11 11 30

Criticize someone for something

Take out the nose stud (kolczyk, ćwiek)

To dye your hair black

To take somebody on - to hire, to employ
coming of age party - birthday party (18)

Fancy dress party - bal przebierańców

Fancy - elegant

To fancy someone - to like

To turn up - to appear

You turn 18 - become of age

Be used to, get used to, used to

  1. Accustomed to

  2. Past state/habit which has now finished

People were used to seeing women play in long, heavy dresses - A

He used to live in France - B

He will have to get used to wearing something a little more formal - A


Was/am used to GOING

Be used to - someone is already accustomed to something

Get used to - describes of process of reach a stage where something is no longer strange


You have to get used to waking up early every day.

You have to get used to working with other people.

Working in team

Listening to your boss/ taking criticism

Planting seeds and watching them grow

Get used to having less privacy

Being interviewed

Seeing your face on TV or front pages of tabloid magazines

Get used to people asking you to sign their clothes, body

Spending a lot of time outside home

Eating less

Being hungry

Taking more vitamins

Eating vegetables

Doing lots of sports

Having a lot of money

Looking good

Getting rid of fast foods

Buying new clothes

Driving past KFC without entering

Urges - desires for fast food

Get used to aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha for example………….LONG PAUSE…………………………laughs ………..still laughs…..living together another person

And caring for this person

Get used to having only one woman/man

Sharing a bed with someone else

Get used to making consensus with your partner

Waking up in the night

Spending much more money on things for your kids

Get used to receiving bad news about your kids

Get used to taking consequences of their behavior

Get used to having a lot of free time

Sitting on a chair

Listening to your friends complaining

Going to church


Sorting pills for the week

Writing a list of shopping items

Complaining about ZUS

The weather/ the language/ bad food/ driving on the left side of the road

  1. Get used to having

  2. Used to cook

  3. Is used to eating/ has got used to eating

  4. Used to write

  5. Get used to

  6. Be used to driving/ have got used to driving

  7. Get used to driving


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