LANTEK Expert III Tutorial V28b

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Items and backlogs module

Lantek Expert III

3.4 How to manage the cost of the items?

In this section, you learn to manage the cost and sale prices of items using different

strategies. The different strategies in Expert III include the following:

x Type of costs: The Items and backlogs module manages the costs of

the following:

Costs associated with purchase items or manufacturing items includes the

following costs:

1. Standard cost of purchase items is the fixed cost based on purchase price

of an item.

Standard cost of manufacturing items is the theoretical cost based on sum

of raw materials, labor, and work centers.

2. Current cost of purchase items is automatically calculated based on the

warehouse movements and defined in Expert III through the field ‘Current

cost method’

(Refer Figure 14: Items (Details) in page 16)

as follows:

x ‘FIFO’: First In, First Out.

x ‘LIFO’: Last In, First Out.

x ‘Average’: Average of the items in the warehouse.

Current cost of manufacturing items is automatically calculated based on

the actual manufacturing costs of the item after the labor tickets have been

validated. It is calculated based on the labor quantity and cost, machines

used, material quantity, and cost. If the item is a manufacturing item, the

cost is updated by Lantek WOS (Work Operating System).

3. Cost by ranges of purchase items defines different costs for each range of


Cost by ranges of manufacturing items is calculated based on the

production volume during the manufacturing process of an item.

x Type of sales prices: The Items and backlogs of Expert III defines the

sales prices in the following ways:

Sales prices based on the cost or profit: The system calculates the sales

prices according to the cost or profit that you define in the Sales prices



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Lantek Expert III

Items and backlogs module

To calculate the sales prices based on the cost, do the following:


In the Items (Details) window

(refer Figure 14: Items (Details)

in page 16)

, click the Sales prices tab at the bottom of the



On the File menu, point to New, and then click Create new

element or click (

) on the standard tool bar, and assign

tariff, currency, and quantities.


Enter either a percentage in the ‘Percent’ field or a profit value

in the ‘Profit’ field. The system automatically calculates the other

value. The system calculates the final price based on the cost of

the item and the profit value entered.

Fixed sale price: You can fix the sales prices for the items to sell. To fix the

sales prices, do the following:


In the Items (Details) window

(refer Figure 14: Items (Details)

in page 16)

, select the ‘Fixed price’ check box.


Click the Sales prices tab at the bottom of the window.


On the File menu, point to New, and then click Create new

element or click (

) on the standard tool bar, and assign

tariffs, quantities, and fixed price for the item. The system

automatically calculates the ‘Profit’ and ‘Percent’ fields.

x Type of profits: The Items and backlogs module calculates the profits in

the following ways:

Profit based on ‘Margin’: Percentage of the sales price is applied to

calculate the profit.

Profit based on ‘Markup’: Percentage of the item cost is applied to

calculate the profit.


background image

Items and backlogs module

Lantek Expert III

3.5 How to update the prices of tariffs?

To update the prices of tariffs, do the following:

1. In the Items table, click Actions list and then select Prices update.

2. The system displays Prices update dialog box.

Figure 16: Prices update

3. In the ‘Update’ section, you can select from the following options:


‘Tariff’: It updates the price for a selected tariff. You can

navigate to the Tariffs table to select the required element.


‘All the tariffs’: It updates the price for all the tariffs.


‘Selected item’: It updates the price of tariff only for a specific


4. In the ‘Update mode’ section, you can select from the following options:


‘New price’: Enter the new price of the tariff.


‘Fixed update’: Enter a fixed price, which will be added to the

existing price of tariff.


‘Update percentage’: Enter a percentage based on which the

existing price of tariff will be updated.

5. Click Next. The system displays Prices update window displaying the

previous and new prices. You can also enter the new price of the tariff in

this window.


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Lantek Expert III

Items and backlogs module

Figure 17: Prices update

6. Click OK. The prices of tariffs are updated in the Items prices table.

3.6 Items backlogs

The Items backlogs table can be used to identify the backlogs of items that arise due

to the unavailability of items in the warehouse (Main menu -> Items and backlogs ->

Items backlogs).

Using Expert III, you can define the backlogs as follows:

x Sale order: The backlogs are generated when the sale order is accepted

or updated.

x Workcenter: The backlogs are generated when the manufacturing order is


x Job: The backlogs are generated when the nesting job is in the

CAD/CAM module.

x Warehouse: The backlogs are generated when the item reaches the

defined minimum quantity.


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Items and backlogs module

Lantek Expert III

Figure 18: Items backlogs

The Items backlogs table provides you information regarding the ‘Type’, ‘Class’,

‘Material’, ‘Thickness’, ‘Length’, and ‘Width’ of the item.

This table also allows you to manage the reserve items by establishing them as

pending and leaving the quantities as stock, to use up other reserves. You can

reserve quantities from any warehouse where the stock exists.


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Lantek Expert III

CRM module



4 CRM module

The Expert III CRM is the complete business strategy steered in favor of customers needs.

In this chapter, you will learn how to manage the business relationship in an organized way

by recording the contacts and categorize different types of customers.

4.1 How to manage companies and contacts?

The Companies table helps to manage all the information of customers and other

companies you deal with such as suppliers, competitors, and so on (Main menu ->

CRM -> Companies).

Figure 19: Companies (Details)


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CRM module

Lantek Expert III

You can record the company’s details as follows:

1. On the File menu, point to New, and then click Create new element or

click (

) on the standard tool bar

2. Enter the required details and select the required check box to select the

type of company, if it is a customer, supplier, competitor, and so on


Figure 19: Companies (Details) in page 24).

3. On the File menu, click Save or click (

) on the standard tool bar.

You can manage the contacts directly in the Contacts table (Main menu -> CRM ->


You can also enter additional details about the associated companies in the

Invoicings auxiliary data table (Main menu -> CRM -> Companies -> Navigate to

components -> Invoicing auxiliary data).

In case there is more than one contact address, you can record and manage them

by navigating to the Addresses table or through Addresses tab at the bottom of the

Companies (Details) window

(refer Figure 19: Companies (Details) in page 24)


4.2 How to manage customers with pending


The Dunning application in CRM module helps in managing the pending payments.

You can track all the customers with the pending payments through the Dunning

window (Main menu -> CRM -> Dunning).

Figure 20: Dunning


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Lantek Expert III

CRM module

You can view the details of the customers based on the dunning levels, invoices,

charged values, and companies using the ‘Filters’ section

(refer Figure 20:

Dunning in page 25)


You can click Setup button to set the dunning levels with the charged values and

also attach the reminder documents to be sent to the customers with pending


This application also allows you to set new levels, payment dates, and also lock the



The Dunning application is activated only if you configure it in the

Main menu -> Sales management -> Configurations elements ->
Configure parameters -> Modules parameters. Double click General in
the Modules parameters dialog box and the system displays General dialog
box. Select the ‘Dunning management’ check box in this dialog box to
activate the Dunning application.

4.2.1 Execute the Dunning Application

To execute the Dunning application, do the following:


In the Companies table, select a customer company, then

navigate to the Invoicings auxiliary data table.


Enter and save the data related to dunning such as the

‘Approval date’, ‘Approved credit’, ‘Risk threshold’ and so on in

the Risk management tab of the Invoicing auxiliary data table.


You can now create a new sale order

(refer 5.2 How to create

and manage sale orders? in page 32)

for the selected

company and also record the required sale order lines for an

item with sale price.


When you try to accept the sale order of the customer company

who has exceeded the credit limits, the system displays a

warning message indicating that the risk threshold has



background image

CRM module

Lantek Expert III

Figure 21: Warning


Click Close (

) button to close the above warning message

and the system displays the Warning dialog box.

Figure 22: Warning dialog box


The system allows you to select the required option as follows:


‘Postpone sale order’: Select this to postpone the sale order

creation for a later date, select ‘Lock customer’ check box to

block the customer.


‘Increase the limit’: Select this option to increase the credit limit

of the customer and enter the new credit limit in ‘New’ field.


‘Allow sale order’: Select this option to continue with the current

sale process, select the ‘Lock customer’ check box to lock the

customer after this transaction.


Click OK. The respective dunning details are recorded and

when the respective sales invoice is created, the invoice details

are also displayed in the Dunning window

(refer Figure 20:

Dunning in page 25)



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Lantek Expert III

Sales management module



5 Sales management module

To support the complexity of selling process, various functionalities are available in the

Expert III Sales management module.

In this chapter, you learn to create and manage quotations, discounts, sales orders, delivery

notes, and so on. You can also manage the limited credit of the customer using this module

(refer 4.2.1 Execute the Dunning Application in page 26).

5.1 How to create and manage the quotes for


You can create and manage the information related to quotes in Quotes table (Main

menu -> Sales management -> Quotes).

Figure 23: Quotes (Details)


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Sales management module

Lantek Expert III

To create a quote, do the following:

1. On the File menu, point to New, and then click Create new element or

click Create new element (

) button on the standard tool bar.

2. Enter the required details and on the File menu, select Save or click

Save (

) button on the standard tool bar.


You can get the customer’s address through Actions list.

You can click Actions list and then select Quote against project to create a

quotation against a project.

5.1.1 Create lines for the quotes

You can create lines for the quotes in the Quotes window or from the

Quotation tool application.

To create lines for the quotes in the Quotes window, do the following:


In the Quotes table, select the quote for which you want to add



Click Navigate to components, and then click Lines. The

system displays the Quotes lines table. You can also access the

Quotes lines below the Quotes (Details) window

(refer Figure

23: Quotes (Details) in page 28)


On the File menu, point to New, and then click Create new

element or click Create new element (

) button on the

standard tool bar.


Enter the required details and on the File menu, click Save or

click Save (

) button on the standard tool bar.

To create lines for the quotes using Quotation tool, do the following:


In the Quotes table, select the quote for which you want to add



Click Actions list, and then click Quotation tool. The system

displays Quote window.


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Lantek Expert III

Sales management module

Figure 24: Quote – Quotation tool


Click the New (

) button or Duplicate (

) button

on the standard tool bar. Click the New button, to create a

quotation line based on the following options:

Figure 25: New - options


From database: This option helps you to select an item and its

operations from the database to include it to the quotation line.



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