PUk » (duo colour)

Spuiśh 5 sJjdccnih cenimy.

Palt of a mural hanging. the panem painted grocn (now nurty black) on a tumped pale gile ground. Whal appean to be ruling iruo approximauly 4 in. tquaret U in fact cuued by ehe urna hi ng of the edge of the silvcr foil wliete the protcctive coańng of vatnisb haa broken down.

Ofmeouons: o-«axo-45 “• (»4ł* *7ł in.)

Maset it U Piel, Ipukda

PUttj(dao colour)

Spanjth; aucteenth to acvena*łnth ccntury.

Part of 1 mural łungmg of hair aheepakin, the panem painted red on tumped gjk ground. Thó design h aho (band on vełvm thoaght to dale frotn the tutrendi emany.

Dimenaom: 0-41 x0-39 m. (t«x isj in.)

Mul* Ntdmtl de Asta Dt&rtthas

OiIkt enmpics are to be fbund in the Musco Atqucologico, Madńd, and in the Muicum of Lcathercraft, London. tbcwhere, fragment! cxat of a amilar panem esccuted in bbek on a cannine red groond widi g3i band* and duet fleurons.


Spanish; tarły suctccmh centuty.

The seatom wkh tbe Moorish ‘tde-panem’ may be of carUcr datę. The saoOed baeda-pattan ii iace-Godńc in tryk whde the Madonna and Chdd would teetn to dair frotn the sixKcnth cenimy.

Museo DioccstiK, Gtnna

Platę s j-17

Thcsc paneli aro decorated with pattems in the Renaissance style. The provcnancc of many of them indicatcs a Spanish origin but somc may be Italian. Such pattems firn appear on woven silk textil« in the late fifteenih ccntury and their cvolution lasts right into the carly sevcnteenth cen tury. The counterparts in leather are likely to follow a parallel dcvclopmcnt. Plata 5,6and 7 show Spanish paintings in which gili leathers with Renaissance desigm are depicted. Pilastcrs of Renaissance-dassical form appear in Plata 11-13. The smaila and los bold pattems of Plata 14 and 15 indkate a rather lata datę - a dcvclopment parallcłcd in woven silks - while the sccond of these is inspired by Turkish velvcts and is thus likely to be Venctian. The last two items in this group are of indeterminate datę: that shown in Platę 16 is a rathet muddlcd rendering of the Renaissance 'pomegranate’ paltem and may be as late as the sevcntccnth ccntury (it has a Baroquc hcavinos) although the techniquc uscd is an carly one. It may be the producc of a pnmndal centrę - ot of the failing Spanish industry. In a similar way, the latge but somewhat crude design shown in Platę 17 had the figurę of a Saint painted in the central panel and may be also Spanish and late. Sce pager 48,49, 51. 71* 73»


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