LANTEK Expert III Tutorial V28d

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Lantek Expert III

Purchases management module

Figure 32: Purchases delivery notes (Details)

You can create the purchases delivery notes directly or against a purchase order.

To create the purchases delivery notes directly, do the following:

1. On the File menu, point to New, and then click Create new element or

click Create new element (

) button on the standard tool bar.

2. Enter the required details and on the File menu, click Save or click Save


) button on the standard tool bar.

You can click Actions list in Purchases delivery notes table and then click Good

receipt against purchase order to create purchase delivery note against purchase


The Good receipts lines below the Purchases delivery notes (Details)


Figure 32: Purchases delivery notes (Details) in page 40)

provides information

on all the items purchased from the supplier on a specified date.

You can receive the purchase delivery note using the Good receipt reception

application in the Actions list. When the purchase delivery note is received, you can

define the warehouse, destination location, and also assign tracking numbers for

each delivery note line.


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Purchases management module

Lantek Expert III

6.3 How to create and manage purchases


You can create and manage invoices for the purchase transactions in the Purchases

invoices table (Main menu -> Purchases management -> Purchases Invoices).

Figure 33: Purchases invoices (Details)

You can create a purchase invoice directly, against a purchase order, or against a

delivery note.

To create purchase invoice directly, do the following:

1. On the File menu, point to New, and then click Create new element or

click Create new element (

) button on the standard tool bar.

2. Enter the required details and on the File menu, click Save or click Save


) button on the standard tool bar.

You can click Actions list and then click Purchase invoice against purchase

order to create purchase invoice against purchase order, and click Purchase

invoice against good receipt to create purchase invoice against a delivery note.

The Purchase invoices lines tab at the bottom of the Purchases invoices (Details)

window provides information regarding the price, discount, and so on. The total price

in various lines is the total amount of the invoice.


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Lantek Expert III

Purchases management module


The Pay days tab at the bottom of the Purchases invoices (Details) window

provides information regarding the invoice amount and payment status.

The Distributions tab at the bottom of the Purchases invoices (Details) window

provides information regarding the name, type of account and so on

(Refer 10.4.1

Automatically recorded journal entries in page 73)


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Lantek Expert III

Manufacturing module



7 Manufacturing module

In this chapter you learn the manufacturing process using Expert III software. To follow the

process easily, all the key aspects are explained in a detailed manner.

7.1 What are the uses of manufacturing


Expert III Manufacturing module makes the complex manufacturing process simple

to use. You can manage the following key functions of the manufacturing process:

x Work centers

x Manufacturing orders

x Manufacturing operations

x Validating manufacturing operations or nesting

x Manufacturing costs

7.2 How to create and assign operations to the

work centers?

Work centers are resources available for manufacturing. You can create a work

center in the Work centers table (Main menu -> Manufacturing -> Configuration

elements -> Work centers).

To create the work center, do the following:

1. On the File menu, point to New, and then click Create new element or

click Create new element (

) button on the standard tool bar.


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Manufacturing module

Lantek Expert III

2. Enter the required details and on the File menu, click Save or click Save


) button on the standard tool bar.

You can click Actions list and then click Install work center to create the work

center for cut-punch operations.


You can also remove a work center from the system. The system

displays a warning message listing all the related information that will be
deleted in the process of removing a work center.

7.2.1 Assign operations to work centers

You can assign one or more operations to a work center as follows:


In the Work centers table, double-click a work center to open it.


Click the Operations tab at the bottom of the window and then

on the File menu, point to New, and then click Create new

element or click Create new element (

) button on the

standard tool bar.


Enter the required details and on the File menu click Save or

click Save (

) button on the standard tool bar. The created

operation is assigned to the selected work center.

7.3 How to create and manage manufacturing


The next step in the manufacturing process is to create and manage manufacturing

orders in the Manufacturing orders table (Main menu -> Manufacturing ->

Manufacturing orders).


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Lantek Expert III

Manufacturing module

Figure 34: Manufacturing orders (List)

You can manage the requirements for manufacturing orders such as shortage of

items, stock of items, fulfillment of sale orders, and so on.

You can create manufacturing orders against items and sale orders.

To create Manufacturing orders against items, do the following:

1. In the Manufacturing orders table, click Actions list and then click

Manufacturing orders against items.

2. The system displays Manufacturing orders against items dialog box. Enter

the required details.

3. Click OK and the corresponding order for the item is created in the

Manufacturing orders table.


You can also assign manufacturing operations to the manufacturing

orders created following the above procedure, by selecting the Exploit
manufacturing orders check box in the Manufacturing orders against
items or sale order dialog box.


You can click the Exploit manufacturing orders in the Actions list to

exploit the pending manufacturing operations.


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Manufacturing module

Lantek Expert III

7.4 How to manage, nest and validate the

manufacturing operations?

The exploited orders and the related data of the item or sale order are automatically

available in the Manufacturing operations table (Main menu -> Manufacturing ->

Manufacturing operations).

Figure 35: Manufacturing operations (List)

The Manufacturing operations table also allows you to manage the items reserves

and warehouse movements.

You can clearly identify the status of the manufacturing operations as different colors

are used to indicate different statuses.

You can also click Actions list and then click Outsourcing order against

manufacturing operation to create an outsourcing order against manufacturing


You can import the manufacturing orders of the items, pending sale orders, 2D

geometries or 3D geometries to the manufacturing operations as follows:

1. In the Manufacturing operations table, click Actions list, and then click



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Lantek Expert III

Manufacturing module

2. Select the required option in the Please select what you want to import

dialog box. Click OK and then select the required element from the

displayed table.

3. Enter the details and the corresponding element will be available in the

Manufacturing operations table.


You can also change the work center, material, and thickness for the

pending manufacturing operations by selecting Change work center,
material and thickness in the Actions list.

7.4.1 Nesting and machining of manufacturing


You can nest and machine the selected manufacturing operation as



In the Manufacturing operations table, click Actions list and

then click Nest.


The system opens the CAD/CAM window, where you can carry

out the nesting and machining of the selected manufacturing


Figure 36: Expert – Nesting and machining


Click Save to save the nesting and machining.



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