grid report id2@x40 cz


Gridding Report


Thu Apr 24 12:10:47 2014

Elasped time for gridding: 0.05 seconds

Data Source

Source Data File Name: G:\geostatystyka\1Ar B pls E (pon. 14.15).xls (sheet 'Arkusz1')

X Column: A

Y Column: B

Z Column: C

Data Counts

Active Data: 611

Original Data: 611

Excluded Data: 0

Deleted Duplicates: 0

Retained Duplicates: 0

Artificial Data: 0

Superseded Data: 0

Exclusion Filtering

Exclusion Filter String: Not In Use

Duplicate Filtering

Duplicate Points to Keep: First

X Duplicate Tolerance: 0.00047

Y Duplicate Tolerance: 0.00031

No duplicate data were found.

Breakline Filtering

Breakline Filtering: Not In Use

Data Counts

Active Data: 611

Univariate Statistics




Count: 611 611 611

1%%-tile: 54064.27 41343.87 4.7

5%%-tile: 54247.33 41663.14 6.2

10%%-tile: 54516.96 41894.53 6.9

25%%-tile: 55217.86 42281.32 8.8

50%%-tile: 56171.06 42745.33 12.2

75%%-tile: 57221.72 43161.43 16.5

90%%-tile: 57665 43484.86 20.7

95%%-tile: 57808.49 43617.38 23.8

99%%-tile: 57936.44 43730.47 28.2

Minimum: 54019.18 41174.99 3.8

Maximum: 57997.94 43817.46 42.5

Mean: 56146.1328478 42709.5538134 13.1068739771

Median: 56171.06 42745.33 12.2

Geometric Mean: 56134.199933 42705.5046589 11.9938306493

Harmonic Mean: 56122.2445988 42701.4441168 10.9618326617

Root Mean Square: 56158.040265 42713.5913559 14.2556808098

Trim Mean (10%%): 56157.4682364 42722.7210364 12.7470909091

Interquartile Mean: 56186.4237908 42736.7889216 12.2800653595

Midrange: 56008.56 42496.225 23.15

Winsorized Mean: 56157.4879051 42723.2214075 12.8238952537

TriMean: 56195.425 42733.3525 12.425

Variance: 1339444.86397 345464.989074 31.4858215234

Standard Deviation: 1157.3438832 587.762697927 5.61122281891

Interquartile Range: 2003.86 880.11 7.7

Range: 3978.76 2642.47 38.7

Mean Difference: 1334.93479735 671.714359797 6.17716508814

Median Abs. Deviation: 1014.15 441.84 3.8

Average Abs. Deviation: 1009.38770867 486.762438625 4.45384615385

Quartile Dispersion: 0.0178216603086 0.0103005813834 0.304347826087

Relative Mean Diff.: 0.0237760773474 0.0157274965393 0.471292018138

Standard Error: 46.8211218715 23.7783335712 0.227005776992

Coef. of Variation: 0.020613064952 0.013761855263 0.428112975582

Skewness: -0.128030006281 -0.288138107292 0.971348575593

Kurtosis: 1.77118976247 2.38452111496 4.38613840346

Sum: 34305287.17 26095537.38 8008.3

Sum Absolute: 34305287.17 26095537.38 8008.3

Sum Squares: 1.9269262722e+012 1.11473949166e+012 124170.13

Mean Square: 3153725486.41 1824450886.52 203.224435352


Inter-Variable Covariance




X: 1339444.9 -340153.08 -3163.8121

Y: -340153.08 345464.99 116.76018

Z: -3163.8121 116.76018 31.485822


Inter-Variable Correlation




X: 1.000 -0.500 -0.487

Y: -0.500 1.000 0.035

Z: -0.487 0.035 1.000


Inter-Variable Rank Correlation




X: 1.000 -0.484 -0.562

Y: -0.484 1.000 0.074

Z: -0.562 0.074 1.000


Principal Component Analysis




X: 0.295604396885 0.295604396885 0.00303522246856

Y: 0.955304286038 0.955304286038 0.00265074580576

Z: -0.00342952178284 -0.00342952178284 0.00265074580576

Lambda: 1444709.77947 240209.367021 22.192373977


Planar Regression: Z = AX+BY+C

Fitted Parameters




Parameter Value: -0.00303512239574 -0.0026504742458 296.717831649

Standard Error: 0.000190622380279 0.000375348157673 23.3059279916


Inter-Parameter Correlations




A: 1.000 0.500 -0.803

B: 0.500 1.000 -0.917

C: -0.803 -0.917 1.000




Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F


Regression: 2 5668.78318199 2834.391591 127.298351819

Residual: 608 13537.5679473 22.2657367554

Total: 610 19206.3511293


Coefficient of Multiple Determination (R^2): 0.295151491495

Nearest Neighbor Statistics


Separation |Delta Z|


1%%-tile: 20.5244537077 0.1

5%%-tile: 32.3121803659 0.3

10%%-tile: 44.7690573946 0.5

25%%-tile: 57.379603519 1.4

50%%-tile: 78.4217954398 3

75%%-tile: 96.0165996065 6.2

90%%-tile: 100.758033427 9.9

95%%-tile: 108.198005989 11.7

99%%-tile: 128.648928872 15.2

Minimum: 0.250199920064 0

Maximum: 174.550179032 22.3

Mean: 76.014220839 4.22127659574

Median: 78.4217954398 3

Geometric Mean: 69.4287030216 N/A

Harmonic Mean: 32.1789262274 N/A

Root Mean Square: 80.0339911738 5.6986115402

Trim Mean (10%%): 76.3189209657 3.86345454545

Interquartile Mean: 78.177494733 3.17777777778

Midrange: 87.4001894759 11.15

Winsorized Mean: 76.1807805419 3.96235679214

TriMean: 77.5599485013 3.4

Variance: 628.306297995 14.6790219742

Standard Deviation: 25.0660387376 3.83132117868

Interquartile Range: 38.6369960875 4.8

Range: 174.299979112 22.3

Mean Difference: 28.0061806201 4.05413109388

Median Abs. Deviation: 18.7085798297 2.1

Average Abs. Deviation: 20.6014250919 2.85564648118

Quartile Dispersion: 0.251877134507 N/A

Relative Mean Diff.: 0.368433436678 0.960404039377

Standard Error: 1.01406338393 0.154998664131

Coef. of Variation: 0.329754596718 0.907621448578

Skewness: -0.214539023975 1.29020242791

Kurtosis: 3.31008497474 4.34289700854

Sum: 46444.6889326 2579.2

Sum Absolute: 46444.6889326 2579.2

Sum Squares: 3913723.6831 19841.72

Mean Square: 6405.43974321 32.4741734861


Complete Spatial Randomness

Lambda: 5.81143522713e-005

Clark and Evans: 1.15895492331

Skellam: 1429.06976305

Gridding Rules

Gridding Method: Inverse Distance to a Power

Weighting Power: 2

Smoothing Factor: 0

Anisotropy Ratio: 1

Anisotropy Angle: 0

Search Parameters

Search Ellipse Radius #1: 2390

Search Ellipse Radius #2: 2390

Search Ellipse Angle: 0

Number of Search Sectors: 1

Maximum Data Per Sector: 8

Maximum Empty Sectors: 1

Minimum Data: 1

Maximum Data: 8

Output Grid

Grid File Name: G:\geostatystyka\id 2 40x40 cz.grd

Grid Size: 69 rows x 101 columns

Total Nodes: 6969

Filled Nodes: 6969

Blanked Nodes: 0

Blank Value: 1.70141E+038

Grid Geometry

X Minimum: 54010

X Maximum: 58010

X Spacing: 40

Y Minimum: 41100

Y Maximum: 43820

Y Spacing: 40

Univariate Grid Statistics




Count: 6969

1%%-tile: 6.05117309448

5%%-tile: 7.2309405231

10%%-tile: 8.21890031521

25%%-tile: 10.6417307909

50%%-tile: 14.9283772638

75%%-tile: 19.6774590479

90%%-tile: 22.3057587168

95%%-tile: 24.2493666846

99%%-tile: 26.8602095858

Minimum: 4.36309125381

Maximum: 40.3625636971

Mean: 15.2059035519

Median: 14.9283772638

Geometric Mean: 14.194188523

Harmonic Mean: 13.1643251389

Root Mean Square: 16.1452465972

Trim Mean (10%%): 15.0717196092

Interquartile Mean: 14.931724426

Midrange: 22.3628274755

Winsorized Mean: 15.0696222975

TriMean: 15.0439860916

Variance: 29.4537112452

Standard Deviation: 5.42712734743

Interquartile Range: 9.03572825697

Range: 35.9994724433

Mean Difference: 6.21190137995

Median Abs. Deviation: 4.45437620445

Average Abs. Deviation: 4.5631738657

Quartile Dispersion: 0.298020108881

Relative Mean Diff.: 0.408519057006

Standard Error: 0.0650106906948

Coef. of Variation: 0.356909231267

Skewness: 0.278417542389

Kurtosis: 2.34138068567

Sum: 105969.941853

Sum Absolute: 105969.941853

Sum Squares: 1816602.17518

Mean Square: 260.668987685



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