sciaga gotowiec

2 Complete the sentence with a word formed from the word in capitals at the end.

10.He finally made abreakthroughlast month when he discovered a solution to the problem. BREAK

11.He has excellentqualifications for the job. QUALIFY 12.The leg restraint holds the crew members in the seat. RESTRAIN.

13.There are several differences between the two guns. DIFFER

14.GD Electronics is a good employer to work for. EMPLOY

15.He did an apprenticeship at the company for 3 years. APPRENTICE

3 Put the verbs in brackets into the most appropriate form.

I (16) have worked (work) in this company for the last two years. Recently we (17) have had (have) a lot of problems with the production line. We (18)bought (buy) new equipment six months ago and since then the machines (19) have broken (break) down three times. The service engineers (20) came (come) to repair them two weeks ago, but they (21) have stopped (stop) working again. At the moment, all the workers (22) are standing (stand) around waiting for the engineers to come again. I (23) called (call) them half an hour ago but no one is available for the next four hours. Every year we (24) pay (pay) a lot of money for the service contract and we expect better service than this. Unfortunately, we (25) don’t have (not have) the expert knowledge to repair them ourselves. If we had that knowledge there (26) wouldn’t be (not be) a problem.

4 Choose the correct option (a-d).

27.The standard gene gun is more accurate as the new one.

28.The standard gun has a wider barrel than the new one.

29.Whereasthere were problems with the old system, there are none with the new one.

30.The new equipment cost much more but it works much better.

5 Read the text and decide if these statements are true (T), false (F) or not given (NG)?

31Model rockets are well-made. NG

32 It’s possible to have a camera on some models.T

33 Placing fins in the wrong position can affect stability. T

34 The bigger the engine, the higher the rocket will go. NG

35 Liquid rocket fuel is always used in model rockets. F

36 Some model rocket engine mounts use centering rings. T

37 Launch lugs ensure the rocket goes in the right direction. T

38 The nose cone is usually glued to the rocket body. F

39 The recovery system does not function if the nose T

cone fails to eject.

40 An electrical circuit is completed when the igniter is secured F

41/42 Jack Philips, our new Technical Director, was born in Australia on 16 May / 1982.

43/44 Since January 2008, he has been the Technical Manager of ABJ Seatworks

where he has been responsible for designing and building ejection systems for aircraft.

45/46 Before that he worked for three years as Technical Supervisor for KLG Goldings,

where he organised and supervised the work schedule for a team of 6 design technicians.

47/48 He did an apprenticeship with Kork Design in Brisbane for three years.

49/50 After that, he went to the University of Queensland where he gained a degree in

technical design.



Apprentice-poczatkujacy praktykant




Lesiure activiti-sport itp.

To do a masters degree-robic studia, stopień

Cover letter-covering letter-letter of application


To grauduate for- ukonczyc






To recoil-odrzut

Cone-conical-stożek shaped




Helium-podreczne urzadzenie







job title-tytuł pracy


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