Audiokurspoczątkujący ćw 100pytdo





How are you?

Are you a student?

Can you swim?

Do you have a pet?

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Do you like English?

What sports do you like?

What is your telephone number?

How far is your house from the town centre?

How far is the train stop from your house?

How often does the train go?

Are there any shops nearby?

What is downstairs?

How many bedrooms are here?

Is your house furnished?

Does the kitchen have a fridge?

Does the kitchen have a dishwasher?

What kind of heating does the house have?

Where is the garage?

How do you get into the garage?

What is the problem with the garage?

What would you like to do?

How much does it cost?

When do you finish work?

When will you meet with your parents?

What is your name?

What is your address?

What do you like best?

When do you get up in the morning?

Why don't you go by bus, Max?

What hobbies do you have?

Where do you go on weekends?

How old are you?

When is your birthday?

Where are your exercise books?

What are you doing at the moment?

Where do you live?

When do they do their homework.

Who did Mr. Robertson come to the party with?

Where is the car?

Which blouse do you like?

How did she feel?

What kind of book is that?

When did your sister call her boyfriend?

What does he study at the university?

How long did the party last?

How much was the check for?

What is she doing?

How many cars do your parents have?

When are they coming to visit?

Where is he going right now?

Who is the man with the white hat?

Why don't you get up early?

How often do you have an English class?

What do they like to do on weekends?

Where is the club?

What is their favorite kind of music?

Why didn't you bring your dictionary today?

What kind of songs are they singing?

I.Wybierz poprawny wyraz

1. ___ is your name?


2. ___ is your favourite actress?


3. ___ are you from?


4. ___ is your birthday?


5. ___ colour is your new car?


6. ___ old are you?


7. ___ books are these?


8. ___ did you quit your job?


9. ___ are you going to America?


10. ___ aren't you going to Peter's party?


II. Wstaw poprawny wyraz

do you live? - I live in London.

's that girl? - She's my sister.

do you go to school? - By bus.

do banks open? - At eight O'clock.

are you wearing that coat? - Because it's hot!

III. Utwórz pytania.


He drank juice. - What did he drink?

They went to Spain.

He writes novels.

Lacy likes soccer

The girls watched a serial.

He discovered the truth.

IV. Wstaw odpowiedni wyraz. What - When - Where - Why - Who - How

1) ................ are my keys?

2) ................ is the problem?

3) ................ is your favourite singer?

4) ................ is your birthday?

5) ................ old are you? I'm ten years old.

6) ................ is your telephone number?

7) ................ are you from?

8) ................ is your best friend?

9) ................ is your e-mail?

10) ................ are you? I'm fine, thanks.

11) ................ is your graduation? Next week.

12) ................ is she crying? Because she is sad.

13) ................ is your last name? Gonzalez.

14) ................ is your favourite actor? Anthony Hopkins.

15) ................ old is your cat? Two years old.

V. Wybierz poprawny wyraz.

1) ................. is the concert?

What Who Why When

2) ................. is Cristiano Ronaldo from?

How When Where Why

3) ................. are you so happy? I'm getting married!

When How What Why

4) ................. is your brother? He is still sick.

Why How Where What

5) ................. are you late? Because of the traffic.

Where When Why How

  1. Odpowiedz na pytanie poprawnie

1- Are you French ? Yes,

2- Is he British ? No,

3- Are they coming tomorrow ? Yes,

4- Is she married ? No,

5- Have you got any brother or sister ? Yes,

6- Do you live in Paris ? Yes,

7- Can you help me ? Yes,

8- Does he like coffee ? No,

9- Will you come to our party ? Yes,

10- Would you like a piece of cake ? Yes,


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