nOTATKI Attlee’s reform & Indian emigration

  1. Attlee's reform at home and foreign politicies.

During Attlee's tenure, Britain fostered its "special relationship" with the United States. It helped with the Berlin airlift (1948), participated in the Marshall Plan, joined NATO (1949) and the Council for the Unity for Europe (1949). Attlee was proud of granting India independence within the Commonwealth, establishing the separate countries of Pakistan, Burma (now Myanmar) and Ceylon and relinquishing control of Egypt as well as Palestine, where the state of Israel was founded.

At home, to alleviate postwar suffering in Britain, he nationalized many industries and implemented the welfare state, which he called "his greatest achievement."

The Attlee government's taste for reform continues with the nationalisation of the coal industry. The National Coal Board is created to manage the country's mines.

  1. West Indian emigration

Between 1948 and 1970 nearly half a million people left their homes in the West Indies and came to Britain. Their arrival changed the face of modern Britain. They were all British citizens and although they had never lived in Britain before, they had the right to enter, work and settle here if they wanted to.

West Indians came to Britain for many different reasons. Some were seeking better opportunities for themselves and their children. Some came to work for a while, save money and return home. Some had been recruited because Britain was short of workers to run the transport system, postal service and hospitals. Other West Indians were returning soldiers who had fought for Britain during the Second World War (1939-1945).


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