PREZENTACJa transport



Today We are going to give short presentation about various types of transport. Our talk will last 5 minutes and will be divided into 4 parts. First we will be talking about water transport, than we will focus on road transport. After that we will be talking about rail transport and we will finish with air transport. We’re going to talk for about 5 minutes and later there’ll be time for questions and discussing.

Transport is the movement of people and goods from one location to another. We can divide types of transport into 4 categories : water, road, rail and air transport.

Water transport is as old as the history of mankind. Primitive man traveled by rivers and lakes on boles. First boats where constructed in ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt. Great Technical Revolution contributed to the construction of more and more advanced vessels.

Although slow, modern sea transport is highly effective method of transporting large quantities of non-perishable goods. People and goods can be transported at very large distances, however they cannot reach or be delivered directly to the place of destination.

Water transport has a negative influence on water fauna. Water routes trespass natural environment of many animals – they die being sucked into propellers. Maritime disasters of ships carrying oil or petrol kill almost all life in the area of disaster.

The beginnings of road transport reach IV century BC in Greece and Persia, where first small sections of roads with hard surface were made. In Poland, first road with hard surface was built at the end of XIX century near Łódź and Wrocław.

Cars offer high flexibility, because they could travel at large distances to almost every part of the world. However, because of the low capacity, they are efficient only on short-haul destinations. Road transport by trucks is used for long-haul destinations. Road transport is fast and comfortable, however it is expensive with high energy and area use. Cars, buses and trucks are the main cause of noise and air pollution.

The history of rail transport dates back to ancient times, where train rides were used. First modern rail transports appeared in England in 1825, where the first public railway line was opened. Until the XX century, rail transport was used in mines for the transport of excavations.

Rail transport is one of the cheapest means of transport. Because of the high capacity, large quantities of different goods can be transported at the same time. Railway lines are well-developed and in the comparison on roads, are a very small area. What’s more, rail transport is much more ecological than road transport. On the other hand, building railway lines is very expensive. There is also a high risk of damaging the carried goods in case of emergency detentions and shocks.

The modern age of aviation began with first untethered flight in air balloon in 1783. First assisted take-off flight by the Wright Brothers, was in 1903. After World War II, there was a boom in general aviation, both private and commercial. Air transport is considered to be the safest mean of transport (comparing f.e to road transport). It is very fast, however it is dependable from the weather conditions. It has also an average capacity, but bigger machines are still being designed and built, such as airbuses. Air transport could be divided into civil and military. Planes are almost always used to help people who suffered from cataclysm. Like all activities involving combustion, aircrafts release greenhouse gases such as CO­2, soot and other pollutants.

Transport is one of the most important part of the modern world. High demand for different goods

cause the development of transport industry. People also have very big influence on the development of transport, because nowadays travelling is a very important part of our life.


Bole – pień

Vessel - statek, okręt

Non-perishable goods - niepsujące się towary

Trespass – naruszać

Propeller – śruba okrętowa

Maritime disaster – katastrofa morska

Capacity- pojemność, ładowność

Long/short – haul destinations – dalekie/bliskie trasy

Train ride – kolej konna

Exacavations – urobek

Emergency detention – zatrzymanie awaryjne

Untethered flight – swobodny lot

Soot - sadza

Combustion – spalanie

Mine - kopalnia


1. Water routes trespass natural environment of many animals – they die being sucked into propellers.

2. Primitive man traveled by rivers and lakes on boats.

3. In Poland, first road with hard surface was built at the end of XIX century near Katowice and Warsaw.

4. First modern rail transports appeared in England.

5. Railway lines are well-developed and in the comparison on roads, are a large area.

6. First assisted take-off flight was by the Wright Brothers.


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