Personal Leadership Strategies

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John Butler’s

Crossing The Rubicon

Personal Leadership Strategies


How to tap into powerful, practical, personal, professional, business strategies and tactics for success

and achievement

Listen to John Butler for a few minutes as he talks about these tested strategies & tactics that help you leap to

‘The Next Step’ … then read his introductory letter below

Letter from John Butler

Dear Leader, High Achiever …

If you are a leader, high achiever, manager, business owner or professional, I encourage you to find out why
my Crossing the Rubicon Personal leadership Strategies WEBINAR series is absolutely your fastest, easiest
and most economical way to:

Breakthrough self-imposed barriers with this ‘life changing experience’ … remember, confidence
AND competence always go hand in hand
Synthesise complex achievement strategies into simple leadership models that can be applied
immediately for measurable lasting results … always copy the experts or high achievers
Learn four positioning paradigms that can release you or keep you stuck in your present mode …
which paradigm or position do you hold?
Learn personal and professional excellence strategies, interpersonal communication tactics that impact
colleagues and staff in very positive ways, building high performance teams, and learn how to create a
customer driven culture
Embrace change for the individual and whole organisation … change is about ‘becoming
Appreciate the central importance of quality improvement, performance enhancement and employee
engagement in cultural transformation … every business is in ‘the people business’

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Create a culture where highly motivated, personally responsible, clearly focused people in every
position, at every job, working together for maximum results … collective momentum is a
powerful competetive force
Improve bounce-back resilience setbacks are inevitable
Create cultures that embrace the concept of personal responsibility and accountability for results
… these two alone can help transform a small, medium or large organisation
Appreciate human capital as the driving force in financial capital asset building … brain power, talent
management and strategic leadership is more relevant than ever.

AS High As 85% Of Your Successful

Outcomes Will depend On Ei

A new form of ‘being smart’ has emerged for

leaders, achievers, managers, professionals

and business owners … it’s called Ei or

Emotional Intelligence … get a three minute

insight into Ei from John Butler in this video


If you are still not ready, just spend a few minutes on some of the three-minute video clips on these sites
which will give you a glimpse of just some of the subject matter covered.

Call while you are still on this site 00353 1 4595950 to get a personal briefing.

Speak to you soon,

John Butler

Author & Designer of the Crossing the Rubicon Process


Just in case you are even busier than usual I have given you (above) the final summary paragraphs first. If

you want to read the rest, here it is:


Before you read the online sales letter (below)

outlining the compelling reasons why you should attend,

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I want you to first review the top six reasons you might NOT register for my

Crossing the Rubicon Personal Leadership Strategies WEBINAR(or


for that matter)

The reason I am doing this up front is that I want to get your resistance out of the way at the outset so that

you don’t self-sabotage yourself in not taking action now.

So based on my surveys and experience, here are the six most common reasons for resistance.

Six common reasons why you might resist the Crossing the Rubicon WEBINAR (or MASTERCLASS)

and John Butler’s audio commentary on why people resist in general

Resistance Reason No 1: “I don’t know if I will get the maximum benefit from the Crossing the Rubicon

process because I can’t see how it will fit into my current situation, lifestyle, career or business path … is it

the best investment or right fit for me right now?”

John’s Response: Let’s look at it this way, YOU are a work in progress (everyone is) … you need to build on
your strengths and manage your weaknesses. The best performers in business or sport invest in themselves all
the time.Tiger Woods in golf takes lessons all the time even though he is the No1 player of all time. This is a
personal leadership imperative. In Module One you will get two massive points on how to leap to the next step
of your development and why so many people waste time and energy. This insight alone could make it all
worthwhile. Remember, no matter how well you are doing (or not doing) just one extra piece of insight could
be worth a fortune in terms of time saved or stress reduced or money earned. Diffusion of effort is a major
problem. Developing a Rubicon personal strategy is the solution.

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Pat Flanagan

“The biggest impact the Century Management

approach had for us was a doubling of sales

within six months, and then it doubled again

over the following six months.

This alone transformed our business.

Building management strength in depth was

one of the other huge benefits of working with

Century Management”.

… systems thinking is both psychological and

Click here now to register for the WEBINAR and take that first step to Crosssing the Rubicon

Resistance Reason No 2: “I don’t think I have the time to dedicate to a process like this … is a webinar
format as good as the class room … why both methods?”

John’s Response: The whole point of a webinar is to save you time and get you started in a simple and easy
format. Getting started is the biggest single reason the average person remains average. They delay and
procrastinate, and the opportunity passes them by. With a webinar you can be sitting at your desk at 8.00am in
the morning without the cost or time in travel or staying over, and have the real live experience by watching
and interacting on your screen. Plus you can listen and view the whole thing again in your own time. Adults
spend hours watching TV every night … this is like “live” TV. With this ground work done we can utilise the
time in the MASTERCLASS to much better advantage. While the webinar could have hundreds of people on
it the masterclass will have maximum 15-20 people. Please read the advantages and differences in both
approaches on this site.

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Liam Dennehy

“Over three years of working with the Rubicon

strategy we have increased our average sales

value to 140%.

It was not easy and there was some pain, but

we got there”.

… systema*c implementa*on is cri*cal to
changing behaviours and business models.

Click here to take that investment-in-yourself leadership step

Resistance Reason No 3: “I don’t know if I can justify the investment in this kind of process… maybe it’s not

John’s Response: If not now, when? Remember, just one moment of insight or one technique or one strategy
can pay for the whole process. And you will get hundreds of ideas, techniques and new approaches. You
simply have not got time to learn by trial-and-error because of the accelerated pace of change and the
avalanche of knowledge in today’s world. The Great Depression of 2009 has helped focus every country,
every industry, every organisation of every size and every individual on this critical point: we need to learn
and relearn our way out of this mess as human beings.
And this starts with every individual and every
company taking responsibility for change, growth and learning. Getting sharp and staying sharp will give you
that winning edge formula that justifies the investment on its own. Why not learn from other people’s
experiences? … this is like ‘borrowing’ their expertise and experience.

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Liam O’Dea

“We have worked with Century Management

for more than 10 years, (a period over which

we have doubled our revenues and tripled our

profits) on strategic planning, sales and

marke*ng and I found the process and nature

of our rela*onship with Century Management

to be extremely beneficial.

We have no problem endorsing the Century

Management process for building teams and


… building leadership strength is a top priority
for every Chief Execu*ve.

Click here to sign up for the Crossing the Rubicon experience with your management team

Resistance Reason No 4: “I don’t know if the webinar format will be as beneficial as a live classroom
experience or self study … I am a bit fearful of it frankly”

John’s Response:

I know how you feel about this new technology, many of our clients felt that way initially about similar

technologies (eg tele or videoconferencing or skype VOIP etc) but what they have found is that the upside far outweighs the down side
… WEBINARS make life easier and take away your two biggest excuses: I haven’t got time and can’t afford it.

A ‘webinar’ by the way is an abbreviation for ‘Web Seminar’. It’s an online event for delivering presentations between a presenter
and a large remote audience via the web. A few years ago, most online meetings, collaborations and webinar tools were horribly
expensive, complex and given bandwidth limitations, were more frustrating than useful but nowadays they are as easy to use as making
a phone call.

Communications by email, telephone and instant messaging have certain disadvantages in getting a point across, demonstrating a
concept or explaining complex issues in the online environment whereas WEBINARS allow you to get the best of the traditional
classroom effect and modern ‘in the room’ interactive white boards while sitting at your desk.

For example, I can be speaking with you while demonstrating a concept on screen (i.e.with phone, chat and on-screen connectivity
options)or I can have direct communications with you, either publicly or privately. I can also draw diagrams or highlight points
on-screen in real time, even over text documents, and you can watch the process.

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Eileen Maher

“The Rubicon programme benefited me

immensely regarding my degree of personal

clarity and personal strategic vision.

From that base it enabled me to develop a

business plan and goals that were

extraordinarily beneficial to me in managing

my career, work and personal life”.

… ‘personal leadership’ is a learned
competency and an impera*ve for senior

Click here and make that step beyond the comfort zone

Resistance Reason No 5: “I don’t think I will have the discipline to implement the learning that will emerge … have I the

John’s Response: Today everyone who wants to make any kind of progress at all needs to be a learner …
whole industries and countries will have to relearn from the economic recession and financial crash of 2009.
Your competitive edge, even your very survival, is ingrained in your ability to learn and change … change and
learning go hand in hand. Discipline has been defined as ‘ the ability to do what you have to do, when you
have to do it, whether you like it or not’. We will show you that leaders are indeed learners and why modern
technology can save you time, effort and money to achieve better and better result. However , if you are not
motivated to explore and learn then you should not attend even if you have the time and the money.Worse
still, don’t attend because your boss sent you!

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David Curley

“Myself and 350 colleagues went through the

Rubicon process which we found hugely

challenging and rewarding and I would highly

recommend this course for like‐minded


… Crossing the Rubicon is a cultural

transforma*on process that will o5en give

your organisa*on a be6er compe**ve edge

factor than tradi*onal strategy drivers.

Click here to make the first step to transforming yourself and your organisational culture

Resistance Reason No 6: “I am quite happy doing things the way I do them and believe my career/business is
on track … I am a happy camper”

John’s Response: Living in the land of complacency is a form of learned helplessness that eventually destroys
lives and careers and organisations of all kinds. Remember 60% of businesses fail over time. As high as 80%
of individuals in the developed world die broke or depending on government pension. Complacency is a
deadly disease. Continuous learning is best completed when you are strong and doing well! Learning has never
been a once off event.

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Michael Cronin

“As Chief Execu*ve and Chairman of two quite

demanding roles I find the support from

Century Management as strategic leadership

advisers to be very useful and helpful”.

… ‘becoming different’ is the essence of

change. Ghandi said you should become the

change you want to see in the world.

Behavioural change is the start of all business


Final note!

These two words are probably your biggest source of resistance

Look, if you are still resisting my Crossing the Rubicon Personal Leadership Strategies WEBINAR or the


it may

be because of the most self-sabotaging, most insidious reason of all,

It is the same reason that robbed you of progress, happiness, honour, relationship, fame, wealth, leadership
and expertise you know you have always deserved … as well as any other human virtue you can think of.

It is the one fear that raises its ugly head whenever you wanted to learn something new, or when you push
yourself to master what you already know.

Remember, what you don’t know that you don’t know is not as tragic as not doing what you do know!

You know what I am talking about because you face it every day.

Can you guess the “two-word” silent thief I am talking about?

It’s not a person. It’s not a place. It’s not even a thing.

It’s the human condition that shows up in your life with an intention to protect you, but in reality it repeatedly

robs you of getting what you want and even worse, to do what you have to do.

Of course , I am talking about your “Comfort Zone”.

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Mark Quinn

“When I learned the Rubicon strategy it lead

me to a whole new psychology and approach

to my work and lifestyle in terms of prac*cal

things like handling price situa*ons with


… who you are and what you do are the two

fundamentals around managing change.

Right now, even before you start reading my letter below, I want you to dissolve your comfort zone for the
next 10 minutes. You see, my goal here is not to change your mind about the Crossing the Rubicon Personal
Leadership Strategies

Rubicon: Leadership Competency Process MASTERCLASS


anything else.

My goal here – right here, right now – is to open your mind so that the agony of your decision making

becomes so intense that your only escape is to push through your comfort zone. After you have finished

reading this web page you can go back to your comfort zone for as long as you like.

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Ray Lawlor

“The Rubicon Process has helped me in my

personal and professional life to be a more

proac*ve planner and manager.

It has changed my thinking.

In business the concept of strategic planning

for the future has been beneficial”.

… Change from the inside out, not from the
outside in.


Ray Moylan

“Over the last 20 years I have been working

with all the Rubicon Processes and can a6est
to the fact that these development strategies


One business grew to €80m with the help of

these ideas and methodologies. Another

business has been transformed over four

years from a product driven process to a value

based solu*ons business”.

… paradigm shi5s require hard work and
integrity of effort.


Q: “How much hands on help does John provide”?

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During the PREVIEWCALL and the WEBINAR John will be 100% involved. During the MASTERCLASS
other facilitators will be involved at various levels. However, John will be very close to your case at all times.
He always sees his primary objective as helping you achieve your goals.

Q: “What is taught in each of the six modules for Crossing The Rubicon Personal Leadership Strategies WEBINAR”?

Here is the outline of each module.

Module 1 Webinar

Blending Talent, Success and Critical Principles: How to unlock your natural talent, appreciate success for what it is and tap

into higher order principles of life and achievement.

Module 2 Webinar

Developing Your Mental Powers: How to programme your mind and understand the critical role self concept plays in how the

brain-mind functions and the importance of taking charge of your life.

Module 3 Webinar

Emotional Intelligence and Stress Management: How to deal with the negative thoughts that keep people stuck and tap into

the positive ones that relieve stress.

Module 4 Webinar

Time Management for Results: How to master your most valuable resource with basic best practice techniques and strategies

that save you two hours per day.

Module 5 Webinar

Excellence in Communications and Teambuilding: How to identify the tools and skills for excellence in communications and

teambuilding to transform your life and organisation.

Module 6 Webinar

Personal Leadership & Alignment Strategies: How to change, transform, integrate and apply the Rubicon strategies

Q: “What are my options if I can’t make the live webinar”?

No need to worry at all as we will be recording the whole thing and providing lots of notes and back up
material which means you can take the whole webinar in your own time and place. Perhaps in the evening or
at home?

Q: “How does the payment plan work”?

Payments are made seven days before the start date by paypal account, bank transfer or by cheque to Century
Management. Invoices will be issue immediately.

Q: “How soon can I get started after registration”?

We will ask you to complete a Rubicon PROFILER once you register and send you some preprogram

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Q: “What is the first thing I should do after registration”?

Get into a learning mode. Mark out the dates in your diary and inform those around you that you that you will
be completing this programme so they can be aware of what you are doing.

Q: “Can my partner, assistant or spouse get access to the webinar”?

Singleminded focus is probably best. Therefore, close the door and concentrate. Passing visitors tend to
distract and not understand the full purpose of the webinar. Like watching a good foootball game or movie it’s
hard to get a full apprciation of what’s it all about if one just pops in and out.

Q: “Do you have one-on-one personal mentoring opportunity”?

Century Management provide executive mentoring and organisational development advice and
implementation. Using the language and tools from the Rubicon process provides an excellent foundation for
other on-site assignments such as succession planning, recruitment and retention, and strategy formulation and

Q: “Is it possible to ask questions during the webinar”?

YES, you can send emails during the webinar or raise your hand or ask a ‘live’ question, just like on radio …
we will explain everything closer to the webinar.

Q: “Should I register even if I am not in main-stream management”?

The Webinar is also for high achievers or ambitious people who may work alone or not as part of the main
team. Sales professionals fall into this category. Likewise professionals, advisors or business owners who
plough their own furrow as it were.

Q: “What is the Crossing the Rubicon refund policy”?

If you are not totally satisfied after module two we will refund your money in full provided you answer two
questions…What happened? What should have happened?(We get less than half of one percent asking us for
a refund … even this is too high … so we ask the two questions so we can learn as well)

Q: “What do I have to do to join the Rubicon: Leadership Competency Process MASTERCLASS”?

Rubicon: Leadership Competency Process MASTERCLASS

is our signature programmme and you will need

to read all about it on our site . Ideally you should talk with one of our consultants to determine your
readiness. First step is to complete the WEBINAR.

Register Now Since I Have Answered Your Questions

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Sean Fitzpatrick

“I have taken over 100 managers through the

Rubicon Century Management process.

It was a huge cultural step for a fast growth

engineering type business.

The Rubicon process has given them a whole

new dimension for their working and family


The process is ongoing and the managers have

con*nued to benefit as have their customers.

I highly recommend it “.

… building leadership strength and depth is
the very essence of cultural transforma*on
and strategic advantage


If I said this once then I have said it a thousand times:

Crossing the Rubicon is a master blueprint to get you motivated and energised in a systematic way to do more
in less time with less stress and double or triple you income.

End of story.

That’s why I am so passionate about getting you to join this Crossing the Rubicon Personal Leadership
WEBINAR in the first place. Right now.

Be Sure you have explored ON THIS SITE the options and benefits of signing up for both the

Are you ready to join my other students now?

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Cathal Fitzgerald

“I went through the Rubicon process as a

personal and strategic planning and change


It took me on to new paths in terms of career

aspira*ons and self worth. We also completed

a strategic thinking and planning process for

our new business start up”.

… the natural progression for a good manager
is to become a great leader.

Leo Harmon

“We are a €500million civil engineering

company and seven years ago we needed to

change our business model to become more

client focused.

Century Management brought the knowledge

to help us change regarding leadership and

client facing interac*ons.

We have crossed that Rubicon with a lot of

sa*sfied clients and we are perceived as a

market leader”.

… change and transforma*on are ongoing
leadership impera*ves.

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Click here to sign up for CrossingTheRubiconWEBINAR

Click here to sign up for CrossingTheRubiconMASTERCLASS

Read more about the CrossingtheRubiconMASTERCLASS?

Click here to sign up for CrossingTheRubiconWEBINAR & MASTERCLASS

Read more about CrossingTheRubiconCOMBINATION

Click here to sign up for CrossingTheRubicon ‘Business Owner Manager’

John Butler is a

professional speaker




business advisor


Crossing the Rubicon Today is proudly powered by



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