New Game Plan rutyny




























Canned material is great, but it needs STRUCTURE to be really effective. So what is the best structure? - the most efficient.

What i came to realize is that BT material (buying temp) and regular routines (examples include: bad ass kid, bear shit, "i need comfort and trust", girl code, sexual predator) slowly DHV over time. One will not make that much of a difference (unless combined with a takeaway [a neg]), but many will add up to DHVing and creating an attraction (attract phase). It's similar to what Mystery has said (something along the lines of how a comedian is perceived: 'if a comedian tells one funny joke, people will think "that's a funny joke"... but if he tells 5 funny jokes, people will think "that guy is funny"' - note, not word for word - credit Mystery). Also keep in mind that many girls only need a little value demonstration before they can assume attraction, while others need more.

So basically you have buying temp material, which is material that - well, disorients them. Buying Temperature = degree of disorientation. Some people don't like 'playing the buying temp game', but BT has a lot of advantages and should be utilized _at times_. These times include anytime the girl needs to be disoriented: pulling away from a BF, venue changes, getting the girls to spike and cause SP, phone game while still in the attract phase (to keep her away from logically thinking about - "oh... it's that club guy.."). In the meantime of having the BT up, you can display high value through other methods, or just run enough BT material to display high value.

My main purpose of BT at the early sarge is to keep her there. ie- if you keep her buying temp up, she'll stay there with you. However, if her buying temp is up and it drops a certain amount of degrees/levels, she'll leave (or start thinking about leaving). What i mean is this: if you are going loy-key or low BT and you've run some game, say her BT is a 4... if you let it drop off to a 1, she'll start thinking about leaving; now if you are really pumping her BT, say her BT is an 8... if you let it drop off to a 4, she'll start thinking about leaving. [btw, don't forget that sexual state is also BT, she is disoriented and not thinking logically]

OK, so basically you want to keep her BT at either the same level, or a gradual increase. At the same time, you want to display higher value as fast as possible (after all, this is fast seduction). So you need to keep her BT up while DHVing (or vise versa, however you want to look at it) to make it the most efficient attract phase. So how do we structure this into the PU? Basically i've broken down attract phase routines into separate parts: BT material (includes openers), DHVs, Role-playing frames, negs, and One-liners.

BT material includes openers b/c openers do the same thing that BT material does. It's something cool to talk about that engages her. BT material and Role-playing frames are separate b/c role-playing frames requires attraction (already higher value - not the same as attract phase completion: attract phase completion is when you are in the beginning of c&t... and just b/c you might look handsome does not make you start there - that's the nice guy who starts at c&t (credit Mystery)). If you do not have attraction, role playing frames will not pump BT (disorientation), but BT material still can (mainly b/c without attraction, the girl will not go with the RP frame - she does not enter the frame). Role-playing frames are still very useful in pumping BT... they just need to be used later on - same as large amounts of kino. [btw, if you're not good at kinoing and making it look like you are not trying to get them horny, then you better get good at it. Very KEY in my game]

DHVs means magic tricks (coin grab, coin exchange, wing wing wing) and IVDs. IVDs b/c you are displaying that you have value from your knowledge. When you use a DHV (magic trick or IVD), they will remember you at the end of the night b/c of it. [The funny thing about DHVs is that if you do a coin grab to another ASFer, although he consciously knows that it's a DHV or whatever, he'll still have a subcommunicated lower value after it's done... like there's no stopping it once it's done - it's all part of the dynamic (social dynamics).] I would give magic tricks about a 4 value and IVDs about a 2 value. ie - magic tricks DHV more than IVDs do. I'd also give a BT routine about a 1 value.

[Something that i'd suggest while doing magic tricks is to always either neg the target or AMOG the guy WHILE doing the magic trick. You have to see TD or some experienced guy do this. So you're DHVing a lot over the guy. I'd really suggest this for BFs. --> Something that i discovered awhile back is that once you have DHVed _over_ a guy that she is romantically involved with (has a crush on or is her BF)... once HE realizes that you are cooler than he is, THE GIRL WANTS YOU AT THIS POINT. Like it's human nature. Once the BF realizes that you are cooler than he is, assume the GF has automatic attraction to you.]

Negs lower their value. Negs include anything that will maker her feel self-conscious. If you fart in front of her and have a straight face on, she'll be embarrassed that you did that without fearing that she'd think less of you. This negs her - she now realizes that YOU don't care what she thinks about you. Negs bring people into YOUR reality. You can either use neg lines "that's cute how your belly sticks out like that", or you can use neg BL (body language) like back turns and loud burps. I've been sick for the last week, so i'll just hock up a HUGE luug and spit it while my targets are trying to talk to me. This is a form of a neg.

One-liners include: transitions (How does everyone know each other?), c&f lines, smooth lines (We're too similar.., We shouldn't be doing this, It's way too early in our relationship..), mini-cold reads, etc.

Also keep in mind that some routines have both DHV and BT qualities: by this i mean the trust test (IF you explain it too them and they learn how to do it), and Cs & Us (IF you use it as a mini-cold read beginning and then an IVD later on). This is why so many people like using IVDs as mini-cold reads... it's getting a duel reaction. I highly endorse these and using this IVD/BT combo.

So now to structure the attract phase PU efficiently: Open, Neg and DHV while keeping her BT up (suggest intertwining DHVs and BTs), use one-liners where handy, use RP frames in place of BT material ONLY after higher value has been established, pump buying temperature high before moving to isolate or venue change.

Basically you want to DHV enough so that you become relevant to her (the DHVs will make her attracted to you much quicker than BT will alone... but you need BT material to keep her there - that's why intertwining is suggested.

Also something random that i've been thinking of lately is that Kino actually QUALIFIES her more than pumps her BT. ie - if you use too much c&f or negs, their BT will decrease b/c they feel that you are overqualified. If you are in this position and you kino them, their BT will go back up, and they'll stay in set (of course there are other ways to keep them in set). However, if you are a 1 in looks and you kino a girl (ie - if you are lower value and underqualified), her buying temp will go down b/c you are qualifying her even more. If kino made her buying temp go up (without qualifying), then ugly men could kino HBs all they wanted, LOL... something to think about :)





"Hey guys, do you think it's okay for two people to get married TWO WEEKS after meeting each other? Check it out, I got a friend who met a girl, and after a week, she moved in with him. Then, after two weeks, they went to Vegas and got married. We're all wierded out because we think our friend is moving too fast, but he's never seemed happier. What do you think about that? Would you ever marry a guy two weeks after meeting him? How in love would you have to be with someone to do that?"


Tested a new JAP opener tonight. This one is great cause while it's an opener it's also a mild neg. It really gets down the bitch shield too. It only works on the most obviously jappy girls.

SB007: Hey might be able to help me with something.

HBJAP: What?

SB007: Well...I'm not from around here, and I heard this new term today...

maybe you know what it means

HBJAP: Ok, what is it?

SB007: JAP! What is a JAP? All I know is that it isn't referring to Japanese people... so what the hell does it mean?

HBJAP: OMG, OMG, hahaha...

After this is said, they all look at each other and don't know what the hell to say. They are at a loss for words, because... hey what are they supposed to say... “It's me” hahah.


Similar in concept to the Dental Floss Opener of being a random silly question; day or night approaches. “Hey, guys, my friends and I were making fun of some frat boys, and got into an khaki a color or a fabric?” The correct answer is that khaki is a color, and most girls know this. You can go into, “See, I was thinking it was a color, but the thing is that you never see a khaki car or wallpaper color or anything like that!” and you've opened them.

Advantages: kind of funny, something you could conceivably actually be talking about, bulletproof convo starter. Disadvantages: Does nothing to convey value or attraction; you should have other routines ready to fire. This was invented by my superfly brother, who lurks here.

The Jealous Girlfriend Opener

Anyway, theJealous Girlfriend Opener works best in groups with more than one woman.

Style: Hey guys, let me get your opinion on something. I'm trying to give my friend over there advice, but we're just a bunch of guys and not qualified to comment on these matters.

HBs: What?

Style: Okay, see Wing over there. Well, he has been dating a girl for three months. And she just moved in with him. Now, this is a two part question. So, imagine you've been dating someone for three months. And he is still friends with his old girlfriend from college. How do you feel about that?

HBs: blah blah blah are they just friends blah blah blah

Style: Yes, they're JUST friends. There's nothing else going on. They talk like once a week at most.

HBs: I think it's fine/I don't think they should be talking/whatever

Style: Okay, now let's say that he has a drawer in his apartment. And in that drawer he keeps all of his old photographs and letters. Now, some of those letters happen to be from ex'es and some of the photographs happen to be with ex'es.

HBs: blah blah blah concerned comment blah blah question

Style: It's not like he ever looks at them. They are just there, like old souvenirs and memories of his past.

HBs: I think it's fine/I think he should put them away in a closet/He should destroy them/whatever

Style: Okay, the reason I'm asking is because WING's girlfriend says doesn't want him to talk to his ex from college at all. She wants him to cut it off completely. And she wants him to destroy all of his old photos and letters from ex'es. She says it's just holding onto the past, and he should let go of it now. Personally, I thought it was extreme and a bit insecure. But what do I know. I'm a guy. And, as we all know, guys think differently from girls...


Hi I need your opinion on something. My friend has a GF and she gets very jealous at times. She doesnt let him out with us to clubs because she thinks me and my other friends have a bad influence on him. She thinks we are bad boys and wants my friend to stay home with her on the weekends! As much as my friend loves his GF, he misses hanging out with us! What do you think he should do? Break up with her, give into the pussy whipped kingdom or change her opinion on the whole issue?

Wheelchair Opener


If your set/target pauses, add "…even if was a really NICE wheelchair?"

"What if it was a really old wheel chair with a squeaky wheel?"

"You know with bits falling off it. If it was rusty would it come between you both?"

"What if the guy was suddenly cured by *Jesus*...would you lose interest?"

"If it was an electric wheel chair would you steal it while he slept......and take it for a joyride?"

"Would you let him roll up and take you for a spin?" It would be so much could go on *a mini adventure...* [if you want to you can go into future projections….]

"What if he got worse and fell into LIFE SUPPORT...would you stay with him....even if it was a really *NICE* life support system..!" "---y'know state of the it even had games on it to keep your interest in case he slipped into a coma for ages?"

If she interrupts during sarge-

"(Cold read) You talk a lot! 'Cos that would be really handy if he was on life could tell him EVERYTHING and he'd never be able to reply! [Transition to another Opener] "Who lies more...guys or girls?"

"Okay….well would you date a BLIND guy...if he was really hot?" "If he had a guide dog would it piss you way! You love dogs?!"

"Wouldn't it be bad if you introduced him to your folks and the dog shit on the carpet?"

"If he went out the room would you move the furniture around to confuse him?"

"You could tell him you had magic INVISIBILITY POWERS / You could tell him you had magic *NINJA POWERS*...and he'd believe you as he'd *never* see them!!"

"Okay well would you date a guy with WEBBED FEET?...if he was really hot?"

"What if he could swim *really well*? Like he had fucking DUCK powers...

"What if he was an Olympic swimming champion……

What if he went for gold….but got SILVER......would you stick with him!?"

"What if he had...MONKEY powers?"

"What if he had........DINOSAUR powers--what dinosaur would you be?" And so on…

(Introduces Wingman)

"Would you date a super-fucking-hot GAY make his boyfriend super-Jealous?

[Offer arm out in club] "He's just over there (use for social proof)!"

"What if the guy was a movie star? And all the girls thought he was super hot!"

"Guess what! I just found out TOM SELLECK is gay… y'know…MAGNUM P.I.!"

"What if he was a fucking model.........[bring in your WING] "This guy is an ASS model.......!"

"I'm a dildo model....!" [If the mood's right]

"Seriously…this guy is a SUPERSTAR…!" [Launch into some funny field tested routine about the two of you]

Expensive Clothes Opener

"hey guys, I need a female opinion.. we were just Saks today, and there were all these 600$ collared tee-shirts.. when chicks see guys wearing 6bill shirts like that, do they think its classy or try-hard?" (that's the skeleton, obviously use your own speaking manneurisms)..

Then you can use what info and opinions they give you to bust on them, using all the usual stuff.

The Glasses or is x better than x Opener

Approach Girls

26 - Glasses off (take glasses off)

26 - Glasses on (put glasses on)

26 - What do you guys think looks better?

*HBs - (Responses: On!/Off!/What?/Laughing)

26 - Glasses off (take off glasses)

26 - Glasses on (put on glasses) (I did the sequence any where from 2 to 4 times)

HB1 - I like them on!

HB2 - I like them off! (If HBs disagree then they usually started laughing…I guess they think it's funny that they have different opinions).

26 - My friends tell me I look like Clark Kent when I have the glasses on!

HBs - (Responses: Yeah you do! / No).

26 - Why do you like it when my glasses are on/off?

HB1 - (When likes glasses on) I think it makes you look sexy/it makes you look clever.

HB2 - (When likes glasses off) I think you look better with them off, but I like them on too!


Used with a wing at night, with funny, just-got-done-laughing tonality. "Hey, I need your opinion on something...does my friend here look like a drug dealer?" (chicks usually either laugh or look quizzically) "Because we were outside and some dude came up to him and touched him on the shoulder like this... (cheap kino on girl) and asked, `Hey man, you got some E?'" Ideally you will use this with a wing who doesn't look too straight-laced.

Advantages: funny, something that could conceivably happen, cheap kino. Disadvantages: Doesn't convey much, so you need other routines locked and loaded.


I have field tested this massively (probably ~50 approaches) and it is my default opener. Preferably used with a wing and with

a game-show host/party host attitude. "I need your honest opinion on I look gay?" Some chicks will bust out laughing when you ask this. "...because something really funny just happened, this dude was hitting on me in another bar!" Better is to use this with a wing and change it to "Does MY FRIEND look gay" because it eliminates the self-conscious aspect. The

person who was supposedly hit on must play it off as something totally funny and even flattering. Advantages: Gets sex talk going right there, conveys that someone else found you attractive, can bust on chicks for being fag hags, is something that could conceivably happen (it DID happen to me and I immediately invented this opener :), can describe how he hit on you and get

hand-on-shoulder kino on the chick. Disadvantages: Makes you appear self-conscious unless you use this on a wing. I should point out that I live in Austin, TX where there is a very large gay population, not sure how this affects the opener's utility.

Song opener

Justin Timberlake song comes on at the club:

Y: So do you like Justin Timberlake?


Y: Yeah he's sexy ah? You know many girls have told me that I look like Justin Timberlake?

HB:Yeah! Whatever!?! (giggling)

Y: You know this is true... Probably explains why you find me so sexy.

HB: (Giggles and lightly punchs my arm)

Y: That's right. Just relax and enjoy the experience. It's not every day you get to hang out with a guy who has the looks of a superstar.

Plant&Stare Opener

My favourite opener lately is to just walk up to girls and just stop. Like plant myself in front of them.

I give them kind of a boyish playful smiling face like I'm about to do something cocky or maybe I thought of something funny I'm about to say, and they start giggling. (key is to stop abruptly, and make the fun face, so they giggle). Then I'll either take a page from Juggler and reach out to shake hands with them (introduce myself to the HB8s and lower), and maybe do the spin move.

Sometimes I'll just sit there until they giggle and say "what?? whaaaat??? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat???"

I'll say "I can't tell you, we haven't known eachother long enough".

You can do this to girls at tables, and then wait until they start asking you questions. Then say "I can only stay 30 seconds" and sit down. Then stay as long as you want. You can also just use this as a style to lead into any opener that you want. IOW, follow the plant&stare with a standard opener. Make it a playful one though.

Palm reading opener

For this opener you need to find your target sitting down.

Me: Do you believe in palm reading? I read about it the other day, mind if I practice on you?

HB: sure. (give you her hand)

Me: I will need to senatise your hand first, it's standard practice. (pour some water in the palm of her hand)

HB: hmmm

Me: (without drying her hand) ok I am going to start my reading. close your eyes so I don't get distracted.... I see a SWIMMING POOL in your life, in fact it's right at the centre of your hand NOW.

HB: arghhhh, you are so bad, I almost got fooled.

Me: almost, you just did, but seriously now, wipe that water off your hand. I will read you a real one. (go straight to palm reading and your other routine)


It has been written here before that a good playful tactic is to tell chicks that you're adopting them. When apart from wings in bars, I'll stroll up to 2 or 3 sets near the front door to the bar (or outside of the bar) with "I want to leave but my friends are all hitting on girls in the back. You guys look like you'd make good adopted friends in the meantime" This makes it seem like you're talking to them just because you're bored and chatting them up is the best thing to do for some amusement - also note the

wording, you're differentiating yourself from your friends who are "hitting on girls". This is good for a TD/Papa type of "stealth approach" in its indirectness. Also it sets up a possible "adopted bratty little sister" ballbusting frame. Note that when referring to your friends who are "hitting on girls", you need to have correct tonality or else this comes off as being very beta. Say it as if to convey "Yeah, those boys, there they go again..."

Advantages: Cute and playful, generally does not get negative reactions.

Disadvantages: Makes you seem like you're not the leader of your group offriends unless you can pull off the tonality right.

The “familiar” approach I

This has worked MANY times for me with good success, Ive come to like it so MUCH that I use it as my primary opener while Im out during the day.

After you spot the stationary target engage in EC. Look at her, make HER look at you too. Dont smile, just look 3 or 4 times at her and make SURE she saw you looking at her (read EC rules on how to go about it).

Once you have done this, have a slightly puzzled expression on your face turn to your target and open her with along the lines of:

Sirducer: Hey are you from (name of the school/university/work which YOU are familiar with or GO to yourself).

Target: No... (offcourse shell say no, your just playing with her, if she is friendly and talkative then she will tell you where she is from instead)

Sirducer: Ah I see. I thought you looked familiar, (now switch the frame into the FRIENDLY, NON threatening discussion) What do you do with yourself/What course/What line of work?...

Listen to the target speak and watch her body language, listen to her voice tone, see if she SMILES, if she smiles it means that your a welcome intrusion. Drop the work/uni/school talk within a 2-3 minutes or so. Start EVing, tell her something cute about you. Tell her something FUNNY, tell her how you were just in the city and how this maniqeen (sp?) fell on top of you and how the security guard thought you were a freak and then laughed! Make her feel that your a warm and a funny guy. Note that a typical sarge should NOT go more than 10-15 mins, especially if you just want her # and no f-closes.

While she is still laughing and feeling all warm with you from your funny and engaging conversation, tell her that you must be off BUT suggest a get together and ask her HOW can you get in touch with her.

Sirducer: Blah blah *laughs*

Target: *laughs*

Sirducer: Hey I must be off now, we should get together sometime, how can I get in touch with you?

Target: Do you have a mobile? OR Mobile?

Take out your slick mobile phone and hand it to her. She will store her #, this is a great way to # close HBs because if you didnt get her name or if she told you her name 5 mins ago and you forgot (I sometimes dont even listen to their name) this way you are sure to get her name 100% right. After you got her phone (she might also ask for your #, dont be an ass and give it to her too) its good to end with light kino.

Sirducer: *extends his hand* Nice to meet you *smiles*

Target: *shakes hands* Nice to meet you too! *smiles*

Sirducer: Ill give you a call some time.

Ive closed many girls with this and use it as my primary opener for streets/bus, train and tram stops/shops/malls.

It works best on standing targets.

The “familiar” approach II

Heh, that looks a lot like what I always do. I walk up to a girl and ask say "Hey, you're from Catalunya!" and she replies

"No, i'm from here", "huh, that's weird, you look like someone i met" Then chit chat or whatever, but whenever you introduce her to someone you know, or refer to her... "Hey, this is my catalunyan friend!" they always laugh. So it's a step to opening legs. :)

The active disinterest opener

Approach girl, or group of girls and ask them for opinion :

"girls, I need one quick female advice... see this HOT chick down there(point some set/chick)...she is really HOT, and I would like to approach her, gimme some advice...(like, what opener should I use) Don't use it on 7's & 8's...this will destroy them!

This is a great opener I use all time, cause it has LOT of things integrated!!

90% of time they will give you some stupid advice like 'buy her a drink' / ' tell her she is beautiful..blahblah..

So use this to tease her..... "hahaa...beautiful... hahaa... tell me, if I approached you with this beautiful line, would this work on you?

after this its easy to continue conversation, with stuff like palmreading...or just start any other cool routine/story again, this shit is

designed for models, manekens...and other 10's I am sarging carefull with using this on 7&8's!

New Active Disinterest Opener

ijjjji: (grab unsuspecting SHB by the arm and point at a random dude) "OMG, that guy is PERFECT for you - let me introduce you!!" (start moving towards the guy)

SHB: What?! No.. NONONO.. haha.. Help!

ijjjji: (to guy) This girl is so shy, but she really wanted to meet you!

SHB: (Giggeling hysterically) Nonono... its not true!(Fleeing)

ijjjji: Awww come on.. don't be shy..out on such a perfect future."

Grab Ass

PUA:Did you just grab my ass?

HB: Noooooo...[smiling/laughing]

PUA: It's ok, i wasn't gonna shout at you, I was just gonna show you how to grab men's ass properly next time, because your technique this time was appalling !!


PUA:”Well, First, get as close as possible to your target, then get your grabbing-hand into position, the lower the better, with the palm of your hand facing up, carefully reach out for his mid-buttock.... [take her hand to demonstrate]... make sure you don't just grab and hold his butt like a chunk of meat!... the sequence is..grab,squeeze and release!! This is very important. provided you get away with it the first attempt, you may indulge yourself again!”


Cheating Boyfriend Opener

Sirducer: Hi guys I need a female opinion, would you break up with your BF if he cheated on you?

HB: Yes or no or whatever…(they give out different answers and if I see that they are actually thinking about it and give me good advice then I agree with them and tell them they rock)

If they just say yes or no without any back up then I ask them to elaborate on their theory.

When they ask you “Why? Have you cheated on your GF?” You just tell them: “You see, a very good friend of mine has a GF and he assumed that she cheated on him so he went out and did the dirty deed on her!” “They have been together for over a year and Im really close to both of them” Transition onto another topic after they give out their opinion.

Seattle GF Opener

“Hey guys, I need an opinion. My friend met this girl in Seattle, and they really hit it off. They wound up hooking up on the first night, and he even hung out with her in L.A. over the next week. So he's up visiting her in Seattle last week, and they're out on a walk. He takes a few pictures of them together. Like really cute ones with them together. Some of them they're just hanging out, and a few of them they're like kissing or whatever while they're out walking. Anyway, the next morning he wakes up, and checks his camera. He looks at the pictures, and he sees that she's woken up before him and gone into it and deleted the pictures where they're kissing, and left the ones where they're just hanging out. He goes to her and says `Are you psycho? Why are you going into my camera?' She says its because she thought she looked bad in the pictures, and didn't want him to have them. But he can't figure out if she's psycho or if its legit that for girls they just hate having pictures out there where she doesn't look good. He just really liked them because he likes her and doesn't judge the pics like that.”

The girls will either say:

“It's totally natural. I hate it when pictures make me look bad, especially with a digital camera where you can just delete them and take more.” (They also sometimes say “But he's only known her a few months. I wouldn't do that on a guy I just met.”)

“She has a boyfriend!”

Your immediate reply would be “He doesn't care about that. He's busy. He just doesn't want her deleting his pics! :)”

Albino Gary Coleman”

“Hey, we need to get a woman's opinion on something. We're meeting a friend here, and he just broke up with his girlfriend. We're supposed to give him some advice on meeting women. So what do you think that women look for in guys at a bar?” After they answer, we say, “Okay, there's just one thing you should know. He's 5'1” and...did you ever watch Different Strokes? Do you remember Gary Coleman? Well, he's like a white albino Gary Coleman.” Then, when they start to laugh, we neg them for being so shallow. From here, we elicit a “value hierarchy,” and ask what qualities he would have to have for them to go out with them. Example: she says “funny,” we say, “well, what if he has no sense of humor?” Then she gives us her next highest criteria. So, in general, after you say, “So, he's a white albino 5'1” Gary Coleman who's not funny, rich, or really intelligent.” And as she laughs, you tease with, “Well, you know, you're not really his type anyway. Sorry.”

Rikki Lake Opener

This one is used to wing your buddy, especially if he's in a two-set and the obstacle needs to be kept occupied. “Hey, my friend here just got invited to be on the Ricki Lake show. But the theme of the show is Secret Admirers. They told him he's got an admirer, but he won't find out who until he's live on the set. So maybe it'll be someone cute, but maybe not; it might even be a guy. What would you do if you were him?”

Two Girls Fighting Opener

"Omigod, did you see those two girls fighting outside? They were totally going at it; one was pulling the others' hair, and
the other one drew blood with her nails. And they seemed to be fighting over this short guy; he was standing near them just laaaughing!"

Two Girls Fighting Opener - Alternate Version

ME: "Have you guys seen those girl fighting outside?. LOL!" (credit TD).

We had a funny interaction and i made sure the chicks were listening the convo.
Then one of the guys said:

GUY: "Sure they were fighting for a man!".
ME: "Yeap, that's why i'm hiding here!!!".


Dave: hey, do you think you my friend's shirt makes him look gay?

HBSilverman: No, I think he looks good.

Srini(to dave): You see, gay guys are stylish/

HBSilverman: are you gay?

Srini: Do you think I'm gay?

HBSilverman: No.

Srini: You get points, now we might be able to hang out, but only if

you're not creepy(or something of the sort). So, what is about gay

men that women find so attractive?


`Hey if you think that its hard for humans to be gay, I saw this program on Discovery where they showed a penguin tribe.

They were all nice to eachother but were disclosing this one penguin all the time.

It was because of the penguin being gay.

Now this poor penguin got horny one day and tried to find another gay penguin. They dont have gay meeting points or bars so his only chance was to randomly hit on other male penguins and see if one of them will appreciate his horniness. apparently he wasnt successful and the word went around. And it went downway for him even more afterwards..'

Here I stop the routine while the girls are laughing and curious to what happened to him next.

I still dont tell and they mostly really get kinda aggressive and start touching me.

After a bit more teasing that they couldnt handle the rest of it and get all emotional, I go on.

Eventually all penguins started to avoid him and the female mom penguins forbid the baby penguins to play around him. The other few gay and bisexual penguins cant stand up for him b/c they fear that the same might happen to them. And most of the other gay penguins already have female mates and kids and all. [To end it with a happy ending to make the girls feel good I add to the end;]

So discovery channel and the gay rights institution in germany couldnt handle to see the situation.

They set up a project where they pick all the gay animals and put them together in a big gay zoo.

You know like Mykonos in greece where all the gay men get together.

So they showed the gay penguin there and he was very happy. Now the gay institution went to court so they can also adopt little babies. So you think they can pull that off?


I use the TEDDY BEAR LAP TACTIC, where I tell her “You're my teddy bear. I could watch TV with you, and you'd sit here like this. You're not allowed to talk, because you're my teddy bear. You can't move either or even touch me. Just sit there.”


“I love girls with boyfriends because I'm super busy so it gives them something to do when I'm not around. I don't discriminate against girls with boyfriends, because I don't believe in discrimination.”


You're like a cat.. I can pat you for hours, and you'll snuggle up to me and love me and make me feel good.. But as soon as I pat you the wrong way ONE TIME, you jump off my lap and totally forget everything I did before and hate me.. And then you backwards rationalize it because I gave you one bad emotion, so I must be bad.. I hate you..” (backturn, she grabs me)


TD: yeah, so girls are scary.. you know that statistically, 100% of guys who get date raped on campus commit suicide within 6 months of the incident..

HB10: how can that happen???

HB7: he's joking HB10..

TD: hahahahahah.. (looking at HB10 like she's a dork)

HBS: hahahaha..

TD: yeah, so girls are scary.. (make scared face and cover my face)

HBS: hahahahha

TD: you know I even got almost date raped once..

HBS: yeah right!

TD: yep seriously.. I was at Guvernment in Toronto.. and all my girlfriends were hanging with my guy friends.. but the girls left.. and my guy friends wanted me to chat girls with them.. but I didn't want to you know.. cause its so loud, and its hard on my throat.. but my friends started making fun of me, cause they talk about how I always say that guys are supposed to take charge.. so I went and tickled this go-go dancer... and she tickled me back, so I dragged her out of the club kicking and screaming.. but really she was giggling.. so I'm outside with her, and I'm like “WTF do I do now?” Cause I'm not really into ONS from clubs anymore, cause I always feel empty you know? So anyway, we go back to her house cause she wants to, and I want to go to sleep.. I have to sleep beside my friend Papa if I sleep over at my friends house in Toronto, so I just want to sleep beside this girl.. but she wanted to have sex.. and I told her “no way! how much do you do this girl??? you need to find love!” But she kept trying, and I had to run out of her apartment..

HBS: hahahahah yeah right! you're lying!

TD: hey! I almost got date-raped! I might be dead right now, and you guys are laughing at me??? (cover my face all shy)

Gay CockBlock routine disqualifying

Reverse the frame by making fun of the chicks that you're gay, and that you're not going to let them talk to your wingman if they don't give you attention. (act like a chick does, but in REVERSE.. steal their frame).. This is wicked C&F shit, and an awesome way to join your wing.. You'd be utterly shocked at how girls will chase you, because it presents a massive challenge to them.

Club chicks love saying that they're lesbians and shit.. This is in reverse.


Hey, stop it. Look, honestly, I'm attracted to you guys. But that doesn't mean anything. I need TRUST AND COMFORT before I can let myself get too emotional.

It's like, first you guys start touching me and asking me my name.. And I'm like “OK, this is fine..” ... But then I start getting all emotional, and you ask to just go back and have some drinks.. And I ACTUALLY want to drink, so we go back.. But then you get all close on the couch and you're like doing these little touches.. And I think “OK this is fine.. There's nothing wrong with this..” But then I get all emotional and won't be able to think logically and one thing leads to another..

LOOK, I just want trust and comfort OK, leave me alone!

Driver Story

“We have to go soon and meet our friend Blane. We were in an accident with him yesterday, and he's picking up the car. We were driving along the coast, and they told us that like 95 percent of car crashes on this road are fatal to all the passengers. I can't believe we survived without a scratch. In fact, I can't believe we even let Blane drive. You see, Blane was shot by snipers when he used to be in the army in XXX. He walks with a limp now, and can only use one of his arms. You may have seen him: He always wears a pink cowboy hat. Anyway, when he's driving, he uses one hand. When he goes to flip on the turn signal—no hands! It's a very scary experience.And, do you know how most people can only hold seven pieces of information in their conscious mind at one time. Yes, it's true: that's why they made phone numbers seven digits. Anyway, Blane was also shot in the head. The bullet went in one side, and they took it out the other. So now he can only hold like THREE pieces of information in his conscious mind at one time.

So he was driving along the coast. That's one thing in his mind. And all of a sudden, Eminem comes on the radio, and he loves Eminem. So he starts singing along. That's now TWO things. And we're on our way to Vodice, so he starts looking around the seat for the address of the place we're staying there. That's now THREE things.And that's all fine, but all of a sudden there is a truck in front blocking our path, so he decided to flip on the turn signal and go around it. So now that's NO HANDS on the wheel and FOUR THINGS on his mind. So since he can only hold three things, ONE THING has to go, so he forgets to drive the car and goes right off the road into a bush.

Yeah, it was terrible.The car was literally teetering on the edge of a cliff over the sea. I guess after his experiences in the war he

doesn't like bushes very much. Anyway, we can only stay and talk for a couple more minutes. Yeah, we need to go get Blane before he tries to drive his own car again.”


Do you like avocados? I LOVE avocados, in fact I know how to pick the BEST avocados. I pick up an avocado, I look at it, squeeze it, smell it, rub it against my face, and then I cradle it for a little bit. You could say I try to connect with the avocado. Anyway, today I was at the supermarket and I picked four of the biggest, ripest, smoothest avocados and put them in my cart. Then all of a sudden, this little old lady sneeks up behind me, GRABS MY BAG of avocados and RUNS! So I grab a tomato from a nearby shelf and I chuck it, it hits her right in the back of the head. I'm thinking I knocked her out but instead she just gets angrier and runs right towards me. I put up my fist ready to battle with her but she just ducks, kicks me right in the groin and runs off again. The store manager comes up to see me laying on the ground in pain, and he told me that I would have to pay for the tomato I threw.

I tell this story in a very animated way, and I tell it with conviction. It's all about the delivery. I've tried it twice, the first girl I tried it on still talks about it today and how it made such an impression on her, and calls me the avocado picker (we've been seeing each other). The other time the girls laughed their asses off and even though I had to eject the set, I saw them a few days later on my way to eat with some friends and they told me to make sure I eat some avocados.

The spider

“Well it's been pretty bloody hot here lately, up to nearly 40 degrees celcius (that's over 100 farenheit, anyone care to work it out exactly?) a few times, and that brings out the spiders. As if it's not bad enough that i walk into the man catching web that's across my driveway every night, today my manhood was placed in serious danger...

Most of these spiders are fairly harmless, they bite you, you get a bit sick, maybe throw up a few times, but nothing serious. I'm not scared of spiders, but I still avoid them whenever possible. I definitely say I go out of my way to avoid them, they're nasty suckers, there are few people who would disagree. The biggest one around these parts is the Huntsman. It's completely harmless, but they get pretty large, and have a habit of hiding in cars for an unsuspecting victim, as I've found out, many many times...

It was late yesterday arvo, and I had to go and empty my dick. Just as I began relieving myself a dirty great big Huntsman crawled onto my foot, and moved halfway up my shin. I tried to remain calm and composed, because you can't just stop urinating willy nilly, so I was forced to bear the excruciating tickling as it's hairs rubbed on my leg. I closed my eyes and prayed that it didn't venture any further up my leg...

Then the completely predictable happened. It bolted, straight up my shorts. Whether or not I squealed like a little girl is questionable, however seeing my sister crying with laughter after the incident suggests that I did. Even though the golden stream was still flowing strongly, it took a back seat as my priorities turned to saving my tackle from this eight legged beast...

Fair dinkum I would've put the worlds best ninjas to shame. I kicked, I chopped, I ducked, I weaved, there may have even been a backflip in there somewhere but I can't remember, it was all just a blur of flailing limbs. However it was just a feeble attempt at crushing it and shaking it loose from it's warm new home...

In a last ditched effort to save my balls, literally, I tore off my shorts and threw them to the ground. I quickly regained my aim at the porcelain and finished my business. However lying there before me, amidst the wet patches on the ground and a broken pot plant, an innocent victim of the raging battle, was a urine soaked pair of shorts containing the monster who had caused me such unmeasureable fear. I had no choice but to jump on my shorts repeatedly, surely this would crush it and put my mind at ease...

After a delicate inspection of my shorts I came to the conclusion that this was David Copperfields spider. There was no trace of it to be found, and after carefully considering giving myself a full cavity search, and inspecting myself in the mirror, I decided that I'd let it win this round, I'd been through enough already. I was forced into a quick clean-up to cover up any traces of my lack of aim and control, and then gingerly snuck out towards my room...

I was caught by my sister who heard my squeals of terror, the breaking pot plant, and all the other commotion. I was forced to confess and vigorously re-enact the raging battle, how else could I explain why i was wearing just a towel and holding my piss-soaked shorts in my hand? I took her back into the bathroom in an attempt to point out this man-eater, however as luck would have it the only spider that could be seen was about the size of my thumbnail, and hiding up near the ceiling, obviously not the same one that terrorised me only minutes earlier, but try telling that to my sister...

I realise now that I reacted in the wrong way, and hopefully you can learn from my experiences. No matter how badly in danger you think you are, never ever take your focus away from draining the snake. Spiders can be killed, doctors can give you anti-venom, and a bit of pain and fear never did anyone any harm.

But you try giving your sister a good excuse for pissing all over yourself. That my friends, is what I call pain and suffering.”


You know, I saw the CUTEST kid today.. I was just rolling by with my friend Nick, and we see this badass thugged out kid on a skateboard. He's got a black bandana.. sunglasses.. ripped up jeans, ripped up shirt.. and hightops.. so we roll by and we look at this kid and slow down.. and we're like “This kid should be our mascot or something..” I mean, you know Joe C from Kid Rock? How much cooler would this conversation be right now if we had like a little JoeC right here, throwing around chairs and kicking garbage cans.. and backing up EVERYTHING I say.. So we roll by this kid, and we slow down, and he looks up at us...... and he's like (make evil but funny ass face and throw up your middle finger).


I was driving with my friend Sickboy007 down the street today, and we see this little little kid like this tall (2 ft tall). He's like this little badass with a black bandana and a thug coat and high tops and sunglasses.. He's riding his skate board.. We're like “Oooh, this kid is SO CUTE.. We're going to adopt him and make him our MASCOT..” Then the kid looks up at us, and you know what he did? He looks at us and goes (make the giving the middle finger “fuck off” sign”). [pause while girl laughs].. Then we look in the rear view....... and you know what he's doing?? (make the middle finger again) He's still glaring at us.. (girl laughs more)... We love that kid though.. He's like a little puppy who you let jump up on the couch and its cute when he's a puppy, but when he's big it'll be annoying as fuck.. but for now, its cute and we like him that way.


My friend, I took him out his morning.. and he had NO CLUE how to rollerblade.. so he's all stiff like this, totally just trying to keep his balance.. anyway, I start pushing him down the street from behind.. you know, its like when a guy is helping a girl shoot pool, or take a golf shot, and its all sexy like he's behind her all (move your hips).. anyway, I'm all like that with my buddy, and these dudes on the sidewalk start laughing at me, and I can't figure out why.. so I look at myself and I'm like WTF? (figure out all the natural animations)

Gay Couple Story:

So, check this out. My best friend and I were at dinner at this fairly nice restraunt, and we're chilling there, and hanging out, and people are staring at us, and we're like WTF. But, we're like, whatever, so we order dinner, and we keep eating and stuff. Then, we order dessert, and the waiter brings one dessert with two spoons. And I look at my friend and say “Shit they think we're a gay couple.” And he says “dude, it's because of that shirt you're wearing” and I'm like “fuck that, this shirt rocks.” Tested this 3 times and got good responses everytime, seems like a light and humurous story.

High Speed Carchase:

So most of you are probably wondering what the fuck this is. When I was a senior in college I went down to Rosarito for spring break. When we got there at 1pm our friends had been drinking since like 10am. So, we basically, didn't have a choice but to join them. Their sorry asses passed out at 4pm when we checked into the hotel so my buddy and I decided to drive down to TJ to hit up strip clubs(btw, I always say bars when I tell this story to a chic). So, we hang there for a couple hours, and we leave around 7:30 to headback to Rosarito. Then, right as we turn the corner on the main drag this white car pulls up behind us, no sirens, no uniforms, but these dudes stick badges out the window. My friend looks at me, and says “fuck this, these guys aren't real cops, tehy're gonna carjack you, just go. So, I look at him, wait like 5 second and just step on it. So no we're off on a high speed carchase in TJ, and we can't figure out where the fuck we're going. We're running stop signs and shit, and I”m like “this kind of shit only happens in movies, not in real life.” Then, right when we think we've lost em, we're like, fuck they're behind us, then we end up flying down this hill, knocing over an oil barrel, and we turn again, down another hill, and we end up in a dead end ally when we turn left. So we get out, stick our hands up, and these guys pull guns on us. So, we have to bargain with these guys with our 46 dollars. And they pull out a ganster roll, and tell us to tell it to the judge. We're like, alright fuck it, we'll give you our clothes and I say “dude, this shirt is from Abercrombie, it's really nice.” MY friend looks at me and is like “dude, that's the best you can come up with.” The so-called mexican police look at us, and say “you guys are pathetic, just go”. So that's the story in a nutshell.

High maintenance Routine

Most of the time I'll just say, “Something I've discovered about myself is that, (pause for effect) I'm high maintenance. I like back rubs, receiving love notes, breakfast in bed, that sort of stuff. I like it when girls take care of me.”

Funny that this should come up. Just last night my teenage girlfriend showed up at my door with a red rose in a vase and a love note. Awww, she is so thoughtful. (By the way, those taking my Denver workshop may get a chance to meet her cause she's coming out with me since we might go white water rafting later that week.)

Anyway, of course, I remember telling her early on all about me being high maintenance. At the time she just shook her head, but now, during our `relationship', she is providing the maintenance she knows I need.

Keep in mind, telling her I'm high maintenance is in no way a tactic to get her in bed. It comes from the heart. It is a way of letting her know what I want. She probably won't begin giving me a back rub right there during the sarge (although this does happen much more than it has a right to) but it is a thought that I am planting, to guide the rest of the interaction/relationship. You may want different types of behaviors from a girl. Some guys only want a

girl to come over have sex and then leave. Some guys want a girl who is up for going out and picking up other girls for threesomes. The point is, whatever YOU want is what you should relate here.

See girls, like all people, need something to work towards. But at the same time, they need a path to that goal. If you don't give them both then they are lost and will do random and counter productive stuff. Almost from the moment I meet a girl, I am telling her things that she can do to win my heart.

One more note. One of the reasons the “I'm high maintenance” thing works is because it is funny. And it is funny because it is startling. Guys just usually don't say that kind of thing - perform accordingly.

I love U2 story

This is a true story, with zero embellishments or exaggeration. I told it to many HBs I was sarging before it dawned on me that it fits the profile of a perfect sarging story*** brilliantly.

I am trying to retire it, my repertoire is a little limited and I use this one too often, my wings are starting to cringe when I start telling it.

Braid_ged : Hey! tell me if you think this is funny...

About two months ago I met up with this Dutch girl. We met when I was buying some pants in the mall and we got together later that night for some drinks. We went from bar to bar and had a great deep and meaningful conversation, it was great Anyway. At midnight we were sitting on the upper deck of the Stairways club, you know the one ?

HB : Yeah.

(at this point the HB is looking confused and not impressed, where is this leading ????)

Braid_ged : Well we were on the couches upstairs and she was looking at me, her eyes were glassed over, her pupils were dilated and she was looking at my mouth, then my eyes, then my mouth, then my eyes...

(Braid_Ged looks at HB_Target's mouth then eyes, then mouth then eyes.)

You know, the “kiss me” look!

(At this point the HB or HBs are looking at Braid_ged with wrinkled brows as if he has just Farted.)

Well anyway, I didn't kiss her, I went to the bathroom, when i got back she looks at me poker face, straight faced, and says, “I love you too!”. (_Pause_).

(At this point the HBs are looking most unconvinced and unimpressed. “this guy is trying to impress us with this lame story ?”).

Braid_ged : Well... I thought, I mean i Have to say something, I had only known her 3 hours, she was only eighteen, I mean what had I done, “I love you too!” I had to respond. What should I tell her.... Then she repeated it. “Yes, I love you too! they are a fantastic BAND!”


The Band U2, she loved U2.

(The HB(s) face slowly lights up and a huge grin slowly spreads across their face)

Braid_ged : Oh that's funny is it ? your laughing and I was shitting myself! So

you can use that, if you want to scare some poor guy... you just look him dead

in the eye and

say “I love you too” and he will be like “WHAT ??” and you go “Yeah.. they

really rock, awesome band!”.

HB : HAHAH / “I will remember that” / “I like that...”

It works great in mixed groups, the Guys will expose themselves by becoming

overly enthusiastic

and impressed at the “kiss me look” part, and ask lame questions.

*** The Perfect Sarging Story Profile

is not blatantly self aggrandising to the teller but subtly is.


Back when I was in college, I had a roomate that had low standards. He didn't care who he fupu$$y.

Well, one night he and I went out and got cross-eyed wasted. He got so wasted that he started dancing with a girl that was 5' 2” and about 192. She had greasy hair and had an annoying voice! Her voice was similar to finger nails on a chalkboard. On a scale from 1-10 she was a 0. It was a peculiar match because roomate is 6' 4” so they stuck out like a sore thumb.

I got tired of hanging around them so I went home around 1 AM. It was a little embarrassing to see my friend stoop so loooow! But it was funny, too say the least.At about 2AM, I heard my roomates car pull up and he opened up the door I heard that annoying voice from before. I figured that my roomate's beer goggles would have cleared up by 2AM but they didn't. They went straight to his room and slammed the door shut. I heard them mashing but luckily, I fell a sleep fast.

This is where the story gets good---

I woke up the next day at about 11 AM and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. I started cooking pancakes and bacon and eventually, my roomate woke up. He and I started a conversation from the kitchen to his bedroom. He seemed pretty happy because the girl had left w/o saying a word. He was too hung over to get up. Out of now where he asks me what I am cooking. I told him pancakes and bacon and he tells me smells like sh!t!

I went to his to argue and discovered that his girl friend from the night before had left him a surprise---

You see, when my roomate got in his room, they imediatly took off their clothes and starting going at it. My roomate, being sooooo suave, discided to eat her out. Well, he did this for about 2-3 minutes and became sick! He told me she was the worst smelling thing he had ever come acrossed. She smelled soooo bad that he became sick and threw up all over her crotch! After that, he rolled up next her and went to sleep. Sometime during the night, I guess the fat ass squated above his chest and took a big sh!t on his chest! The worst part of the whole situation is that he had tossed in turned after the fact and his bed, his sheets and his clothes where covered in sh!t and puke! He had to throw out the bed, the sheets and anything that came in contact with the feces. It look a week to air out his room but I swear, the look on his face and story that I can tell made it worth it!


“Yeah, Top Gun... hahah. Yeah, I used to love that movie when I was 13. It's funny, cause I watched it a while back and I realized it actually sucks! But yeah when I was a kid that movie was like THE SHIT. I wanted to be a fighter pilot, I was all stoked because I had 20/20 vision. I even came up with a callsign. I was Wind Chill Factor. That wouldn't fit the helmet though so I abbreviated it to “WcF”. Shit, what would your callsign be?”

And here you have the set come up with fighter pilot callsigns for themselves, you then address them with these nicknames or mock them for the rest of the interaction.


“Where do I work? I work at Taco Bell. This month, I'm chopping the lettuce in the back. But next month, I've heard rumours, that I may be nominated employee of the month. And if you were to come in, you'd see come in and see me..... that's right - chalupa maker. You know what? We'll work together. We'll both wear the little paper hats. And we'll look out (lock arms, and throw out your hand as if you're demonstrating a sunset or something), and we'd see all those customers. They need us. We need to have the best tacos ready for these people, so that they can go out and do their jobs so that society can run smoothly. It's all on us. We have to work together. We have to have eachother's backs. This taco life is no joke.”


-"you're bad"

-"oooohhhh noooo.. you guys are *trouble*"

-"you guys are the nice ones.. I can only hang with you.."

-(for when she answers that she is NOT adventurous, during Swingcat qualifying) "yeah.. you're more quiet.. like Velma from Scoobie Doo.. you're smart,.. and you *solve mysteries*"

-"I don't know about you.. I have a x-feeling about you.."

-"there's something suspicious going on here... I'm not sure what, but I can just feel it"

-"you guys are *fiesty*.. like little powerpuff girls"

-"you are *crazzzzzy*"

-"I can't trust you guys"

-"ok, I can trust you now.. you guys are *IN*.. you're trustworthy"

-"you're my new bestfriend" (while caveman-ing her.. making the link from her letting you grab her, to her being your new best friend.. it makes NO SENSE whatsoever, but makes PERFECT sense to HER)

-"that-is-*awesome*.. you're gonna be my NEW GIRLFRIEND" (after something ARBITRARY, like a line in her palm, or showing you a cool tatoo or something equally stupid, but is somehow DERIVED from something she showed you...)

-"you guys are like crime-fighters"

-"you guys are total bad-girls"

-"you're the leader"

-"you guys are A-Crowd material" (after she says something cocky to you)

-"dude, these girls are obviously VERY adventurous"

Animal routine

If you could be an animal, which one?

How do you bring an elephant in a refrigerator?

Noo, open the door and put the elephant in the refrigerator?

How do you bring the rabbit in the refrigerator?

Open the door, take out the elephant and put in the rabbit!

Animals meeting, which animal isn't there?



Basically, the 3 mouse race is MONEY and it's something that Style showed me in Chicago last week [which btw fuckin rocked cuz I had an outstanding time and learned new material and more about how to improve my Game every night]. “Have you heard of the 3 mouse race? Well, there are 3 mice, the blind mouse, the dumb mouse, and the deaf mouse. Then you say, the first mouse is the blind mouse. [then I start drawing a line on her arm] Tell me when to stop. [she says STOP] Next, is the dumb mouse [then I start drawing another line on her arm, away from her wrists] Tell me when to stop. [she says STOP] The last mouse is the deaf mouse [I start drawing and ignore her requests to stop until she responds with a laugh or smile or something, if no response, I say, “It looks like the deaf mouse can't hear you. * smile *]

Kids Charity Routine

Ask her if she'd shave her head for a sponsored charity event.

Yes - Bust on her. ''Haha, i can imagine it... you'd look like my friend Bob.'' etc...

No - Awww, you're so mean... think of the children (can't date you/link to bad girl routine), etc...


All girls LOVE the idea of being paid for sex, no matter how much they say they dont'. Use KOOPER COCKY FUNNY FRAMES and say that you're a PIMP, that the other girls in the set are your hoes and they should rate eachother's hoe ratings, and say what you're going to make them do.. It's ROLE PLAYING, so they may be inclined to cheat on their BFs because it fits that fantasy, and its all roleplaying anyway.

The Ring Routine

A routine for older chicks. The kind of women you can be blunt with, god bless them.

You'll walk near her and give heavy EC. Then look at her hands.

"Hi. [laugh] I was just looking for something." The HB will say, "What?" And you'll say, "A ring." Now nine out of ten older HBs are

smart to know what KIND of ring, but you have to pace and lead, so if she doesn't ask what kind, you can say, "The kind of ring that should never come off. Even in the shower. The kind of ring that you would be naked without." Already you've got two images of her naked running around in both your minds. Beautiful. I can't wait to run this! Oh, BTW, obviously this isn't the kind of routine you should run if the woman turns out to have a wedding ring, otherwise you are fucking yourself in the ass by reminding her that she should be faithful.

Discreet Routine

PIMPJUICE: Yeah one thing i noticed about guys is that their really competitive about stuff. IT can be good for certain stuff but it usually sucks, ya know. I've got this friend who knows how females respond to me so he tries to compete with me. I mean he sleeps with chicks that are ugly sometimes and he's real quick to report his conquest to me. It's like come on man, STOP BASING YOUR SEX LIFE ON WHAT YOUR FREINDS THINK. I told him the other day that im not even thinking about him when im alone with a girl. I told him how i only tell him about certain chicks and when something is really special to me i like to keep it to myself. Then in a funny voice i'll mock him saying. " Im supposed to be your boy i tell you all my shit" I used to have sex with chicks to prove stuff to me boys and then later on I started having sex to prove stuff to myself, but now i feel like i don't have anything to prove anymore. I think its better like that cuz, NOW WITH ME SEX IS STRICTLY ABOUT THE EXPERIENCE.

I think this little monologue cover a lot of ground for me . It set some frames and it is very congruent when i play the oozing sexuality role.

Silly routines for silly chicks

Cartoon Routine:

OMG... this morning I saw the BEST shit EVER.. remember when you were a kid.. what cartoons did you watch?? Well when I was a kid, we had He-Man, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Transformers.. and on TV this morning, they had new episodes with new animations of all of them.. it was the SHIT..

Toys routine

OMG.. today I found my old toys in the basement at my little sisters house.. well she's 21 now but I call her my little sister.. so she had all these barbies, and I had G.I. Joes.. I remember when my sister would try to make them get married, and I hated that cause I hated girls.. actually I still do, you're gross!.. pfffffft!! I bet that you would have been one of those girls who made my G.I. Joes play house.. sometimes I played house with my sister, even though I said that I didn't want to because I hated her and all girls, but really I loved my sister so I'd pretend that I didn't want to but really I did because I knew that she'd be really happy..

Smoke crack C&F Frame (roleplay that you're going to go find crack together): You know, I've never done any drugs.. but I'm thinking that if I ever did drugs that I should just smoke crack.. for real.. let's go find some crack together.. we can hit up the rock.. it'll be fucking SWEET.. we'll be all fucked up on rock, and we can go around the park together in a raincoat flashing old ladies.. (then go around the venue with the chick and tell people that you're gonna go smoke crack and that they can come)

Adoption C&F frame and NEG:

I LOVE you guys.. I love you guys so much.. I'm ADOPTING you.. (if target in set is bitchy, say "except you" and go for group hug that LOCKS out the target from her circle)

Disqualification Routines

Gay CockBlock routine

Reverse the frame by making fun of the chicks that you're gay, and that you're not going to let them talk to your wingman if they don't give you attention. (act like a chick does, but in REVERSE.. steal their frame).. This is wicked C&F shit, and an awesome way to join your wing.. You'd be utterly shocked at how girls will chase you, because it presents a massive challenge to them.

-hey, are you trying to steal my boyfriend??

-let's go dance, c'mon let's go dance!!

-hands off my boyfriend!!

-look, you can talk to him, but there'd better not be any funny business

-I love my boyfriend..

-If you don't want to come with us to go eat now that's fine.. me and my boyfriend are going to have sex now.

-alright, you can have exactly one minute alone with my boyfriend.. but that's it.. go.. go *now*.. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

PVC Devil Outfit Routine

"Oh, you're getting fiesty huh? You know what I would do with you? I would dress you up.... in a red.. PVC... *devil* outfit.. You'd have little horns like this... and a tail.. bitch boots, and..... a pitch fork. Now your friend here.. I'd dress her up in a similar angel outfit.. with wings.. and a fur halo.. and I'd roll with you guys on each arm down the street.. Every girl would be jealous of you.. And whenever I'd have to make a decision.. I'd let each of you fight over which decision is the most fun.. and whatever one would be the most fun.. we'd do that." (the periods are to show the pacing, because they roll over laughing in between every pause)

I've also occassionally been known to follow up with variations of things I heard from Style, like "Actually forget that.. I'd dress you up like a nun.. and me like a priest.. and we'd go into a church and to freak everyone out we'd just start making out.. actually fuck that, you're my little sister! that's disgusting! what are you doing to me!? Girls are sexual predators, you know that.. you're doing (whatever she's doing) and you think you're all covert.. but I know this.. Girls are sexual predators.. (sexual predator routine stuff)."

I use this stuff early in set, or later on in set before I'm about to move them, and its to implant the idea of rolling on each arm, and then I throw out my arms and they jump on like magnets.

Lately I've also teasing girls as "Polar Responders", and explain that they're arguing with everything I say, as well as "stimulus seeking state change junkies" when they're not focusing.

Anti-Flaking Routine

Here's something I throw in if a girl is getting blurry but hasn't actually flaked yet. Actually, it even works as an opinion opener. I'm also showing you how I CALIBRATE my routines.

“Have you ever been stood up by a guy?”

“Yeah, I can see why.”

“Don't you hate it when that happens? Well, I wouldn't know, but I can imagine.”

“Yeah, I bet that made you feel horrible. That's why flaking is totally unacceptable. I just don't let flakey people into my life any more... it's just not worth it.”

“Yeah, you know what it probably was? Fear of success. Trust me, a lot of guys are AFRAID of meeting the perfect girl, deep down, because they don't think they're good enough.”

If she says “No”, I tell her a story about how I met my last GF: (Really my last FB, but she doesn't need to know that)

“Well... let me tell you a story. This is how I met my last girlfriend. I was sitting in (local cafe) reading a book when I saw a cute girl sitting by herself in the corner. I walked over and introduced myself. At first, it didn't seem like she wanted to talk at all, but she warmed up to me after she realized how fun and interesting I am. ;-)We had our first date a few days later. She told me that the only reason she was so mean to me at first was because she had just been stood up by two guys in a row.

I bet you can sympathise. She must have felt HORRIBLE, and a cute guy was probably the last person she wanted to see...”

It makes her realize how retarded flaking is. They hardly EVER flake if I do this correctly.

Destiny Routine

“Hey, do you believe in fate or destiny?

“I say that because the strangest thing happened to my friend and I want to get someone's opinion on it. My friend got 2 phone calls last week from ex-girlfriends. Neither had his # and they both looked it up in order to call him. He hasn't spoken to them in years and is wondering if it is worth the bother to call them... plus he's a little freak out by the coincidence.

“Do you think maybe it was more than coincidence? I don't know if this has happened to you, where you were thinking about someone and they gave you a call out of the blue... or you ran into them all of a sudden. I think it happens because of the energy that you send out.

“I believe that the energy that you send out comes back to you and that when you send out good energy, positive things happen to you and when you send out bad energy, bad things happen to you... which is why I try to think positively as much as possible, so that the same energy will come back to me.

“So I think my friend should call them back, as he must've been sending out the energy to make that happen in the first place.

“Have you ever had anything like that happen to you?”

PUPPYDOG routines (pull chicks heartstrings..aww)

WARNING: you must be alpha for these to work, or you're just a lame-ass.. These are for PUAs who come off super playful and alpha.. centre of attention in room, etc...


PUA: ok here my little sister showed/told/taught me this just this morning.. I'm not good at it yet (or "not good at telling stories" if its a story), so don't laugh OK?? I get really shy when girls laugh at me..

HBs: ok...

PUA: (now give them the sweetest/cutest/funniest puppydog look *ever*, and just pause and look at them for a bit.. since they're trying NOT to laugh, they'll laugh since you paused)

HBs: hahahahaha..

PUA: hey!! heeeeeeey!! OMG I'm soooooo embarressed you guys are making me.. I'm so *shy*.. I *trusted* you guys, and you're totally stomping all over my feelings!

HBs: no no no.. we LOVE you.. you ROCK.. you're like the coolest guy who hit on us all night!! we LOVE you..

PUA: (grab the obstacle, and hug her and put your face in her shoulder.. she'll cuddle you in front of all her friends.. this is FUNNY, so they'll laugh even MORE)

HBs: hahahahhaha..

PUA: OMG.. stoooooooooop!!! stop stop stop!! you guys are SO MEAN.. you guys are totally laughing at me more and more!!!

Then show your trick/routine/story or whatever.. they're wowed, and you convey higher value... but you've also been SO cute, they just love you and want to adopt you.. of course you're the most alpha guy in the room, so basically this means they want to go home with you.


oh man, my friend Papa brought me to this Salsa dancing clubs.. oh, I was sooo nervous.. he made me ask these girls to dance.. I was so scared.. you know what?? one of the girls - she said NO... she totally didn't want to dance with me.. I was so embarressed.. (HB will now say you're "not shy", since of course you did approach confidently).. you think I'm not shy?? OMG I love you.. you're my new GF, I love you so much.. I'm always so shy.. actually wait a sec, are you adventurous?? cause if you're not adventurous you can't be my new GF (move to Swingcat qualifying)


I dunno why I try so hard to be the centre of attention you know? its so weird, like I just feel so insecure around people that I don't know.. like, everyone has this mask, and they're not genuine.. and I just wind up mirroring that back to them, and not being genuine myself.. imagine if everyone was just totally up front?? do you think that your friends like me? (get her to RATIFY that her friends like you)..


HBs: what's your name?

PUA: brad pitt..

HBs: hahahhaha..

PUA: yeah, I'm just trapped in an UGLY guy's body..

HBs: nooooo.. you're not ugly.. no no no.. you're so cute!

(Get her to RATIFY that you're cute, so as you build attraction her friends have called you cute openly, and this builds rapport BIGTIME at the early stage of the sarge.. of course, most girls ask me my name early because I go in strong/tight, so if girls aren't asking you your name, then you know you need to work more on improving your attraction skillset.. "what's your name" = bigtime IOI)


wow, you seem so confident with your friends.. like you're kinda the leader of your peer group.. I just love your energy.. are you close with your family? yeah, I have a nice family (bullshit, but I think its better to seem close to your family so I just say that I am initially).. the thing is, I'm never sure if I can trust them.. (builds intrigue.. HB says "why", or maybe tells you why she can't either, which builds rapport.. so let her talk, and then launch this shit on her:)

my dad, when I was a kid.. I had these 4 goldfish.. and I loved them sooo much you know?? but then one day one of my fish, "Lynx", he got sick, and I went to my fishbowl and he was floating upsidedown.. I told my dad that my fish was doing a trick, and that he was swimming upside-down, and doing a back-float like I did in swimming lessons.. but then my dad told me something bad.. he told me that Lynx was DEAD.. so I made him promise to give him a funeral the next day, but he just flushed him down the toilet.. and you know what he did next???? he flushed ALL my fish down the toilet, and told me that they ALL died that same night.. but later on my mom told me that he just flushed them cause he didn't want to clean the tank.. I said that I would clean the tank, but I wasn't strong enough yet to scrub the dirt out because I was too LITTLE.. and I knew that my fish got killed because I wasn't able to take care of them!! So he flushed not only "Lynx", but also "Bobcat" - who was the little one with the red stripe, and the two girl fishes of my little sister, "Princess", and "Jem"..


(I add this to my dead fish routine sometimes)

Yeah, my little sister is gone to Australia for a 6 month work visa.. I'm soooo scared that she's never going to come back.. she'll totally like it, and I won't see her for like months and months.. OMG, I love my little sister.. well she's 21 but I call her my little sister still, cause I always take care of her.. she helps me so much to stay organized for school.. I miss her so much.. I need my little sister (said in ULTIMATE puppy-dog tone, and watch the chick fucking MELT..)

***Just remember, that you FIRST convey that you are the most alpha guy she's *EVER* met.. Only then do you use PUPPYDOG routines..

JERK Routines (for chicks who dig jerks)

REMEMBER: JERK routines are ONLY for HB10s, or chicks who are ATTRACTED to fucking asshole JERKS.. :)


PUA: we wouldn't get along..

HB: why not?

PUA: we're too similar..

HB: haha what? why is that?

PUA: I don't know you well enough to get into it.. we don't have time right now..

HB: hahahha.. ummm.. OK..

PUA: hmm... I don't know about you..

HB: hahaha.. whaaaaaaaaat?????

PUA: forget it.. OK get this - (insert JERK routine)


PUA: I love you..

HB: hahahaha.. yeah right!!

PUA: what?? whaaat? I'm serious, I want to marry you.. I love you so much!!

HB: hahahahha.. yeah right!!!

PUA: I do.. I swear! Close your eyes.. I want to show you something..

HB: noooo way!!

PUA: OMG I'm so embarressed.. you're making me so shy!! I told you that I loved you, and totally revealed all my emotions, and you're stomping all over them like a little ant hill!! (make PUPPY DOG faces, so you look SOOO CUTE..)

HB: OMG I'm soooo sorry.. I totally love you.. here.. (closes her eyes)

PUA: (now KISS the chick while her eyes are closed)

HB: hahahahahhaha.. OMG you jerk!!

PUA: yeah.. so what do you like so much about jerks?? ;)

I also use the "close your eyes" and kiss the chick usually within the first 1-2 minutes, or whenever I get IOIs (usually for me I get IOIs early, since I do alot of PU so I'm good at fishing for them)... I HIGHLY recommend getting girls to close their eyes and kissing them, in ANY sarge when you have IOIs.. Then, transition to PUPPY DOG routine, so you're IRRESSITABLE..


If you do ANY sort of entertaining thing, the chick may start saying "more more more!!! show me MORE!!".. if she does this, the SOLUTION is to do this (field tested over 50 times)

PUA: (does trick or tells story - whatever)

HBs: more more.. that was cool, do MORE!!

PUA: Fuck, typical woman... "more.. more!!" (said in troll imitating voice)

HBs: hey! we want more..

PUA: ok you want more.. I've got ONE more, just for YOU..

HBs: ok..

PUA: ok, do you understand VISUALIZATION??

HBs: yeah..

PUA: ok, are you intuitive?

HBs: uhuh..

PUA: yes?

HBs: yeah

PUA: yes?

HBs: yes.

PUA: are you intelligent?

HBs: yes.

PUA: are you imaginative?

HBs: yes.

PUA: ok.. close your eyes, and I want you to visualize a kiss..

HBs: HEY.. HEEEEY!! We KNOW what you're doing..

PUA: OK.. whatever.. (turn back on them, and sit there)

HBs: no no no.. ok we'll do it, we'll do it..

PUA: OK, close your eyes..

HBs: you're not going to kiss us are you??

PUA: WTF?? Look I don't know what FANTASIES you have, but I'm just doing VISUALIZATION tricks here..

HBs: ok.. (close their eyes)

PUA: (KISS the chicks.. both you and your wing, or just you if you're solo)

HBs: hahahhahahahha.. HEEEEY... you promised!!!

PUA: NICE!!! (high-five your wing, or any guy around you, or her friends).. She likes me!!

HBs: hahahahah..

PUA: nice.. I got what I want.. peace!!! (start to leave)

HBs: hey!! HEY!! come back!!

PUA: hahahah.. ok get this......


(variations of shit Mystery did last night)

HB: what's your sign?

PUA: guess.. (HOOP THEORY)

HB: ummm... capricorn..

PUA: OH MY GOD.. wow..

HB: did I get it?



HB: x-opinion (maybe calling you a jerk, because you used a JERK routine)

TD: hey.. if I wanted any shit from you I'd squeeze your head.. is she always like this?? anyway, get this..


PUA: hey.. you've got eye-crusties..


PUA: don't worry about it.. you're not out to impress ME.. anyway I'm sure that some guys LIKE eye-crusties..

USING MY KOREAN MODEL GIRLFRIEND TO FUCK HER FRIENDS ROUTINE: ok get this.. I need an opinion.. I'm dating this girl from Korea right now, who came over here to do some modelling.. now she's alright I guess.. and I we DO get along.. see, she barely speaks english.. so we can barely talk.. IOW, the PERFECT WOMAN..

Anyway, I'm not marrying this chick.. but I'm thinking that when she goes back to Korea, I may want to stay in her house and vacation there.. but the thing is, that I don't want any confusion over whether or not its still "ON".. so what *I'm* thinking, is like a month before she goes home, to put her into the friendship zone.. then, after like 2 weeks she'll get over it, and I can make actual friends with her.. then I can visit her in Korea, and get to know all her model friends and she'll have nothing to say about it since we're 'just-friends'..


"My buddy and I are meeting these two chicks in the club.. so we take off to Chinese afterwards, and this chick is begging me to take her home.. but her friend was digging my friend, but for some reason in the restaurant she starts getting all annoying and shit.. so my friend says "dude, fuck this shit, let's go to afterhours"... MY CHICK is digging me, and she's trying to watch a movie with me or some shit like that back at her house.. but I'm pissed that my friend's chick is acting wack..

anyway, we get back to the car.. and its fucking FREEZING and shit outside.. so we start whispering to eachother about how we're gonna ditch these chicks and not drive them back to their car.. they start giggling saying "no no no no no".. I'm like FUCK THIS SHIT, let's FLIP A COIN.. hahaha.. then we flip the coin, but and it says that they've gotta go.. I'm like "GET-OUT"

So I'm about to unload them, but I saw that it was crazy cold out, and that they might freeze to death or some shit.. so I said "fuck it dude, let's just drive them.. I don't want these chicks to be little hoochi-cycles on the side of the road tommorow, so let's just drive them.."

anyway, we drive them back, and my chick is trying to rent a movie with me and all this shit.. but I'm not going if my friend is gonna be left alone, so I tell her its not gonna happen.. so she asks me to exchange #s, and I give her the Chicago-rejection hotline...

then I call her up a few minutes ago, and ask her if she called me.. she's like "yeah, you gave me the rejection hotline.." and I was like "SWEET!! YOU CALLED!!... I RULE!!!", and then I hung up on her.. NICE..

Horny old man routine

Here it is: "I was in the mall today and I stopped by the bookstore. I see this old geezer in the relationship section and guess what he's reading? THE GUIDE TO GETTING IT ON! I mean this guy was at least 90 and had a cane and shit. I bet he forgot he even HAD a dick."

Whole Room Destroyer

It's simple. Once you're in a set and they are loving you most, you tell them:

"Listen, I'll tell you what. I will introduce you to any other guy in the room. (Gesture around the room so that they look.) Pick anyone

out, and I will personally walk up and introduce you to him. And I will guarantee you that not one of them is as interesting as us/me."

Make sure they look around and see all the boring AFCs.

Thug Routine for job question

Well jlaix what do you do?

"Oh I'm a psychic ass model. I'm also a thug, you know, i take service very seriously. Like when I'm breaking someone's leg with an aluminum tee ball bat, I'll say 'I apologize for the inconvenience sir!" You know, if they protest, I'll be like, "I'm sorry you feel that way.' I mean, if somebody reported me for being unprofessional, that might compromise my employment... I'm not about to take that risk blah blah..."


Hey, stop it. Look, honestly, I'm attracted to you guys. But that doesn't mean anything. I need TRUST AND COMFORT before I can let myself get too emotional.

It's like, first you guys start touching me and asking me my name.. And I'm like "OK, this is fine.." ... But then I start getting all emotional, and you ask to just go back and have some drinks.. And I ACTUALLY want to drink, so we go back.. But then you get all close on the couch and you're like doing these little touches.. And I think "OK this is fine.. There's nothing wrong with this.." But then I get all emotional and won't be able to think logically and one thing leads to another..

LOOK, I just want trust and comfort OK, leave me alone!


You know, my friends are like these awesome guys.. And I love hanging out with them and they're really cool.. But its weird, because they're totally different people like just normally, and like when they go out to socialize in clubs. Like they get all touchy and needy and ask all this "what's your name" to random girls that they're grabbing and stuff like that, or try to buy them stuff to make them talk to them before they even gave the girls a chance to just talk to them.. Like they can't just BE REAL and just lay back and be chill, and just be confident that the girls will like them.. They have to touch them and like try to get them all horny or something.. It's so weird.


I came up with this on the fly the other night (when I triple kissed two HB9s who tried to take me home with them). This works great when sarging in low-noise bars and clubs...they eat this game up cuz it is so REAL-WORLD. I use it mid-game.

Me: Hey let's play a game. It's called the walk-up game.

HB: ok

Me: I'll walk up to you with a gay-ass pick-up line and you practice shooting me down....HARDCORE.

HBs: hahaha

Me: Don't laugh, I'm doing this because I care for you (fake compassion, cross your fingers over your heart and tilt your head)

Me: What if I wasn't around to protect you guys, and some weird-psycho-freak came up all guys need to know how to handle that.

HB: hahaha

OK Here I walk away for a few seconds then come in with this: "I'd walk ten miles thru snow to hear you fart through a payphone" HB: hahahahaha (they can never shoot me down)

OR "Are you gay? (No.) Wow, me neither, let's have sex."


the_jacas: Your not going to believe what I witnessed earlier tonight. I was talking to this girl and she was in a bachorlette group/party. So we're just having a normal conversation and out of the blue a guy comes out of the bathroom and approaches the bachelorette. He is looking at her while holding something behind his back. She is like 'wtf?'. Without saying anything he extends his hands holding out his boxers. She accepts this gracious gift and the whole group is cracking up. He simply turns around and walks off without saying a word. You know those girls just cant stop thinking how he is running around commando. So later on I notice that the girls are hanging with him at the bar buying him drinks. One of the best approaches Ive ever seen and he didnt have to say a word.

Pause at this point while looking at her inquisitively creating a slightly awkward silence.

the_jacas: So are you going to buy me a drink?

HB: uhhh I dont know. Are you going to give me your boxers?

If she doesnt bite you might have to game her some more than go back to having her buy you a drink

the_jacas: sure that sounds fair

HB: ok give me your boxers first

the_jacas: hell no I dont trust women, buy me a drink first

HB: ok (buys drink)

the_jacas: sweet! thanks

HB: give me your boxers

the_jacas: hah no way. what do I look like a slut or something? maybe if your lucky then you'll get them later

the_jacas: walks off

Your now set. She will be chasing you around all night trying to grab your boxers.

Attraction Routine 1

“Aren't you going to take your mask off, don't you know Halloween is over, I mean you look good and everything, I love the costume, but you have to move with the times, I mean, COME ON! Halloween was LAST week, jeez you ARE behind the times. (mini-back turn here) As much as I like you and everything, I just don't think it is going to work out between us, I need to have someone who at least knows what WEEK it is! (smile and laugh a little) (Now do a “Too Shy” Name Introduction Routine) And are you ALWAYS so shy, I mean I have been talking to you for ages and you haven't even introduced yourself… (she'll typically offer her name and shake hands) Well let me ask you something (insert name), you know, I really DO need to meet a girl who can cook well … can you cook (go into Push-Pull here)”

Attraction Routine 2

(Halo-Girl Routine) OMG, you look such a well-behaved girl, such a nice, good girl. Oh, wait a second let me just polish your halo, it looks a little messy there (pretend to polish her invisible halo above her head for a second). There that's better! Now you really are a perfect little halo-girl, the perfect daughter who I'm SURE never did anything wrong in her life. In fact, I am going to have to write to the Pope and make sure he puts you on the fast-track list to be made a saint.” (Typically she will deny being a good girl and you can bust her on it by getting her to name the naughtiest thing she has ever done. Tell her not to shock you TOO much)

e.g. “Oh yeah, right if you are not such a good girl tell me one naughty thing you have done, in fact tell me the naughtiest, baddest thing you have ever done, no in fact don't, I don't think I could handle the naughtiest thing that HALO-GIRL has ever done, just make it something a LITTLE BIT bad.”

Attraction Routine 3 (walking over to a HB 4 set sitting down) “You know why this club is not a good place for meeting people? It's because everyone is sitting down at tables and it's hard to just walk over and talk to people. It's much better if you want to meet people to have a place where everyone is walking around and circulating and you can just speak to people as they come past, like if see someone who you find interesting and you think “I'd like to meet him”, it's hard to just walk over and introduce yourself to him, like people get shy and don't want to do it, but if everyone's just walking round it can happen really naturally. Like the other day I met these girls in a pub and they were totally too shy to even talk to a new person, jeez, what's the world coming too …”

James Bond Villain Routine

This is properly field tested (10+ times, not one bad response yet) and it works beautifully in mid-game/ attract). Leads on perfectly from “You're bad” type mini cold reads/teasing.

Me: You're bad....

HB: blah blah

Me: Yeah, and check out your shoes too. You know who you remind me of?

HB: Who?

Me: You know, that chick in the James Bond movies. The one who has those shoes... they bring her in when they want to assassinate someone, and she does something and little spikes come out of her shoes and she KICKS the guy and he gets poisoned to death.

HB: hahahahaha

Me: You know what we should do?

HB: What?

Me: We should run away together, and go to an island in the Caribbean, and build a mansion there with a huge manmade lagoon.

HB: Oh?/Yeah!/blah

Me: Yeah, and then underneath it we'll build a big ass laser gun, and then we'll point it at x-country (sometimes they will go nooooo, I like x-country, and you can go into a little sideline of figuring out which country you're going to point the laser gun at. If they're foreign, and you know what country THEY come from, you might try mentioning that place first, if you're being a bit of a jerk) and we'll tell them we will laser them unless they give us ONE BILLION DOLLARS (you can go all Dr Evil here if you like, I don't usually).

HB: Yeah!

Me: But you know what we need, though? We need an army. So, I'll have to recruit an army of guys in uniforms, with big futuristic guns, but you know, I also want another army.

HB: Yeah?

Me: Yeah, and YOU will be in charge of recruiting them. I want an army of, like, HOT girls in bikinis who are, like, total martial arts experts. And when things are good, they can just lounge around the pool in bikins being hot, but when there's bad shit going down they can take down all the invading special forces guys by leaping on them and snapping their necks with their thighs...

HB: Yeah?

HB: hahahah

Like I say, this is field tested and it WORKS. The reason I like it is it's a funny and fanciful future adventure projection, it's interactive, and it subcommunicates good things about your comfort with beautiful women. There's also something that appeals to me about telling the HB to find you lots of hot women :)

Push / Pull Routine


Queer Swirl for the Straight Girl Show:

PUSH: -WAIT! But we'd need lots of money! Are you rich?


Secret Tree House Club Routine:

PUSH: Then, qualify her on whatever.

Fucked up Chick Logic Routine

Tell some story about some girl you dated and some girl you took out and then some typically annoying, girly thing she did like taking ages to get ready. Then you can go into a bit of a rant about girly things in general like:

Going for a piss in groups

Saying shit like “do I look fat?”

Girly films esp “Dirty Dancing”

And at the end of it you say: “to be honest I'm sick of it, if I could be reincarnated, I'd come back as a homosexual!”

This always gets good responses. Girls laugh at it because they recognize themselves in it, and it also means you come across as knowing a thing or two about women Be careful with this one though, because you don't want to come across as being clueless or frustrated. You demeanor has to be playful, not at all angry

Drunk Chick # Close


Of course, typical girl, 9 times out of 10 she'll whip out a pen and paper and insist that you call her. And her friends will even say “You'd better call her” and dumb shit like that. Even though she'll flake. But this is USEFUL because you KNOW that going in, so you can re-game her on the phone and get her to meet up anyway (assuming you have decent phonegame, which even if you don't, this is a perfect opportunity to find a girl to practise on)

Another Version of the Lying Game

Standing next to the HB at the bar, her friend is next to her..

“Hey, female opinion, who would you say lies more men or women, _in the course of their normal life_, no special circumstances”.


“Hmmm.. Yeah I would say women also, I think the truth is that women lie more and are better at detecting lies also.”


“How long have you known your buddy ?” (I always refer to girls friends as their `buddies', it sorta sounds like i view them as guys, non-sexual something like that :D)

(the buddy is already peaking into the convo by now else the target grabs her)

“around XXX” (xxx can be a really long time or 2 days I proceed exactly the same :D)

“wow, so you are like sisters then! OK, we are going to play a little game!”

(touch the friend on the arm)

“Come in closer, Right. I am going to ask Uh sorry what was your name [to target], ok, I will ask Vanessa three questions and she will answer them looking at.... pause


“Fiona, Vanessa, you give two correct answers and one lie, your job is to fool her... pause and me, but obviously she knows you a lot better than I do, ok.. ready ?”

“YES!” (often If i am on form and they are inexperienced they have really sparkled up at this point, their night just got 300% more interesting.)

“ok... ummm (pretend thinking), first question, umm, where is a place you would like to visit, a place you have always wanted to visit... DONT ANSWER.. I will give you all three questions and then you will answer.. ok ?”


“Ummm second question.... hmmm [turn away... sip drip], one second..., OK! what is a shop you like to hang around in.. [turn to friend], I have to use girl questions, Lastly um...... [smile], what is the name of the first person you were ummm.... INTIMATE with...” [they look at each other, smile]

“ANd if you name a family member I am leaving” [get up and make like you are



“seriously, i had a yeah yeah anyway, ok... ready? place to visit, shop to hang in, first person you were intimate with... AND LOOK AT HER!! Not me!” [keep mentioning she must look at her friend not you, this is an experiment not a lame pick up]


“ok, which was the lie, SHHHH dont say till we guess...”

“Venice was the lie!”

“I am going with Janies... but She may have been clever and told three lies... or three truths, she could be a tricky one!”


“wow... ok well they say that people look in the same way when they lie... like you might look up and left for lies and straight ahead for the truth or vice versa but people are generally consistent, so since we know two are truth and one is a lie we just look for the odd one out”

[exagerate looking left up left up then straight ahead]

“Yeah i heard about that! people look left for the future and down for the


“I think it varies but it is generally consistent.. I definately think that women are better at this then men though..

whatever... blah... fluff...

“Women have a much richer social structure than men”

“Women are more bitchy!”

“well for men life is a pyramid, a hierachy, with a group of men they are always testing and trying to see the status or each other... it's real simple, is he above me or an I above him ? do i tease him or does he tease me ? does he fear me or do i fear him!”

[girls crinkled forehead, this is very strange stuff to hear]

“This will sound alien to you perhaps.... because you are women, life isn't like that for you, I think anyway, because society is like a spiders web, it's important to be liked, for a man we dont really care who likes us as long as we are in charge, like I said, this is alien to women”

“NO NO! [arm touch] this makes sense”

[go the cube ? grab the drink point to a table and say “come here” and lead them to a table ? talk more about the difference between egocentric (women) and egotistical (men) ? tell a story about the foreign woman who i picked up and wanted to kiss me but totally confused me when she said something with a double meaning, leading to me looking foolish (then tease them for laughing at my expense)]


I hit up 3 poses. I make them beg me between each one, to see the next one.

First, I turn around. I wait, and usually smirk at one of the girls in set. She'll see me smirking, and the anticipation builds, so the friends see it and they're getting excited.

Then I BUST AROUND SUPER FAST, and hit up the squeezed in cheeks, and do a super loud whisper of coolness - “BLUE STEEL!”

They all laugh and freak out. I sit there aloof like I think they're retarded, and they beg me for the next one.

Then I turn around, and wait for a sec, and let anticipation build.

Again, I bust around super fast, but this time with my hands forward in a striking claw position.. again, with the loud whispering - “TIGER!” (so my hands are clawed out, like how Mike Myers would do it if he's being a photographer telling a girl to look catty or something)

They all crack up, and then beg me for the last one. I sit there, like The Rock with my eyebrow up type of look.

Last one, I make them wait, and crouch down a bit low by bending my knees. Then I strike my head out and go “STRIKING SNAKE!”, and snap at one of the girls like a striking snake.

Then I'll sit there aloof for a minute, and then end it with the piece-de-resistance:

“I have a little sister 3 years younger than me, and in all our pictures you can see me entertaining her all like (then I put my arms up) and she's just sitting there like (and I put my thumb in my mouth, but folded in so its not actually in my mouth).. Just looking at me, because she was shy and I always wanted her to be happy and have fun, so I'd joke around with her all the time..

Now she's in Australia with this asshole guy, and I miss her so much (then I

make like I'm SUPER SAD with my facial expressions).. anyway, gotta go”

The girls MELT, and they're all “OMG OMG, this guy is SO NICE” (of course, since alot of girls are sort of weird in the sense that they don't totally want a fantasy guy all the time, as much as just an older brother type - its kind of counter-intuitive)

So later, I come back, and of course I take minimal game before isolating the prize girl, and they TRUST me so much its no problem, and I have peer approval.

They all freak out, and then usually I look at them like they're retarded, and I leave and do a takeaway by going back to a previous set.

Then they see me later. I also make sure that I have a LOT of normal style convo in here, so they don't think I'm their weird entertainment monkey.

Modified Jealous GF

ijjjji: I've run into a problem I need a girl's opinion on. Its actually about my buddy but its very important..

HBk: Okokok! (looks delighted, intrigued and ready to eat me.. the look of a sexual predator!)

ij: Ok.. Imagine that you are my GF.. HEY stop it - we are not married yet so there is no sex! nonono I feel so shy.. stop it!

HBk: (DDB and stroking my chest.. I put her beer in her left hand and hold her other hand to make her stop.)

ij: ok.. you are my GF and we live together..

HBk: Awwwww.. (put her head on my shoulder

ij: HEY!! Pay attention.. this is important! .. Ok we live together and we are soo in love.. and we trust each other.. but I got a drawer full of letters.. and pictures of my X.. Do you think that would be a problem?

HBk: I guess if I really trust you and you seem to be totally over her bla bla bla but if you mention her alot etc it could be a problem.

ij: But I never take them out and look at them when you are at home.

HBk: I don't know bla bla bla ij: Yeah so its kinda ok, but then one day when you are tidying in the bedroom, you find some of the pictures scattered under the bed..

HBk: You've been looking at them in bed!?!? That is not good! I think you need to choose between me and the pictures!

ij: Ok, but when you look at the pics, she looks really FAT and UGLY?

HBk: Hahahaha yeah that would help a lot (serious DDB and both hands stroking my thighs) But personality matters too. Girls think a lot about personality you know..

ij: yeah.. you get together with a guy because he is beautiful and then you dump him when you figure he is like a boring door mat with no personality!

HBk: Yes.. that's true!

ij: yeah ok.. but when you put the pics back in the drawer, you notice that some of the pics in there are nude.. and I'm together with my X on some pics and we look really happy..

HBk: Ok they got to go! You don't need them cos you got me now!!

ij: Yeah but what if I'm kinda thinking about breaking up with you. Then it would be all for nothing.

HBk: So, you are thinking about getting back together with her. (angry and punching my chest)

Who is cooler & How to be cool Routines

you can use my “Who is cooler routine” and “How to be cool” with HB's and AMOG's!

When SHB is not nice to me

(or an AMOG tries to outalpha me)

I do high five with an UG (or AFC) and say:

“This UG (AFC) is cooler than you!”

Nine of ten she says, she doesn't agree!

Then i say:”Proof me, that you are cooler!”

Nine of ten she says:”I don't have to proof!”

Whatever she says or does (often very lame) i say:”Fuck, never heard such a cool answer, you are a high self esteem chick, you are really cool!”

Later i say to her (AMOG):”Do something cool!”

Or:”Say something cool!”

Or just:”Be cool for me!”

Nine of ten she fails and says:”I can't do this on demand (or other BS)!” Whatever she says or does, i say:”Fuck, never heard such a cool answer, you are a high self esteem chick, you are really cool!”

Then i high five her!

For AMOG's you say of course!

Whatever the AMOG says or does, i say:”Fuck, never heard such a cool answer, you are an Alphaman, dude, you are really cool!” Then i high five the AMOG!

If AMOG doesn't want to high five me, i say:”Look, he's so cool, he's really an ALphaman! Everyone respects him, haha!”

“How to be cool routine for HB/ dangerous AMOG's!”

“How to be cool for harmless AFC's/AMOG's”

After this you can befriend the AFC, when he believes you, that you are a dangerous person, because he will always respect you like a slave his master ->Social proof!

Kiss Bet

Thats good - the don't bother if its not for real manuever.

You could try this too, read it a whiles back, and surprised it actually works. Bust” I bet I can kiss you without using my lips or tongue” then when she asks” what are you gonna bet, be clever and make sure it's something she wants, then just kiss her and say” oh well, guess I owe you xxx.

Used this on a chick this weekend cause she asked me for a drink, so I thought, what the hell, I'll try it, needless to say I was surprised it actually worked and no drinks were purchased on me end.

its an awesome routine, done in VARIATION to the original way.

The purpose is to demonstrate to the girl that you have no regard or fear of her, and that you will take control and do whatever badboy thing it takes to get what you want.

This is the same as Jerk-routines.

Read: “Nancy Friday, My Secret Garden”.

I recall Toecutter posting about the “marry me” routine.. Originally I had thought that he was a fucking asshole, until he recommended the Nancy Friday book.

I read it, and it deepened my understanding of how women think, in terms of fantasies. Desire for guys who won't listen to their ASD, take control, etc etc..

This sort of thing feeds into that.

Also, I use it in a CONTEXT.

Context: I run some entertaining bit, and she says “more, more.. again, again...”

I reply with, “typical woman.. `more more'..... you know what.. I have something just for you..”

Then I run it.

Lying Game I

It is great for cocky and playful as well as bringing in sexual themes in a humorous way. It also allows you to bust on her. It goes something like this.

"Who do you think lies more, men or women?

Her .... (whatever)

"Oh yeah, I am not so sure, but I know a way to find out. (Smile) OK - Whichone of these things about me is true? Only ONE of them is true ....

Number 1. I was left a large estate by a dead relative

Number 2. I have a big jacuzzi at home

Number 3. (whispering a little as if you are sharing a secret) I have a 12 inchpenis

Number 4. I am gay!"

Let her decide what she thinks is the true statement then say

"No! Actually, I lied, they are ALL TRUE. Just your luck to meet a rich guywith a jacuzzi and a 12 inch cock who turns out to be gay!"

Then I do a fake semi-turn away and look at her over my shoulder and smile.

Lying Game II

Braid_ged : Hey, are you a good lier ?

HB : what ?

Braid_ged : can you lie, like (turns to other HB), is she a good lier ?

HB_Other : yes! she is a fantastic lier! / No, she can't lie.

Braid_ged : Is that right? well lets see. Ok, you are going to tell me three things. One of them will be a lie. Ok ?

HB : Ok.

Braid_Ged : right.. you are going to tell me.... umm.. a place you have always wanted to visit. Ummm a shop you like going to... and.... the name of the first guy you slept with, or girl...

(HB raises eyebrow)

Braid_ged : ok guy. So that's three things, place to visit, shop you like andfirst guy you slept with. Ok ? (the whole table is now looking at her)

HB : ok.

Braid_ged : ok... hold on, take it slow, think about it you have to try and be as convincing as you can... she tells.. you try and pick the lie... you get the idea.

Then usually someone goes "MY Turn!" and if they say to you "Your turn" you go "Are you kidding, I am not playing some silly lie game", then turn to your wing "Yeah like _I_ and going to play some lie game, these people are crazy".

Then go get a drink or something and let them think about what a fun guy you are.



IVD's (2)

IVD #1: Best Friend Test

Style: Okay, I have to ask: how long have you guys known each other for? (If you think they're sisters ask, Are you guys sisters or best friends?)

HBs: blabla

Style: See, I knew that.

HBs: How could you know that?

Style: I'll show you. In fact, I'll give you the best friend test.

HBs: (they always get excited here-they love tests for some fucking reason)

Style: Okay…(pretend like I'm about to ask a serious question-you're hooked, right, so you know they're already hooked)…do you both use the same shampoo?

HBs: (look at each other, and then open their mouths to answer)

Style: Okay, the answer doesn't matter. You already passed.

HBs: ???????.

Style: See, if you weren't close to each other, you'd keep eye contact with me as you answered. But if two people have a connection, they look at each other first. Kind of like you're doing right now.

HBs: giggle (This is where the seduction newbies you just met see you making two strangers laugh and think you're a PUA God, LOL)

Style: See, you don't even need to say anything to each other. It's like you just communicate telepathically.


4-Hey, are you guys best friends? (wait for giggling response). OK, throughout this interaction, you guys take on the same postures. And you have the same facial expressions. And I think the same eyebrows..... and you know what? Everytime you guys go to talk, or I'm talking to you, or you're talking or whatever, you keep LOOKING AT EACHOTHER FIRST (and then point in between them, and let them laugh, and follow up with), you know, you guys for christmas could get eachother like little shoulder strap mirrors, so when you're separated and apart, you could look at it like (then make funny shoulder looking motion with funny facial expression)

IVD #2: Cs vs Us

This one is AWESOME if you're sarging strippers and models. It's also completely true.

Style: Smile again for me.

HB: um, okay.

Style (to wing): See, she's a U.

HB: ????

Style: I dated a girl who wanted to be a pop star. And she had a theory that people with U-shaped smiles were perceived as unfriendly. And people with C-shaped smiles were perceived as friendly.

HB: So what's a U then?

Style: A U is when your teeth go straight back in your mouth (can add "kind of like a horse" if she's a SHB). A C is when there's a big row of pearly whites in the front. And to my ex, it was more than a theory. She actually got her teeth surgically reshaped from a U to a C.

HB: No way.

Style: And she had me go look at pictures of like Christina Aguilera, who is a U, and Britney Spears, who is a C. Look at the cover of Us or any magazine, and you'll see that it's always a C smile on the cover.

From here, me and the target start inspecting the teeth of random strangers looking for the perfect C or U. It's fun. This next section isn't part of the IVD, but this is the rest of the routine if you want it:

Style: It's crazy how many plastic surgeries they have for celebs now. She had her eye makeup and her lipstick tattooed on, and when she changed her hair color, she had her lips re-tattooed. (If the HB seems open-minded, I continue with the following: ) And do you want to hear the grossest thing? One day I noticed that she had two round dots on her upper

thighs. She worked out two hours a day and was super-fit, but evidently she got lipo too. But here's what's crazy. Because she used to work as an exotic dancer, she got the fat injected into her labia so that she always looked aroused. (I REALLY say this to HBs.)

Then I throw in this joke, with credit going to Nightlight9: She was from LA, and you have to be careful with them. Whenever you go out with girls in LA, everything can be really fake. Fake hair (point to your hair), fake eyes (PTE), fake nose (PTN), fake teeth (PTT), fake breasts (cup your breasts). You have to take them to the doctor first to find out which parts are real... They put her through a machine, and you get a print-out at the end."

IVD #3: Name Mnemonics

HB: What's your name?

Style: I'm Style.

HB: I'm Janet. This is Donna. And that's Tony.

Style: Okay…….Janet…Donna…Tony. You know, I used to be really bad with names.

HBs: Omigod, I'm so bad with names.

Style: But you don't have to be anymore. Here, I'll show you in two seconds. All I do when I'm introduced to you is make a picture in my head. So if you're Janet, I picture you with the head of Janet from Three's Company. No offense. And for Donna, I just picture like the dawn, and the sun rising over your head. And for Tony, I see you on the front of a box of Frosted Flakes. Here, I'll show you.

Now, in the old days, I'd have them memorize my whole name: First, Middle, and Last. But it came off as too gimmick-y. Now, I grab my wing, or a stranger in the club (like another girl I want to meet) and teach them how to memorize his/her First, Middle, and Last name. Learn about mnemonics if you don't know this. But for it to work, you MUST have them really SEE the picture in their minds. It also becomes fun testing them later in the sarge to see if they still remember.


Hey, you know, you look like a little cartoon version of Britney Spears. Oh, maybe it's just your teeth.

Paris: [puts her salsa container back on the table, looks at me, and smiles] Papa: Yeah! You have Britney Teeth. Well, that's what my ex-girlfriend said at least. I mean she says that girls that have teeth like you have good girl teeth because girls like Britney, no matter how many guys they hookup with, she still has the good girl rap…I mean she's probably hooked up with Justin Timberlake and many others…however, she still has the reputation as a version. Now, you have the same kind of C-cupped teeth.

Paris: [excited and smiling] Oh, yeah?!?

Papa: Hey, I mean, just look at the smiles of the cover girls on magazines, and they have the same kind of teeth…well, at least that what she said. She even got surgery done to her teeth because she had U-cupped teeth, like Christina Aguilera, so she thinks that's why she got the bad girl reputation, in order to get C-cupped Britney Spears teeth to look more like a good girl. Paris: [smiles] Wow.


Papa: Well, you know what...I don't know if I can hang with you...we're too similar...we're both scholars and dorks. You are too are like my slave girl. In fact, I bet you'll do whatever I tell you to do. Cummon, try to say NO to me, Slavegirl. Go ahead, try! HBCockblock: I won't say NO.

Papa: Good, Slavegirl!

HBCockblock: Hahahhahaha.

Papa: Alright, let's make a bet about this one...a gentleman's bet. However, I still think you are too much of a good girl. Let's see. How about this...if you can tell a lie to 5 questions that I ask you, then you win. If not you'll owe me a kiss.

HBCockblock: Ok. Shoot!

Papa: How many legs do you have?

HBCockblock: 4.

Papa: Ok. Ummmm. Well, hmmmm. What's your favorite color?

HBCockblock: Yellow.

Papa: Ok. Well, mmmmmm. Hmmmm. Ok. What is your favorite kind of music...wait, wait...did I already ask you that question?

HBCockblock: No.

Papa: Hahahahha. I win. I gotcha.

HBCockblock: Oh!!! That is so not fair.


Good addition to the "Best friends Test"

Say "You're taking the trust test". Then say "Give me your hands", and put your palms up for her to take them.

  1. Squeeze her hands. If she squeezes back, she passes.

  2. 2- Lower your hands, and if she follows with her hands, she passes.

Then TELL her if she passed or failed, and then she'll say "No No No, I DO trust you!" and then she'll always be RESPONSIVE to kino-tests from then on (notice that these are FUNDAMENTAL IOI kino-tests, but I'm just working them into a routine.. btw, for guys who aren't using those kino IOI tests, where the fuck have you been?? They're one of the most important parts of game)

I also follow that up with the "Tension Test" IVD, which is just me doing the massage maneuvre (another of my most useful kino tricks, that I posted about alot last month, where I run my fingers up her back and massage her down). Then I tell her things about her based on how she reacted to the move, but its not structured, and I just bullshit it.


“I sat in on this improv class with my actor friend yesterday. (Then I describe it in detail in a cool way) Yeah it was just for fun. So we did this exercise where we have to make scenarios in these two seats, and carry out the convo in role playing.” Then I do the same criticism on their roleplaying as the teacher there did, which was basically not to stall the convo on a boring topic, but to bring it somewhere, and also to act out the situational stuff and make it believable, not stupid.

Then I add the “Accumulate ticks”. You do a tick (like an arm twitch), and then keep doing the improv and add a second, third, fourth, fifth tick, until you can't do it anymore.

Funny, and I like it because it helps her to qualify herself to you -> she can actually demonstrate that she's smart and fun to you.



OK, so yeah. That's the routine. It's good because you're gaining rapport without actually appearing to be going for rapport, because its almost like you're demonstrating something, even though you're actually getting to know them. Sweet.

Mini EV Routine

I think EV is pretty much bogus, but I still use little “miniEV” routines where I'll use a double-bind EV to stack the deck, and then go right into a routine that hits both options. And I always fill it with C&F stuff as well, to spice it up. It's great for captivating her attention, and putting her in states.

Basic Example:

Do you think most girls like adventure or romance? Well, my BF is such a romantic guy. He loves little candle-light dinners and stuff. [add to story if you want] But my ex-GF was totally into having little adventures with me. She also had like no attention span at all. I swear, she was like a little kitten on the prairie... “Oh, look! A butterfly! Come here, butterfly! Oh, a leaf blowing in the wind! Chase, chase, chase... POUNCE! Oh, a blade of grass! Wow!”...

So anyway, one time I wanted to take my GF on a romantic little trip. I thought we'd drive to the Farmer's Market, buy some stuff and have a picnic. I know, so romantic, right? Well, we couldn't find the damn Farmer's Market. We got off at the exit, but we couldn't find it, so I stop in this deserted parking lot. My GF was like, “You know what we should do?” with a naughty grin. I said, innocently, “No, sweetheart, what?”. She said, “We should have sex right here in this parking lot.” So eventually, she convinces me, and she's on top of me in the passenger seat, right? And guess what happens? Dude, the fucking police drive up...”

I'm sure you can all see where this is leading to. It's GREAT stuff.

Quarter Mind Reading Trick

On the lunch playground in about 3'rd grade, I'd make small bets to get quarters off other students. I'd tell them to hold a quarter behind their back, mix it around in their hands, bring both out in front of them (you know the drill, the old "pick a hand" deal). The bet was if I could guess the right hand with the money, they'd give me the quarter. If I guessed wrong, I'd give them 3 quarters. I won about 95% of the "bets" I made like this. Trick to winning the bet was when they'd bring the hands back out straight in front of them, their nose would point just "slightly" to the hand with the quarter. You might be able to try it in front of a mirror and see it in yourself, but knowing the trick will probably screw it up for you. Try it on someone else though, almost always works.

Anyway, I had thought about using this in a pu a few days ago (came up with a routine for it) and decided what the hell, cant hurt. So here, without further adu, is the amazing instinctive mind reading trick!

I told her I'd give her a simple example and pulled out a quarter (when pulling out the quarter with my left hand, I grabbed two, one between my fingers, the other in the fist of the same hand). I took the quarter from between my fingers into my right hand and gave it to her. Had her do the "pick any hand", told her which hand it was in, and she asked me how I knew. I pointed at my cheek and said "give me a kiss and I'll teach you". She did her little gigle and kissed my cheek. This launched me into a little monologue something like this:

"You have to think about the problem on an emotional level, blank out the disruptive thoughts trying to confuse you, and rely on a gut feeling, deep down inside you, that lets you know what to do. If you dont act on your instincts, you will choose wrong and your one chance will be gone." (not worded exactly like this, but similar)

At this point I took back the the quarter (in my other hand, no quarter), and said "here, you try". Hands behind my back, pretended to mix, brought both hands out. Now I said something like "ok, now relax, see the problem but consider it deeply, let your mind blank with the only focus being your answer, let your spontaneous side drive you."

Course, you have a quarter in both hands, so it's not too hard for her to pick the "right hand". Once she's done that say something about "see, it's easy to get what you really want, if you act on your instincts". While saying this, take the quarter in your open hand (that she chose), put it in your other hand, and put both quarters back in whatever pant pocket your closest to. I also made a joke about how she was a quick learner, and that we needed to go to las vegas together.

The House

Tell the chick to imagine herself standing inside a house. As she is standing there, 5 things are taking place which demand her immediate attention:

1. A baby is crying.

2. The phone is ringing.

3. Somebody is knocking on the door.

4. Water is running in a sink.

5. Clothes are hanging outside to dry and it's starting to rain.

Ask the chick to tell you in which order she would take care of each of these problems. Once she tells you this, explain to her that her

answers represent her priorities in life, since each problem has a specific meaning:

1. The baby represents her family.

2. The phone represents her love life.

3. The knocking on the door represents her friends.

4. The water represents money.

  1. The clothes represents her career.

Mystery's ESP Opener

Walk up to a girl and say, "Do you believe in ESP?"

Remember to SMILE or you may startle her.

"Just think of the first # that pops into your head from one to four. Dont say it. Just think it ... now take that # and imagine that it is drawn on a blackboard in your head. Have you done that?" She says OK "Whats so neat about timagination is ... we both have it ... On the blackboard, I see the number ... three."

Whether you get it right or not reply. "Alright, lets try this one more time. This time this of a different # from one to 10. Got it? Picture it in white chalk on the blackboard ... you are thinking of the number ... 7."

If you got the first wrong and the second right, you look like you finally got it ... a 1 in 10 chance. If you get BOTH right (a 90% chance seeing as it is a phychological trick where most north americans naturally choose 3 and 7 as their first picks) thats a 1 in 40 chance ... "and of course I dont stake my reputation on mere chance."

If you get the first right but the second wrong or both wrong, say ... "PROOF! ESP does NOT exist!" then start to laugh like this "Mooa ha ha ha ha ha ha! And you believe in ESP!" a good neg hit to start. If she mentions that most people pick 3 and 7 (most girls wont know this though) just say, "really? hmm. didnt know that ... thank you Cliff Claven." (from Cheers)

If you take the wording I have and do this EXACTLY as stated, you will be surprised HOW well you will do. When they ask HOW, tell them ... I DONT KNOW. Tell her you can SEE the #s on your imaginary blackboard. This is NOT a trick. You hate magicians. If she wants you to do this again, tell her ... "dont be greedy now."

Speaking of greedy ... if a girl kisses you on the cheek and goes to kiss your other cheek, tell her, "Only one ... don't be greedy." This is a good NEG HIT. Mild but a neg hit none the less. If she says, "Yes, but Im french", you reply, "Are all french girls as greedy as you?" This is an excellent lead in to the connections pattern I gather.



C&F Frame adventurous anti-flake script Kooper/TD

I wrote this phone script, and emailed it to Kooper to get his thoughts. He finished it up for me.

YOU: hey, is Erin there?

HER: yeah, PUA?

YOU: naw, brad pit..

HER: haha.. what's up..

YOU: what's up with you?

HER: i'm free.. what's going on?

YOU: I want to see you.. do you want to see me? (consistency principle.. credit


HER: yes..

YOU: OK........ on a scale from 1 to 10..

HER: hahahahahaha (just saying 1 to 10 about any topic with the right tonality

will make chicks giggle)

YOU: hold up, hold up.. on a scale from 1 to 10, how adventurous are you feeling tonight?

HER: mmmmmmmmmmmm.... haha, what did you have in mind?

(now here I'm too shy to say what i really wanted, cause i didn't realize I'd get such a good reaction, so I got kinda shy.. but I think we need a better FOLLOW UP for this)


how bout that in playful tonality:

“well, are you “lets brake into the zoo and do it like the

mammals”-adventurous or more “lets go for coffee and do it like the

mammals”-adventurous, or would more like “red wine at my place and do it like the mammals”-adventurous ;)? your choice ;)!”

YOU: well.. are you like a coffee kinda girl, or are you up for something more exciting like x-active-activity..

HER: mmmm.. well tonight I'm only free until 9pm... but tommorow I have ALL NIGHT..

(This ending SUCKS compared to Kooper's (it comes from a real convo with a chick that I emailed him).. I use Kooper's now)

**OK now the reason that Kooper's ending is perfect, IMO, is that when you start with “well are you break into the zoo and do it like mammals adventurous?” there is NOTHING wrong with this, even though you basically just told her that you two are going to fuck.

But then when you say “go for coffee and do it like mammals adventurous” (sticking with the “do it like mammals” joke), then you're basically letting her agree to sex without feeling slutty, since after all, its just a JOKE right? ;)

ADDITIONALLY, Kooper gave me the line during a chat “well are you `put on raincoats and go scare old ladies in the park' adventurous?” which I also use as a COMEBACK for chicks who test me when I do Swingcat-style qualifying, and the chick comes back with “well what does adventurous mean to you?”

C&F Frame: Rockstar

Because I'm starting a rock band! I'm sooo bored with my current job! are you rich? I need a rich chick to support me while i get my rock star career started. What?! Ok you can be my manager then.. hey I need groupies too.. but you dont look like groupie material.. she can be my groupie!”

C&F Frame: Couple or Marriage!

One more (obvious) frame I've used for !closes is to walk around with

the HB I just met and tell other people in the club that she is my

fiance. Then, I'll either ask them, “Don't you think we make a great

couple?” (When they say yes and explain, it's SOCIAL PROOF on the spot for you!) Or, if someone is real fun, I'll ask them to marry us on the spot. Of course, when he says, “You may now kiss the bride” know what to do... Play the game all the way back to your house, and carry her over the threshold. (All field tested!)


PUA: we're fond of eachother? is that OK? is it ok that we're getting to know eachother? we're fond of eachother..

**Peergroup ratifies that its ok for target to get to know you, and that they accept you.


PUA: we love eachother sooooo much.. we're getting married.. will you be our bridesmaid.. the main reason I'm marrying her, is because I love you so much that I want you to be our bridesmaid.. if you won't be there, then I'm not marrying her cause I want you to be like my wife's cool friend that comes over and plays with our kids in the swimming pool, and I can cook big New York steaks for you!!

**Peergroup implicitly ratifies that they want you and the target to get married.


PUA: I love ALL you guys.. I love you all SO MUCH, I'm adopting ALL of you..(note: try first high-fiving all the group, and use the spin maneuvre on the ugliest girls.. then adopt them using the above line)

PUA: (give group hug/huddle, and don't grab in the target).. I love you guys..

I'm adopting you.. wait, oh I was so mean to her.. I love all my kids equally,

I'm so sorry I was mean to her, is it OK if I say sorry to her??

**Peergroup ratifies to target that they want you to isolate target to befriend her, and that they are accepting of you, and want you to be friends with everyone in the group.


PUA: I know I love you so much, but I can't date girls from clubs.. its so weird you know? like all these lights and music and dancing and boozing, and its like its so weird to imagine meeting a girl the next day where its all quiet like (wait, and do awkward pause so she can imagine the awkwardness)

“ummmm.. hi?”.. and then its like all sunny out, and the birds are chirping, a bus goes by.. and its like “wow, this isn't the club!”

So I only if we love eachother enough for an INSTANT DATE, like just like a normal good date, but RIGHT NOW like we love eachother enough to just have our date now.. except NOT like a date, but just like we can hang out and have a slice of pizza or burger king, and just hang for a bit, before we see eachother like tommorow or later on or something..

It's our HONEYMOON... we're having our honeymoon at Burger King.. I love you so much, that even at Burger King, you'd make the whoppers taste so juicy, and the fries and coke taste so sweet, I just love you so much that I can't go to Burger King without you ever again!!

Do you guys think that we're in love enough to have a Burger King honeymoon, so that we won't be weird to meet during like the normal day another time, later on??

(note: if they say “no”, go back to the BRIDESMAID FRAME, and say that you don't know anymore if you can trust the obstacles to put waterwings on your kids when they play in the pool)

**Peergroup ratifies to target that they want you to extract their friend.


PUA: OMG I'm so shy around girls.. I'm so scared that you guys are going to take her to go dance or something.. and I'm so shy.. I get so scared and girls are so scary!! Do you guys love me?? I love you guys so much!! I know I adopted you, but do you guys love me??

**Peergroup ratifies to target that they love you.

C&F Frame:Gay, brother/sister & drama:“you loose me“ (TD)

Here are some tactics that I used recently which I found interesting. They're not necessarily the type that I would INTENTIONALLY implement, but rather something that you could field if the situation came up.

Just got back from the Las Vegas MM workshop. I pulled 2 nights in a row, so here are the two tactics that were most useful - one from each.

The first one, I knew that the friend would not allow me to come back to their suite together, so I came up with this conspiracy to disarm objections.

The frame was that we were TRICKING everyone around her that I was her brother, and that's why we were so touchy feely. It was funny to watch guys trying to figure out if it was for real or not, since we were incestuously touchy feely.

Actually I think that initially we told people we were brother and sister, but once she chose me then she got more serious and actually came up with the idea to tell her friend that I was gay.

So we told the obstacle that I was her new gay best friend, and that we were going to go shopping the next morning together and that I would be her fashion consultant.

C&F Frame: Sexual cold reads and disqualifying

i use cold reading (cold reading= accusing her of things, state things about her that you do not know if they are true, just GUESS :) and link it to sex. for example, if a girl walks fast say stuff like “ooohhh i dont think we can get along. look, you walk so fast. people that walk fast tend to be bad lovers since they RUSH everything, they dont take themselves TIME for the sex, just BAM BAM and out of the door!!! i know your type!!!”

you can get some fun convos out of this. last time i used it this very line, the girl said “nooooooo thats not true!! i walk faster so that i have MORE time for sex ;)” (smart girl :) )

C&F Frame: sexual c&f

i use cold reading (cold reading= accusing her of things, state things about her that you do not know if they are true, just GUESS :) ) and link it to sex. for example, if a girl walks fast say stuff like “ooohhh i dont think we can get along. look, you walk so fast. people that walk fast tend to be bad lovers since they RUSH everything, they dont take themselves TIME for the sex, just BAM BAM and out of the door!!! i know your type!!!”

you can get some fun convos out of this. last time i used it this very line, the girl said “nooooooo thats not true!! i walk faster so that i have MORE time for sex ;)” (smart girl :) )

i was seriously impressed btw, a girl with sense of HUMOR, that has wit, how rare is THAT? still sometimes see her on campus, cool girl :)!

C&F Frame Smoke Crack

(roleplay that you're going to go find crack together): You know, I've never done any drugs.. but I'm thinking that if I ever did drugs that I should just smoke crack.. for real.. let's go find some crack together..

we can hit up the rock.. it'll be fucking SWEET.. we'll be all fucked up on rock, and we can go around the park together in a raincoat flashing old ladies.. (then go around the venue with the chick and tell people that you're gonna go smoke crack and that they can come)

C&F frame: Adoption and NEG

I LOVE you guys.. I love you guys so much.. I'm ADOPTING you.. (if target in set is bitchy, say “except you” and go for group hug that LOCKS out the target from her circle)

C&F Frame: prison break

i can imagine doing little tests she has to past! like smuggling a bottle or a glass OUT of the club past the bouncer :)!! get a drink from an afc to test her trustworthyness and loyality! endless possibilities! nice!

ha, i trained my primary to perfection with this drink getting stuff. Like saturday we were at a club, she goes to the bar to get something to drink, chats up some guy, comes back, asks us (me, two guy friends of mine and a female friend) what we want LOL! the afc pays us a round of tequilas. She comes back 3 minutes later after he gave her his number hahaha.

btw, im currently unavaible over my mobile, they stole it 14 days ago on my vacation :(! the bike rocks though, i might visit you soon dude!! you need to send me your mobile

C&F Frame: getting stuff for free from afcs

take the HB youre just chatting with and tell her to see if you can get her a drink. then take her by the hand and go to the death-row or to the guys at the bar and introduce her to one of the suckers ;~D. ive been having success with

“hey :)! see this girl behind me? shes very shy and shes been bugging me all night to introduce her to you, will you talk to her? you two would make such a good couple, you look so good together etc. :) “ (note this is a HB9 im having at my hand!!), then she comes over, i introduce them and she acts all shy (i told her to do so before) and tells him sheeply and sweet after a few seconds that shes thirsty. the guy IMMEDIATELY turned around and ordered what she wanted, a campari orange (like 6$). haha shortly after she tells him (i told her to say that too) there is just no spark and that shes sorry, but that hes obviously a fun and goodlooking guy and hell find a girl.

on the way back to the group, we run into a flower guy who sells roses for like 3$ in the club. i quickly debrief HB9 that im gonna give her a rose and when the flower guy wants it back, she should keep the flower close to her and make a face like a child that you want to take a toy away from and say “nooooo, please let me have it :(“ and in the end should offer him a kiss on the cheek for it.

C&F Frame:: eternal love / Girlfriend / Marriage

okay, imagine you are in a play by shakespeare and in your role you have to declare your eternal love to your loved one. it all has to be unbelievably dramatic, painful and uplifting at once, giving hope and destroying it at the same time, happy and sad at once. your love is tearing you apart. and that mindset you try to project on your target. exaggerated as hell of course, make it teasing.

you do this after you already talked some and she knows you as a

teaser/bullshitter (cocky/funny)

[*dramatic* face to all of these, throw in a smile/laughter once in a while]

“i have sailed the seven seas and finally found what ive been looking for all my life, my love, ive finally found you”

“what have i done all my life without you, my love, i could die this moment and my life would be fulfilled”

[when you go see your friends that are a few foot away]

“oh my love, i have to go on a long journey. it already hurts me now to imagine being separated from you for so long. what should i do without you for so long?

i will never really be away from you, my spirit will remain here with you, while my body goes on his journey. oh my love” [take her hand, leave, slowly let go of her hand, laugh, go to your friends]

the last bit worked so well one HB told me [same dramatic face, as exaggerated as i played]

her: “wait my love!! take this and think of me”

[she gives me one of her rings (!)]

me: “i will protect this with my life, and everytime ill think of you i will touch this ring and a new star will be born”

her: “oh my love, i will stay awake night for night just watching the stars and thinking of you”

im rofl, dramatically rushing back to her, give her a kiss on the forehead and leave with a dramatically painful face... to my friends... about 15 foot away... haha

ZAN: Milady... you have pierced my heart with a thousand cruel arrows... for I can never love another... ah yes, but love is not a welcomed art...

ZAN: Your lips are a spring - I die of thirst...

ZAN: Slay me now, oh fairest of women... for now I must depart... nevermore to return...

C&F Frame: hitting on ALL girls in a group

best way to handle a group of females: hit on ALL of them in a funny and exaggerated way. when you do this right like ALL of them will op themselves to be taken home by you, just for the fun of it (and winning over her girlfriends) :)!

for example: when im with a group of HBs, you can be sure that i declare to my UNCONDITIONAL LOVE to ALL of them (seperately) in a funny way over the evening ;). the best part is when one in the group brings it up and they all say

“haaaaaahaaa he said that to me too!!! youre BAD kooper ;)”

C&F Frame: Fan Club

can be used as an opener and can be transitioned into a routine (or “theme of the evening”) if your targets respond well goes like this (works best with a wing):

buddy and me were in a club and asked random chicks if they would want to join “our fanclub”.

girls: what do you mean with “our fanclub”?

us: were offering you hereby the honor to be our groupies and to become part of our fanclub girls: (laughing) why would we be your groupies

us: hmmm let me think, because were GREAT! you dont have to do much, just the normal things, cheering at us when we walk past, following us through the club, buy us drinks, dance for us, all the things that the average groupies do :) girls: (laughing) ok

by the end of the night we hired like 15 “groupies” and we were definately the shit in the club, random guys and girls approached us and told us they wanted to join the club or just told us how crazy/cool they found what we did.

various roleplaying stuff

“hey, you see that girl over there? (point to some HB standing somewhere near) i really like her, could you act as if wed flirt MAD with each other, like youre all over me and hang on every word i say :)! lets make her a little jaleous, are you game? ;)!”

(note: girls LOVE coupling boys with girls, i have yet to be turned down on this :) )

-*hide behind her* “hey, pleasestay where you are! there is that guy (point to random guy passing by nearby) that grabbed my ass in the mens room... he scared the hell out of me ;~D!! could you act as if you were my girlfriend for a second, maybe youll scare him away, pleeeeaaassseeee im in DESPERATE need of help here ;~D! ill make it up to you next time a hardcore lesbian is after you, deal ;~D?”


PUA: We're going to be a power couple..

You can bring this up in so many different ways.. “We have the same super cool status sunglasses.. I have them at home.. we're like a powercouple” Or even just with no intro at any time you want.


C&F Frame: Sex

After Kissing:

PUA: That will never happen ever again..

Any chick over 30:

PUA: If you were my wife, I would fuck you twice a day.

Any party chick you want to fool's mate:

PUA: If you were my girlfriend, I would fuck you twice a day.

(notice that this is actually better than it sounds, because what it does is puts the girl into the “we're already in a relationship” emotion, and she starts thinking of how in a new relationship you fuck nonstop, so she'll start saying all “no, 3 times a day.. no 4!..”)

PUA: You know what? You and I would not get along.. We're too similar.. We would start fighting, and we would just fight and fight and fight, and have hot make up sex and then fight more, and then have more makeup sex.. And I can't be in another relationship like that, it was too emotionally charged..

(watch them drool at the thought of a drama filled relationship, and start qualifying that they could get along with you)

C&F Frame: A-Crowd

“we're the cool/popular/elite/VIP crowd..”

a powerful routine because it does many things:

1) C&F that you are cooler than her.. steal her frame DYD style

2) let's her EARN her way into your A-crowd

3) you get to be the A-Crowd together (C&F frame)

4) when you put the sunglasses onto the girl's head, she's in such a state of arousal already from you sarging her, that the change in tint fucks with her head (as noted by her freaking out and giggling)

5) best of all, its a RAPPORT tactic, because once she's earned her way in, she's IN with you, and then you can just go rapport.

As for the word A-Crowd, its just a joke..

C&F Frame: Sexual Predator Misinterpretation Style

The method: Show that girls are sexual predators, and then while chatting, keep going back to showing them why what they're doing is just designed to take advantage of you. That's it.

Necessary props: Badboy(croatian), Style, Kooper, and David D..

Step 1:


Lay a STRONG humour anchour. They have to be laughing out of their minds, so that you can keep re-using the callback humour through out the pickup.

“You know what? I can't even trust you guys. Girls are predators. Girls are SEXUAL predators! Guys think that they seduce women and have all this power.

Yeah right! Girls choose. They choose. The guys just dangle themselves in front of them thinking that they made it happen, but they don't realize that its the girl who chose THEM.

Girls are predators.. They hold the cards.. Examine the evidence.

First, when a guy gets mad at his girlfriend, can he strap on his bitch boots, shove up his pushup bra, do up his hair and makeup, and head out to the bar and pull a girl home in under five minutes? Yeah right! It's GIRLS. YOU GUYS have the power to do that, not guys! (wait while girls laugh).. What percentage of guys can do that? Look at them (point at guys).. They're leaning in and touching, making the girls all uncomfortable, but some of the girls like them anyway.. But the guys THINK its that they were aggressive.. So what, like 5% of guys TOPS can do what 100% of girls can do.

Second, girls are the only gender with one organ designed for NOTHING ELSE but sexual pleasure. (wait while girls laugh) And on that organ, there are ten times more nerve endings than anything a guy has. (wait while girls laugh)

That's why, when GIRLS have sex, they go (put hands onto hair, and do the following very convincingly, like Meg Ryan “When Harry met Sally” style)

“uhhhhhh.... oooohhh.... uhhhhhhh..” (wait while girls laugh hysterically screaming their heads off)



Point out real IOIs (there will be a lot), as well as MISINTERPRETING things that are not IOIs, in order to mess with girls in the set who are not as into you.

-(point) “Hey, you just licked your lips! (back off like you're scared”)

No no no, now you're licking your lips again.. Stop stop stop (engaging the group, so you're saying stop to everyone in the group individually).. Help!”


The idea is that you're running a normal pickup, but using callback humour and the cocky & playful roleplaying stuff. So this gives you the maneuvrability to run a nice normal conversation, but keeping the interaction charged with this stuff.

I love you (take hands).... Wait, I can't talk to you anymore.. You're trouble.. Go away (push her away and turn your back on her and face her friends and say “she's trouble”)”

She'll grab you, etc.. Reward her with kino, or whatever. But then also run away when she escalates it too much. Mindfuck her into trying to seduce you. The girls seem to think that this is really fun, because they feel safe and on their terms, and also they seem to find it a turn-on. Bear in mind, you're coming in super-confident (you opened them, you held court in the set), so its obvious that you have alot going for you.


PUA.. don't worry.. you can trust her.. go with her..” etc etc..

**NOTE: If the joke has become PLAYED, then don't insist on pursuing it. The whole frame/routine is always good, but don't be routine dependent and insist on pursuing it. If its fading a little bit, just move onto something else. If its working consistently the entire time, then keep using it. Just common sense.

Attack Kittens (After Sexual Predator)

Attack Kitten vs. The Sexual Predator Ninjas [after running TD's Sexual Predators routine]

OMG... all you girls... are sexual PREDATORS! I can't trust any of you... but wait, are YOU safe? You PROMISE? I mean, maybe you're just trying to LURE me into feeling comfort and trust with you... so that you can take ADVANTAGE of me! Look at me... you PROMISE you won't be a sexual predator? Ok... Ok... I trust you... OMG, you know WHAT? You're so CUTE... You can be like my little Attack Kitten! Ok, like... this little kitten... this tiny furry little grey kitten... like SO tiny... with this HUGE SPIKEY COLLAR! Like, the collar is so big, it's bigger than YOU ARE! And, OMG, you're so cute... I'll walk you around on a leash and you can protect me and if the Sexual Predator Ninjas drop from the ceiling, you can pounce on them and keep them away from me! But wait... can you POUNCE? Because you can't be my attack kitten unless you can pounce? Let me see it... Awww! That was SO CUTE! OMG, you're like the cutest attack kitten EVER! Scamper, scamper, scamper... POUNCE!

========================== Adopting the Attack Kitten ==========================

OMG, You are such a cute Attack Kitten! I swear, if you followed me home, I would TOTALLY keep you! But wait... are you housebroken? Because I can't have my little attack kitten leaving little attack kitten spots all over my carpet... and my couch... EWWWW!!!

=================== Attack Kitten Names ===================

You know what? Now that you're my Attack Kitten and I adopted you, I need to name you! Hmmm... what's a good Attack Kitten name? Rex. No... Butch! Yeah! I'm going to name you.... Butch!

================== Attack Kitten Food ==================

I'm going to take you home, and buy you a little Attack Kitten bed and some Attack Kitten food dishes, and I'll have them personalized so that they say "Butch" on them... and I'll fill the food dishes with Attack Kitten food and put your bed at the foot of MY bed... so you can always be with me to protect me from the Sexual Predator Ninjas

====================== Attack Kitten Gone Bad ======================

[For when she pounces on you. It will happen.]

OMG, NO! Bad attack kitten! No! You're turning into a sexual PREDATOR kitten! You're like Little Attack Kitten Gone BAD! I thought I could trust you, but even attack kittens like YOU are sexual predators! OMG, I can't be safe anywhere! But wait... OMG, are you FOAMING AT THE MOUTH?!?!?! Do you have COOTIES?!?!?! Get BACK!!! AAAAAAAGHHHHH!!!!


"you're shorter than i remember."

"Hey, did you know that you have a slight moustache? That is so adorable!" (*field tested $$$)

"You have such beautiful hair/ that a wig/contacts?"

"I just had to tell you that you look AMAZING...from a distance" (cant wait to try this one, props to ijjjji)

"Hi, I just wanted to meet the prettiest girl in the room ..... shes right over there but Im feelin nervous so I figured I would practice on you first" (*field tested $$$)

"Heyy, Great outfit! Isnt K-mart the best?"

"Haha..your nose wiggles when you talk"

"You have the smallest ears/nose/whatever I have ever seen .. that is so cute!"

After opening with fluff: "Youre weird! FREAK..haha thats cool I am a freak to and I tend to gravitate towards my own kind (pause) you ARE unusually strange though.." (*field tested push-pull neg)

"Man what a lame party. Hardly any pretty girls at all! You have it easy, though. What with all the fine-looking studs running around (self-point)(*field tested C&F neg)

Your nose wiggles when you talk .. how quaint.

You look like my brother/little sister... I think it is the eyes.

You could be a model ... a HAND model.. You have great hands.

You guys are CUTE/FIESTY/BAD! Like little powerpuff girls!

I like your dress....I think I've seen you wearing it before.

I like your little sister/mom has the same one!

"I like your dress....wait, didn't I see you wearing it last night at the club? It's still nice."

"I love those shoes!!! Wait, my Grandma has the same ones! You two should meet sometime...Ya'll would match perfectly!" (maybe this is a little extreme)

You're the kind of girl i'd meet at a library! (or bookstore)

Oooh, nice nails...are they real? (no) Oh....well they are still sorta nice.

"oh so you model... you`re a role model right?"

"you look really cute in low light"

"You have this virginish air about you"

"Wow, you eat really fast"

"You'd be so fucking awesome if your sense of humor were more...developed."

For a fat chick you don't sweat much (no matter what she really looks like, even if she is as skinny as a pencil, use especially after dancing.)

Does the weather make your hair do that? (highly field tested)

"My, you have quite a temper for such a little girl"

"ooh, my drinks a little warm, could you chip a little ice off your heart, that is..if you can find it".

Q: Hey, were you at a theme party earlier tonight?

HB: No, why...

Q: You look all "80s-ed out". Its cool.

(Replace "80's out" with whatever you want.)

You're a model? Man, another one? It seems like any old girl can be a model these days.

"Hi, I just wanted to meet the prettiest girl in the room ..... shes right over there but Im feelin nervous so I figured I would practice on you first"This is aqctually one of the best neg openers I have heard. lol. Style has another wicked one: "I really like that top/ many girls have it now, it is the new fashion or something?"

Hey, I like that outfit (pause for her response) Yeah, my (mother/aunt/grandmother) has one just like it!

You have really nice nails pause they ARE just a shade off color, though.

You have a very pretty face, but you should use less makeup. Makeup should be used to enhance a woman's beauty, not hide it

You have really beautiful hair pause you should grow it (shorter/longer). It would go much better with the shape of your face.

That outfit is really sharp pause It would look much better if it were (some other color).

Nice outfit! Pause. I saw another woman here wearing the exact same thing! Women HATE this.

Didn't I see you wearing that outfit last week? Chances are that she did indeed wear that outfit last week.

Nice shoes! pause You'd look SO much better in (open/closed toe/high heel/low heel) shoes.

Have you highlighted your hair? pause for her response Why do women ruin their luxurious (blond/black/brown/red) hair with highlights?

You have very pretty (blue/brown/black/green/hazel) eyes. Pause. You shouldn't use (so much/so little) eye shadow. It detracts from the color of your eyes.

Do you know your nose wiggles when you (talk/laugh/drink)?

You have little crinkles around your eyes when you laugh DON'T SAY “WRINKLES”, unless she is exceptionally hot.

Your ears have a funny shape you laugh I kind of like it though!

I like women with weak/strong chins (Her mind: “He thinks I have a weak/strong chin? Is a weak/strong chin good or bad? Do most men prefer weak/strong chins?!?”)

Wow! You have kinda manly hands!

You have really long/short fingers. Most guys prefer a woman with short/long fingers.

An attractive girl like you should take better care of her nails!

You have a weird sense of humor

It's kind of rude to chew with your mouth open

Ewwww! You just spit on me! (Said while she is talking, and you are brushing off the front of your shirt)

Please don't interrupt me while I am speaking.

Do you use a conditioner for split-ends?


I am the Tiger Woods of competitive drinking

Downtown Detroit in the Pontiac Dome,
come see BIG FOOT take on GGGRrrrrAVE DIGGER...
You'll also see TRUCKASAURUS:
60 ft. of car-crushing, FIRE-BREATHING, CHILD-SCARING POWER!!!
First 10,000 kids get a free cowboy hat!
Only 20 dollars will buy you a whole seat,
but all you'll need is THE EDGE...

"Chris, if the drunk you and the sober you got in a fight, they would both lose"

"Sell crazy someplace else. We're all stocked up here."

"I'm a firm believer in a ruling class, especially since I rule."

"You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity"


"Your best? Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen."

"That's what I love about those high-school girls. I get older, and they stay the same age. Yes they do."

"They say money can't buy happiness? Look at the fucking smile on my face. Ear to ear, baby."

"I've got a girl who's pussy is so good, if you threw it up in the air it would turn into sunshine"

-You know the hardest thing about being smart?
-I always pretty much know what's gonna happen next. There's no suspense.

HB: "I'm cute and I know it."

PUA: "I find that most girls think they're A LOT cuter than they really are."

Dr.J: Yeah, i have to drink (alcohol) when im around you. (I like this because shes thinking that i have to have beer goggles on in order for me to talk to her. so its kind of a neg at first)


Dr.J: Yeah, you make me nervous. (By saying this she thinks that im in love with her)

HB: Really?? You get nervous around me??

Dr.J: Yeah.

HB: whys that?

Dr.J: Because im constantly afraid of you trying to jump my bones. :D

Example (from recent airplane #close with icy HB9):

HB: I think too much sometimes. I can't help it.

Style: Note to self--"do not date this girl"

HB: (laughs, blushes, and finally relaxes) You're right--I do start picking apart little things in a relationship for no reason.

At a meeting, a woman walked in the room late. I stood up as she walked in, to shake her hand and introduce myself.

HB: You don't have to stand up.

Style: I can't help it. My mother raised me well.

"Why dont u have a g/f"...or "Why dont u date"

A: Because all the girls who I thought really cared about me have just been perverted size queens and Im not gonna have any woman treating me like Im just a piece of meat.

After or during a kiss:

If she used tounge: "Not tounge...Not yet..." During kiss: Use fingers to push her chin back until seperation and say "Did I say you could kiss me???"

If she repeatedly touches you:

"Damn girl....You are really touchy feely"

If she says "Sorry":

U say: "For what? ("For being touchy feely"). *Laugh* "I never said it was a bad thing...Just keep your hands away from my crotch and my ass and we'll be okay..." *Smile*

If she says anything like "I know, do u like it?"

U say: I dunno, it depends on the girl....

Or You say: Ya know, it amazes me that even though you've been touching me alot, you've missed where I'm itching over and over again!" *Smile* *Point to where she should itch* (Makes it seem like she is trying to touch you (She is the pursuer) and a direct command is in there)

During hand holding or hand touching:

U say:[Feeling her hand] Wow. You have soft hands. I bet you don't even do the dishes, huh?

If the conversation stalls, say "Say something interesting" or "Entertain me" (with smile)

If they're not comfortable talking about sex, say "I thought I'm talking to grownups here." (notice the busting balls elements here?)

If she snaps for whatever reason, laugh and say "oh that's so cute"

If she's overwhelmed with you and says "You're not gonna get lucky" say "I am lucky" :)

Shittest: if she asks ",do you like me?" answer "I know you like me. That's obvious."

Shittest: "I don't have sex on the first date," answer "Why are you bringing up sex so soon? frustrated? And anyways...Whoever said you were gonna get a second date??? (see the busting balls and cockiness here?)

"what do you do" or "how is your family",

"I'm an assmodel. Today is my day off so I decided to sit my ass down for a while"

"I'm a homeless bum who just turned into porn star"

"I come from a disbanded black/white/asian family, and now live by myself "

In a bookstore (my favorite):

Classics: "Who are you kidding? Nobody actually reads this stuff! We just put it on our walls to look smart. If this some ploy to meet guys its not going to... it's um... not... um... Hi. I'm Giles."

Her: What type of girls do you like?

Me: I like the females who arn't afraid to go after what they want and who are real...Like females who are really in touch w/ their inner self and confident enough not to care what others think of them.

Me: Do you all recognize me??? No? I am a celebrity.

HB: No you are not? Where should we have seen you?

Me: (With enthusiasm) I am the ass model stunt double for the Celvin Klein ass is on tv for a full three seconds.

HB: Show me! (never fails!)

Her: How are you?

Me: I'm seated, how are you? [put in anything you want]

After she makes a stupid comment: [with serious look] "Hey you haven't been eating those retard sandwiches again have you?"

After she compliments you or tells you you're mean or anything: "I'm just giving the public what they want"

If she gives even the slightest IOI: "Geez, I've only known you for five minutes and already you're hitting on me. That has to be a new record......[dramatic pause].....Most girls only need a few seconds to see my devastating charm."

Non-verbal C&F: Mirror her then EXAGGERATE some part of what she's doing that sticks out or seems even slightly unnatural. You dont even have to say a word. I've been doing this alot lately with great success.....make sure it's playful.

Opener: Are you Shy or something?

Her: No, why, wtf?

Me: Because I've been standing here for five minutes and you haven't introduced yourself to me.

To hot bartender, after you've asked her name: You know if you pour me the perfect drink I'll never forget you

Her: haha Ok what do you want

Me: [tell her and she goes to get it]

Now when she brings it back, of course it is not good enough

Then start busting on her like "This drink is terrible" or other C&F shit.

Later on when she tries to talk to you be like "Who the hell are you?" and bust her balls about the shitty drink.

Me: "Finally! I get to meet someone as sexy as me."

HB: "I like you, you make me laugh."

Me: "I can also make you scream. ;)" (good for GM style)

Me: "Touch me."

HB: (she touches me, if it's anywhere but the crotch)

Me: "Whoaaaow there! I didn't mean like that." If she touches the crotch then, "I like the way you think."

If a hot babe is wearing a weird outfit

Me: "Awwww that's so cute...(pause)...your mommy dressed you up today."

Me: touch her

HB: resisits or pushes away

Me: "Don't fight it, you can't resist me, I'm a sex symbol." (then rub your chest with both arms in exagerated fashion)

Me: "Do you dress nice everyday...Or are you just trying to impress me?"

If a girl give a compliment

Me: Thanx, that's really sweet. Most girls just give me compliments to try to get in my pants...(pause and display a questioning facial expression)...Hey! I'm on to your little game missy!"

When gettting eye contact for long time you have to be bold for these

Me: "Stop looking at me, you are going to get too horny." (I got a make out with a stripper doing this.) or "Careful, don't fall in love."


Me: "Yeah, most girls will settle for less." or "...And another one's down...another one bites the dust." or "He's pussy whipped isn't he, come on you can tell me..."

"So what's with The Osbournes being MTV's #1 show of all time? I guess people just can't get enough of dysfunctional family life... they have to watch it on TV too."

"I'm so bummed that Justin broke up with Britney. They were so damn cute together. I was hoping that they'd have a daughter with fake blonde hair & breast implants at birth."

WOMEN tend to LOVE: Drama, Conflict, Romance & Famous people in their lives. Find an interesting-looking group of people & guess what's going on. Look around you & find couple sitting at table that looks like they're on date. start making fun of how guy acting, how he's dressed, his posture, etc. Talk about how girl thinks he dork & how he not getting any no matter how many compliments gives her.

Make fun of someone famous. Talk about how super model too skinny, or how Ozzy killed all brain cells & that shame he on TV broadcasting to millions of viewers. Make fun Mariah Carey for gaining weight, being put in loony bin & making sucky movie. read gossip magazines to get stuff make fun of.

Talk about other people's love lives. Talk about problems that others are going through when comes love & romance, then volunteer completely ridiculous theories about what going on. Mention friend you had who broke up with GF because she gained weight, then after you've told story, make up random theory about how women who gain weight are actually lesbians. But make sure it's funny, whatever you invent. bust on her if she asks boring questions/ fluff talk when necessary take break & GIVE UP sarging temporarily.

Tell her that she walks slower than your mom

Tell her that she too uptight & needs settle down because it's annoying, then rub her shoulders.

Give her a hard time about her driving, then kiss her.

Talk about times you're busy before talking about times you're available.

- making plans get together. instead of saying "How about tomorrow at 3?" smart guy says "Let's see, I'm busy tomorrow morning and the next day. And I'm going out of town this weekend... But I can do it tomorrow at 3."

Leave her alone once in awhile when you're out together.

-when shopping instead of sticking beside girl entire time walk away from her into different part of the store once in awhile & let her come find you. communicates that confident & independent, do what you want with your life & don't need stay by her side every second to get her approval."

send mixed messages. keep tension up. back off then use c&f again. ANTICIPATION

ask "Hey, are you single?"

If she says "No, I have a boyfriend", then say "Are you tired of him yet?" or something else funny. If she pauses, just say "I'll take that as a yes... do you have email?"

"where did you get these questions? from the how to bore guys manual???"

"what do I do? I'm a human clonist.. I clone humans.. yep, in my shed out back my house"

"how old am I? guess.. nope, I'm 95.. I'm serious. (look DEAD SERIOUS).. hey look at that (point at something stupid..) you're not looking! LOOK!"

(to any old question) "you don't wanna know.. I'm a badboy.. its a good thing you're not living at home, cause your parents wouldn't let you talk to me.."

or Mys' old "yeah, actually I'm 3.. I crawled out of my crib, stole my big brother's ID, and got in here.. can somebody find me some diapers?!?!?!?!? (look around frantically"

So u act surprised she hasn't brought you flowers, u accuse her of moving too fast & staring at your butt, wanting you for her sexual pleasure, thinking of you as her gigallo

When driving to fast: "If we go any faster we'll travel back in time"

When observing or describing a freaky huge body builder: "This guy was fucken huge.. I mean, people are staring at him like he just stepped of the mother ship."

When observing one of your guy friends doing some detailed work to his house or cooking: "Martha Stewart over here..."

When observing a funny piece of shit car: "I'm just waiting for that car to burst into flames"

In a non-bar environment, I can get a laugh saying something outrageous. I'll ask the new girls at the campus gym for vodka on the rocks or a Bud when they ask what they can give me (I'd say a blowjob, but I don't want to get kicked out of school). The smarter ones get it, the dumber ones...well, they're dumb, make Dawson's Creek joke or some shit. Or you'll say to a girl in a bookstore, "I don't know about you, but I think this bar sucks." Or a girl who's studying in a coffee shop, when she looks up and smiles at you..."You know, the bouncer here told me if you keep raising Cain like that, he's going to kick you on out."

I've wanted to try this one, but I'm still chickenshit to approach girls in bars...find a place that's loud, crowded, and smoky..."I really wish all these people would shut up, I'm TRYING to study!" or "I love these quiet, romantic places, don't you?"

To one of those guys that wears his pants lower than his underwear... 'I see London I see France I see someones underpants'! ( an oldie but she'll probably remember it from her school days and laugh)OR "If those pants were any lower they'd be socks"! OR "He must be a plumber in training" or (on his day off)!

I like to sit in the park/zoo/cafe or wherever we are and I tell her I can read ppl's minds or tell what they are saying as they walk by.. it's a sure way to get most girls to laugh. Unless she has no sense of humor at all. I just observe the ppl and say something off the wall depending on how they walk or what they are doing or how they are dressed... Example: A guy on a cell phone: I'd say maybe "ok this guy is saying 'Mommy? Im lost can you come and get me'? Next lady with blue hair.. "she's thinking: 'I hope my blue cat stays asleep until I get home!'Pretty corny stuff but they get into it. Pretty soon she'll be looking for the next guy and asking you what he's saying. Then they try, then it's your turn to laugh.

Sports: "Hey, what are you doing? This is guy turf, no chicks allowed! Is nothing sacred anymore?"

Cuisine: "Oh, very clever. I see through your little scam-- standing here pretending you can cook and just waiting for guys to notice you, like we're so superficial that... (look away thoughtfully for a second, then right into her eyes with a FLAT expression)... how are you at Italian?"

If she taps you for being funny, say "i know you really have the hots for me but can you try calming hormones down please?" most chicks with good sense of humor/playfulness or with HSE will take this joke and laugh like crazy...the chicks with low self esteem will eject...i once did this kind of comment to a chick who was holding my hand the whole time we were shaking and wouldn't let it i commented something "can u try to stop touching my hand so much?" but she immediately ejected after be cautious...there's a fine line between being RUDE and COCKY/FUNNY...also depends on teh chick you are doing on...most fun and playful chicks will love it...and the boring chicks will take it seriously and leave...but that's a great way to SCREEN the boring serious girls out of your way...

To deliver most of the C&F lines you have to be *reacting* to what she has said, like for example, she says, "I like your shirt" and you go "Do you want to take it off me then" or "wow you want to marry me already... I don't even know you yet".

bragging is ONE thing you can do, for example i would use this with listeners. i have no problems about bragging about myself for HOURS cause i really believe in what i say. i find myself very hot, i AM the best choice any women could possibly EVER make etc. :)! i have "im the prize" completely internalized.

another thing to do (with talkers for example) is to take informations she gives you and spin a theoretical future paced story around it that involves SEX somehow, but in a funny way.

me: "so, you want to be a politician when you grow up?"

her: "that would be cool, i heard they dont have to pay for drinks and stuff in bars when they go out :)"

me: "yeah, but then you couldnt go in places like this any more :( ... well probably with some bodyguards ;~D! and then youll run around with like 3 guys sourrounding you with black suits and mics in their ears that get drinks for you and stuff. and of course you would chose your bodyguards PURELY on looks

her: *laughing* "of COURSE!!"

me: "you know, that works just like in those marriage magazines where people can chose men and women for marriage, you get pictures and desriptions, of course only only the important ones like body fat percentage, dick size, duration, etc. and then you can make your choice ;~D! and when youll be interviewed and youll be asked why you did become a politician youll tell em "because of that damn yummy bodyguards that come with the job" hahaha ;~D"

Shittest: "You suck", answer with sly smile "glad you like it."

"what are you looking at?" (If they caught you looking at their tits), say

"shsst, I'm not done yet" and keep looking at her tits with curious look (for a while).

(my favorite one): If she says something like "I'm gonna go to bed", say

"hello, I just met you" (the key is tuning her comments as sexual, and ACCUSING her for it)

Potential flake: She says "Sorry, I got plans tomorrow", say "Cancel it! I'm more fun than whatever you're doing."

Shittest: She gets mad, "You never tell me anything!", smile and say "Glad you like it."

"You seem to be "intimidated" when you are around me...I just need to ask this...haven't you ever seen a good looking guy before like me...?"





"Will you *please* stop following me around?"

ME: how old are you?


ME: oh, you're too old. I don't think this relationships going to work out.

HER: (if she's not already laughing at this point) how old are you?

ME: 435

"I think this cowgirl wants to ride" -MISINTERPRETATION of something she said (high-five your wingman, maybe after kiss-game)

"That's the most romantic thing that anyone has ever said to me" (after something lame, like "you can have a 50% discount")

"I'm the bell of the ball" (after any compliment on your clothes)

"oh man, my neck is killing me.. feel's like someone stuck a knife in it... would you mind?"



Time distortion is having her think about a time in the future and her feelings for a special somebody "say six months from now" (see "Falling in Love" pattern). If you've done a good enough job, that hypothetical special somebody in her imagination will be you! She feels safe and secure with that as it is only her fantasy, just a thought, and nobody knows about it. Or at least that's what she thinks:)

But even if she doesn't imagine you as her special somebody, it doesn't matter. The object of time distortion is to have her imagine you and her six months from now, not even necessarily as lovers, just have her experience the thought of having known you for six months already. And before she knows it, she feels much more safe and secure with you, as if she has known you for a long time already (like... say... six months?:).

ASF: "It's really pretty simple. You just make up some bullshit fantasy that takes place in the future involving you and her and explain it to her. By the time you #close, it's almost ridiculous because she FEELS LIKE she has known you for so long already because you have taken her mentally to the future and in order to understand that she has to IMAGINE KNOWING YOU FOR MONTHS. She has imagined that you are good friends and like each other and travel together etc. You should see the looks on their faces when you say "so what's your number?", they can't believe how close they feel to you and you don't even have their number:)"

Example of a time distortion story (taken from "Sweep women off their feet..."):

"There was this girl I met over the Internet who would only respond once in a while, making me wait as long as two weeks for a reply if any at all. At one point I decided to put a stop to it. I wrote her the following little story:

"I know that right now it's hard for anyone to recognize when they meet the person they want to share their lives with, especially with the overload of information and male congestion on the Internet. But sometimes I think that Mother Nature provides food for every little bird in this world but that doesn't mean it will drop it in its nest. People are the same way. There is someone out there for every one of us, but we still have to go out there and find him or her.

With that in mind I cannot help but look into the future and see a young woman asking her grandmother for advice in the matters of the heart. You look at your grand daughter with love in your eyes, speaking in a kind voice, recalling moments from your youth when you weren't sure whether your heart was melting for the right man. Then you smile and tell her to trust her heart even if her mind says no, because there was a time when a young man was desperately trying to get your attention but for some reason he could not find his way into your heart. Just before you decided to put an end to his misery he wrote one compelling letter straight from his heart and that's when you knew he was the man who deserved your love. Your mind was still not convinced but you decided to let things happen at least for the sake of finding out for sure. Though it wasn't immediate, your heart and mind surrendered to the power of love. Had I given up at first we wouldn't be here talking about matters of the heart my dear girl, for that young man was none other but your grand daddy."

“That one email alone made her not want to miss out on such a perfect future."


Here are the ones I use:

  1. (think I got this off Tony's layguide) when looking at the fate line (or lack thereof), you find a flaw and say “There was some time in your childhood or adolescence that something happened which caused you to start taking adult responsibilities and tore some of your childhood away as you were forced to act like an adult before you were ready ...” (look at her face as she searches for such an experience ... there has to be one given that she now takes adult responsibilities, but once was a child ... once she has it she will be COMPLETELY OPEN TO YOU ... you continue) “... but that is a good thing, because although you were robbed of some of your childhood, you became an adult earlier, and are thus more able than most to enjoy your life as an adult today because you have more experience, and this will continue into your future as you find more and more happyiness.” (Generally she is not sold on the last bit, depending on how early she grew up).

  1. You find a flaw in her life line and ask “Do you have trouble getting out of bed in the mornings?” (I have found that about 85% say they do ... you continue either way) “I can see that from your life line that (either) has a flaw here (or) is strong and deep here.”

  1. You notice the cross hash pattern on her mound of venus and say “This is your mound of venus, and it represents your heart also. This cross hashed pattern means that you have a caged heart ... now if you were married, I would say that you are completely devoted to your husband and your heart is no one elses ... but since you are not, that means that you have trouble giving yourself fully to others <guesturing away from yourself into the crowd with your head / eyes> and you would make yourself a lot happier if you could allow yourself ... when you have that special someone right in front of you ... to allow yourself to not hold back, and to give yourself entirely to this person ... and act on all those things that you may want to do, but never allowed yourself to before.”

  1. new one for me, from Nighlight “Your deep heart line tells me that while you have an outside made of hard candy, but you have an inside of soft fudge” ... this has to be universally true, and if you have got her wet at any stage up to now, you will in fact be also pacing her reality.

I also do a guenuine reading to the best of my abilities (my abilities are not all that high a level).

Some additional notes:

So you guys who are using the palm reading deal, give us your universal truths, lines and patterns that you use during a palm reading (I should start reading the horoscopes to get some more).

Romantic routines

Maddash Romance routine

Intro 1: (opener)

"Listen. I need a woman's opinion on something. You look like a woman, right? (smile) That's what I thought. Do you think women COMMUNICATE differently than men? (HB: of course!) Me, too. "

Intro 2: (sexcellerate)

"I find it so amazing, I think about things, you know ... Why is it that women find men attractive? I mean, women are beautiful and sexy and sensual ... oh my god ... but men, men are ugly, hairy, brutish ... (one HB stops me at this point and tells me she likes women better than men herself. Yes, I #-closed her). I finally figured out why it is... being sexy and sensual and beautiful

is a woman's art ... you know what a man's art is? Language ... the ability to communicate and to use words to speak to a woman the way she wants to be spoken to ... for instance (I lean in here) ... what if you knew me and I whispered in

your ear ... (deep calm sexy voice) how beautiful you are ... how amazingly sexy you are ... how you drive me absolutely mad with desire and how much I need you ... that is something only an intelligent man can do for you ... you know how I learned this?

Main routine:

I'm in advertising, and for about six months ago I've been intrigued with how men and women communicate. What happened is that a friend of mine in the publishing industry told me this fact that blew me away.

(pause. I know the interest level is REALLY high here, because I always have their undivided attention at this point . In fact, one girl shooshed one of her friends who tried to interrupt me at this point).

He told me that out of all of the books sold in the US, 49% of them dealt with every category except for one. For instance - religion, art, physics, the Bible ... everything ... except for one. The other 51% is this other category ... do you know what it is? (I've heard three answers: #1 "Self-help" #2 "Sex" #3 "I don't know" - can we refine this?)

Romance Novels.

(HB: "ahhhhh, yes!"). Well, I'm the kind of guy who if you tell me something interesting like that, I think and think and think about it.

You know? So I got to thinking ... why is that? Well, I went to the local Borders and I found the romance section ... this HUGE (hold hands out) section that I've never noticed before! These three women were there looking at books, so I asked one of them to recommend one for me (HBs always get this astonished look on their face) and I buy it. I get about 5 pages into it, and I'm thinking "what the hell is this?". I call my buddy, and he says "keep reading". So I finish it.

Well, I grew up with 6 female cousins and 2 older sisters ... no brothers ... I thought I understood women ... but that book blew me away. I was seeing this girl at the time and it was sort of dull... you know... Anyway, I was writing her an email and I got the idea that maybe I should rephrase things a little bit, you know, the way that a woman wants to hear. So I rewrote my email,

saying the same exact thing that it said before, but worded differently. I spoke to HER... the next day, at 5:45am I got her reply ... "I couldn't sleep all night, I've been thinking about you constantly, I have never had anybody understand me so well before, I am feeling so passionate right now."

Ring Finger Routine

The first finger is associated with Jupiter (strong and powerful, index finger Saturn, ring finger Apollo and little finger Mercury. Now lets creatively interpret according to what want to tell her.

There are 3 categories of qualities as I see it:

Qualities you want her to have: adventurous, spontaneous, playful, passionate, deep connections etc.

Qualities you have: alpha male qualities etc, powerful, strong etc.

Qualities to psychic read her and make her think you know about her: intuitive, creative, etc

The lead in is "did you know the finger you wear a ring on can make an important psychological statement about you..

Each of the fingers have different energies associated with them which are associated with the different Roman Gods for example the first finger is associated with Jupiter.. as you know was a great leader... for example have you ever met someone (s.p)who was strong and powerful and could lead you into new directions blah blah blah link alpha qualities to self.

Now pick a female quality and say associate it with say the index finger.. e.g. you could tell her she is intuitive, Or pick the finger she is wearing the ring on and tell her she is intuitive! The ring finger creatively change Apollo to Venus and tell her she is capable of deep connections leads into the I/C pattern. Can also tell her this is the only finger in her hand that has a blood vessel that leads all the way to her heart an how they describe in the mythology how it will feel when you meet that special person into I/C.

The pattern leads nicely into palmistry. Basically you want to think what other patterns, challenges/qualifying you are going to use before you use all the good (adventurous, spontaneous)qualities on this routine. If you use them in this routine you may want to challenge her about it. Do you see that in yourself or are you still finding a way to let it out etc.

Soul-Gazing Routine

"Let me show you something really interesting. They SAY the eyes are the window to the soul, but that's really only half true. The RIGHT eye (I point to HER right eye ... not the eye that appears on MY right, but her actual, eye on HER right side) is the window to the body and the mind ... and the left eye (pointing to HER left eye) is the window to the soul. So, we're going to do a little soul gazing here. You see the Celts don't believe in soul-mates. That just creates too much pressure. The Celts believe in Soul-Friends, that we have plenty of soul friends just waiting to meet us. So, as I open up my left eye, and let you in, to see this soul friend waiting

to meet you, you can open up your left eye, and let me see the soul friend that's been waiting her whole life to meet me. (Then relax and soften my eyes ... thinking loving thoughts ... 100% of the time, they follow right along ... when I see a little sparkle in their eye I say) THERE! RIGHT THERE! THAT one! Can you FEEL THAT (squeeze the hand) is the coolest thing to experience? They are amazed 100% of the time by this! Now I have a soul friend anchor on her left hand, just by squeezing it (I don't anchor the right hand ... as it would get fired off by everyone who shakes her hand! I want it to be uniquely anchored to ME if possible!)

I don't do this last part. Instead I wait about 30 seconds peering deep into her eyes. Then I say something like: "I can feel your energy going through me. I feel like you've known you my whole life." Transition to IC.

Papa's Soul Gazing

ME: You know you can look into someone's eyes and you can make a connection to their soul. Well, according to ancient indian folklore, all souls were created at the same time at the beginning of the universe. Now what's interesting is that each and every soul was given a twin soul.(sp).a single soulmate (sp).and the purpose of every soul in this world is to find it's twin soul and connect with it. Now every soul is supposed to have an energy that floats around it. And just by gazing into your eyes I can make a connection. [run Incredible Connection pattern] Here's how it's done. Think of someone you really like. See the person's image. You have a good imagination. You're I know you can do it. Got it?

HER: Yes.

ME: Ok. Now think of someone you don't really like. Got it?

HER: Yes.

ME: Ok. When you thought of the person you like, you looked down...and...when you thought of the person you really don't like you looked the person you like is shorter than you...and person you don't like is taller than you.

HER: That's right.

ME: Yeah. I'm not sure how psychic powers work through gazing in one's eyes...but just imagine how powerful it can be to gaze into someone's eyes and tell deep insights about someone just through your gaze.

HER: Yes. That's really cool. [smiles]

ME: You know what? I'm going to show you something special. Here gaze in my eyes.

HER: Ok. [gazing into my eyes]

ME: [10 seconds later] You see, you kind of glanced away. [this is bullshit btw] This is what happened. While I looked into both of your eyes, you were able to hold your glance at me...however, while I gazed just into your right eye, I established dominance and you looked away.

HER: Try it again.

ME: Sure. [we gaze into each other's eyes for 20 seconds] Hey, you are TRYING TOO HARD.

HER: Hahaha. No I'm not.

ME: Yes you are. [moving my head closer to hers] You are going to lose soon.

HER: No. I will establish my DOMINANCE.

ME: Ha. [moving my head closer and closer] No you won't...

HER: Yes. I will. I will NEVER LOOK AWAY. You can't trick me.

ME: We'll see about that. [Papa moves in and starts kissing the girl]

Sex routines

Relationships are based on Rocks and Gold

I often tell this story to chicks when they try to give me bullshit about 'being friends' and wanting to go out to dinners before agreeing to be my GF/put out sex. It says alot about how guys (and ladies) think, and why they have so much trouble to understand each other. It should answer your question about what guys think..

Men and women both appreciate things that are valuable. Diamonds (rocks) and gold are both very valuable things. In a relationship,

diamonds= personality (ie arranging nice romantic dinners, walks on the moonlight, candlelight with soft music', a sense of connection), while gold='sex'.

But women prefer diamonds to gold (usually), and men prefer gold to diamonds (usually). Of course, both are important, especially in a long term relationship, but if a woman could choose, she would prefer the diamonds first, and the man would prefer the gold first.

And (generally), a man can accept gold without the diamonds, and a woman can accept diamonds without any gold.

So in a relationship, a woman is mining for diamonds, while the man is mining for gold.

But if you give a woman gold (sex) only, or a man diamonds (romantic walks and nice dinners) only.. neither is likely to be very happy, and the relationship will soon fall apart. In short, an exchange of sorts takes place in a successful relationship.

So if a man expects just gold (sex), but doesnt want to give her diamonds (relationship & the mushy stuff), then she will dump him fairly soon, because he is playing/using her just for sex..

And if a woman expects just diamonds (walks, attention, nice dinners, movies..etc) without giving some gold (sex), then he (if he has any clue about how to deal with women, though many men do not, especially in North America) will dump her because she is using/playing him just for his personality.


"(INSERT A VARIATION OF NATURAL WOMAN PATTERN HERE, BUT A SHORTER VERSION THAT JUST CUTS TO THE MEAT).. so the thing is, its like, girls can sometimes just have fantasies like that are totally different from what they -really- want, but still maybe wish that their guys could go with them.. Like there's just so many constraints imposed by society.. and its like, alot of girls can have fantasies about "being taken".. sortoff almost like rape fantasies, where its like not necessarily some scary creepy guy, and obviously they don't want that to actually happen.. but like, just that fantasy about "being taken" and having it totally not in your own control, and it just excites you so much because its just so different than the same thing as always... like you really don't want

it, but you're just so taken away by the whole feeling and experience of it..and its like, some guys they recognize that and just totally can give their girlfriends those fantasies by just being ADVENTUROUS and MORE EXCITING.. just like totally enacting GETTING IN TOUCH with their girlfriends fantasies, and finding out just what it is that they are.. and totally connecting on a more intimate level, because they understand eachothers desires more, and just totally connect through exploration of the depths of their sexualities.."

Modified Natural Woman

Segue into it whenever relationships/expectations come onto the table... Don't try to memorize it verbatim, it's a rap that needs to be off the cuff. This is a very imperfect rendition, I tell it much better since it's worked into a conversation from a particular angle that makes it come off more smoothly.

"I believe in being who I am, and letting you be who you are, and seeing where things go from there. When you go into a new relationship with expectations, and try to force the interaction into a certain form, you create a tension which can make being together nervous and uncomfortable, and later on down the road there is always conflict when incompatibilities arise. By releasing your expectations and just letting yourself be free and in the moment, enjoying the interaction for what it is, you will always get the most out of your time with people, and what happens will be exactly what SHOULD happen. If you feel the desire to make love to someone, then do so, and do it for itself, not for any other reason than to enjoy the act. Follow your instincts, and don't let the expectations of others lead you away from your own happiness."

It's sort of a relationship philosophy that is kind of like polyamory/zen - chicks are always fascinated even if they don't agree (and when they don't agree it's usually not for logical reasons but rather because it's "too different" for them to accept readily). I segue into a monogamy routine afterwards that goes something like this...

"marriage/relationships are so selfish... You are supposed to be 'in love' when you are in a relationship, but most people use relationships as a leash, so that the other person feels obligated not to look at other mates. This is so silly - if you really love someone you should care enough about their well-being that if someone else comes along who is better for them, you should either pass on the torch, or work harder to be 'more right' for that person so that they stay with you. When you hold someone else back because of your own neediness and you're too lazy to change and provide more for that person that's despicable."

What do you do routine (Rapport)

When she asks what you do for a living, you say

“lets play a game, I'll give you four options and you guess which one is


(speak slowly)

Am I

a) a lawyer

b) a window salesman

c) a policeman, or

d) am I unemployed?

If she guesses wrong, you can take the piss and get mock offended, saying stuff like “I can't believe you thought that! I mean can you imagine me going around saying [then do an impression of whatever career she chose]

If she guesses right, you get deeper and say “you're really insightful, I bet that in your group of friends, your always the one that sorts the problems out. What made you think I was a policeman?” (for example)

This easily swings things into a rapport stage

Jealous BF Routine (Rapport)

Everytime when I'm talking to a girl. Another guy waves to her, or comes over to give her a hug, or comes over to chat with her briefly. I would say to the girl...

“hey is that your jealous boyfriend?”

“good, `cause last week I was at this bar, a jealous boyfriend saw his girlfriend talking to me and tried to start a fight with me...”

This will

1) Indirectly demonstrate social proof

2) reveal her relationship with the guy

3) get her to qualify herself by telling you “oh no he's cool” “oh no he doesn't care” “oh no we're just friends” “oh no, i don't know him that well”

4) frame that guy as a `jealous type' in case he's an AMOG who may CB you later

5) open up another interesting conversation thread.

6) Moving the 2 of you in the frame of “since he's not the jealous boyfriend, we can do more intimate things together”

On Friday I chatted up this girl who sat next to me on a couch, after a few minutes, a guy came over and sat next to her on the other side. I ran the “jealous boyfriend” routine, she said “no he's fine”. I said “cool, what if we cuddle? will he get jealous then?” she laughed and said “no he won't”. We started cuddling. She followed me around for the rest of the night and eventually email closed me in front of her REAL boyfriend.

Now in hindsight, while we were cuddling, I should also have said “what if we kiss? will he be jealous THEN?” to see if she'd go for it right there and then.

Anyway, try it out. This routine has worked magic for me EVERYTIME so far.

Hard to Trust (Comfort)

Talk about how hard it is to find somebody you can trust. “But when you do find a person like that, it opens a whole world of possibilities for both of you. How do I tell that I can trust someone I've just met? I imagine a time in the future, and if I can imagine still trusting that person, I know I can trust them now. I do this test all the time, and it never fails. Many times, years later you'll look back at the time when you've first met, and realize how genuine your feeling of trust was, and how fortunate you were to carry it through the years.”

Twin Brothers Routine

It goes like this: you're at a party or a club and you meet twin brothers; they are absoutely identical, physically.

ONE of them has the best hands of any guy you've ever met. The other is an incredible dancer. Which one do you pick?

Same scenario. Again, the two guys are identical. One makes you laugh more than anyone you've ever met. The other is the most incredible kisser you could ever in a lifetime encounter. Which one do you pick?

Same scenario: One guy has more money than Bill Gates. The other makes you feel like you are the most beautiful, desirable woman who ever walked the face of the planet. Which do you pick?

EG: The reason I ask is that I have my little sister and her friend met these two twins on Venice Beach. They're in a lineup for icecream, and one of them drops his cone on her blouse.. He starts trying to pad down her blouse, and my sister is like `ummm, OK buddy, I'll take care of it..” But then both of them were so embaressed, that they took a liking to them. Do you guys like it when a guy gets shy easily? Do you like SHY guys? Anyway, she wants to figure out which guy to pick because the four of them are getting together, and apparently she gets first dibs because it was her blouse that got stained


Madison PU days 4 From the FR on hooking up with the FRESHMAN HB9 DORM GIRL. This is the shortened version of the Blammo...with lots of kino. Here's the gist of it: “Check this out. Take a deep breath. And look at my hand. [I'm holding my hand in front of her] and as you let out your breath. Close your eyes. Feel loose limp and relaxed and notice that the more your let your eyes stay very relaxed and closed, the more you can experience these good sensations. Because I cannot control how your think or feel...only you can do this. Now, I know that there are things that your are really passionate about like new opportunities and then there are things that you are not really passionate about, like math...or a stale relationship...well, what if you could feel really passionate so that you could through those things that you are not really passionate about so that you could move onto those things that you really are passionate about. That'd be very cool, right? Well, what I want you to do is think about a guy you really like, someone who really knows what he's doing...and if you're mind is like a mental movie screen, point to the spot you see this person. Ok? That's good. Now take your finger and point to where you see the image of someone that you not necessarily dislike, but if her were to fall off the face of the planet, you probably wouldn't shed too many tears. Ok? Good. Now, what happens when you try in vain to move the image of the person that you don't necessarily like into the space of the person you really really like? That's right. It doesn't want to move there does it. Ok. Now, pump your fists. [I am helping her pump her fist with my hand and gently brushing her writst] I want you to see that image of the person you really really like. See what you saw when you are doing that special thing with this person. Hear what you heard. And feel what you feel. And when all those feelings of mmmmm exquisite pleasure...reach its peak....wiggle your thumb for me. Good. Now open your eyes. And do it again. See what you saw, feel what you felt, and hear what you heard. You know what to do. [I continue kino on her wrists.] Good, now one more time. Outstanding. Now, what we've done is we've created an anchor. Now, whenever you want to feel really good...all you have to do is wiggle that thumb for me.

The Cube

I've run the Cube on several women, and it's never failed to amaze them. Usually it gives a good approximate idea of the person. Very efficient. Very much fun too.

After prepping her ("are you sure you want this? you might learn >> things about yourself you never knew...") here is how I run it. The questions should not be very sprcific-- she should imagine all the details

"Okay Debbie, I am gonna give you a simple picture, with just three things in it: the sky, the horizon, and the desert, and I'll ask you to fill in a few things in this landscape. Use your imagination in fixing any and all the details. Use a pencil and paper if you think that'll help." "In the desert, imagine a cube. What does it look like? What is it >> made of? Where is it located? What state is it in?" "Now imagine a ladder. What is it made of? How big is it? How many >> rungs? Where is it located in relation to the the cube?" "Imagine some flowers. How many are they? What kind? Where are they >> located in relation to the cube and the ladder?" "And now imagine a horse. What kind of horse is it? What color? What size? What is it doing? Where in the scenery is it located, in relation to the earlier three things?" "And finally, there's a storm in this landscape. Where is it in relation to the other things in the scenery? Which way is it proceeding? What kind of storm is it?"


The Cube: represents the woman's conception of herself.

The Ladder: ...friends (and family in some cases).

The Flowers: ...Children

The Horse: ...Her lover

The Storm: ...Troubles in life. It is usually easy to interpret the details. For example, a cube resting nicely on the sand and of neither too tiny nor too huge size shows a person with a good sense of proportion about their place in the world. A huge cube => egomaniac. A tiny cube => feels insignificant; low self-worth. A buried cube => overwhelmed. Etc. The book is a quick read and you may be able to read up most of the crucial details in the bookstore itself. The gist of the book is as >> above.


Ask the questions in the proper order (Cube, ladder, flowers, horse, storm - in that order); interpret the picture in the same order, and only AFTER she has imagined the entire picture (all five pieces mentioned above). Heck, you might even hold on to some of it to ensure a followup encounter. ("I need to think more about some of the features of your horse. Will let you know when I have an interpretation that I feel makes sense."). Some here on ASF may disagree with some of the interpretations, but that's okay; I think if an interpretation makes sense to me, it is probably correct. There are two components to the interpretation of each of the five pieces: the piece in itself, and its relation to the other pieces as well as the overall picture. The sizes and positions of various things are RELATIVE to one another and to the overall scene of the desert. Moreover, the interpretations are not according to some rigid law, they are just ways to make sense out of the woman's imagined picture, but that is the best part because as far as we are concerned here in ASF, that flexibility allows us to interpret things in a way that helps the seduction (a negative interpretation is a neg-hit! You can include small negative inperpretations whenever necessary, while generally giving a reasonably sensible interpretation overall). 1.

THE CUBE: Represents the woman's conception of herself. A huge cube covering most of the scenery (Field of View or FOV) means she's got an inflated ego, a sense of high self-importance. Other features of the cube could mean:

Tiny cube => feels small, insignificant, ignored, modest

Cube resting on the ground => generally has a firm foothold on reality

Cube far away in the distance => Feels left behind by life

Cube flying in the air or levitated => daydreamer, imaginative but unrealistic

Cube partly above the horizon line => ambitious

Cube below the horizon => not very ambitious

Cube resting on its edge => metastable life, perhaps?

Cube made of solid material => good sense of self-worth, well-grounded personality

Cube made of gold => Thinks of herself as extremely precious

Cube made of glass or transparent cube => Considers herself pure

Cube full of slimy stuff => Hates herself completely

Cube hollow inside => feels hollow, unfulfilled in the extreme [interesting example: one woman know very well imagined the Rubic's cube, being twisted and turned by a child. I was not surprised because she has a sever persecution complex and total paranoia, considers everyone else stupid and childish (has a holier-than-thou mentality), feels attacked by the world, and is an emotional basketcase]

2. THE LADDER: Represents her close social support structure (friends; family in some cases).

Long ladder with many rungs => big social circle, has many friends, outgoing personality, sociable

Ladder made of some odd material => feels her friends are weird, very different from normal people

Ladder with few rungs => has few close friends

Ladder in a less than good condition => believes people around her are fucked up

Ladder far away from the cube => Does not let people get too close to herself; keeps aloof, has a hard shell around herself

Ladder leaning against cube => Feels she does a lot of things for her friends, supports them more than they support her, feels she has some codependent people around her

Ladder on top of cube => Feels her friends/family are overbearing, feels oppressed by them

Ladder much bigger than cube => feels small in her social circle

Ladder supporting cube (like, ladder under the cube) => feels her close associates support her in her accomplishments

Strong ladder => is surrounded by strong people, feels secure in them

Burned up ladder => Feels surrounded by totally fucked up people who are ruining themselves

3. THE FLOWERS: Represent the place of children in her life.

Number of flowers => children she has or wants to have, or has/wants to have around (See * below)

Flowers close to cube => Feels very close to the children she has or will have

Flowers far away => Does not want children

Flowers blooming well => Feels positive about her children's lives

Flowers messed up => is surrounded by screwed up children * Lots of flowers everywhere => Probably works with children, or would like to; (One chick I know had this; she is a grade school teacher)

Flowers shaking in the wind => feels children in her life have hardships

Flowers all around/over the cube => Feels overwhelmed by kids

Flowers separated from cube by the ladder => feels her friends/family (do/will/might) interfere in her relationship with her children

Beautiful flowers (roses, poppy etc) => Finds children very beautiful

4. THE HORSE: Represents her thoughts about her lover (or the lover she thinks she wants or will have).

Strong, large horse => Wants a protective, strong man

Color of horse => Possibly the race of the lover she wants (the teacher chick mentioned above has a "latin thing" - her horse was brown)

Horse close to the cube => Wants the lover to be very close to her emotionally and physically

Horse well separated from cube => Is reserved about opening up completely to lovers

Horse licking/sniffing the cube => Imagines/wishes she's being doted on

Small, submissive horse => Wants a lover she can dominate

Wild horse => wants a guy who is not tamed and will not be tamed

Tethered horse => Wants to keep him very restrained/restricted

Horse stomping on the cube => Has been or feels extremely abused by lovers

Horse destroying the flowers => Feels the lover will not be good towards her children (single moms probably have this thing more often)

Horse messing with the ladder => Conflict between her lover and her friends

Horse far away or walking away => Feels abandoned

Horse separated from flowers by the cube => feels she will have to take care of the children and manage her lover's relationship with them

Weak horse => envisions being (stuck?) with a wimp [example: one chick I know had a horse running around in a confined arena. She is a controlling, limit-setting type chick who likes to watch her man react to her experiments with his emotions/behavior.]

5. THE STORM: Represents her ideas about troubles in life.

Storm in the distance => Troubles are not overwhelming her presently

Storm approaching => Fears crises in future

Storm receding => Has had troubles recently but feels they are over

Huge, dominant storm => Feels her life is in deep shit

Storm in the distance, passing away affecting none of the other four things in the scenery => Feels her life is relatively trouble-free, has few problems around in her life.

Small storm => Feels secure about problems she will face


Papa: I have an intuition about you.

Paris: What? She puts her food down and looks at me] Papa: You know, I can tell you deep insights about you just by asking you 3 questions.

Paris: Oh, yeah?

Papa: Yeah. Here's come over to this table.

Paris: Ok. Sure.

Papa: Well, my friend wrote this book on this fascinating visualization technique called the Cube. He's over there right now and we just finished going shopping for a house over there [pointing in the direction of the Hollywood Hills] and I've finally got one. I've been living in a hotel for the last 10 weeks. Ugh.

Paris: Oh yeah! Which one?

Papa: The Furama.

Paris: [nods] Yeah, I live right up the street on Kings Street. Papa: Cool. I was looking at a place just a couple blocks on Kings Street, but I found a place I want that's perfect for me up off Woodwill Wilson. It's a great place and I already have so much heart for it. My friend Style and I are already talking about having after parties there for after the Grammy's and making it a great place for after-parties.

Paris: Cooool.

Papa: Ok. Are you ready for the Cube?

Paris: Yes. Sure. [smiles]

Papa: [escalating the Yes Ladder] Before I need to ask you a few questions. Are you intelligent?

Paris: Yes.

Papa: Are you intuitive?

Paris: Yes.

Papa: Do you have a good imagination?

Paris: Yes.

Papa: Ok. Great! We'll continue then. Imagine you were driving in the desert and you see a cube. How big is the cube?

Paris: It's really big!

Papa: How big is that?

Paris: As big as a hotel.

Papa: [I pretend not to acknowledge knowing that she is a Hilton…and she just referred to a hotel…ha] Hmm. Interesting. Ok. So, what color is it? Paris: Pink.

Papa: Cool. Is it something that you can see through or is it solid?

Paris: You can see right through it.

Papa: Rock on! Now, let's add a ladder. Where is the ladder in relation to the cube?

Paris: It's leaning against the cube, going into the middle of it.

Papa: Ah! I would have expected you to say that.

Paris: Yeah. [smiles and giggles]

Papa: Yeah. So, let's add one more thing to your picture. Let's add a horse.

Where is the horse in relation to everything in your picture?

Paris: It's sleeping.

Papa: Where is it sleeping?

Paris: In front of the cube?

Papa: Wow. Interesting. [pauses] Ok. Are you ready to find out what all of this mean? [pause] It doesn't mean anything! No, just kidding. The cube represents what you think of yourself. It's your ego. Now, your cube is pretty big. You have a lot of self-confidence. It's not super-huge. I mean, it's not like you have a huge ego, but you definitely carry yourself with a lot of confidence. It's definitely not a small cube [making my fingers into a small thing] like a pair of dice. Also, your cube is pink.

Paris: Yeah. That's my favorite color.

Papa: Well, pink is also a color that is playful, bright, and it's because you carry yourself with the same kind of energy. You are the kind of person that really likes to have fun and party, but you are also the kind of person who just enjoys being in other people's company.

Paris: Yes.

Papa: And your cube is something that you can see right through. Now, that represents how people interact with you too because you are the kind of person who even when people first meet you, they can see right through you. You really connect with people and that's sooo cool because that means they can get to know you pretty quickly. You are also probably a pretty social being. Do you have a lot of friends?

Paris: Yes.

Papa: I would have expected that because you are the kind of person who even if you have only just met someone, you feel like you have known this person for several hours. That's great because you are the kind of person who always have these great new opportunities popping up right in front of you and you are able take advantage of these opportunities before they disappear. And that rocks. Paris: What's your name?

Papa: Nick. What's your name?

Paris: Paris.

Papa: Rock on. I feel like we have so much to talk about.

Paris: Yes.

Papa: We should definitely party it up together sometime.

Paris: Yes. We should.

Papa: Here. [takes out his Clie and gives SHBHotelHeiresshis Clie pen] Paris: [SHBHotelHeiresswrites down her first name and last name on the clie and hands the clie to Papa expecting impress him and get a wow response, but Papa ignores knowing the SHBHotelHeiress is anybody] Papa: Here.

Paris: Ok. Write it down right here?

Papa: Yes.

Paris: [she writes down her phone number] This is my cell phone.

Papa: Cool.

Paris: Yeah. We should definitely meet up.

Papa: Yeah. Rock on. I'll see ya, kid.


Style's Evolution Phase Shift

This is my GOLD routine. I use it all the time, and just realized I only ever posted the "beta" version. Here it is in its entirety. Enjoy, if you're not using it already...

1. I tell her that she smells good and ask what she is wearing. Then I lean in, brush her hair aside, and sniff her slowly, moving up from the shoulder to the ear. "Mmmm, that smells good. People don't pay enough attention to smell. But you'll notice how animals, before they mate, will always smell each other. Evolution has hard-wired us to respond to certain things. You are wired to respond when someone smells you."

2. "It's like when someone pulls the back of your hair. You'll notice how lions, when they mate, always bite and tug at the end of each other's mane, right here." (Since I'm shaved bald, I'll add here, "This is what I miss the most about not having hair"; if you have hair, say, "This is one of my favorite things".) Then I run my hand up the back of her neck and grab a fistfull of hair at the roots and pull it, downwards. She says "mmmm..." And I say "see."

3. Then I talk about how "no one knows this, but the most sensitive places on the body are places that are usually hidden from contact with the air, like the back of the elbow (touching it) and knee (touching it). Any place where your body bends, twists, or folds,

there are millions of sensitive little nerve endings that release endomorphins . Then I take her arm, bend it a little, and erotically bite the area on the opposite side of the elbow (that crease where it bends). She usually gets the chills, and I have her ratify how good it feels.

[NOTE FOR THE LESS EXPERIENCED: If you don't know how to erotically bite a girl, learn before you do this. You want to take a big chunk of skin -- not a little pinch! -- and slowly and firmly slide your teeth together until they meet and release the skin. You may want to practice on your own elbow first. Or on Twentysix's mom's elbow—just call her and tell her you know where all of her missing bras went to.]

4. After, I say, "But do you know what the best thing in the world is?...A" And I point to the side of my neck. (Every now and then, I'll add, that "this has to do with the fact that it is where the jugular vein is most exposed, and since most sexual fantasies have to do with submission and vulnerability, it sends all the fantasy signals flying.”) Then I'll expose my neck and say, "Bite me right here" as if I EXPECT her to do it. Fifty percent of the time she will. If she doesn't, I just turn away calmly (punish), wait a few seconds, and then turn back and repeat, "Bite me right here." Usually here she will.

5. Half the time, her bite is lame. If so, I correct her and say, "That's not how you bite. Come here." Then I give her a good bite on the neck and instruct her to "try again." This time, she ALWAYS does a great job.

6. Now you look her in the eye, smile micheviously/approvingly, and say, very slowly, "not bad." Then glance down at her mouth, back up at her eyes, you want...and if she's!


1. Handshake You can either start this off by going straight for the handshake or you can give her a high five first (and then give her a handshake). Shake the hand isn't necessary, but you can if you want to do so. The point is to just clasp her right hand with your right hand. Once you have her hand in yours, you are pretty much guaranteed a kiss. Ha!

2. Grab her other hand so your arms are crossed Reach your left hand out towards her left hand. As a natural and automatic reflex, the girl will immediately extend her left hand towards your hand. When she extends her hand, grab it and clasp it firmly. Notice that when you do this, your arms are now crossed. The girl will probably be gazing at you with curiosity right now.

3. Spin her so your arms are uncrossed and hers are crossed Next spin her. Keep yourself in the same place while twirling her hands around her head. Make sure your hands are loose so that you can spin her hands around. Don't hold onto her hands firmly when spinning the girl. Let the girl's hands twirl around in your hands. You should end up in a position where your arms are uncrossed and hers are crossed.

4. Push her arms over her head and behind hers Now, quickly push her hands up and over her head. Then push them back behind her head. If she thinks you want to spin her, thrust your arms forward and separate him elbows. This should stop her spinning momentum and get her to face you. If she spins anyways, spin her again to get her back into the position where her arms are crossed and repeat step 4.

5. Let go of her hands Now that her hands are placed behind her head, she is in a position where her face is close to yours and she can't push or move away (so even if she is not sure she wants to kiss, she'll kiss). You need to quickly move through steps 6 and 7 at this time because you'll want to complete steps 6 and 7 while her hands are still behind her head.

6. Drag your hands down her sides under her armpit Quickly drag your arms underneath her armpits and downwards. You may even brush against her breasts while you are doing this. The point is just to add extra feelings of arousal. You may even want to keep going around her while you are moving on down so that you hands stop on or near her ass. Girls really get a kick out of this cuz it's so smooth.

7. Pull her close to you and kiss her Whereever your hands end up, use them to pull her close to you. Lean in and kiss her lips. The longer the kiss the better. If you are on the dancefloor, you'll want the kiss to be at least 5-10 seconds or the peck will seem cool, but the girl may laugh because she is so excited by your cool moves that she expects much more. 100% Guaranteed Success.

Mystery's Kiss Close

Mystery: "The Kiss Close" is my favorite routine.

Once you have three indicators of interest (she touches you, laughs consistantly at your jokes, leans in towards you, smiles a lot and keeps eye contact, resumes chat when you force silence, etc) you then phase shift. You turn 180 degrees on a dime. Go from humorous and non-sexual to saying, "Stop. Would you like to kiss me?", right out of the blue. She will say either say, "Uh - no",(which is unlikely as you don't bother performing "The Kiss Close" until enough indicators are present) or, "I donno" (they rarely say, "Yes"). "I donno" means she actually does want to but feels embarrassed on how to say "Yes". So you reply, "Lets find out", then go in slowly and kiss her. It's very simple and very effective. If she says, "Why?", this is also a yes. Simply reply, "It looked like you had something on your mind. Would you like to kiss me?" Wait again for her response. If her response is "No" then reply, "Hey I didn't say you COULD. You just had that look in your eye."

Blind Man

Its called the "blind man" and it's based on Formhandle's "lets pretend" idea.

Ok, so you get a little raport with a chick and then you say "let's pretend I'm blind" - close your eyes. Then you explain to the girl that since you have never seen a beautiful, sexy girl before, you have no idea if she is beautifull or not. So, in order to help you understand this concept, she has to take your hand and guide it over her 3 features that she finds most attractive. Alternately, you could use this as a cold opener if you are both a little drunk and maybe had some decent EC beforhand. Maybe some of the OSPUAs could pull it off.

Anyway, she will start with her face or arm or something.......and you just caress it as sensualy as you can and run some improvised patterns about how that makes you feel and what is beautiful about it. The longer you linger on the "safe" parts in the beginning, the more (the more, the more (LOL!)) she will begin to anticipate you touching her in more exciting places. BUT the key here is that SHE is the one guiding your hand so you are touching her in an intimate way long before you might otherwise get to do it. - dah-AM thats evil. Halfway through, you can ask her to close her eyes while she guides you and have her describe how that part is beautiful or something.....and, duh - you can get her to touch you as well. Just imagine the two of you in crowded club with your eyes closed and rubbing your hands all over each other - and you just met.

Now I guess the important thing here is to slowly assume control of the touching, so you are not suplicating. Since you are 'blind' you have no real understanding of where is ok or not ok to touch, right? The success of this game would depend on how well you sell the concept at first and how smoothly you turn the casual touch into something sexual. If she stops your hand at any point, just keep trying. She wants you to do it, so just do it.

Juggler's Girlfriend Test

Here is the girlfriend test per request. It is really very simple. When a girl checks your status. “Do you have a girlfriend?” Say, “To be my girlfriend (or lover) is a prestigious and exclusive thing. There's a test.” Curiosity being what it is, she will want to take the test. There are three multiple-choice questions. Take out a pen and write the correct answers on her palm but forbid her to look. Then ask her the questions while you hold her hand closed. You should make up your own, but here are some example questions.

1. Which do you enjoy more? A shower or a warm bath?

2. What is the sexiest food? Whipped crème, chocolate syrup or strawberries?

3. What feels better? Kisses on your neck or nibbling on your ear?

The correct answers are bath, strawberries and kisses on the neck. Most times she will answer the first two correctly. The last question is up for grabs. The crucial thing is that the last question is some sort of intense kino or kissing that you can do right then. If she gets it wrong: Whisper in her ear “I can't be with you if you really believe this (nibble ear) feels better than this (kiss neck).” If she gets it right: “I'm glad you like this (nibble or kiss). It is so much better than this (kiss or nibble).” Make sure you kiss and nibble before you let go of her hand. If she gets all the questions wrong give her a playfully hard time about it. This test is used mostly after you have some connection. If a girl checks your status it usually means she is interested. But you may want to try it as an opening - who knows.



The easy way to handle any alpha is to be polite to him, but act disinterested by his rap/accomplishments using tonality/body language (without coming off as patronizing/sarcastic) while simultaneously being charming to others around you. This will drop his perceived value and cause him to qualify himself to try and raise it back up. He can't fight you or do shit like that, and he can't move to insults, because you've been polite and in doing so he would be making himself look VERY BAD. The only tactic vs this is to walk away. If you reward him just enough to encourage further qualifying but not enough to make him feel

validated again he will fall into line as beta in relation to you. I blow out rich men in power outfits, top ranking professors in schools, 300lb bouncers, police officers and gangers ALL THE TIME. This shit works - if you do it right they will work VERY HARD to be your friend.

Ultra quick and effective AMOG destroyer

This is just like the JAP Busting stuff, where you say "you're cool", as a way of tricking him to qualify himself to you.

He's stuck, because if he DOES do well, he's qualified himself to you. If he doesn't, he's failed to. The only answer he would have would be to say back to you "hey now, you're cool.. I didn't mean to step on your toes man.. You're a smart guy, keep talking to her and I'll watch and learn man!".. Of course to that, you could reply, "You just met me and you already say I'm smart and cool? hahah"

More AMOG destroyers

AMOG: How do you guys know eachother?

PUA: Her? I fucked her.

(Girl will go "aaaaaaaaah... hahahahah, I did NOT!!! But she'll hit you and be giggling and start crawling all over you...).

AMOG: Hey, this is a nice girl.

PUA: Her.. she's a slut..

(Again, girl will start going "nooooo!" while giggling her ass off and crawling on you.. this is very deflating to the guy trying to cut in)

AMOG: Hey girls whats up (or whatever)

PUA: Hey dude dude (putting hands up like you give up).. I will pay you a HUNDRED dollars right now, to take these girls away from me. (Girls will go "no no no... we love you PUA.. noooooo" and giggle and crawl on you.. Again, immediately deflating to the guy)

AMOG: Hey girls what's up (or whatever)

PUA: Dude, OMG that shirt is AWESOME.. I had one just like it in highschool, it fucking rocks man.. Having a good time in London man.. It's awesome huh? Dude you're like the coolest guy I met all night.. (patting him on the shoulder)..

AMOG: (showing signs that he wants to fight)

PUA: hahah, dude, are you like trying to pick a fight with me? hahahha.. ok ok hold up hold up.. wait a sec, we'll do even better.. first... we'll have an armwrestling competition.. then second.. we'll do one armed pushups.. and last..... POSE-DOWN!!

(then you start flexing and go "ladies?", and they start saying how you're so strong, and the AMOG looks like a tool.. you're tooling him, by making him seem like he's trying too hard to impress the girls by showing them superiority).

AMOG: Hey man.. keep talking.. no no, let's hear your pitch man.. pick these girls up man, you're doing awesome.

PUA: Hey, you know I've gotta try to impress you COOL (x-city, x-dressed, x-whateverquality) guys.. You guys fucking ROCK.

(cut him down on whatever limited amount of knowledge you have of him, even if its not relevant whatsoever, he'll feel uncomfortable and his bodylanguage will show it)

AMOG: (starts touching you to show dominance)

PUA: hahhaha, DUUUUDE, I'm not into guys man... dude, there's club-gay-whatever over there man.. hands off the merchandise buddy (girls laugh at him, then he starts qualifying himself to you that he's not gay)

AMOG: (gets in your face)

PUA: (don't answer.. just SIT there quiet.. the more he says stuff to you, the more he's TRYING.. talking too long without an answer is QUALIFYING yourself.. so if he keeps trying to out-alpha you, and you don't answer, eventually he looks beta because he tried too hard to get your attention.. another trick is to make "let's get out of here" girlcode with your eyes to the girls (mimmick what they do to eachother when you do a bad set), and they'll leave with you)

AMOG: (gets in your face)

PUA: dude, you're an alphamale..

AMOG: what's that..

PUA: you know, like the leader of the pack.. you call the shots.. you can put your hands on guys you don't know, cause you're alpha.. (fucks up his whole 'look cool' game, because you've characterized all his manneurisms, so anything he does to look alpha makes him appear to be qualifying himself too you.. if he continues, just say "see... alphamale.. whoa tiger, I can't mess")

PUA: dude, you're like Bart Simpson all grown up.. (for guys who pull the college-guy type out alpha on you)

PUA: dude, you're like the Joan Rivers of the club.. I love all the little comments and shit.. (to imply like he does nothing but sits on the sidelines making comments but doesn't take action, so use this on guys who have that characteristic in the club venue)

PUA: That was really good man, you're like a comedian.

OR, if the dude is out-alpha'ing you, keep going until he's TOO into it, and then let him do a bunch of condescending shit on you in a row. Look at the girls like you're bored or sad, and because he's talking TOO MUCH he's therefore qualifying himself to you and losing. Then say to the girls "he's playing the condescention game.. I already won so I stopped now.. who do you guys think won, me or him?" (key is that you looked SAD so the girls start going "awww, he's so sweet", so they'll say you won because they love you now) For super aggressive AMOGs who try to pick fights

AMOG: blah blah..

PUA: Dude, are you pissed that you're rolling with all guys?

AMOG: blah blah

PUA: dude, your all guy crew is so slick man.. where are your girls dude, what happened tonight?

AMOG: let's go outside..

PUA: guy man, I'm with chicks right now.. I'M INTO CHICKS.. I can't get into this experimental kinky shit with you right now, I have my hands full.. (misinterpreting that he was trying to sleep with you, not fight you)

AMOG: blah blah..

PUA: dude, that shirt rocks.. Tommy Hilfiger.. awesome.. man, back in highschool I used to have the one with like all these cool stripes on it.. it was awesome..

AMOG: fight blah blah..

PUA: guy man, these chicks just told me that they dig you like so bad.. you don't have to fight to prove yourself to them.. they think you're an alphamale dude.. you don't need to try so HARD man.. just BE REAL..

Once you get the guy to qualify himself to you in any way (like he tries to make friends), rather than being nice, IMMEDIATELY cut him out of the circle. Just cut him out. You'll notice trying to SHUT YOUR GAME DOWN by bombarding you with logical questions. They'll start pummeling you with logical stuff, so that you have to answer him the girls fall out of state. For me I found the solution was just to say "hey man, don't get all scientific on me.. we're here to have

fun.." and then immediately start gaming the girls again. btw, if I'm out with any of my GFs at a club, and another guy hits on them, I use the same tactics on AMOGS to stop them.

When you cut him out of the circle, he'll either leave (too deflated), or he'll try to grab your shoulder and say something like "don't turn your back on me". From there, the girls think he's creepy, so you say "hey guys, this dude is creepy.. are you friends with this guy?? did YOU bring this guy here?" The girls will say "no no no, we don't know him", and you say "OK, let's get out of here", and put out your arms for them to grab.

Then walk away with the girls on your arms, and if you want (I do this alot) turn around and have them both kiss you on the cheek and wave the AMOG goodbye.

Also, you can USE the AMOG's WORK for yourself. Like he lines 'em up, you knock 'em down. This is something I do alot. I let a guy pick a girl up and increase her buying temperature, then I go in and outalpha him, say he's creepy to the girls, and then remove them from him.

The girls are already aroused, so they are still in state based on what the AMOG did. I can do this like maybe on 90% of sets I approach where a natural AMOG has gotten far with a girl. I think a dude I know "Stephane" recently posted about this on Cliff's List regarding a sarge we did. Basically, I just make the friends of the girl who is getting gamed on by the AMOG like me. Like, they want me, but they know they're not qualified but their friend is.

Then I say "Hey I want to meet your friend so much, but that touchy grabby lean in guy is all over her.. is she just being nice, or does she really like guys who lean in and touch and do all the 'whats your name' fake ungenuine stuff?" The UGs are invariably like "no no, we hate guys like that.. that's why we love you so much blah blah", and then you get the FRIENDS to literally REMOVE the hottie that you want from the AMOG who is conveniently heating her up for you and saving you the hassle.

Most of the time, the AMOG feels immediately beta after such a line!

Hey AMOG, what's up? Are u ill today? You look sick!

Hey AMOG, you look/talk/act strange, do you take drugs?

Hey you seem tired!


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