Ch14 11

Ch 14-11 Build a Model Solution


Chapter 14. Solution to Ch 14-11 Build a Model

 has developed a powerful new server that would be used for corporations’ Internet activities. It would cost $10 million to buy the equipment necessary to manufacture the server, and $3 million of net working capital would be required. The servers would sell for $24,000 per unit, and Webmasters believes that variable costs would amount to $17,500 per unit. The company’s fixed costs would also rise by $1 million per year. It would take one year to buy the required equipment and set up operations, and the server project would have a life of 4 years. Conditions are expected to remain stable during each year of the operating life, i.e., unit sales, the sales price, and costs would be unchanged. If the project is undertaken, it must be continued for the entire 4 years. Also, the project’s returns are expected to be highly correlated with returns on the firm’s other assets.
The equipment would be depreciated over a 5-year period, using MACRS rates as described in Appendix 12A. The estimated market value of the equipment at the end of the project’s 4-year life is $500,000. Webmasters’ federal-plus-state tax rate is 40%. Its cost of capital is 10% for average risk projects, defined as projects with a coefficient of variation for NPV between 0.8 and 1.2. Low risk projects are evaluated with a WACC of 8%, and high risk projects at 13%.

a. Develop a spreadsheet model and use it to find the project’s NPV, IRR, and payback.

Key Output: NPV = $2,863
Part 1. Input Data (in thousands of dollars)

IRR = 18.8%

MIRR = 15.6%
Equipment cost


Net Operating WC

Market value of equipment in 2005

First year sales (in units)

Tax rate

Sales price per unit


Variable cost per unit


Fixed costs


Part 2. Depreciation and Amortization Schedule

Years Accum'd

Initial Cost 1 2 3 4 Depr'n

Equipment Depr'n Rate

20.0% 32.0% 19.0% 12.0%

Equipment Depr'n, Dollars

$2,000 $3,200 $1,900 $1,200 $8,300
Ending Bk Val: Cost - Accum Dep'rn



Part 3. Net Salvage Values, in 2005


Estimated Market Value in 2005


Book Value in 2005


Expected Gain or Loss


Taxes paid or tax credit


Net cash flow from salvage


Part 4. Projected Net Cash Flows (Time line of annual cash flows)

Years, 1-4 basis 0 1 2 3 4

Years, actual year basis 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Investment Outlays at Time Zero:



Increase in Net Operating WC


Operating Cash Flows over the Project's Life:

Units sold

1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Sales price

$24.00 $24.00 $24.00 $24.00

Sales revenue

$24,000 $24,000 $24,000 $24,000
Variable costs

17,500 17,500 17,500 17,500
Fixed operating costs

1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Depreciation (equipment)

2,000 3,200 1,900 1,200
Oper. income before taxes (EBIT)

3,500 2,300 3,600 4,300
Taxes on operating income (40%)

1,400 920 1,440 1,720
Net Operating Profit After Taxes (NOPAT)

2,100 1,380 2,160 2,580
Add back depreciation

2,000 3,200 1,900 1,200
Operating cash flow

$4,100 $4,580 $4,060 $3,780
Terminal Year Cash Flows:

Return of net operating working capital

Net salvage value

Total termination cash flows


Net Cash Flow (Time line of cash flows)

($13,000) $4,100 $4,580 $4,060 $7,760

Part 5. Key Output: Appraisal of the Proposed Project

Net Present Value (at 10%)






Payback (See calculation below)

Applies MIN function to Row 73 to find first year when payback is positive. 0.00

Data for Payback Years

0 1 2 3 4

Cumulative CF from Row 53

(13,000) (8,900) (4,320) (260) 7,500

IF Function to find payback

0.00 0.00 0.00 3.03

b. Now conduct a sensitivity analysis to determine the sensitivity of NPV to changes in the sales price, variable costs

per unit, and number of units sold. Set these variables’ values at 10% and 20% above and below their base case

values. Include a graph in your analysis.

Part 6. Evaluating Risk: Sensitivity Analysis

I. Sensitivity of NPV to Changes in Inputs. Here we use an Excel "Data Table" to find NPV

different unit sales, holding other thing constant.

% Deviation 1st YEAR UNIT SALES
% Deviation WACC

from Units NPV

Base Case Sold NPV at 10%. Base Case $2,863
Base Case WACC 2,863

-20% 800 $390
-20% 8.0% $3,650

-10% 900 $1,627
-10% 9.0% $3,249

0% 1,000 $2,863
0% 10.0% $2,863

10% 1,100 $4,099
10% 11.0% $2,491

20% 1,200 $5,335
20% 12.0% $2,133

% Deviation SALES PRICE

from Variable NPV
from Sales NPV

Base Case Costs $2,863
Base Case Price $2,863

-20% $14.00 $9,520
-20% $19.20 -$6,266

-10% $15.75 $6,191
-10% $21.60 -$1,702

0% $17.50 $2,863
0% $24.00 $2,863

10% $19.25 -$465
10% $26.40 $7,428

20% $21.00 -$3,794
20% $28.80 $11,992

% Deviation FIXED COSTS

from Fixed NPV

Base Case Costs $2,863

-20% $800 $3,243

-10% $900 $3,053

0% $1,000 $2,863

10% $1,100 $2,673

20% $1,200 $2,483

Deviation NPV at Different Deviations from Base

from Sales Variable

Base Case Price Cost/Unit Units Sold Cost WACC

-20% ($6,266) $9,520 $390 $3,243 $3,650

-10% ($1,702) $6,191 $1,627 $3,053 $3,249

0% $2,863 $2,863 $2,863 $2,863 $2,863

10% $7,428 ($465) $4,099 $2,673 $2,491

20% $11,992 ($3,794) $5,335 $2,483 $2,133

Range 18,258 13,313 5,726 761 1,516

c. Now conduct a scenario analysis. Assume that there is a 25% probability that “best case” conditions, with each of

the variables discussed in Part b being 20% better than its base case value, will occur. There is a 25% probability

of “worst case” conditions, with the variables 20% worse than base, and a 50% probability of base case conditions.

Part 7. Evaluating Risk: Scenario Analysis



Sales Unit Variable

Scenario Probability Price Sales Costs NPV Probability

Best Case 25% $28.80 1,200 $14.00 $22,453 The deviation (NPV of the scenario minus expected NPV ) squared times the probability. 85264821
Manually changed the Part 1 inputs, then put the
Base Case 50% $24.00 1,000 $17.50 $2,863 629768
NPV as calculated with the modified variables here.
Worst Case 25% $19.20 800 $21.00 ($12,238) 65798132
Took deviations from the expected values, squared

them, and multiplied by the probabilities to get the

Expected NPV = sum, prob times NPV


numbers shown.

Standard Deviation = Sq Root of column H sum


Summed the squared deviations and took sq root

Coefficient of Variation = Std Dev / Expected NPV


Std Dev divided by Expected NPV
a. Probability Graph






NPV ($)

Most Likely Mean of distribution

The scenario analysis suggests that the project could be highly profitable, but also that it is quite risky. There is a

25% probability that the project would result in a loss of $12.2 million. There is also a 25% probability that it could

produce an NPV of $22.5 million. The standard deviation is high, at $9.2 million, and the coefficient of variation is a

high 2.33.

d. If the project appears to be more or less risky than an average project, find its risk-adjusted NPV, IRR, and payback.

With the high CV, we must re-evaluate the project using a higher WACC, 13%. That results in:

Risk adjusted NPV = $1,788

IRR = IRR does not change. 18.85%

Payback = Paypack does not change. $0.00

e. Based on the information in the problem, would you recommend that the project be accepted?

At this point, the project looks risky but acceptable. There is a good chance that it will produce a positive NPV, but

there is also a chance that the NPV could quite low.

The problem gave no information about the size of the project relative to the total corporation. If the company were quite

large, and this were but one of many projects, and if the projects were independent of one another, then it should be

accepted. However, if the firm were relatively small, and this project under bad conditions could bankrupt the company,

then the decision is not clear. If management is highly risk averse, they might turn it down. However, well-diversified

investors would probably prefer to see it accepted. So, to maximize the stock price, it should be accepted.

We indicate in the problem that this project's returns will tend to be highly correlated with the firm's other projects'

returnst. Thus, its stand-alone risk (which is what we have been analyzing) also reflects its within-firm risk. If this

were not true, then we would need to make further risk adjustments.


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