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network management

Medium Voltage
telecontrol interface unit


Talus 200

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To optimise your MV distribution,

in terms of availability, safety,
profitability. . .

Te l e c o n t rol interfaces integrated in network points and MV/LV substations
allow the network operator to:

know the status of MV equipment,

monitor the flow of fault current in the MV network,

operate one or more MV direction feeders,

to quickly limit the effects of faults on the MV network and maintain the
power supply to a maximum number of consumers.

The telecontrol interfaces should be simple to install and easy to operate.
Activated when incidents occur in MV network, they must have
f i e l d - p roven reliability and availability.

In order for a network
to be operated
re m o t e l y,
the MV switchgear
must be equipped
with telecontrol
i n t e rf a c e .

MV - LV substations
remotely contro l l e d
indoor version

MV - LV substations
remotely contro l l e d
outdoor version

MV network telecontro l
p a c k a g i n g

Upgrading MV network by
addition of telecontrol points

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Talus 200:

MV telecontrol interface unit

Talus 200
MV telecontrol interface designed as a multifunction unit for
MV switchgear integration in a MV network telecontrol system.

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Power supply

Talus 200 comprises
a backed up power
supply and guarantees
continuity of serv i c e
for several hours in
case of voltage loss
on the MV network.

It supplies power to:

the remote

monitoring and control
i n t e rf a c e

the MV switchgear

motor mechanisms

remote transmission


Without maintenance:

The power supplies
u n d e rgo a large
number of self-tests
to guarantee their
a v a i l a b i l i t y.

Talus 200:

much more than just a RTU,
a multifunction unit

R e a dy to plug

Specially designed
for MV electrical
networks and following
f a c t o ry test.

The installation of

Talus 200 is made
easy by the use of:

kits for switchgear

connection and
m e a s u rement

polarized connectors

split sensors for

c u rrent measure m e n t .

MV sw i t ch gear
i n t e r f a c e

Talus 200 is

designed to be
connected directly
to the MV switchgear
without requiring a
special convert e r.

Talus 200 has

u n d e rgone severe
MV electrical stress
withstand qualification
t e s t i n g .

and control of
MV equipment

Management of

electrical switch
ON/OFF control.

Monitoring of the

status of each switch.

C h ronological data

l o g g i n g .

M e a s u rement of

RMS current on each
MV direction feeder.

Local automation

systems: automatic
s o u rce changeover,
opening in voltage
t ro u g h s . . .

MV network fault
current detection

Fault detection :

phase to phase

phase to earth for

impedant neutral

Detection set

points that can be
c o n f i g u red channel
by channel

c u rrent value

fault current

d u r a t i o n .

C o n f i g u r a b l e

clearing of fault
s t o r a g e .

E x t e rnal blinking

d i s p l a y.

with the remote
control centre

Talus 200 can be
included in both
Milenium contro l
c e n t re offers and
existing contro l
c e n t re s .
Talus 200 is designed
to be easily adapted
for diff e rent pro t o c o l s
and remote transmis-
sion media.

The protocols are

managed by a special
module and all
changes are made
without affecting the
other functions.

Connection to the

communication net-
work is established by
integration, in the
cabinet, of a modem
qualified for use with
the re q u i red network:
radio, telephone,
dedicated line, optical
f i b re. . .).

It is also possible to
a c q u i re “fault curre n t
detection” via extern a l
s y s t e m s .

Local control

A simple front plate
for :

display of the main

data (without opening
the case)

c o n t rol of the

MV switchgear

selection of

the operating mode
( l o c a l / re m o t e )

checking of the

fault current detection
s y s t e m .

A personal computer
is used locally for:

c o n f i g u r a t i o n

local data

i n t e rro g a t i o n

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MV telecontrol interface:

for the success of
your telecontrol solutions

Talus 200:

o ffers you clear advantages

Talus 200 is designed to make work easier for Utilities during

the installation, operation and maintenance phases.

Talus 200, a multifunctional unit specially designed for MV electrical

networks, delivered ready to plug, provides you with guaranteed

simplified installation and operation

continuity of service to operate your switchgear.

Much more than a
simple RTU used for
remote monitoring
and control of a
network point or
M V / LV substation,
Talus 200 unit
handles, on its own,
all the functions
re q u i red to operate
MV networks.

background image

S chneider Electric SA

A rt. 78797

P. O . B o x
F-38050 Grenoble cedex 9
t el: 33 (0)4 76 57 60 60
fax: 33 (0)4 76 60 58 82

P u b l i s h i ng:
Schneider Electric
Design, pro d u c t i on:
n. b. nota bene 38240 Meylan
P r i n t i ng: Imprimerie L e sD e u xP o n t s

1 1 / 1 9 9 7

this document has been
p rinted on ecological paper

Functions and options of Talus 200:

Talus 200-I04 (indoor)

Talus 200-E04 (outdoor)

C a p a c i t y
Controllable switches

1 to 4

1 to 4

Additional inputs per switch



Simple inputs



Pow e r
M a i n s
C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s

230 Vac , 50 Hz , 80 VA

230 Vac , 50 Hz , 80 VA

I n s u l a t i o n

By transformer

By transformer

Power supply
12VDC output:

max. steady current

0 . 4 A

0 . 3 A

max. peak current

4A, 30s every 5 mn

4A, 30s every 8 mn

Motor mechanism

48Vdc / 24Vdc

2 4 V d c

B a t t e r i e s
t y p e

Sealed lead acid

Sealed lead acid

A u t o n o m y

-15°C to +55°C

8h + 10 O/C cycles

3h + 5 O/C cycles

M o n i t o r i n g

Deep discharge, routine testing

C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s
D i e l e c t r i c
Mains input insulation

IEC 60255-4

4 kV / 50Hz / 1mn

4 kV / 50Hz / 1mn

Sensor input insulation

IEC 60255-4

2 kV / 50Hz / 1mn

2 kV / 50Hz / 1mn

Mains input impulse voltage

IEC 60255-4

8 kV (1.2/50)

8 kV (1.2/50)

Sensor input impulse voltage

IEC 60255-4

5 kV (1.2/50)

5 kV (1.2/50)

E l e c t ro m ag n e t i c
Fast transients

IEC 61000-4-4

Level 4: 2.5kV (common mode), 1kV (differential mode)

Electrostatic discharge

IEC 61000-4-2

Level 4: 8kV on contact

Level 4: 8kV on contact

Electric field

IEC 61000-4-3

80MHz-1Ghz - 10V/m M.A. 80% (1kHz)

Radio frequency in CM

IEC 61000-4-6

0.15 to 80MHz - 10Vrms-M.A. 80% (1KhZ)

50Hz magnetic field

IEC 61000-4-8

1000 A / m

1000 A / m

C l i m a t i c
Operating temperature

-15°C to +55°C

-15°C to +55°C

Salt mist

IEC 60068-2-2

96 h

96 h

Storage temperature

-25°C to +70°C

-25°C to +70°C

M e ch a n i c a l
Vi b r a t i o n s

IEC 60068-2-5

10 to 500 Hz: 2g or 0.30 mm peak to peak

D i m e n s i o n s

H x Lx D

635mm x 465mm x 275mm

480mm x 370mm x 280mm

We i g h t

50 kg

50 kg

P r o t e c t i o n

IEC 60529

I P 3 3

I P 5 4

O p t i o n s
Built-in fault detectors
Ty p e

Direct time current

Phase-to-phase fault set point

Configurable from 100 to 750 A

Configurable from 100 to 750 A

Earth fault set point

Configurable from 30 to 160 A

Configurable from 30 to 160 A

Fault duration

200 to 500 ms

200 to 500 ms

External fault detectors
Dry loops

2 per channel

2 per channel

Automation systems
Source changeover

please consult us

please consult us

O t h e r s

please consult us

please consult us

C u b i cle connection cabl e s
Ty p e

Polarized connectors

Direct in the case

L e n g t h

5m , 10m , 15m

5 m

Remote monitoring and control link
P r o t o c o l s

MODBUS, WISP+, HNZ,IEC 60870-5-101, others (please consult us)

Transmission media

Radio, RTC, L.S. (please consult us)

Indoor version

Outdoor version

Document Outline


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