dyd. ang, Pedagogika elementarna, I ROK

1.Features of caretaker talk

  1. Types of motivation

Motivated learner is someone who is willing or even eager to invest effort in learning activities and to progress. Motivation is very strongly related to achievement in language learning.Our job is to do all we can to encourage the development of ability and enhance motivation, on the understanding that each will contribute to the other.



Motivated by grades ( to keep them or np. kiedy dostanę pałę zacznę się uczyć);

the influence of some kind of external incentive

jestem dobra-nie uczę się, jestem słaba- nie uczę się

comes from inside

see learnig as worthwhile

the urge to engage in the learning activity for its own sake

associated with „cognitive drive”-> very typical for young children and tends to deteriorate with age

overall orientation of the learner towards the learning of the foreign language

interesting in everything (top grades in each sucject)

good in everything but not interested in anything

any interest develop

detrmined by previous education and a multitude of soial factors


context of learning ( classroom, total environment)

comes from situation

learning connected with fun which children enjoy (games, songs,stories)

final decision depends on child

the way the learner approaches the specific task in hand

most of effort is invested in practise

motivated with particular task not subject

don't like english+ I like drawing= connecting drawing with english

wish to learn language fir purposes of study or career promotion

for some goal

the desire to integrate into the target-language culture

the sky is the limit

interesting&knowing culture, history,politics, social life

3. Features of a child as a learner of a foreign language

  1. Advantages & disadvatages of using target language

  2. +





    learn how to think in English

    aquire the language


    fluent in speaking

    Losing motivation

    it can take a lot of time to explain sth

    losing confidence

    incorret pronounciation

    Sometimes it's better to use native language for example:

    5.Individual features of a child

    1. Type of intelligence

    7.Teacher's instrutions should be:

    Dydaktyka języka angielskiego



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