r Zabu |
Zarań |
' W |
7 Z’Nox |
FIRST APPEARANCE < Men *10 'Ma/ch 196*.'
REAL NA ME Zabu OCCUPATION Compamoo to Ka-Zat BASE The Savage Land. Antarctca
HriGHT WEIGHT Umowa 100 EYES Green HAIR Orange SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Mas two tong sharp. saber-tAe teeth that he usee as woapons. possesses greal strength and ngility. and is unusuaiły rnfgant lor a saber-tootn t-g©f.
FIRST APPEARANCE Master of Kung Fu *77 (Ji>ło 1979'
REALNAME Ma»rmtltan Zarań
OCCUPATION Mercenary BASE Mototo
HEIOHT 6 ft 1 m WEIGHT 235 Ibs EYES Bluo MAIR Rod
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES k.iied with a w.do rango of anc*nt
weapons. including nunchakus. shunkens. maces. bows and arrows.
Staff s. and krtrws. ho can also firo a gun
FIRST APPEARANCE X-Mon *65 (Fobruary 1970)
BASE 7 nox, HuCdeyr solar system. Andromeda >).«i.ixy SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Wlainout race boasts highly sophisticaied technołogy and are abt© to move their homewodd through spać o
Zabu is the l.tst known saber-tooth tigcr on Earth. 1'hc dominant predators during che Ice Age. s.ibcr-tooths still stirvived in che Savagc I and, umil ncarly all ot'choin we a* extcrmm.ited by Savago I and native>. When Maa-Gor and his Swamp Men slow Zabus mace, che itifuri.ucd tiger hunted choin down. Zabu attacked Maa-Gorjust as lic was abouc to kill Kovin Plundor, the orphaned son ot*an cxplorer. In che eimnng scruggle. Keein sliot Maa-Gor. wounding Inni. and thereby saving Zabu s lito.
Ever sińce, Zabu and Kcvin havc becn loyal companions, and Kevin is known coday as che jungic lord KA-ZAR,which means "Son of thc Tiger.” PS
A tbrmer British MI6 agenc and now a incrcenary. Maximillian Zarań s career has bcen eheijuered to say the leasi. After defecting froni the British sec ret semce. Zarań worked tor Fali I o Suee. Fu Manchus daughter.bin she eut his contract short. For a tinie his own apprentn e usurpetl Zarań s idontity. but chis situation has sińce boon rcsolved and Zarań is now a moniber ot* Batri h s Bng.idc.Thc Brigade undertook an assignnicnt for Mallsi rom. during which Zarań was responsible for killing Grasshopper. moro scconds after che man-sized insect joined the Great Lakls Aykngkks. AD
Although im.iblc to subwrt (lic Skkull dommanec of their Home galaxv Andromeda, tlić warlike Z’nox were a highly sophistieated and dc.ully race of world conquerors.
W hen Pkoff.nsor X learncd that a Z’nox invasion foree was licading towards
Earth, he went into complctc scclusion, lcaving thc mutant sbapeshiftcr the Changlung to stand in for him. As the fleet approached, Xavicr combined his mind with thosc of the X-Mln and the F.arth s encirc population to psionieally rcpcl the attack. AD
7 Zaladane |
pp |
f-- Zarathos |
1 w |
FIRST APPEARANCE Astonishmg Tales VW. 1 #1 (December 1970) REAL NAME Zala Dane (allegedły)
OCCUPATION High priestess BASE The Savage Land HEIGHT 5 ft 9 in WEIGHT '25IUS EYES Bluo HAJR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABIUTIES Zaladane >s a sorceress who possessos assorted spełl-based abhttes.
FIRST APPEARANCE Marne! Spotlight Vol. 1 *5 (August 1972) REAL NAME Zarathos OCCUPATION The Spint of Vengeanco BASE The netherwortd dimeosion of Mephisto HEIGHT 20 11 WEIGHT 225 IbS EYES/HAIR Not applicaMe SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Wtuały immortal demon; uses magie to enhanc© streoglh. height. weighi. Can cmpioy levitalion and project magical btósis of concusswe lorce. Can project cold fire that sears the souls of his enemies.
Zola, Armin
FIRST APPEARANCE Captam America Vol. 1 *208 (Aprd 1977) REAL NAME Arnim Zola OCCUPATION Criminal b*OChemist BASE Weisshorn Mounlam, Swilzerlond HEIGHT 5 ft 10 In WEIGHT 200 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Nonę
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Bniliant gonoticisl; can mentaiiy
project his intelligence into any of his creations.
The I ligh Priestess of Garrok. Zaladanc led bclicvcrs against the other tribes of thc Savage Land in a bid for power. Zaladanc’ sorccry transformed Kirk Marston into the avatar of
Garrok on F.arth. and she supported hitu as his second in connnand. Aftcr her bid to eontjuer the Savage Land had been foiled. Zaladanc s mutates abducccd Lorna I )ane, che X-Man known as Poi.aris. Posing as Lornas long-lost sister. Zaladanc succccdcd in transferring Polaris’ magnetie abilities to herself, albeit temporarily.Thereafter, in a failed bid to control all of the magnetie forces on Earth, Zaladane ran afoul of Magneto, who overwbelmed her with his own superior magnetie might, and lcft her for dcad. TB
Zarathos is a demon who journeyed to Earth before the Dawn of Man. He slumbered until a sorcerer awoke hini and offered to trade souls for his aid. Mephisto, lord of the underworld. grew jealous of a cult that grew around Zarathos and enslaved hitn, sending him to possess humans in the causes of sin. eorruption, and vengeance. In rcccm years. Zarathos bccainc bound to stunt motorcyclist Johnny Blazc and latcr to bike messenger Danny Keteh. transforming both of them into the demonie Ghost Rider. td
During the lale 1930s, Swiss gcncticist Arnim Zola discovered a tonie of Dewiant science and learncd how to create artificial lite. He built himsclf a new body, with a brain inside its chest, a holograpliically-projected face, and an “ESP box” for a hcad. Zola became a valucd member of I lider sThird Reich, presenring Hitler s consciousness after his death ii: tlie form of thc I late-Monger. Zolas creations havc included Primus and I )oughboy. as well as bio-plastoids that can impersonate any bcing.
A frequent foe of Captain America, Zola is also responsible for rcsurrccting the Red Skull into a copy of Captain America*s own body. DW