Proevesvar 12 03 2021 kl 1721

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Norwegian Institute of Public Health

Name / Navn:
Renata Szejner
National ID number / Personnummer:
Test date / Prøvedato:
11.03.2021 08:36
Laboratory / Laboratorium:
Fürst Medisinsk Laboratorium
Result date / Svardato:
12.03.2021 00:00

Analysis / Analyse:
Result / Resultat:

Coronavirus was not detected
This means that coronavirus was not detected when the sample was taken.

Koronavirus er ikke påvist
Det betyr at det ikke ble funnet koronavirus da prøven ble tatt.

Document retrieved from Helsenorge on 12.03.2021.
Results retrieved from The Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

Dokument hentet fra Helsenorge den 12.03.2021.
Opplysninger hentet fra Folkehelseinstituttet.


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