
matitis (tab. I). This difference, however, was not statisti-
cally significant. There was also no statistically important
difference in the occurrence of antibodies against anti-
gens of 17.8 kD between the 3 studied groups.
The results of our study show that antibodies against
antigens of T. rubrum occur in the sera of patients with
mycosis as well as in the sera of subjects with no clinical
symptoms and no history of the fungal infection. The
studies of other authors have been equivocal up to the
present as far as the specific antibodies against dermato-
phytes in humans are concerned. This divergence of the
records might result from the sensitivity of the method
used to determine the antibodies, like double immunodif-
fusion (11, 12), immunoelectrophoresis (13), comple-
ment binding test (14), precipitation (2), immunofluores-
cence (15), and ELISA (3, 7, 16). The method applied
for antigen extraction might also be important (8). The
application of a very sensitive method as immunoblotting,
allowed to discover even very low concentrations of IgG
and/or IgM antibodies specific for T. rubrum in the studied
sera. The occurrence of these antibodies was found in all
studied groups, both in patients with mycosis and the
subjects with no fungal infection. Similar results were
described by Honbo et al. (7) who used ELISA test for
the study. There might be several reasons of such com-
mon presence of fungal antibodies in the population.
Earlier exposition to dermatophyte antigens might stimu-
late antibody production or cross-reaction with the anti-
gens of other fungi (yeasts, moulds) (11) or bacterial anti-
gens (17), and even with the human antigens like inter-
cellular glycoprotein or erythrocyte isoantigen A (18). The
contrary results were shown by Hamouda et al. (3) and
Kaaman et al. (16) who described increased concentra-
Fig. 1. The occurrence of antibodies against
T. rubrum antigens in the studied sera
Ryc. 1. Wystêpowanie przeciwcia³ przeciw an-
tygenom T. rubrum w badanych surowi-
Sera of patients with mycoses / Surowice chorych na grzybicê
Sera of patients withatopic dermatitis / Surowice chorych na atopowe zapalenie skóry
Sera of control group / Surowice grupy kontrolnej
Antibodies against studied antigens [M.W. of antigens in kD]
Przeciwcia³a przeciw badanym antygenom [ciê¿ar cz¹steczkowy antygenów w kD]
Frequence of antibodies occurrence [%] Czêstoæ wystêpowania przeciwcia³
Fig. 2. Antibodies against antigens of molecular weight of 29.5 kD and 25.7 kD
in sera of patients with mycoses
Ryc. 2. Przeciwcia³a przeciw antygenom o ciê¿arze cz¹steczkowym 29,5 kD
i 25,7 kD w surowicy chorych na grzybice
Ab only against 25.7 ag
Przeciwcia³a tylko prze-
ciw antygenom 25,7 ag
Ab only
against 29.5 ag
tylko przeciw
antygenom 29,5 ag
Ab against 29.5 kD +
+ 25.7 kD ag
Przeciwcia³a przeciw
antygenom 29.5 kD +
+ 25.7 kD ag
Circulating antibodies against Trichophyton rubrum antigens in sera of patients with tinea
tion of specific IgG in patients with dermatophytosis when
compared to healthy subjects. Our analysis of antibodies
against individual components of antigens secreted by
T. rubrum gave interesting results. The analysis was
based on the results of electrophoretic diffusion. In the
studied sera antibodies against antigens of molecular
weight from 8 kD to approximately 29.5 kD were deter-
mined. Antibodies against antigens of 29.5 kD and 25.7
kD were the most characteristic. All other determined
antibodies were categorised into one of the two groups,
as the interpretation of multiple individual strains was
extremely difficult. Antibodies against antigen of 29.5 kD
were found in 20 (57.1%) patients with mycosis, in 2
(8%) healthy subjects and in 4 (21%) patients with atopic
dermatitis, whereas antibodies against antigen of 25.7 kD
were present in the majority of the examined subjects
except for 1 (4%) healthy subject, 4 (11.4%) patients with
dermatophytosis and 1 (5.3%) patient with AD. The fre-
quency of occurrence of antibodies against antigen 29.5
kD was statistically significantly higher in patients with
dermatophytosis than in the control group. Determination
of this antibody is more specific than the determination of
other antibodies, and thus it could be applied in the clinical
diagnosis. Patients with atopic dermatitis are known to be
more susceptible to various infections, and the fungal ones
as well. The sera of patients with atopic dermatitis were
therefore examined for the occurrence of antibodies against
dermatophytes. However, the clinical symptoms of der-
matophyte infection confirmed by the mycological examina-
tion were found only in 3 cases, antibodies against antigen
29.5 were present in a greater percentage of the patients
than in the control group, although the patients did not have
history of mycological infection. The reason of this observa-
tion is not clear at the moment. Perhaps the skin of these
patients is more often colonised by this group of fungi or
patients are characterised by higher reactivity to shorter
exposition to the antigens.
Further analysis of the results made us divide all stu-
died subjects into 3 groups: with dermatophyte infection,
with yeasts infection and other. No statistically significant
difference was found between those groups as far as the
occurrence of antibodies against individual antigens of
T. rubrum is concerned (tab. II), which might be the result of
cross-reaction between those antigens. Other authors simi-
larly to us described the cross-reactions between antigens of
various species of dermatophytes (11, 19).
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Fig. 3. Antibodies against antigens of molecular weight of 29.5 kD and 25.7 kD
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Ryc. 3. Przeciwcia³a przeciw antygenom o ciê¿arze cz¹steczkowym 29,5 kD
i 25,7 kD w surowicy chorych na atopowe zapalenie skóry
Without antibodies
Bez przeciwcia³
Ab only against
25.7 kD ag
Przeciwcia³a tylko przeciw
antygenom 25,7 kD ag
Ab against
29.5 kD +
+ 25.7 kD ag
przeciw antyge-
nom 29.5 kD +
+ 25.7 kD ag
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in control group
Ryc. 4. Przeciwcia³a przeciw antygenom o ciê¿arze cz¹steczkowym 29,5 kD
i 25,7 kD w grupie kontrolnej
Without antibodies
Bez przeciwcia³
Ab only against
25.7 kD ag
Przeciwcia³a tylko przeciw
antygenom 25,7 kD ag
Ab against
29.5 kD +
+ 25.7 kD ag
przeciw antyge-
nom 29.5 kD +
+ 25.7 kD ag
Eugeniusz Baran et al.
Mikol. Lek. 2001, 8 (1)
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Address for correspondence:
Prof. dr hab. Eugeniusz Baran
Katedra i Klinika Dermatologii i Wenerologii AM
ul. T. Cha³ubiñskiego 1
50-368 Wroc³aw, Poland
Received: 08-12-2000
Approved: 9-01-2001