testy powtorzeniowe test 3b podst audio script

13 Test 3b (7-9) Podstawowy Testy powtórzeniowe


A: Polly, please stop making so much fuss. What's wrong?

B: I'm bored. We left home hours ago. I want to be on the plane.

A: Well, we won't be at the airport for another three hours and once we get there, we need to
check in our luggage and get our seat numbers.

B: Will it take long?

A: I hope not. Sometimes there are queues. We'll find out soon.

B: I need the toilet.

A: Can you wait until we get to the next petrol station? It isn't far.

B: No. Please, stop now.

A: OK.


A: This is a great campsite. They had a poster in the office about activities you can do here.

B: I saw it. We're not going to go fishing, are we?

A: No, of course not. But the other activities sound fun. Diving's great.

B: In the sea, yes. Not in a dirty lake.

A: No, that's true. Well, we can go climbing.B: I can't. I'm scared of heights.

A: Well, I suppose fishing wouldn't be so bad.

B: No, I guess not. Let's go and book a place.


It's a lovely place. As you drive in, there's an office on your left. You go in there and they tell you where you can put your tent. There's a restaurant and a small swimming pool. The toilets are clean and there is hot water 24 hours a day. It's great for teenagers because there's lots of activities for them although they have to be quiet from 10 p.m. until 7 a.m. so everyone can get a good night's sleep.


When I came out of the airport, I walked to the railway station. It wasn't far which was lucky because my luggage was quite heavy. The timetable was a bit difficult to understand but I worked out that the next train was in ten minutes. I bought a ticket easily and got on the train. When the man came to look at it, he said that it was for a slow train and I had to pay €50 extra.


On the last day of my holiday, I realised that I hadn't bought any souvenirs. I really wanted to remember my holiday so I spent the morning in the shops. There were lots of postcards which I didn't really want and some cheap hats and T-shirts which looked awful. In an art gallery, I saw a beautiful painting of the area but it cost €1000! In the end I decided on the postcards and when I got home, I put them up in my bedroom. They look really good.

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PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2011



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