Finansowanie nauki

  1. Title of the project:

Books and libraries in the contemporary novel (selection).

  1. Project summary:

The aim of the work is to search themes of books and libraries in belles-lettres. Author interprets thirty novels. Fragments from the novels are grouped and interpreted according to their clearly distinguish themes. At the beginning they are included descriptions of books (neglected, banned, burned and fantastic) and finally followed by descriptions of libraries (nobles and burghers, scientists and writers, scientific and public). In this work there are currents of literature distinguished by using the criterion of the recipient, so this is literature for adults and literature for children and young people. At work are used several methods and techniques derived from the bibliology. Research methods, which are used: exemplification method, historical method, comparative method , sociological method and statistical method.

Novels can provide a more complete possibilities for interpretation theme of the books and libraries, than in the case of relying solely on traditional sources and scientific texts. Interpretation of selected fragments is lead from the perspective of the descriptions function in belles-lettres, without confrontation with reality. Comparisons id dome only between novels of different writers, not between the truth enshrined in belles-lettres and the objective truth. In work also is included a attempt to answer the question of whether you can find in the literature librarian stereotype, positively or negatively image of this professional group.

This research topic is almost absent in the study, which missed historical and literary perspective. Author try to synthesize descriptions of books and libraries in the novel with a limited time frame, which is the contemporary novel. This work and considerations contained therein are merely exploring and do not pretend to availability issues. It signals the research possibilities hidden in contemporary novels, and is an attempt to answer the question, to what extent they can be useful for increasing knowledge about the book.

  1. Key words:

Books, libraries, contemporary novel, selection

  1. Principal Investigator:

Department of Library Science and Book Marketing

Institute of Library and Information Science

University of Silesia in Katowice

Books lovers in XIXth century stories – project completed

Librarians in films. Stereotype and the truth.

Diamond Grant

I-st prize for FNP 2013

  1. Project description:

This research topic is almost absent in the study. It signals the research possibilities hidden in contemporary novels.

The aim of the work is to search themes of books and libraries in belles-lettres.

Research for the theme of books and libraries are in the works of Krystyna Bednarska-Ruszajowa, Andrzej Dróżdż, Cecylia and Janusz Dunin, Pawel Dunin-Wąsowicz, Barbara Jachimczak, Jerzy Kałążny, Izabela Nagórska.

The bibliography used in the work shows that the state of research on literary texts relating to books and libraries has several forms. They are some bibliographic contained (Krystyna Bednarska-Ruszajowa), good interpretations of literary novels (Andrzej Dróżdż) and short and insufficient anthologies without interpretation.


  1. Bednarska-Ruszajowa K.: Biblioteki w literaturze polskiej. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego 2006. ISBN 83-233-2215-5.

  2. Dunin J., Duninowa C.: Bibliotekarze w ankietach i powieściach. „Bibliotekarz” 1968 nr 10, s. 304-305.

  3. Dunin-Wąsowicz P.: Widmowa biblioteka czyli Książki urojone albo Wypisy o xięgach, których nigdy nie było, ale ktoś o nich napisał. Warszawa: Świat Książki 1997. ISBN 83-86735-31-7.

  4. Dróżdż A.: Książka w świecie utopii. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Naukowe AP 2006. ISBN 83-7271-368-5.

  5. Jachimczak B.: Kto miłuje księgi. „Kultura i Oświata” 1981 nr 4, s. 66-77.

  6. Kałążny J.: Motyw biblioteki w literaturze. „Biblioteka” 1998 nr 2, s. 5-14.

  7. Nagórska I.: Jak nas widzą pisarze. „Poradnik Bibliotekarza” 1988 nr 3, s. 13-17.

At work are used several methods and techniques derived from the humanities and bibliology. Research methods, which are used: exemplification method, historical method, comparative method, sociological method and statistical method.

Exemplification method refers to the choice of the novel (so this work not analyzed the whole issue). The historical method refers to the analysis of changes in the image of librarians over the years. It is a look at the subject of research in terms of its origin and development in a specific time and space. Comparative method is to compare various aspects of the book and types of libraries. Comparative method can be performed two functions: the first is to expand the horizons of cognitive researcher, makes it possible to observe the phenomenon studied in high volatility, which in turn makes it easier to capture the characteristics of solids; second function of the comparative method is that this method verifying hypotheses. Using sociological method it is possible to show the social prestige of librarians. It means the study of the social environment and the library, and how certain social groups react to its activities. It is also identify the social status of libraries, especially librarians. Statistical method showed an image of books and libraries in different genres and trends of the novel. It is the study of things, phenomena and processes occurring masse. Enables output of general conclusions.

Research techniques which are used in work: technique of literary hermeneutics and critical technique of content analysis . The technique of literary hermeneutics is the explanation and interpretation of the content of the novel. Research theme books, guided towards a multithreaded hermeneutic analysis on the substrate interdisciplinary, are not yet very widespread. In contrast, a critical technique of content analysis, is associated with an analysis of the text of the novel. In research, analysis and criticism are subject to all kinds and types of documents containing information useful for research.

Belles-lettres is useful for increasing knowledge about the book.

Bibliology will start using literature as source material. Society, mainly readers will be able to use the compendium of quotations, aphorisms and mottos about books and libraries.


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