testy powtorzeniowe test 5a podst audio script

20 Test 5a (13-15) Podstawowy Testy powtórzeniowe


A: We had a great time in Scotland.

B: What did you see?

A: Well, there were lots of amazing places. I didn't know there were so many famous Scotsmen
and women. There are statues everywhere. The best thing though was on our last day. I can't
remember the name. We climbed up inside it, though, and there was a great view from
the top.

B: So, it was a tower. Like Big Ben?

A: Oh no. It was part of a castle. There were lots of rooms with paintings and old furniture but
I wasn't interested in them. Just the view from the tower.


A: This is great.

B: Yes. We're so lucky that it isn't raining. It usually is.

A: What's this food?

B: It's goat curry. I hope you like it. It's traditional. Better than the barbecued sausages they
had at the first stall. Oh, look at that. That's amazing!

A: Where?

B: Coming down the street. Dancers and musicians in traditional costumes.

A: They look fabulous! I didn't expect to see something like this! How long does this last?

B: It goes on for an hour or two and then, this evening, there's a big fireworks display.
We should stay for that. It's great.


Right, now, I want you all to come inside to the living room for a surprise. Don't worry, you can come outside again soon and have some more food. You can bring your food in with you if you want. Just try not to drop anything on the floor. Now, I know this isn't the traditional way to celebrate mid summers day but Emily is going to act as a model for a few minutes. The clothes she's wearing were worn by my great great great great grandmother on special days over two hundred years ago and they fit Emily perfectly.


Hi George. Thanks for your message. It's really great that you're going to be in America for Thanksgiving this year. It was good of Aunt Kathleen to invite you. We went last year and had
a great time. If Aunt Kathleen warns you about the crime there, don't worry, she lives in a very safe place. You'll enjoy it but, if I were you, I wouldn't eat too much breakfast on Thanksgiving Day morning. You'll want to have lots of room for all the amazing food in the afternoon.

21 Funkcje językowe

1 How big was the island?

2 Do you like holidays in the mountains?

3 I'm sorry we didn't have time to see the Tower of London.

0x01 graphic

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2011



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