
About Locke (played by Terry O'Quinn)

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Full Name: John Locke

Reason for trip: Rejected from walkabout tour of Outback
Origin of Name: John Locke, 17th century political philosopher.
Profession: Regional collections supervisor for a box company

Prior to the flight, John Locke led a lonely existence as a middle manager at a box company in Tustin, California, where he was constantly belittled by a snide (and younger) higher-up for his interests in wargaming and survivalism. The company he worked for may actually be owned by Hurley. Most critically, Locke was a paraplegic-- apparently for the preceding four years-- the reasons for which have not yet been revealed. He came to Australia hoping to fulfill his dream of taking part in a Walkabout, but when he was discovered to be disabled, Locke was forced off the tour and sent back to the United States on the doomed flight. After the crash, however, he miraculously recovered the use of his legs.

Locke related to Sawyer that as a child, he and his sister were raised by a foster mother. When his sister died, his foster mother blamed herself, and sunk into depression. A few months later, a dog came into their house and his foster mother began to feel better. The dog even slept in his sister's bed, leading Locke's foster mother to believe that the dog was the sister reincarnated. When asked whether he felt the same, he replied, "That's just silly."

In Deus Ex Machina, his real mother is revealed to be Emily Annabeth Locke (Swoosie Kurtz), who may have been a drug addict and have psychological problems. She made a sudden appearance when John was already an adult, claiming that his birth was part of a greater plan, that he had no father and was "immaculately conceived." This led to Locke hiring a private investigator to track down his actual biological father, who turned out to be a wealthy hunter named Anthony Cooper (Kevin Tighe.) Cooper seemed to take his newfound son under his wing, teaching him to be a sportsman. However, he was actually laying the groundwork to con Locke into donating his kidney, which Cooper desperately needed. Once the operation was completed, Cooper left the hospital and ordered his security guard not to admit Locke back into his estate. Locke was crushed by the revelation that he had been emotionally manipulated.

On the Island, Locke has demonstrated his skills as a hunter, as well as sort of spiritual leader. He appears to have a connection to the Island itself, to which he ascribes mystical powers, claiming "I've looked into the eye of this island, and what I saw was beautiful." He kept secret his findings and revelations from nearly all, except for his apparent acolyte Boone Carlyle, with whom he often explored the Island's jungles. During one such exploration, the two came across a metal hatch with a glass window, which they unsuccessfully tried to force open or break. Later, a seeming vision led the two to a crashed Beechcraft airplane stuck in trees. When Boone climbed into the cockpit, the plane fell to the ground, crushing Boone and eventually leading to his death. Because Locke initially lied about how Boone's injuries were received, the death has driven a wedge between some of the survivors and Locke-- and both Jack Sheppard and Boone's step-sister, Shannon hold him responsible for Boone's death.

In The Greater Good, after showing Sayid the location of the Beechcraft, Locke confessed that he was the one who sabotaged the jury-rigged communication equipment that Sayid used to search for the Island's mysterious radio transmitter. Later, in retaliation for her brother's death, Shannon tried to shoot Locke, but due to the intervention of Sayid, the bullet only grazed his temple.

While he had mainly been connected to Boone, Locke developed a friendship with Walt Lloyd early on, teaching him backgammon and demonstrating knife throwing to him. He helped Charlie Pace work through his heroin addiction, and built a cradle with Claire for her baby. He also shares a mutual respect with Sayid. Other survivors are wary of Locke, due in part to his mysterious comings and goings and collection of hunting knives, which he had transported with him intending to use on a walkabout of the Australian Outback.

Locke is frequently connected with games. He plays backgammon with Walt, demonstrates Mouse Trap to a child in a flashback scene in Deus Ex Machina, discusses Operation with Jack while handling dynamite, and plays some sort of war game with a co-worker in Walkabout.

In Exodus Part 2, with the help of Jack and Kate, Locke blew the hatch open with dynamite. Hurley, seeing the "cursed numbers" engraved in the metal, tried to stop him from lighting the fuse, but Locke was determined to set off the explosion. Earlier, when asked what he believed to be within the hatch, he replied, "I think Hope's inside." This is presumably a reference to Pandora's Box.

About Terry O'Quinn:

Terry O'Quinn's impressive gallery of film and television characters includes many diverse roles. He rose to prominence as the outwardly gentle but actually maniacal master of the house in Joseph Ruben's chilling "The Stepfather." Though he went on to play leads in other films like "Prisoners of the Sun" and "The Forgotten One," his weight was more effectively felt in supporting roles, for example as Howard Hughes in Disney's "The Rocketeer."

Other feature film credits include "Old School," "The X-Files: Fight the Future," "Primal Fear," "Ghosts of Mississippi," "Tombstone," "Blind Fury," "Young Guns," "Black Widow," "Heaven's Gate" and "Places in the Heart."

On television O'Quinn had starring roles in "Millennium" and "Harsh Realm," with recurring roles on "The West Wing," "Alias" and "Jag." He has guest starred on "Law & Order: Criminal Intent," "The X-Files" and "Roswell."

On Broadway O'Quinn appeared in "Foxfire" and "Curse of the Aching Heart," and Off-Broadway in "Richard III."

Pełne Imię: John Locke

Przyczyna podróży: Nie pozwolono wziąć mu udziału w wyprawie do buszu.

Pochodzenie Imienia: John Locke, siedemnastowieczny filozof i polityk.

Profesja: nadzorca w firmie produkującej pudełka.

Przed lotem, John Locke prowadził samotne życie jako nadzorca w firmie produkującej pudełka w Tustin, w Kalifornii, gdzie on stale był poniżany przez lipnego (i młodszego) przełożonego z powodu jego zainteresowań grami wojennymi i survival'em. Firma w której pracował mogła należeć do Hurley'a. Locke był miał sparaliżowane nogi -- widocznie stało się to w ciągu poprzedzających czterech lat-- przyczyny paraliżu jeszcze nie ujawniono. przybył do Australii by spełnić marzenie i wziąć udział w pieszej wyprawie przez całą Australię, ale kiedy okazało się, że jest do tego niezdolny, Locke został zmuszany do powrotu do Stanów Zjednoczonych. Po katastrofie w cudowny sposób odzyskał władzę w nogach.

Locke powiedział Sawyer'owi, że jako dziecko, on i jego siostra byli wychowywani przez matkę zastępczą. Kiedy jego siostra umarł, matka oskarżała się o jej śmierć i wpadła w depresję. Kilku miesiące później, przyszedł do ich domu pies i jego matka zaczęła się czuć lepiej. Pies nawet spał w łóżku jego siostry, sprawił, że uwierzyła, że pies był reinkarnacją jego siostry. Kiedy spytał czy on czuł się tak samo , on odpowiedział, "To głupie."


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