exam 2012 dentists (2) (1)


1. Which of the following is not a predisposing factor of skin cancers:

  1. HPV infections

  2. chronic inflammation, scars

  3. dark skins (phototype IV-VI)

  4. premalignant lesions

2. Molluscum contagiosum: Mięczak zakazny

  1. is a type of viral infection

  2. can be transmitted by direct contact

  3. can be transmitted by sexual intercourse

  4. a+b+c

3. Treatment of herpes simplex involves:

  1. Acyclovir

  2. Betamethasone topically

  3. 5% imiquimod topically (HPV)

  4. cryotherapy or laser therapy (HPV)

4. According to CDC classification A1 means:

  1. AIDS-defying illnesses

  2. CD4+ <200 cells/µL powyzej 500

  3. Asymptomatic infection

  4. HIV-associated but not AIDS-defying illnesses

5. Choose AIDS-indicator cancer: choroba wskaznikowa

  1. Basal cell carcinoma

  2. Invasive cervical carcinoma

  3. Squamous cell carcinoma rak kolczystokomorkówy

  4. Melanoma malignum

6. Bullous pemphigoid and pemphigus vulgaris (zwykła) can be definitively distinguished on the basis of:

  1. Direct immunofluorescence examination of the skin

  2. Tzanck test

  3. Involvement of the skin

  4. Involvement of oral mucous membranes

7. Mark the agents used in systemic therapy of psoriasis: łuszczyza

  1. Clemastinum

  2. Dithranol zewnetrznie

  3. Dexametazone

  4. Methotrexate

8. Slight rubbing (lekkie ocieranie)of the skin results in exfoliation of the outermost layer. This is a description of:

  1. Köbner phenomenon

  2. Auspitz sign

  3. Candle sign

  4. Nicolsky’s sign

9. Nikolsky's sign is present in:

  1. pemphigoid

  2. psoriasis vulgaris

  3. erythema nodosum

  4. pemphigus vulgaris

10. During the treatment of psoriasis vulgaris with acitretin in female patients contraception should be used:

  1. For the entire treatment period and 2 months thereafter

  2. Only for the entire treatment period

  3. For the entire treatment period and 2 years thereafter

  4. For the entire treatment period and 2 weeks thereafter

11. The recommended treatment of seborrhoeic dermatitis within scalp skin includes : łojokotowe zap skóry

  1. cyclopiroxolamine containing shampoo

  2. vitamin D analogue containing gel

  3. metronidazole containing cream

  4. dithranol containing ointment

12. According to the American Rheumatology Association (ARA) the clinical finding of SLE are:

  1. Deep blisters on sun exposed skin

  2. Hair loss

  3. Pruritus (swiad)

  4. Ulcerations of oral mucous membranes or rhinopharynx

13. Mark characteristic features of SLE

  1. Leukocytosis (leukopenia)

  2. Pleuritis or pericarditis

  3. Positive RF factor

  4. Erythematous lesions of souls and palms

14. Mark the characteristic features for SCLE:

  1. Annular or psoriasiform skin lesions

  2. Skin lesions with a tendency to scarring

  3. Occurs preferentially in young men

  4. Positive Lupus-Band test of unlesional skin (jest ,ale nie jest chrarakterystyczny)

15. Mark the characteristic features for DLE:

  1. ANA- antibodies positive in all cases

  2. Lesions appearing usually on the face (cheeks, forehead, nose), ears and scalp

  3. Annular or psoriasiform skin lesions without scarring

  4. Malar rash

16. Raynaud’s phenomenon could be the symptom of:

  1. DLE

  2. Morphea

  3. SCLE

  4. Systemic scleroderma

17. Mark correct sentences:

  1. squamous-cell carcinoma is the most common cancer in Europe, Australia and the USA (podstawano komorowy powinno byc)

  2. melanoma always arises from premalignant lesions (moze byc bezbarnikowe, z plam…)

  3. basal-cell cancer are the fast growing lesions (wolno)

  4. actinic keratosis may convert to squamous cell carcinoma

18. Erythroplasia of Queyrat:

  1. should be treated by crioterapy

  2. should be treated by PUVA-therapy

  3. is a form of basal cell carcinoma in situ

  4. is a pre-malignant lesion which always change into cancer

19. Which of the following features of the moles may not indicate melanoma development:

  1. increase in size

  2. inflammatory ring around the mole

  3. uniform, regular pigmentation

  4. diameter greater than 6 mm

20. Which of the following are not the melanoma risk factors:

  1. A history of sunburns

  2. Fair skin

  3. The presence of atypical nevi

  4. HPV infection

21. Which sentence is true:

  1. melanoma affects mostly young individuals (before 35 years)

  2. melanoma usually arise on the basis of healthy skin

  3. superficial-spreading melanoma is the most common type

  4. nodular melanoma is the most common type

22. Choose the most common way of HIV transmission:

  1. Unprotected homosexual intercourses

  2. Unprotected heterosexual intercourses

  3. Sharing needles with infected person

  4. Breastfeeding

23. Mark the most common etiology of folliculitis: zapalenie mieszka włosowego

  1. Malassezia furfur

  2. Staphyloccocus aureus

  3. Pseudomonas aeruginosa

  4. Staphyloccocus epidermitits

24. Which of the following skin disease appear after contact with animals as zoogenic infections:

  1. Lichen planus

  2. Scalp microsporiasis

  3. Erysipelas =różyca

  4. Moluscum contagiosum

25. A 35 year old female patient has disseminated erythematous, annular lesions on the face, trunk and upper

extremities after a sun exposure. The additional examinations manifested: extremely positive UV skin tests

and antinuclear antibodies (ANA) of anti-Ro (SS-A) and anti-La (SS-B) occurrence. The most probable

diagnosis would be:

  1. disseminated discoid lupus erythematosus (DDLE)

  2. subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (SCLE)

  3. systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)

  4. profoud lupus erythematosus (PLE)

26. Mark distinctive clinical feature specific only for psoriasis:

  1. Köbner phenomenon

  2. Nikolsky sign

  3. Nail “oil macules”

  4. Onycholysis

27. Topical treatment of psoriasis includes:

  1. 8-Methoxypsoralen

  2. Dithranol

  3. Methotrexate

  4. Imiquimod

28. Mark the true statements about fulminant acne: priorunujacy

  1. usually occurs in young females (męzczyzni)

  2. the most common form of acne

  3. topical treatment is usually sufficient

  4. patients have systemic symptoms i.e. fever, artharalgia, fatigue and malaise

29. Clinical findings in rosacea are not: trądzik rózowaty u kobiet czesciej!!!

  1. the lesions occur mainly in the center of the face (nos policzki)

  2. episodic erythema, flushing and blushing are typical signs of the early stage of disease

  3. overgrowth of facial tissue due to sebaceous gland hyperplasia and vascular changes is typical signs of the early stage of disease

  4. alopecia is a typical sign łysienie

30. Mark the incorrect feature of pemphigus vulgaris and pemphigus foliaceus:

  1. presence of intraepidermal blisters

  2. positive Nikolsky sign

  3. in both diseases the skin is affected

  4. in both diseases the mucous membranes are affected

31. Subepidermal blister is the hallmark of:

  1. bullous pemphigoid

  2. pemphigus vulgaris

  3. pemphigus foliceus

  4. pemphigus vegetans

32. Laboratory test not required in the diagnostic approach to blistering diseases:

  1. DIF (direct immunofluorescence examination)

  2. IIF (indirect immunofluorescence examination)

  3. Skin biopsy and histopathological examination

  4. Patch tests

33. Which of the following tests can be performed in patients with urticaria: (pokrzywka)

  1. Prick tests

  2. FTA-ABS tests

  3. histopathological examination

  4. immunochemistry

34. The association with Malassezia spp. infection is expected in:

  1. Tinea versiciolor

  2. Microsporic tinea of the scalp

  3. Nail psoriasis

  4. Morphea

35. Mark the true sentence about Pityriasis versicolor

  1. may occur in the nails

  2. bacterial culture is necessary for the final diagnosis

  3. is caused by yeast (drozdze)

  1. the treatment of choice is systemic gryseofulvin

36. A 57-year old female patient with erythema, oedema, telangiectases and papules on the face area appearing

gradually from about two years. Skin lesions increase due to emotional stress, sunlight, alcohol and hot

drinks. One can diagnose:

  1. excoriated acne

  2. rosacea

  3. drug-induced acne

  4. papular acne

37. Lichen planus:

  1. may be caused by Streptococcal bacteria

  2. where is involvement of mucosa as a lacy whitish network

  3. is always treated with acyclovir

  4. is an acute skin disease

38. Which of the following are not the types of physical urticaria: ?

  1. cholinergic urticaria str 152

  2. dermografism

  3. pressure urticaria

  4. autoimmune urticaria

39. Atopic dermatitis:

  1. can be caused only by food allergens

  2. can be caused only by air allergen

  3. affects adults only

  4. can be treated by antihistaminic drugs

40. Which answer best fits to the characteristics of Actinic keratosis: rogowacenie posłoneczne

  1. a solitary cylinder shaped lesion arising from the skin surface

  2. tiny, hyperkeratotic papules

  3. sharply bordered, flat, erythematous lesions

  4. rough macules or patches located on sunexposed areas (face, back of hands)

  1. Find the correct sentence:

  1. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is more common than Basal cell carcinoma (BCC)

  2. SCC grows faster and has a higher risk of metastases than in BCC

  3. BCC is very common in young patients

  4. SCC usually arises from healthy skin

42.The best treatment of malignant melanoma is:

  1. surgical excision

  2. laser therapy

  3. cryotherapy

  4. all of the above

43. Lesions in lichen planus involve:

  1. only skin

  2. only mucous membranes (oral and genital)

  3. only skin and nails

  4. skin, nails, mucous membranes, scalp

44. The following symptoms: red, subcutaneous nodules, oval or round shape, warm and tender, usually on the

lower and upper extremities are typical for:

  1. urticaria

  2. psoriasis

  3. erythema nodosum

  4. erythema multiforme

45.The Wickham's striae: przy LIszaju płaskim

  1. is a network of fine white lines representing the thickening of the granular layer of the epidermis

  2. is usually observed on the nails

  3. is one of the symptoms of erythema multiforme

  4. is due to intensive scratching

46.Find the wrong statement concerning the Stevens-Johnson syndrome:

  1. it is a type of erythema multiforme

  2. it is always a life-threatening state

  3. there is always the mucous membrane involvement

  4. it is usually due to a drug reaction

47.Which therapy may be used in the treatment of lichen planus:

  1. surgical excision

  2. laser therapy

  3. cryotherapy

  4. Phototherapy + psoralen (PUVA)

48. Which HPVs are oncogenic?

  1. 1,2,4,7

  2. 5,6,11,13

  3. 16,18,31,33

  4. 21,23,46,48

49.Herpes zoster is preceded by:

  1. herpes simplex

  2. varicella

  3. molluscum contagiosum

  4. actinic keratosis

50. Mosaic warts are: mozaikowe HPV2

  1. multiple, small, superficial

  2. a type of genital warts

  3. caused by HPV1

  4. solitary, deep penetrating, form calluses

51. The most common form of skin tuberculosis is:

  1. Tuberculosis verrucosa cutis

  2. Tuberculosis luposa cutis

  3. Primary tuberculosis complex

  4. Tuberculosis colliquativa cutis

52. Ficosis- choose the true answer: figówka

  1. Mixed bacterial infection

  2. More frequent in females

  3. Comedones are very common

  4. Pustules on scalp , beard area


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